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Everything posted by Unwillingly

  1. important thing for map art imo is to make sure the image isn't too bright or saturated, otherwise it's kind of redundant to try to use map art for the sake of immersion immersion when it doesn't match the vanilla atmosphere of MC. slight desaturation and lowering brightness does wonders to make pictures look more natural if it's being inserted into a different setting Everything else is p pog tho
  2. Is elysium active??

    1. TaytoTot
    2. HurferDurfer1


      ya the times ive visited


    3. Jameson_h


      We tend to have plenty of people around especially in the afternoons

  3. please, PLEASE for the love of god, dip your toes into the vast pool that is conflict on LOTC, and I don't just mean warclaims or raids for example why. why is this a rule? if the concern is players performing these major altercations purely because of OOC spite, is it not within the moderation team's ability to moderate the roleplay and build up to these types of major alterations, or to be informed on what is and isn't genuine roleplay? why do ROs and NLs have this level of OOC power to the point where they can quite literally say "no" to these types of attacks and be done with it, as opposed to being forced to tackle a problem through actual roleplay? and this is just one branch of the absolute cesspool that is players having this much control over their nation on an OOC level also, here's something I recently made a post on that got a lot of support and is very easy to tackle from a moderation standpoint:
  4. yall will laugh but he's right forum """""RP""""" is a steaming hot pile of shit
  5. what's a song u could listen to on loop for hours?


    mine is 


    1. ImCookiie


      yebba - boomerang (live)

    2. Myleres
    3. snoopie12


      I've been listening to Solo on loop a lot lately. 😆

  7. surprise surprise most elven places aside from like 2 are completely dead, almost like that's what happens when there's a bazillion elven settlements. cant do that the way the human playerbase can elves belong with elves on a another note, its extremely hard to actually consider anything you have to say when it comes off as more like a babyrage tantrum than a well-constructed feedback post

  9. Although philosophical RP isn't exactly my cup of tea, I've always been intrigued by those CAs that are meant to be "less than human." CAs, magics, or feats that are meant to be grotesque, vile, and hideous in every sense of the words, or at least -- allow the character to be transformed into those things, whether physically, mentally, or even morally. I think the more literally "disgusting" face of RP is widely undervalued. I want to see people who RP character as "the monster," or who aren't afraid to RP them as gross or wicked, whether it's someone who is willing to flay a child for a ritual, or someone who just can't hack up that phlegm from their throat. Like, correct me if I'm wrong, it feels like this is the intent behind Vargs, or at least a part of it (especially when compared to the Ferals) which is something I really respect
  10. I really wish we could see a return of spontaneous ET events that don't require a ton of fkn OOC paperwork or foreshadowing. I miss when the ET would just see people in a city, and do something entertaining, and I'm not even talking about CRP events since those have been pretty much completely occupied by player-ran events I miss ET characters who would tell players magic riddles in exchange for prizes, I miss ET characters that would interact with the general populace to determine an outcome, I miss those small, lighthearted events that just gave players an hour of fun. Not everything needs to be super dramatic or pre-planned or impactful to the "nArrAtiVe" of LOTC. Yes, players can run their own events, but are still limited in such. The ET undoubtedly have a much larger range of what they can do for events, even if they're not eventlines. Even if it's thirty, fort-five minutes of fun for 10 people lingering in the square. We need these things to return, especially while there is absolutely nothing else happening right now
  11. credit to slug for the title Forum banishments, wanted posters, bounty posts, and other law-related roleplay missives are by no means unheard of on our server. For as long as I can remember, various groups and factions have used the forums as a means of RP communication to practically every player on the server, even some of the inactive ones who’ve been on hiatus for who knows how long. The forums have become a staple point for practically all widespread RP gossip, politics, and communication. Of course, there’s nothing terrible about that alone. At least, that’s not the focal point of this forum post. I’d like to talk about something else. Imagine this: Your character is a criminal, dark mage, dark creature, you name it. You’re in a city, hoping to rob someone of their minas or some sort of RP items. As you’re prowling around, looking for your target, you spot a player by themself in the depths of the city, far away from the main square — no one is around. This is perfect. You approach the player, managing to corner them. They’re thrown off, but you draw your blade, cast your magic, reveal your claws, transform into something hideous, and then— they scream for help in one emote. You’ve been through this before, you know the routine. Ten ISA men will be at your heels before you can even finish your emote. So you quickly make haste, fleeing the scene before anyone inevitably MCly arrives. After you leave, the following dialogue takes place between the participants: Guard 204 approaches the victim. Victim 89 cries out, “I was almost attacked!” Guard 204 asks, “What did he look like?” Victim 89 replies, “Blonde hair, blue eyes, dark clothes.” [LOOC] Player204: what was the person’s MC name? [LOOC] Player89: john_doe It’s a shame, but that’s alright. At least you didn’t get caught. You log off, a few hours pass, you check the forums, and there’s a new wanted poster up. You click on it. Your most recent entire HD minecraft skin is plastered at the very top, and below it, one line of text entailing: [!] A sketch is drawn of the criminal. Congratulations, most of the server has full access to the exact appearance of your character down to the pixel without even having to log on, and the people who posted your wanted poster barely had to lift a finger— literally (It’s two clicks to do this). It’s an age-old problem that, go figure, isn’t moderated, even if the player doesn’t bother to do the bare minimum like adding alterations such as a grayscale filter to the screenshot. However, in my opinion, adding a filter of any kind doesn’t negate the case I’m trying to make. Most of these skins are pulled from NameMC, which already has its own filter tools that allows the skin to be edited in less than five seconds. Even if your method of editing isn’t done through NameMC, anyone with more than a couple of brain cells can figure out how to do it relatively easily. It’s not a solution, so let’s not pretend it is one. I’m not saying the mods should add another rule— that’s the last thing we need. Instead, I’d like to ask: why does this common process of copy-pasting skins not constitute as metagaming, or even subpar RP, especially for something that usually targets one singular player while simultaneously being available to most LOTC players? How can we as a community, or even staff, advocate for quality RP, but then hardly bat an eye at things like this? Sure, alright, it would make more sense to be able to do this if LOTC possessed the technology or even lore to instantly capture a picture in-RP, but it doesn’t (sorry Hanrahan). We know that any and all methods of identification must either be done through witnesses, artist rendition, or physical description. Simple screenshots completely overlook a character’s ability to recall details or even match a description. Although being less reliable, they undoubtedly hold more substance, value, potential, and sometimes humor, than any simple screenshot could. This is by no means impossible, or even detrimental to the continuity of these types of posts. In fact, player @Caelriadoes a great job at showcasing how wanted posters can be made using purely description and imagery. He's made a variety of wanted posters as of late, and not a single one of them had a screenshot of a player's skin. To the players who go through the effort of actually writing your target’s description as opposed to taking the effortless and easy route, keep up the good work. To the players who would rather post screenshots, do better. It only takes a modicum of creativity and effort to make a bounty post or wanted poster without the usage of NameMC screenshots. There's loads of arguments, points, and criticisms I could address, but I believe I got the general idea down. I haven't seen this exactly "talked about" before, aside from brief comments during a conversation or maybe status updates.
  12. i miss satyrs and cervitaurs :(

  13. instant kill RP is so zzz idc

  14. From the shores of the Urguanian territory, a 'fenn man heard word of the armorsmith. He contemplates, thereafter pinning a copy of the missive to his wall. Perhaps he would pay the Elverhilin a visit.
  15. mods will completely sleep on meme forum RP but then blackbag u irl if u make an RP comment w/o a named character

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JoanOfArc


      i think i might give an infraction for your detailed and well-written paragraph because you called your wood elf "The Bronze Elf"

    3. Elite Snipes

      Elite Snipes

      True unwillingly 

    4. latte


      the state of mineman 

  16. Somewhere in the southern reaches of Almaris, Gailien receives a copy of the missive. As he read its contents, a frown gradually tugged at his features. "I recall, amid our battles with the orcish brigands, mali'ame and mali'aheral fought side by side, without the aid of valah. Though by no means matching their militant strength, we were independent, and perhaps... strong, for the first time in so long. There is strength in elven unity. This... this is not unity. This is depressing. This is heartbreaking."
  17. good leave me alone ! kidding ily in all seriousness tho, yes. im a huge advocate for roleplaying character as like, actual people with feelings and emotions and thoughts. when people are RPly faced with danger, it usually goes 1 of 2 ways 1. the character will sigh, roll their eyes, and act bored rather than afraid (sometimes under the guise that their character is experienced and has faced this threat before, or something like that) 2. the character will actually be afraid, and it'll be really good roleplay (because the character is actually afraid) unfortunately, 1 is usually how it goes. i quite honestly believe that *sighs and rolls eyes* type RP amid a great threat or danger is lame RP, and it downplays the atmosphere for everyone involved. there's better ways to roleplay fearlessness that doesn't completely undermine the actual danger of the situation although I do believe there's a very important distinction between being afraid of throwaway bandit persona no. 15, and being afraid of an eldritch-esque entity, sort of along the lines of what @Venomous_Pupwas saying I basically said everything there is to say on my initial forum post though however, shoutout to @frankdh:) they did some wonderful fear RP with me the other day and it was very good roleplay for the both of us
  18. Dm me and check out my portfolio if you need something built :) 

  19. Hello, I decided to start doing commissions for building! Please share with your friends and servers :) Here is my carrd portfolio and all of the info you need. If you have any questions, send me a message @ un-w#9099
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