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Everything posted by TwistedFries

  1. We didn't talk much after Atlas and I'm not sure if you ever remember me, but I just wanted to say that it was fun to RP with you and that one character 0-0 Can't remember their name but I think they were a mage or something. Well wish you the best of luck going forward!
  2. OOC: MC Name: TwistedFries Discord: TwistedFries#1055 Timezone: EST IC: Name: Becclain Certifications (Licenses from other organizations are viable): Haense, et cetera. Contact for further information. Specialty (i.e Surgery, Combat Medicine, etc): Surgery, combat medicine, herbology, et cetera. Finished Research Study (Optional):
  3. Becclain, the Hummingbird Druid and the one who in fact fell into the waters, grumbled with anger. He had been captured once again by foreign forces and he had no other choice but to put his faith into others, which was something that often lead to disappointment or pain. "In the Aspects name, why am I always getting captured and held as a prisoner. At this point, I'm going to try and befriend these creatures, maybe I'll get something out of it" He jested, speaking to the iron bars and coral that entrapped him below Ando Alur. At his wits end, he called out for help one final time "PLEASE SAVE ME, I GOT THINGS TO DO BACK HOME!!"
  4. OOOO YESSS!!! +1 I love this creature idea~
  5. Becclain looked up at the sky, watching the occurrence for a few moments before looking away. His attention shifted to the nature around him, the voices growing silent with the occurrence in the sky. His brow then perked up as he seemed interested with what was going on. “What is it this time?… I should probably reach out to those who might know.” He’d mutter to himself as he simply pondered about the odd events unfolding before his eyes.
  6. "Hm? Oh- What the?-" The Hummingbird Druid lifted the missive to his face as his eyes scanned over the piece of paper, taking in the writing and information upon it. He'd then sigh loudly before complaining to the animals that sat beside him in the forest "I swear- at this point I don't know if these missives are true or not. I don't understand why all these nations are fighting amongst themselves... May the Aspects be with whoever at this point- let the wars be over with quickly."
  7. ___________________________________________________ “A warrior fights for what they believe in. A warrior fights for his family.” The Trial of the Fox ___________________________________________________ ~=+=~ Upon the forest floor lie trees of old, fallen in storms long forgotten. The seasons have been harsh, stripping away the bark and outer layers, yet rendering them all the more beautiful to the Druid. Suddenly, there was a crunch of twigs and leaves beneath the ginger's feet, his footsteps coming to a complete stop as he froze in place. He clenched his jaw shut as he hoped it was just his imagination and nothing more, however, he was unable to tell the difference at this point. It was only morning-time and no one expected Becclain to be home until at least nightfall. Perhaps it was because of the distance from the forest that he was in to the Druid Grove or because of the mental state he was in due to some strange drugs. Nonetheless, the Hummingbird Druid was determined to complete the task given to him by the Fox Druid and committed to joining the Vuln’miruel Seed as to reconnect with the little bit of family he had left. Becclain continued down the winding path of the forest as he brought his fingers to his mouth, pressing the tips of his fingers against the underside of his tongue, letting out a ringing whistle as it echoed throughout the thick forest. Moments after, a small red fox would come skipping out of the bushes as it stood near the Druid, it’s sharp gaze piercing him. “W-What… Are you doing? C-Come now… Let us get out of this forest… The others… Are waiting…” He muttered under his breath, a sigh escaping him once more as he appeared exhausted already. The red fox seemed amused by the state of Becclain, simply watching him for a few more moments before dashing off. “H-Hold on! Dammit! I hate these drugs!” He’d call out before going to chase after the fox, attempting to follow his newfound companion out of the forest and home safely. As the Druid chased the red fox through the forest he would then suddenly hear the whispers of a voice in his mind, ringing through as it began to grow louder and louder with each passing moment. The voice seemed to repeat the same phrase over and over: “Where are they?” Becclain was confused by the phrase as he wasn’t sure who they were referring to or if they were even a real person. He’d then call out to the voice “Who?! Who are you?!” All of a sudden the voice disappeared as it fell silent and had no further presence in his mind. With the voice now gone, It gave Becclain a sense of calm as he offered a small sigh of relief. “T-Thank the Aspects… W-What… Was that anyways? Oh! The Fox!” He’d whisper to himself before remembering the red fox that he was supposed to be following out of the forest. He then began dashing through the forest, trying to pinpoint the path that the red fox took while he was busy with the voices in his head. Though, as the Mali’tal was running, he would seem to have lost his footing upon one of the large tree roots from a nearby tree. He would be sent rolling down a hill as he crashed through branches and bushes before finally hitting the base of a tree. He’d groan loudly as he tried to push himself up to stand. “Zippel! Where are you!” The Druid called out once, going to continue down the path and through the forest, blindly making his way to what could be his doom or savior. “Why do I always get stuck with companions like these!” He’d shout again. His vision began to get blurry, his sight in the forest getting dimmer by the second. He could feel a sense of pressure upon his chest and a stabbing pain in his throat. The pain was something almost familiar, something he experienced before. “A-Agh!... W-What’s going on… I-It’s all in my head… It’s all in my head...“ He’d repeatedly tell himself, trying to gain his footing back in the real world. Everything around the Hummingbird Druid appeared distorted or different from how he remembered it before the start of the trial. He was slowly losing his sense of reality as the effects of the drugs persisted. Throughout his time in the forest he saw shadowy figures, heard unknown voices and noises in his head, etcetera. As nightfall grew closer and the blackness began to take over the forest, Becclain had almost lost all hope in his situation before he heard the faint rustling of leaves behind him. He swung around on his heels as he called out towards the noise, preparing to defend his position if need be “Who goes there!” A few more times the leaves rustled and twigs broke under the weight of someone or something. The Druid had thought it was something malicious out to get him or only another hallucination, but it turned out to be his new companion, the red fox. The red fox, Zippel, had come back for Becclain as it dashed up to him, scratching at his legs before turning to dart off in the opposite direction. Becclain had no choice but to follow the red fox as he turned about on his heels and followed. After some time following the red fox, the crack of sunlight touched upon his face as he felt the warmth of it. He quickly continued forward and after the fox before he finally made his way out of the forest. “We made it out! Zippel, you did it!” He’d call out in joy, a bright smile forming upon his face as he looked out towards a clearing. “Now we must only make our way back to the Grove, it should be easy enough… Right?... Could you lead- wait, hold on!” And before Becclain could even finish, the red fox dashed off once more, leading the Mali’tal to his desired destination.
  8. "It most likely won't be the most advised thing given my current position with the others, but I should try to reach out to the Clan. Even though we had not had the most positive relationship prior, I can't help but want to help them regardless of all of that. I do not want them to die out... This little bit of family I'm willing to help indirectly as to keep my neutral status." The crazy Druid said to the audience of birds, his eyes shifting between them as he frowned. He'd then mutter to himself "I believe I'm loosing it out here in the wilderness... I definitely need to get back to the cities, I need real people to talk to..." He'd then chuckle to himself before getting up and moving off from his spot in the forest.
  9. "Once more I see religion be used against others of a different faith, I don't understand why humans put so much energy towards changing others and their beliefs. More and more I'm being reminded of the past, even though I did not live through it, I still learned much about what was going on in the times of old. Further, the history from the lands of Atlas and Arcas would serve as great reminders to the people repeating such actions." He'd ramble on to himself as he offered a heavy sigh, appearing disappointed or just plain annoyed with the state of things in the realm. He'd then shift his gaze towards his raven, Dooley. "You're probably annoyed with my rambling by this point- Sorry about that little one."
  10. "What? Why would they do such a thing?..." He'd whisper under his breath, his eyes scanning over the missive as he frowned. He'd then shake his head lightly before muttering some more words to himself "It appears that history repeats itself constantly- these events are reminding me of the past that my mother mentioned so often... My grandfather was the one who burned such thoughts into her mind... Maybe he was right after all..." And with that, the Druid fell silent as he pondered to himself.
  11. The Druid clenched down on his teeth as he read over the document, appearing to be slightly stressed by the conflict unfolding between the two nations. He'd then let out a small sigh as he shook his head, moving to fold and place the missive into his satchel where he would store it for later citing. "My oh my- I knew that the era of peace we were so quietly enjoying would come to an end soon enough... With all going on in Elvenesse and now the human nations, I feel as though something is in the air to cause such people to turn hostile. Nonetheless, I should probably get going now, I doubt I will be of any help to these nations as I hope to claim neutrality in the mix of it all." He'd say to himself before going to simply walk off- strolling down the streets of Oren as he went to exit the large city.
  12. The Hummingbird Druid read over the missive with a confused look upon his face, his eyes moving across the paper as he continued to read it despite becoming annoyed with the first few sentences. He'd then let out a heavy huff as he whispered to himself "Why do they continue making a fool of themselves... I don't understand... Truly- Why do they do this... My Aspects, the days in Siramenor were much more easygoing compared to these days..." And with that, he turned to walk off.
  13. “Oh my... What have they done... Aspects be with those who knew Laetranis... If only Syllia was still here, she might have then been able to do something to protect this forsaken nation from this dark path.” Said Becclain, the Hummingbird Druid as he frowned.
  14. Becclain somehow came across one of the missives as he looked it over, frowning some as he read it. He’d then talk aloud to himself, appearing slight frustrated. “How far our government has fallen as to even offer up one of their own... It’s disgraceful to say the least, watching them fall into utter chaos. I do hope the others are safe...”
  15. The Hummingbird Druid received one of the missives that were sent out as he scanned over it. His eyes moving along the piece of paper as he read the words written upon it. “Oh? How interesting... I do suppose it’s time I visit the others...” He’d say with a light sigh before turning to leave his home- venturing out to visit his daughter and fellow Druid.
  16. Becclain had known the Orison Druid for quite sometime, first meeting her in the Village of Siramenor back in the lands of Arcas. Even though he did not speak to her as often as he had wished, he still shared pleasant memories with the Druid- remembering all the times they had chatting around the bonfire, et cetera. "A-Another one has fallen and passed onto the next Realm... Why are so many Druii passing all of a sudden..." He'd mutter to himself whilst bringing his hand up to his chest, clenching at his chest as he let out a deep breath. He would have mourned for the loss of another Druid, a leader, a Matriarch, and more importantly- a friend. "I-I couldn't do anything to save her... I-I should have tried harder..." He'd fall silent after that...
  17. Resume Character name: Becclain race: Half-Elf age: 70 ((ooc)) MC name: TwistedFries Discord Tag: TwistedFries#1055 time zone: EST
  18. Léon Stéphane D'Montelliano Delatour D'Airelle de' Drăghicescu, Titular Lord of Bravuna and husband to the beloved Mariya de' Drăghicescu read over the missive with a perked brow. He'd then let out a small chuckle as he continued to read over the paper, the words bringing him some amusement. He'd then go to shake his head a few times, extending his hand out to offer the paper towards his wife, Mariya. "Quite scandalous, right my love?... First of all, I don't know why anyone would think we acted in secret, after all we did meet in a public tavern whilst it was filled with people. Furthermore, I would assume one wouldn't go around spreading false rumors because they just saw something- did they even hear what we were talking about? My heavens..." And with that, he allowed for his wife to read what was going on. "We should send word to the others, let us tell them about this"
  19. The Hummingbird Druid slammed down his hammer as he flattened and shaped a new blade, forging a simple sword upon his private forge. Though, as nature's sweet melody came to a halt and shifted to something much more gloomy, he noticed that another Druid as fallen. He stopped his work as he placed down the hammer, lifting his gaze from the forge as he stared off to the side "Has another Druid already fallen so soon?... My Aspects, what is going on, why must there always be such sadness in these times..." And with that, he continued his work, not fully understanding who passed until he received a swift letter via messenger dove. He'd take the letter from the dove before unrolling and looking over it. After a brief pause, he let out a gasp "N-No... I-It can't be true, n-no... W-Why... Why must it always be one of the good ones..." He'd lower his head at that, his eyes filling with tears as they streamed down his face. "B-Blessed be, Sister Ferret... M-May the Mani and Aspects guide you to the next realm and may Syllia see you once more- Please keep her company..."
  20. The Hummingbird Druid lifted his head to gaze up at the sky, narrowing his eyes as he watched for a moment before looking down to the ground. He'd let out a heavy sigh "Let me go find the others..." And with that, the Druid exited his home and left for his journey.
  21. IN-GAME NAME: TwistedFries DISCORD NAME: TwistedFries#1055 NAME MC LINK: https://namemc.com/skin/e286d56e58ed49b2
  22. Suddenly, the Hummingbird Druid would have fell silent as the vision shot through his mind, enlightening him with the new duties entrusted upon the Druii. He'd offer a faint sigh as he lowered his head, setting his gaze down to the stone floor as he thought to himself for a few moments. "What the-... Lari-" The old Druid paused as he pressed his lips together; pursing them in an angry manner. "I don't have anyone to help me with this one, I guess I'm going all alone... Unless?- Should I try to contact them..." And with that, he went to exit his home and out into the Wilds, venturing out to find someone... "Syllia, please watch over me and guide me down the right path..."
  23. Becclain O'Hara-Arvellon, also known as the Mali'tal Hummingbird Druid would have read over the missive swiftly, his eyes scanning across the paper as he lifted a brow in confusion. He'd appear to take a moment, pondering about the words written upon the paper as he let out a heavy sigh. "My Aspects- What the... Hrmm... I do believe this is enough- I won't stand for this anymore" He'd say before going to remove the paper from It's posted spot, crumbling it up in his hand as he tossed it away.
  24. Léon Stéphane d'Airelle | Tribune-Candidate of the Duma ~ 359 ES ~ [!] This small painting pasted onto the missive would be of the d’Airelle family back in their lands of Arcas before the Inferi Invasion. Just near the bottom edge of the painting would be a small letter written in black colored ink and it would read: “I don’t remember all the details of my life back in Arcas since I was so young, but I do remember how we were all happy before being forced to flee our home. We immigrated to the city of Karosgrad in Almaris and formed a new life with the people we have met here, making our own name since all that we had was lost in the past. It has been a true blessing given from GOD to have found such great people here and I hope to work with you all for as long as I breathe. Sincerely, Léon d’Airelle~” To all the Citizens that dwell in the lands of Hanseti-Ruska, My name is Léon Stéphane d’Airelle, the first of my name and the youngest in my family to have enlisted into the HRA, the Haense Royal Army. I write to you all in this missive to explain my life before coming to these lands, how my family once lived, how fleeing our home and coming here has impacted my life for the better, how I adjusted to this new lifestyle, and more importantly why you should vote for me in this upcoming election. Before I and my family fled the westernmost regions of Arcas that we resided in, we lived a simple and calming life. It was nothing of luxury or riches, but one of hard work and happiness. We grew up tending the small farmlands we kept beside our home, growing wheat and barley for the rest of our people. Even though I was not the one doing most of the manual labor in our home because of my young age, I do remember how rambunctious and energetic I was, so much so that I once trampled the crops when playing with my brother. I remember being called ‘Leo’ for short by the people in our small town, the meaning behind it being that I was too headstrong, energetic, and followed my instincts a little too much. Though, when It came down to it, people said it was a great quality for someone like me to have. I never gave up on tasks that frustrated me, I just worked harder towards completing them. Most of the people that lived there were of Auvergnian descent, a group of people who held strong values of loyalty and respect. Our old lifestyle was nothing compared to how you all lived here in the City of Karosgrad, but when we fled and first came here, immigrating and trying to find ourselves in these new lands posed to be a bit difficult. I’m not going to lie, we had a hard time adjusting and fitting in. We tried very hard to become normal in terms of this new culture that we actually began to lose ourselves and forget our own ancient roots. Our values and lifestyle were something we thought to be important no matter what, something we should keep instead of trying to discard in order to become ‘normal’. After we came to this big realization, the adjustment of being in Karosgrad began to become easier, it allowed for us to officially find ourselves and connect with all of you. Now we look back to the first time we ever stepped onto the stone streets of this city and all we could think about is how happy we are to have come here, glad that we were able to form so many new bonds and relationships with the people of Hanseti-Ruska. I would never think about reverting anything that we have done thus far and are proud to be considered citizens altogether. By far from the first time we arrived in the lands of Hanseti-Ruska and the City of Karosgrad, I and my family worked towards helping the Kingdom grow and prosper further. I found that my strong-minded and energetic nature would be of good use in the military and my other qualities for this position if I were to be elected. At first, I did not think myself fit to be someone holding a representative position, but as I grew and matured into the one I am today, I learned that I could be of good use here as well. The reason for this being that even though I am young for my age, I won’t let that define or hinder my abilities, further it allows for me to see the world purely for what it is and not through a filter that most adults see-through. I do believe my young age could be turned into a strength rather than a negative quality. My oldest sister and Matriarch of the d’Airelle family has taught me much since her gaining a seat as an Alderman at the Duma. She has taught me much about the values we should be holding, etcetera. As a Tribune, I wish to be strong and straightforward with my words, representing the people and their wishes. In addition, I will be someone who represents all the people dwelling in the lands of Hanseti-Ruska, all the races, and Descendants. No one will be excluded when and if I gain this position, I will fight for equal rights between everyone, including women who have been overlooked in the past. I will try to bring more representation for the people of other cultures or people of the cultural arts, allowing for them to feel known and present in our lands instead of being outcast and having the looming feeling to conform to the current societal norms. I do hope you all see me as a notable candidate for the Tribune and give me the opportunity to represent you all. Thank you all for reading this and I hope to see you all in the coming debate- Signed, Tribune Candidate - Léon Stéphane d’Airelle
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