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Status Replies posted by Unwillingly

  1. dude @bickandotake away @shartingscontent moderation im tired of getting baited into thinking i got rep and its just his post approval 

  2. You guys are epic (mostly) 

  3. i hate st (they tell me what to do)

  4. New player here. Is it possible to engage in the server without interacting with it out-of-character, like through Discord?

  5. honestly who cares just do whatever rp makes u happy yk

  6. this is all the fault of the boomers........ the inactive boomers....... cmu, how could you have done this to oren...

  7. can we not normalize posting screenshots of your RP, epic pvp kills, or discord logs under in-RP threads for the sake of gaining OOC affirmation and validation

  8. wish there was less OOC BS in muh human rp :frown: :kicks rocks:

  9. wish there was less OOC BS in muh human rp :frown: :kicks rocks:

  10. By banning Jolt and deleting his thread ya'll kinda proved his point. You could of had a conversation with him or tried to remedy his grievances but no, let's just swing the ban hammer.

  11. hello yes where is my large eventline where players get the luxury of standing around watching me emote in #LEB and pming me that they emoted whilst screaming in ooc like monkeys


    oh yes this whole experience lasts 4 hours btw 

  12. When’s the last time anyone has seen an ST event? 


  14. fun fact: 99% of the reserved posts never get  actually used

  15. I guess this is what Nectorist meant when he said 'reverting oren to the way it was'. Pathetic.

  16. care to explain the interests section of your LoTC forum profile? bud👮‍♀️


    “My genitals only have a tip, it's like someone glued an acorn to the bottom of my torso.” 



  17. Can't believe the removal of some of the biggest anti RP shitters that have been on the server in years is met with people begging for the administration to step down.


    happy I'm not admin or I would've crucified these people and made it permanent


  18. why does everyone do forum titles in all caps 

  19. LOTC becomes a lot better when you forget that the forums exist

    1. Do not set your character name to anything that is offensive, or impersonates another member of the community (and other realms of fiction or non-fiction).

    Can we apply this for alliances too? USA and NATO? Can we delete both?

  20. can we remove nations for 9.0 and just see what happens

  21. riddle me this batman. what do pvpers provide to the server?



    1. Unwillingly


      dude I can name a ton of things pvpers provide like uhhh like like it's like uhhh how about uhh maybe uhh that one time they like uhhhhhh

    2. (See 38 other replies to this status update)

  22. Who built Acre? That place is ADORABLE, very inspiring.

  23. if you're interested in playing a transformation CA shoot me a PM and I can provide details on disc 

  24. if you're interested in playing a transformation CA shoot me a PM and I can provide details on disc 

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