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Everything posted by ThatGuy_777

  1. Fare thee well friendo. Do enjoy your time away.
  2. I mean you aren’t coming back to life since you’re still dead. It’s not like the soulbound are going to drain lifeforce from the natural world like foreign parasites, whereas unless your ghost, undead, or whathaveyou go on a strict descendent diet, that’s going to be hard to avoid. You aren’t participating in a ghostly cycle of life. You are using a means that all the other Fae Creatures already do to enter only as an observer of the natural order without the means of causing a direct impact to the balance. If you have no physical body that can interact with the natural world, and for all intensive purposes are still “dead,” why would any of the Aspects care? When something becomes commonplace its majesty wears away. These are supposed to be devout elder Druids who perished serving the Aspects, it’s only right if they are a rarity. Mayhaps it isn’t really needed, but by that logic what magical creature or practice is even needed? They serve as catalysts for the fantastical in a fantasy setting.
  3. The question of “why” can be answered as simply to allow Druids to pass on their teachings to the next generation. It’s not like letting them burdens the Aspects. It’s the Transcendent Druid and the Soul doing all the work. There aren’t that many folks who are versed in Transcendence, thus it also acts as a limiter for Soulbound Servants. Which only compounds when you realize how few Druids “officially” PK comparatively to those who just disappear into the wilds. These spirits have a place to go, it’s a given they would return to the Fae realm under normal circumstance. Besides, the forced PK clause got scrapped for ghosts anyway (too many ghosts were targeted for purging), so that point seems a bit moot. Course it might still be changed if the LT request it. Can’t really change your opinions, but look at it this way. Do you really think something with under a dozen paragraphs is going to bloat up lore in any noticeable way? Especially since it’s such an easy concept – I doubt people will need to refer to it more than once to memorize it.
  4. A done do-diddly-doo-da-dee deal of a delightful post if I do daresay. Glad to see this make its return. +1
  5. The pair of tiny, black and yellow finches look to the angry orc with wide eyes before promptly taking off from their perch atop the shrine. Not understanding a single word mentioned. It stands to reason that the real culprit hadn’t ventured there since its renovation.
  6. A dirtied elf covered in twig, leaf, and soil alike heaved the final stone on top. Kept within the natural crown formed by the shrine. He relinquishes a relieved sigh, stepping back to admire his recently renovated work. ”It has been almost a century since I was a slave under the Ugz, yet I could never forget that sense of closure your shrine provided me after each sweltering day. Shame San’Tor is no more.” He reaches back into his bag to procure a deteriorated teacup. Several tiny pieces vacant around the lip which looked scratched and fractured. The white teacup – detailed with a red and green dragon knotting around each other like snakes – placed before the shrine gently. “Thank you. I hope this shrine does well to appease and that others might be drawn towards it for respite.” His eyes fall shut as he clasped both hands together. Slightly bowing his head for a period of motionless silence. One minute...two...recomposing himself on the third. “May fortune and the fates favor the selfless few.” He'd utter before spinning around and walking, leaving the Shrine of Jevex to its devices. The Mali’ame goes on to visit sites he had repurposed for the shrines of other spirits several decades prior. Arriving at the shrine of Isuz where he would set down several roses. Followed by the shrine of Arwa after parting back a swathe of the pumpkin fields that were hindering conventional approach. Scattering various seeds around the base. Then he paid a visit to the shrine of Akezo. Replacing the dandelion on its crown to preserve well-being. Until at last, he was trudging through fits of pummeling snowfall. His shrine to Ublulhar on the fringes of the recently encroaching storms from the Yatl Wastes. After restoring the shrine from a moot act of vandalism and ensuring it was reinforced, he skedaddled as fast as possible from the furiously chilling conditions.
  7. I would be honored and flattered.
  8. A very bold change that I'm impressed to see, to say the least. Seems like pretty grand lore overall. Might need a couple more bones added to it in the future, but otherwise I'll give it a +1
  9. Welcome welcome. Nicely drawn I must say!
  10. +1 Granted that's pretty much a given. I don't know anybody who's a greater pleasure to work alongside when it comes to lore affairs.
  11. The premise and added information as a whole gets a BIG ol' +1 from me. Currently I feel a lot of Deity Magics could benefit from interactions with patrons given interaction with a Deity is all but inconceivable at this point. It leaves variability and flavor of broader worship fairly limited/repetitive, thus the existence of patrons combined with the possibility of ACTUALLY reaching out to one for it to take notice is a phenomenally more engaging experience. Does this mean contacting Mani should be frequent or easy? No, rather rare and tasking. Should it be go-to solution for calling down wrath on random enemies? No, nor would one likely give much of a damn. Will Druids be buffed by this unfairly? To that I ask "how does it even buff them in any practical way that makes anything save for specific bonkers ET established scenarios potentially more surmountable?" It'll still be up to LT at the end of the day and I'm positive there will be a myriad of rituals that go unanswered. Mani are already firmly cemented into culture and all this does is clarify details that were missing in the original Lore Submission. I don't even understand why Shamanism would be valid matter to get upset about considering their only likeness is that interactivity - to which Mani are more constrained overall. It's such a silly thing to get worked up over. All of that being said, I do have qualms with the post itself. Distinctly being a noticeable lack of elaboration. The rituals themselves to supposed corruption seem a tad vague. Examples of tributes, susceptibility to other varieties of corruption, aftereffects of a Mani's potential death. These and other tidbits I feel are missing from the broader understanding necessary. Just my personal thoughts anywhoodle.
  12. Daily reminder that switching to Geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance.

  13. I'm still all for most of the changes, but there are instances where ologs were smaller too. Though it's sectioned into outdated lore, I still think it should hold some relevance. But at the end of the day, stuff like height, weight, levels of intelligence are all for the LT to decide what's most fair.
  14. Ologs powergaming their size and intelligence has always been a reoccurring issue I've witnessed, otherwise though, I absolutely love this to bits. Aesthetically and potential-wise this very much pleases me.
  15. Seeing concrete Runesmithing origins puts a smile on my face. Definite +1 from me.
  16. If you could get a screen of the inner grove (just past the detainment cell) whenever you decide to next do these, that would be jolly good. Fantastic screenshots as always.
  17. The Willow Druid scans the pages with a meek smile. He chuckles halfheartedly, relinquishing a light sigh shortly thereafter. "Exquisite as always ah'oem. Methinks this will flourish grandly and I look forward to the results. 'Tis a shame I hadn't heard of it sooner in truth...but better late than never." He admits, cracking a crooked grin.
  18. Good stuff. More flavor is always a welcome thing.
  19. Jordar gives a thumbs up in approval for his blue eyed brethren.
  20. Except there is no way that something like this can be regulated? Just a tip friend, why not stay away from situations where your character is likely going to get mutilated/killed? Or at the very least attempt to approach them with some tact? TBH, everyone should PK on RP death but this is a different argument and people are way to attached to their mineman pixels to actually create quality dynamic roleplay, but at the very least roleplay out injuries properly. Stop talking like you know how every RP instance will go down. What are you, a flippin' fortune teller? I take screenshots on the regular, to the point I have a good 7,000+ just sitting in my screenshot folder. You don't even necessarily need to take screenshots to ensure evidence, maybe just have somebody else there who can vouch too. As I mentioned in my post, sometimes situations that end up making you horrifically maimed are unavoidable. Maybe you're saving your kid, perhaps you're just standing in the wrong place at the wrong time and you hear something you shouldn't have, or sometimes people just choose to target you for solely OOC reasons. "Yeah boss, let's got screw this guy up in particular." I'm getting tired of reading such accusatory replies from you dude when I've never even RP'ed with you, it comes off as pretty toxic.
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