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Everything posted by Jihnyny

  1. [!] children of krug, riding during a hunt [!] The spear’s lay rusted, the bow’s tightened, and the arrows collecting dust within a quiver. Ever since I have arrived at the proud city of San’Velku there has been not one hunt! Not one feast of victory, and not one praising Votar. I take it upon myself, Grimruk son of Lok’gul to raise my spear, and follow others into great hunts. A great hunt where no dishonor would be shown! And no meat or bone left to waste. If any proud and brave son of KRUG wishes to counter my claim, I will wait in the city, awaiting a challenge from you personally, tusk to tusk. We all work hard fighting the Mori, but without food, or a break, we are going to all break down and die, rotting in the jungle mud. I await all of you, to search for a hunt of great glory and fortune. SIGNED, GRIMRUK, Son of Lok’gul
  2. the main road, which should be connected to all nations. Should not be interrupted by nations. It should be restricted. However, roads splitting off of it, should be allowed to do whatever, since (im guessing) they would be playermade. i think this could inspire 'shortcut' roads, going across places, which would be fun
  3. i think its er....carrot... i think its a carrot... yuh... carrot... yuhhh
  4. FOR HE LIES, IN THE SWAMP [!] Where he entered life, is where he left it. [!] A death of an uruk followed right after the other. Such is the life of a son of Krug. Smoke kaktus in the morning, fight in the afternoon, and lay with your mate in the evening. But one day, Kor will stretch his hands and welcome an uruk into his domain. As such is death. Bogdâg’Lak was a mighty uruk. A proud and strong one, a descendant of Shreck’Lak himself; however, he did not live to know of it. The uruk was keen and curious, learning of the world beyond the swamp, his knowledge stretching out to that of shamanism under the great Swampgoth, Murdok’Lak. He fought bravely, killing two druids and leaving a mark of Laklul on one. The word spread, and druids began to fear him, which made killing them more difficult. He had internal strife, searching for the so-called ‘magic orb'. An old artifact, once owned by the past rex, Willy of San’Velku. He found it along with his companion in a battle, Bjorn Mösu. Which he killed for the very orb, and hung him from the gates, skinned and marked. But not before, he fought the group of Redclyfians, one by one, as was their deal, though they had tricked him, which led to the events that resulted in the death of the blue one. Along his travels, he met an elf who spoke of where these Redclyfinians live. He then scouted the area and returned a month later, just to find Adaranth, a close friend of Bjorn, watching the golden fields. The blue one watched them too, speaking to Adaranth of the orb they had taken, only to find it no longer in their possession. He was about ready to leave, however, when he was interrupted by the sound of someone on the rooftop above him. The plates cackled, and he saw Adaranth glance up with what seemed to be anticipation. It then striked him… He heard more footsteps behind him on the grass. It was another armored Redclyfian... The uruk sighed and knew that he was being ambushed, just when Adaranth said those words. "You killed our cousin orc, do you think you will get away with it?" When he heard those words, he knew what his faith would be. It was them, or him; a quite difficult position he set himself in... But he was proud and a berzerker of the clan Lak. He would not back down without a fight. The fight was a great and close one; many blows happened, and a blasting potion or two made the atmosphere thicken. Plates crashed against plates, warhammer crashed against a warhammer, and bolts crashed against armor. A long battle it was, but the orc held his ground even though he was outnumbered... but he began to feel tired. And the Redclyfians did not stop gaining numbers; two more had joined behind them. It was then that the uruk decided this fight was lost. Something he had experienced the month before when he fought in some dark dungeons against great necromancers and undead. Some fights were already lost when they began. The uruk decided to retreat; he fled; the Redclyfians chased after him, sending arrows and bolts behind him; the uruk rushed through the steppe just to reach a dense swamp. He felt a glint of hope there, or perhaps it was Laklul, accepting him into his domain of the swamp. He fled constantly, moving through the dense grass and the dark swamp. But he began to be struck... They had him surrounded, and the uruk lost the fight. He was then sent a final strike against Adaranth, and the Uruk died within the swamp, within the water. His body was left cold. One with the elements, one with the beasts of the swamp, one with Laklul. LUP'LAKLUL
  5. Bogdâg'Lak awoke from his slumber, still experiencing great nightmares of what happened to his dear friend. His gaze fell down upon his blue palms, terrified he was. Terrified, that there are creatures, and power of which he witnessed the other day. He felt small, tiny. As if he was but a tadpole in a great swamp. He then understood, that he had more to learn, for LAKLUL and Bogdâg's own strenght, will not be able to save him in times like this.
  6. when will you play a dwarf, you scot
  7. "Krug?" an orc raised a brow, though after seeing it was an irrelevent missive to orcs, he tossed it away
  8. Jihnyny


    LAK CLAN “‘ERE WI GO!, ‘ERE WI GO!, ‘ERE WI GO!” The Lak clan is a clan known for their devotion to the Spirit of the swamp, Laklul. The brute members of Clan Lak are identifiable due to their tough blue hide, a trait which is very rare to be seen outside of the clan. The Laks typically favour their clan hall to be located in the swamps and marshes around Krugmar. HISTORY OF THE CLAN CULTURE AND TRADITIONS TRIALS: I.) The new blood of the clan, will have to prove his | her alliance to Laklul. By sacrificing or creating something in his name, and offering it to his shrine. -If it is an item to be made, the craftsmen must venture to the depths of the swamp, and retrieve materials from there. - If it is a sacrifice, then it must be something that is an enemy of Laklul and or an enemy to the swamp. II.) Once the new blood has proven allegiance to Laklul, they are baptized by the clan, downed in the marshy waters of the swamp, and painted in bright colours of, orange, cyan and or green. -Which they will keep on their skin, for a year. (1 IRL WEEK) III.) To fulfill the completion of the trials, the Lak will have to ask a shaman to venture them into Laklul’s realm. Where they will speak to Laklul, and pledge allegiance to him, personally. BLOODED TRIALS: I.) The true-blood Lak will be given a tadpole of a toalak. Their job will be to name them, and raise them from childhood to adulthood, to form a bond which only death will break. II.) To fulfill the completion of the trials, the Lak will have to ask a shaman to venture them into Laklul’s realm. Where they will speak to Laklul, and pledge allegiance to him, personally. CLAN NORMS: The WARGOTH of the clan, is referred to as SWAMPGOTH to stress the importance of LAKLUL and his blessing of the swamps, which the LAK clan reside within. LAKLUL, commonly shows himself as a large toad, though it's unknown why. He is said to bless LAK with TOALAK’s, the clan's specific beasts, which they use to ride within their swamps and sometimes even to battle. LAKs favor the swamp due to LAKLUL and his blessings, and if one is to reside within Krugmar, they would choose the swamp surrounding the city, if there would be no swamp, they would preferably choose an underground dwelling, where it would be damp and could be best constructed to form a swamp of sorts. This is either done through Shamanism, or true hard work to create a new ecosystem. LAKs are encouraged to preach spiritualism, LAKLUL in particular, to orcs and non orcs throughout the continent. Ofcourse, LAKLUL is the clan’s patron but other spirits are greatly encouraged to be worshiped alongside him. Commonly chosen beside Laklul are the elemental spirits of water and earth, Akathro and Bregthar. A tradition of Krugmar, now rare though still left among a few clans, is the dislike and hatred for the half-spawn children of KRUG. A mix of both elves, dwarfs, humans, and orcs. No matter what happened to the other half, these half-breeds are disliked and spat upon by the LAK clan. Seen as mere dirt or swamp rats until proven different by their own eyes, half-breeds are monstrosities and a burden to the orcish kind. SPORTS: With the great swamp being the home of the LAKs, they had to adapt to the environment, their orcish games following in pursuit. And so, LAK games are a mix of both hunting, fighting and survivalist ideals. MUD WRESTLING, FISHING, CROCODILE HUNTING, FESTIVALS and BOAT RACES SPIRITUAL CRUSADERS: While not a core component of the clan, there were those within the clan who decided to take their dedication a step further than all others. These are LAKs who wish to fight to prove their dedication to the spirits and LAKLUL. To some they could be viewed as the enforcers for the shamans, using their might and strength against those who do not believe in the spirits. They are handpicked by the SWAMPGOTH and directly overseen by them. These are individuals with extensive knowledge of the spirits, and have devoted their lives to them and the task of spreading spiritualism. They spread the belief to those outside of the goi, resorting to force if they believe necessary. In their eyes, people who follow other religions which follow other deities are heathens, especially those of aspectist belief, as the aspects stole the power that LAKLUL deserves. EXECUTION AND PUNISHMENT: The LAK clan does not hold back their punishments, and traditionally, they do not hold back when one of theirs is disrespected. The traditional clan punishments are castration, severe beatings, breaking of bones, and overall torture methods. Clan Lak has never had their own execution method; however, one common rule was set in any execution. It was to be made to Laklul, and the organs left to spill would feed the local wildlife. It was believed that the blood of the opponent would flood the land and cause a swamp to emerge from underneath. A recent execution method, founded by Bogdâg’Lak, a berzerker of clan LAK, is a form of flaying. The victim of the execution would be skinned alive; this was so the victim could feel the pain and Laklul could view their suffering. Then, the victim would have an incision cut horizontally, from one side of their stomach to the next. And lastly, the victim would be tied up, either using their own skin or tight rope vines made up of swamp-ish materials, and his or her organs would feed the swamp in the name of Laklul. WEAPONS AND COMBAT: LAKs live in a harsh environment, the swamp. Where most beasts could eat an orcish child in one bite. And so, they train from their childhood in the ways of survival. Through mud wrestling, spear hunting or fishing, and mental practices such as meditation, diving and holding their breath underneath the muddy waters, and sometimes even torture. The orcs are refined to handle the harsh ways of life, and they should be prepared to praise Laklul and make him stronger than he already is. LAKs commonly like to use their strength to give power to Laklul or as punishment. Rotten meat is not eaten much in the swamps, and so LAKLUL’s commonly use blunted weapons, such as warhammers, clubs, maces, etcetera. To break the bones of the victim and cause them to still be alive, this would keep them unmoving, perhaps paralyzed, but the meat fresh and up for the taking. But for a swift death and a hunt, the LAK clan primarily uses spears, as they are both good for throwing and thrusting, a master tool for fishing and hunting. CLAN HIERARCHY ZWAMPGOTH Wargoth (War-Lord) of the clan, has the responsibility to lead the will of Laklul. CHIEFTAN The second in command to the Swampgoth, will fill in if the Swampgoth is absent. ELDER Wise men, and loyal members of the clan. These swampfolk are tasked with leadership when the time comes, and are tasked to keep the clan together. BERZERKER A proud and proven worshiper of Laklul. Ready to fight for the Clan, and in his name. ZWAMP JEZTER A new position in the clan, risen from the continent of Almaris, “Chester the Jester” Being the first, swamp jester of clan LAK after the saving of his life from a jest gone wrong. ZWAMPFOLK The members of the clan, which have been born or taken into the arms of Laklul. They hold no specific duties or responsibilites. LUK The lowest of the low, lower than the swamp rats the great Swampfolk of Lak feast on, these orcs or honoraries are banished from the clans, and are commonly made enemies. LUP'LAKLUL SPIRIT OF THE SWAMPS
  9. When im in crp i make sure to throw good punches at my laptop
  10. "LUP'LAKLUL" commented the killer of Bjorn. "He waz nub a kowahd unlike hiz family memberz... leaving him to flat. He waz a hozh zakrifize, mi ahm zure LAKLUL iz proud."
  11. "Rulg for the headz up." Commented a Lak, going to set out to find the azdrazi that owned the store.
  12. "Mi love themz bluntz, even let a druid hit azh.. waz zo hozh they dropped flat, hurhurhur"
  13. The LAK berzerker begun sharpening his fine axe, refining it into good form to prepare the cleaving of LAKLUL's enemies, "LUP'LAKLUL"
  14. "LUP’LAKLUL!" Roars a descendant of KRUG from the muddy waters of the swamp. In his hand a spear, and at the tip of it, a fish.
  15. That is not wud, i can confirm lmao.
  16. "LUP'LAKLUL" Commented the LAK Berzerker, sharpening his fine axe.
  17. nice, now fix the general LOTC rules and make mods enforce them following the guidelines that are listed and not make up BS. But, this is a great first step
  18. Construction would be heard in the GORKIL GYM... perhaps something to remember the little mouse by, the ORC-LIFTER...
  19. A SWAMPY GUIDE TO SHRINES BOGDÂG'LAK I.) INTRODUCTION II.) WHAT IS A SHRINE III.) HOW DO YOU BUILD A SHRINE VI.) WHAT YOU SHOULD OR NOT DO My name is Bogdâg’Lak and in my experience, I have noticed a litter of shrines around the great GOI, and outside it. Laying there in waste, unkempt and untidy, as if the spirits have been forgotten. So I have decided to create a guide for my fellow spiritualists, on how to make the best shrine possible, for your patron. In this guide, I will explain; what a shrine is, how you build one, and what you should or should not do. I hope by KRUG himself, this will help my fellow spiritualists. WHAT IS A SHRINE A shrine is a place of worship for a certain deity, in this case, the spirit(s). There are many ways to worship your patron spirit(s) and both the easiest, cheapest way to praise them, is to build a shrine. A shrine commonly consists of a table or a platform where one may offer sacrifices or rituals, a simple totem or sign that symbolizes the spirit (e.g flower for Freygoth), and the shrine's name. Once built, many events can take place around this shrine from prayers, sacrifices, and shamanic rituals which will all allow the spirit that you worship, to gain power and strength. A SHRINE DEDICATED TO THE ANCESTRAL SPIRIT, LUR HOW DO YOU BUILD A SHRINE? Shrines are quite simple to put together; all you need is a place for offerings, the name of the spirit that the shrine is dedicated to, and a totem or symbol symbolizing the spirit. The best way to start a shrine is to gather materials. If you have a rich amount of materials, choose some that would symbolize your spirit, for example, a crimson-blood red palette for the spirit Gazigazh. If you are poor on materials, just do whatever suits you, nice and simple. Here are some steps, to get you started; I.) Find a spot for your shrine. One that is not in the middle of nowhere, and would be noticed, or commonly used. II.) Gather your materials and begin to construct the shrine in the designated area. III.) Place an offering atop the altar or a decoration and a sign devoted to the spirit of the shrine. A SHRINE DEDICATED TO THE IMMORTAL SPIRIT, KOR WHAT YOU SHOULD, OR SHOULD NOT DO There are no do’s and don’ts for the spirits. As long as they gain their worship and praise, they will be happy. However, shrines can become a problem when they are littered around carelessly. It prevents the GOI from being constructed, as it can be a difficult matter to destroy a shrine, and it also can look quite horrendous when placed in the middle of an open field, which is not good for the eyes of the Urukim. I.) You should not replace another shrine with your own, this can be seen as an act of war or a challenge between the two parties of each shrine. II.) You should not make a shrine for your own benefit and should maintain the shrine best you can, an offering, whether it be living or nonliving, would work. III.) Size does not matter. You do not need to make an enormous and gigantic shrine for your spirit, as long as it's kept to, it's as good as any other. LUP’LAKLUL SPIRIT OF THE SWAMPS
  20. FRIDAY 5PM EST, 7th OF APRIL A CALL FROM THE SWAMP The LAK klan has remained hidden, deep within the mud and the waters of the bog, for too long. However, now that the weather has changed, the LAK klan is on the rise once again. The blue orcs, descending from SHRECK’LAK and the DOM klan, are gathering in numbers. And it is time for a swamp meeting. To gather our knowledge of our members, and to look forward to the future of the klan. Our knowledge is only passed down through the descendants of our ancestors; we should change that and document our legends and tales atop dried bog cactus if need be. Claim the shacks of the swamp once more, and purge the world for Laklul. But that is a whole other matter, which we will speak of at the clan meeting. So I, Bogdâg’Lak, invite all the LAK brothers, or simply ANY Ork, to the swamp village, over the hills, behind the great old shaman city, and beyond the lake. Drinks, kaktus, and all sorts of drugs will be handed out to any that arrive. Along with a KLOMP that will be held after, with a prize of 100 mina for the ultimate winner. LUP'LAKLUL SPIRIT OF THE SWAMPS
  21. he belongs to a clan that worships a big toad,he also rides one (spirit of swamps) swamp stoner
  22. bogdag'lak , likes swamps (name means child of the bog)
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