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Child Neglecter

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Everything posted by Child Neglecter

  1. Indeed, I think they should – but I think that there should be a far more refined way of doing it than simply rolling through every part of the lore. I am sure that myself and any others who find the system to be difficult to use for applying for the Teacher Application properly can assist in refining it and lowering the amount of questions needed. If it really needs to be 3-4 hours of work, it should be 3-4 hours of work that shouldn’t employ the lore in such a way that means that anybody who has the lore page open can pass the test with flying colours. Furthermore, on the application, I saw that there was intended to be a ‘live’ section, composed of three teaching scenarios, but I never got this and my teaching application was accepted just after the long writing task. Perhaps a far better option is not to focus on the lore knowledge of the individual in terms of what they can read, but in terms of reading between the lines, focusing on far more ambiguous parts of lore, before focusing on their teaching ability and if they can express knowledge over to their students correctly, demonstrate correctly, cover all necessary knowledge and redlines, et cetera.
  2. When I took the Teacher Application to acquire a TA in a certain magic, I noticed that the process of applying in the application I was sent was extremely gruelling, and noticed, too, that it was almost sloppily made – or all it did was, in looking through the lore in chronologically order, ask detailed questions on each part of the lore. I do not believe that a TA should work like that – for that type of application could be manipulated in such a way that meant that all a person would have to do is find the part of the lore and talk about it. It essentially made me summarize every single bit of the lore. It took me 3-4 full hours to complete such an application – in the past, many of those who took the Teacher Application, such as myself, @Wendigo and many others for this magic, were only asked questions which were designed to not truly be located within the lines of the lore itself – questions that only someone very experienced in the lore itself could answer, not somebody who had the lore page open. They didn’t take as long, and the questions were quick fire and able to be answered swiftly – but once more, only by people who were experienced with the lore. Why has the process turned into this, rather than being as it was before? I feel that we should return to what it was before, especially for the magic I speak of.
  3. If you weren’t aware already, these ‘Scouts’ are not really vaguely based on any sort of German Hitler Youth at all. Let’s talk about fact. You see, the Hitler Youth was strictly masculine, for another organisation was formed for females – the Band of German Maidens, the female equivalent. Furthermore, upon observing the badge awarding system, nothing in there actually pertains to what the Hitler Youth or the BDM were taught. The Hitler Youth focused on militaristic skills, cleaning a gun, learning how to fight and to shoot. The BDM were taught to be a stay-at-home wife, and to take care of children. Both were taught racial theory. I see none of this here, either, except maybe Maehr’sae Hiylun’ehya in the Scout Handbook may confuse you. Even the reason for the Scouts does not match the reason for the Hitler Youth and the BDM. This has been integral to High Elven society for far, far longer than you have been here. Why question a culture when you have never been a part of it? You look at it once, you see one thing that may be questionable, and you pin it to deep, grave concerns that paint it as far more than it is. As others have said, give Haelun’or a shot. Learn from the perspective of your character as to what, really, Haelun’or is like. The facts don’t line up. Sort out your arguments. Any attempts from the High Elven community to talk about any racism is a form of practical joke. Not once, in my years on the server, have I seen anyone in the community who has been tolerated when genuinely racist. I know that @Aythyinae has actually removed people like this.
  4. With creatures such as these, I think that it should be emphasized that these are not creatures to be made lightly. A further emphasis should be put on this - perhaps a cap to the number that can be made, or the requirements being more exerting in the creation of the DS. If you're not going to go for that approach, perhaps make the DSs have some form of 'expiry' date to their servitude. The circumstances of creation, altogether, seem more suitable for a solid T5 or 2 T3s compared to one singular T3. Also, what happens if the master dies?
  5. This should happen. But why Tier 3, compared to Tier 5?
  6. where have you been


    still at Massive?

  7. Solomon lays down his hands from the sea beyond. "I am proud."
  8. For those of you who are going to see Avengers: Endgame any time soon, let me be the one to clear up some misconceptions. (If you have any more questions that are non-spoiler friendly, feel free to comment)


    A: There is no post-credit scene. Sorry to disappoint.

    B: There’s no good time in the three-hour long movie to take a toilet break. Please, for your own sake, take one before you see the film, and don’t drink too much fluid whilst watching it. It is, no joke, three hours long.


    I urge all of you who are actually interested in seeing it to see it before the vast majority of the spoilers and memes come, but that won’t take long at all.

    If any of you want to know anything about the film that’s remotely spoiler-y, send me a forum PM.

    Enjoy the film.

    Edited by Apostate
    1. z3m0s


      Thank you for this

  9. Alaric silently dips his head - although being too far away from civilization to mourn the loss of a brother. "I will only surrender to mourning when I see his damned body."
  10. It’s really good stuff. Props to you for this lore, Mordew, it’s the result of hard work.
  11. Every time one of these things happens, the community is too divided on it for it to actually come to fruition. This would need multiple Staff Teams to discuss the durability. If you can get it done, get it done in order to be used as a base for situations where this sort of thing is required (ideally powergamey situations) It’s very unlikely you will be able to.
  12. I agree completely. These things that Disco mentions are factors. Whether or not you think he’s being salty, he is not. He is raising points that should really be considered. These weaknesses that all of us have cannot be powergamed. A mage has a severe disadvantage in a fight, but only if their opponent knows what they are doing. Usually, when the opponent relies on their unwholesome RP that led to them being some sort of dominating battle warrior, it brings all of this Combat Roleplay down to a level where it’s purely shittalking one another and trying to argue with somebody over why they did this and why you did this. This eventually simply leads to PvP or some sort of staff intervention. It never goes well. Something I doubt you mentioned in your post, Puddle, is that, before you enter Combat Roleplay, you must settle your differences OOCly. You tell them what you have that may pose an advantage, they tell you what they have that may pose an advantage. Items, obviously, must all be represented in the inventory. MAs should be shown, et cetera. Otherwise, it’ll all become a mess.
  13. Pretty good. I see no problem with this. +1.
  14. peace don't get juice on your laptop again
  15. when will you give me your artefacts why have you not give me your artefacts why do you not talk to me as much as you should
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