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Ender VIP
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Everything posted by Banned

  1. Good skinner. I love him. +1
  2. PSA: Admins shouldn't deliberately ignore players and other staff for months on end just because:

    A) they don't want to associate with them,

    B) they don't want to do their job.


    It's wack, ya' know? Being in a position of power on a Minecraft server and then neglecting specifc parts of the community specifically based on your own personal agenda and bias. Wack. I can get if you're busy, but come on, we know who you are and just you're ignoring us most of the time, abbil.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Harri


      none of you know what the admins ignoring you really feel like lmao

    3. Elennanore


      Harrison, you ever get a response about your Staff blacklist?

    4. Harri


      i told you staff members arent allowed to talk to me especially dev team members

  3. Maybe an unpopular opinion: Staff shouldn't let their own personal vendetta and bias influence roleplay and development- specifically who can and can't participate in specific positions of mineman 'power.'

    1. Sporadic


      Maybe an unpopular opinion but I think murder is bad people shouldn’t use lethal violence to influence who can or cannot participate on this planet.

  4. I plan to bring some decent dark rp with the wonks.
  5. September, stop making the frogs talk!! +1 YES!
  6. wanna play diablo 3 with Keen and I sometime?
  7. MC ▫ Name ≎ Ruibrium Sprite ▫ Type ≎ New Animation Complicated Card Character ▫ Name ≎ Ascanius, Hound Druid Character ▫ Race ≎ Bryophyte Character ▫ Status ≎ (card only) Restoring The Balance Mini ▫ Sprite ≎ A Hound! New ▫ Animation ≎ Claw hand extending to summoning roots from under the sprite, which eventually make themselves into a staff to use. Reference ▫ Picture(s) ≎ https://prntscr.com/lyyeq1 https://prntscr.com/lyyfr7 --Am willing to pay extra 1500 for the express lane--
  8. #FreeTortuga2k18

    1. CharlesTheReformed


      Free my man Tortuga

    2. KeatonUnbeaten


      Tortuga is /ourguy/, free him.

  9. I'm unsure how I even gave you inspiration, but goodjob on the writing. also there isn't a farglade portal anywhere in or around Caras Eldar but good twist on it
  10. Goodbye, Mal’. You will be missed. Godspeed.
  11. cruzin’ round atlas in my war elephant

    1. Destroyer_Bravo


      I get you’re trying to ape boyz n the hood but come on at least make it match the syllables

  12. Banned

    Views of Atlas

    This map is remarkable. Goodwork, Treshure.
  13. The Great War Starts Soon.

    1. WuHanXianShi14


      Actually the great war ended exactly 100 years ago.

  14. September’s eyes gaze upon this realm, his will and that of Aspects demanding to be heard. Soon, we tell ourselves.

  15. Now, go out, into the world, and kill every city in all the realms. This is the will of the Aspects.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dromui


      Not gonna lie, this mentality would make Druidism more fun to play.

    3. Man of Respect

      Man of Respect

      druids can't even kill roaches, imagine a druid killing people

    4. ScreamingDingo


      it's 2018 druids domesticating animals and making cities is the antithesis of the magic 

  16. --OOC-- IGN: VengefulLucifer Discord: Christhemythical#1813 Requesting Residence: Y --IC-- Character: Ascanius Dunlain Character Age: 100+~ Former/Present Allegiance: Former Virarim.
  17. "Three thousand one hundred and thirty two minas, cheers."
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