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Everything posted by Unwillingly

  1. I've always been a fan of this type of magic as a concept, so I'm looking forward to reading the piece :^) best of luck
  2. Unwillingly

    To You

    To you, I give scorn for tears and hate for pleads I, prey to a fervent thirst for knowledge, washed down by something wicked and sickly And you, a degraded mass of animated dust, the exposed skull of a once-man, a perch for the circling crow It portrays something morbid, It portrays something vile Fissures of putrid insides, an amalgamation of stepping stones carved from bones Ugly souls, rotting minds Yet, there lies the glint of a lamb amid the wreckage The world's raindrop warring, to the thunderclap vestige of innocence soon into the decay of history And yet, through all the carnage, you evermore revere the source, because how could you stop? Yet you are a stranger, no matter how beloved So it would be strange to befriend you once more To you, I give all
  3. Favorite niche of RP to partake in? Least favorite niche? How did you discover LOTC? Is there anyone on the server you have a lot of respect or admiration for? If so, who? Thoughts on me? :^)
  4. general thoughts on a more bestial take of a druidic satyr CA?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Laeonathan


      I think it sounds like a great idea. However I never played on. I miss a bestial CA. Kha eg. are usually degraded to cute kitties (isn't there lore at all, but hey)

    3. rukio


      Ferals....satyrs....the weird elves who turned into plants. That playerbase will find a way to turn them very uh....not bestial 

    4. Jentos


      we did have satyrs. they failed horribly, sadly, but these are cool concepts. i generally just want to see more world-building through monsters and whatnot to make the world and map feel more "alive". 

  5. i could've 1v164'd haense and urguan

  6. The dying caw of a raven Piano keys that never play the same note A shattered wine glass, littered across something foul and foreign The night was cold and just as sharp. Cass’ sleep-ridden eye pulled itself open, vision blurred and hazed after his once-slumber. Slumber, even, was generous— a good night's rest was seldom, yet so fervently sought anymore. In his attempt to rouse himself further awake, he’d sit up, a motion navigated with such caution. Despite his best efforts, there still came the burn of a wasp in his chest, striking across his collarbones like lightning which drew forth a pained warble from his chapped lips. The pain soon faded into an ache. Through a splinter-nailed grasp did Cass reach for a lantern. The quick strike of a match brought it to life, yet just as much an ache to the man’s eyes. He’d stare down, digits brushing over that reddened amalgamation of a gash, pus-filled and near rotten. There was something humiliating, something shameful in having been reduced to such squalor and dejection. After a childhood of nightly meals and steaming beverages, how could he have allowed himself to fall from such grace? The notion brought the wave of an ache to his stomach, and so quickly did he throw his head aside to spill out a rush of bile in a foul mix of what he was able to scrounge up the night prior. The back of his hand, sweat-coated and rough it may be, wiped at his mouth amid a few sputters and coughs. No doubt, it was not a clean sight. The tavern quarters he resided in had grown derelict and forlorn prior to his stay, leading to a company of spiders and mice who sought shelter from the bite of the north. It was a situation that reminded him of the past, yet he wished not to linger on it. Instead, he’d pull himself to his feet, throwing whatever woolen shawl he had over his shoulders. He would not stay here to decay— he would not allow it. So, he’d drag himself downstairs, where he was greeted by a highlander— a woman of pale complexion and dark brown hair to contrast. Her rasped voice spoke out to him. “Mmh- sir? You look ill,” she began, taking note of his countenance. “It’s snowing outside. I can go get you a—” Thhd! The front doors had slammed shut before the words could be finished. Cass cherished those last breaths of warmth that clung to his body, soon replaced by the harsh sting of northern gales. He’d start walking.
  7. I never said or even implied that banning FTB would solve the server's issues or that it was even related to grooming/nonce situations I swear I've had to reiterate five times that this post isn't about romance RP, grooming, nonces, or ERP itself It's about the people who either loophole or msinterpret the FTB guidelines, where they do participate in blatant ERP on the live server, such as macaroniminx or the two players in siramenor last map (names slip my mind) https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1w_JGmbohDcJx-sM10VU9DLf_NVeyg6FNgpjcRiisQ-w/mobilebasic
  8. you're missing my point. the post isn't about people who want to ERP off the server, that's a completely different topic to tackle i don't know if you think i'm asking that we ban romance RP or that we ban all ERPers, but giaus' doc addresses your point pretty well https://docs.google.com/document/u/0/d/1w_JGmbohDcJx-sM10VU9DLf_NVeyg6FNgpjcRiisQ-w/mobilebasic
  9. "It may not be your type of roleplay but you can't discount its validity" what lmfao I'm not saying we ban romance RP. If you think doing romance RP is impossible without doing a FTB then you need to reevaluate how you're spending your time on the server Doing a FTB isnt a type of roleplay. theres zero reason you need to roleplay the implication that your minecraft characters did it on their minecraft bed So tell me why doing a FTB is so important for your roleplay and can't be purely an OOC function Btw "Honestly it’d make more sense to just ban ftbing with anyone under age because that’s the real problem with this whole thing, forcing kids to romance rp with a 26 year old man." The idea of my post accomplishes what you're suggesting
  10. yes the point of a FTB is to eliminate having to describe that interaction but the point I'm making is that:
  11. I want fundamentalist muslim law on LOTC at this point
  12. I joined ST a week ago, but my LOTC life hasn't been the same since. Ever since getting the green tag, I've had various ST approach me in DMs begging me to be their magic student. I've been offered siliti, varg, paladinism, blood magic, alchemy, naztherak, templar, frost witch, necromancy, and pretty much every other playable magic and CA there is. It's honestly difficult to choose between which I want to play just because I have so many opportunities. This never happened before I was ST. Before I was ST, I was a lowlife greasy-fingered neckbeard like the rest of you non-ST. My character was meaningless without magic. Life was fruitless. Bleak. Now, whenever I emote my character smirking and baring his fangs in the process (the emote would be something like, *smirks, baring his fangs in the process), every female character within a 50 block radius swoons. Every day I run down the streets of Providence while my horde of fans flock at my heel, hoping to breathe the same air as me. Even squakhawk regrets letting me onto the ST because he didn't realize power I had over people as an ST. It's both a curse and a blessing.

    1. femurlord


      Varg don't exist

    2. ronin_champloo


      varg dont exist

    3. King_Kunuk


      ST don't exist

  13. did u even read the post
  14. no I'm not implying we all just ERP instead i already know you were thinking that stop it Although FTBs (fade-to-blacks) can be used for any situation, such as a roleplay interaction needing to reach a quick conclusion if someone has to leave OOCly, or someone being uncomfortable with descriptive gore or injury roleplay, we all know what FTBs are most commonly used for. I'm suggesting we remove the concept of two character doing a "FTB" in their bedroom on their minecraft bed. This concept should not be touched with a 10 ft pole on our minecraft roleplay server, yet it is with the current function of FTBing. Banning these types of FTBs would especially be helpful in helping us prevent situations where players don't know at what point to initiate a "FTB" during their interaction, either because they're inept or young themselves. I know for a fact this has happened in the past. This is not something pertinent to roleplay. There is literally zero harm in removing this function. Prevent the situation before it can happen. "But how will children be born?" It's as easy as making it a mutually agreed upon OOC function between the two players "Wanna say our characters had a kid?" "sure" it's that simple "but people will still try to FTB" why ban anything at all then if people will still attempt it? for example, people still try and have ERP'd on the server before, doesn't mean we just don't ban ERP because of it @Disheartened@itdontmatta yes I know the title implies "remove ALL FTBs" but that's not what I'm actually saying. I just mean sexual FTBs
  15. come to caras eldar for happy hour in the tavern! its just past fort strongk! :D

  16. accidentally ran over a frog on my way home yday. this is a warning to all wonk advocates, except it won't be an accident next time

    1. megavoltar


      When the wonks get a mechanical giant frog, and accidently step on you like that time I stepped on the chewing gum mound in my highschool lockeroom, I will be sure it was never intended as an accident.

    2. Punished_Pup


      Do not become an Evil ST, Jade..

  17. "Oh, so I say it, and you fucks destroy my house and physically assault me," begins Eir'thall, that crazed druid. He spoke to no one but himself, audible and clear. "But someone else says it, and they're.. f*cking adored!" He'd take a moment to compose himself, a hand dragging down his weathered face. A groan left him. "Eugh... Why do I even try?"
  18. boy I sure do love looking on the AH and see people spam-selling books talking about dark mages and creatures

    "how did you learn this information?" asks character
    "i bought it from an auctioneer" replies character

    AH such great RP

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Laeonathan


      So? If they'd be sold by someone running into a city or through a shop in a city, it would have the same result, with no additional RP either. Quit crying about it... 


      Besides that: No of these Books mentioned actually contain valuable information... "How to treat Vampire wound" lmao, that's really not a big deal.

    3. Unwillingly


      Lae we talked about this in game I cba to talk about it again when u just keep saying "so? so?" to everything I say

      selling items in game, in person, brings the potential for RP even if none happens. RP should happen. the auction house brings zero potential for RP or interaction. its literally impossible. even shops are better because you could sit at shops and actually know who you're buying from. people use shops to make in-game commissions. there is a difference, one is objectively more RP friendly than the other

    4. Laeonathan


      Selling Items via the Auctionhouse brings the potential to RP. With the Book about vampires a character that isn't a vampire could learn how to deal with them (at least with the "common" type of vampires) which brings a lot more RP, then just the meagre "wanna buy"-RP... so no, the AH brings a lot of RP indirectly ;)

  19. i think its really neat how you can see the differentiation in clothing styles when u go to places like oren vs haense. from what i've seen, orenian characters wear more tailcoats or vests, while haenseti characters wear heavier clothing and armor and i think it's a really interesting thing. thank u for reading

    1. NomadGaia


      I agree, I think the skinners across the whole community do a fantastic job making these characters come to life. You can really see the culture/traditions of specific cultures in how different communities look serverwide. It's awesome to me

    2. KaiserJacobII


      It's pretty cool that climate is taken into account with fashion from nation to nation. In Haense where it's colder, they have warmer clothing. In more temperate Oren they were lighter coats. 

    3. ydegirl


      I think it's really interesting how in places like Norland, Haense & Savoy, it wouldn't make sense to wear wigs and extravagant dresses and suits, as the culture is more warrior/fighting-esque, whereas in Oren it wouldn't make sense to wear heavy furs and armor 24/7, since the culture there is more focused on extravagance and high fashion. Additionally, in all three of these human nations you likely wouldn't wear something with legs revealing, whereas in Elvenesse or the druid circles you def could. Also the mingling of fashion within different countries is something I find interesting. Often times its usually the women setting these trends, with the three Sisters d'Amaury and Maria of Krajia being prime (human examples).

  20. will paypal $20 for a builder to help with a small-ish terraforming build from a paste that was made on voopers server

    1. Ryloth


      what do u need done

    2. Unwillingly


      2 hours ago, Ryloth said:

      what do u need done

      Re-locating a 75x75 lair onto different terrain, Nick is helping me out though 

  21. "Basilio, huh?" muses the itinerant druid, forlorn and dejected beneath the taiga canopy. He'd loft a hand, digits scratching the unkempt hair that ever crept at his jaw. The name was familiar, but familiar as it was, there were many things Eir'thall had learned to detach himself from. "Mmh... I guess they can't stick around forever. I suppose that last sunflower pedal finally fell off."
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