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Creative Wizard
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Status Replies posted by Crevel

  1. Who is the most accomplished player-created protagonist in LOTC history and why? 

    1. Crevel


      Quentin Brae, I don't need to say why because it is already evident

    2. (See 19 other replies to this status update)

  2. What symbols are typically used in LOTC to represent medicine? I don't mean just a red cross, I mean moreso for representing medicine as a science such as the Caduceus or staff of Hermes.

    1. Crevel


      Canonism has Saint Amyas of Yore who is represented by a wild herb.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. If you’re social media accounts cater or host nsfw and they’re the same username or identification features as you/your branding you’re a bad person. If all i need to do is search your ign to view your accounts it’s not doxxing it’s you being stupid and making shit accessible when most websites have a privacy filter, have an nsfw filter. If all i need to do is click im 18+ to view ur imgur album and i see an elf in a bikini/skimpy outfit with her tongue out (actual art btw) and i got there because i found the link on your /persona view seek immediate help. Freak. If you truly cared, you would’ve avoided putting lewd and suggestive pieces. You know exactly who you are. 

    1. Crevel


      @Charles The Bald Doxxing is trying to locate and publish private and/or personal information about someone online. Googling someone's minecraft username where it lists your public pages from Roblox or whatever in the first couple searches is not doxxing. The whole point of doxxing is that it's private information.

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  4. not there being realm leader(s) on staff, thought that was disallowed????

    1. Crevel


      I think it's a very valid concern. It's less about the individuals themselves but the principle it sets if staff are allowed to be NLs. I'm not sure if this restriction is meant to be placed on all staff members or if it's team-specific (I know Moderation does not allow it), but exceptions have been seen in the past if it is meant to be staff-wide. Historically, we have seen staff in NL positions and even general leadership positions that use their pex and influence to benefit their communities. It is generally preferred that staff do not handle situations pertaining to their playerbases, but we would all be ignorant if we didn't acknowledge that staff will do this anyway whether it's because there's nobody else available at the time or because they are more skilled in the topic matter to be able to handle it, etc.


      Nevertheless, restricting staff from major leadership positions is an important countermeasure to staff abusing their positions which is something that LOTC and other servers have incidences of that show that these countermeasures are needed. Look to servers like F&F which is a roleplay server that continues to be rife with staff abuse pertaining to nations that even extends as far as administration, and you'll see how important these restrictions are.


      I don't think Mady would abuse their position, but I think that it's important to uphold these principles because when exceptions are made it becomes easier for bad actors to justify to others why they should be allowed to lead.

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. the mods are cowards and should move the techlock to the Renaissance 

  6. if we banning irl discriminatiom can we stop calling the evil cultists "xionists"?

    1. Crevel


      From my bladder to the sea, I really need to pee

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. Ratatouille is the dish, not the name of the rat. Stay educated.

  8. i cant believe they let you run a nation

    1. Crevel


      he went from a smart fella to a fart smella

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  9. i've wasted a ton of golden carrots trying to get my horses to breed and its low load - what am i doing wrong??

    1. Crevel


      Maybe there is some underlying horse noble drama and they don't like each other as a result of it

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Free Hearth

    1. Crevel


      What did they get banned for?

  11. Imagine being so absolutely inept at your job that you permanently ban someone for "being an alt" using purely conjecture and no evidence whatsoever. 💀

    1. Crevel


      Please do not insult a former Moderation Admin, they've spent a good long time developing their moderation skill set. It surely would've been done for good reason... right?

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  12. not enough trans characters tbh. i know theres only been more and more of them in recent years, and i know that the community on lotc is becoming more accepting overall, but i cannot be sated. i won't be satisfied until every elf and every olog on lotc questions their gender!!!!!!

    1. Crevel


      You make it sound like it's an issue with people around the characters being immature, but a lot of the time it is the people who are playing these sorts of characters that are not mature. Roleplay criticism that comes from playing a largely unconventional character trying to directly challenge the status quo is deflected as claiming the players themselves are transphobic in real life because the roleplay critics played their character to the setting. This is something I've seen numerous times over the years, and it makes me cringe every time I see it. A lot of the time, people do not say anything if it isn't brought up, because why would they?


      The Canonist Church for instance does not really care if someone is homosexual or transgender. Nobody is hunting for them and/or trying to lynch them. However, it becomes a roleplay issue that has to be addressed to some extent when players playing characters with either of those traits try challenging centuries of roleplay tradition justified by roleplay scripture that has existed for IRL years whether it's by a forum post or speaking to people in RP. From recollection, the person who wrote the current version of the Holy Scrolls was homosexual themselves. Then when it's pushed back against by Church roleplayers or other Canonist roleplayers in roleplay, the players are accused of being something-phobic in OOC. It's a very immature response and it breaks what I'd say is the #1 unwritten rule of roleplay which is to never base a character's appearance, traits, and personalities entirely on yourself. It creates a character bleed effect, especially here because a lot of the time the people doing these things are transgender out of character and take roleplay criticism/discrimination as a real-world hate crime.


      This sort of criticism for being unconventional is also not unique for trans or homosexual characters. You'll see it in roleplay racism that happens for various reasons. Roleplay racism against Elves in human nations for example exist variably to some extent. Sometimes, you'll find that male high elves will be told they look like women if their skin is feminine, and some elves will just be discriminated against because of roleplay ignorance. Earlier, my elf character was accused of being a swindler just because they were an elf and that character had a bad experience with another elf in the past.

    2. (See 21 other replies to this status update)

  13. Roleplaying on a roleplay server is crazy! Some people seem to hate it for some reason..

    1. Crevel


      Everybody knows that you're doing erotic roleplay Pancho. You don't need to tell everyone. We know

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  14. fun fact! locking doors and chests and stuff used to be gated behind iron vip. the server got shut down by mojang for a few days over this but everyone found a weird alt ip to play on

    1. Crevel


      This is why Halflings developed a tradition of leaving their chests unlocked.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  15. Very sad to see a lack of apps after a recruitment drive announced :<

    1. Crevel


      Pancho: "Yeah, I was just joking about keeping a minor's nudes. I wouldn't actually do it, that's illegal." 🤔

    2. (See 32 other replies to this status update)

  16. is the wiki team still a thing or did they get taken out back too?

  17. :( can I be let onto the mod team yet? i’m not ableist to chronically ill players and would never make light of their disease. *looks up cutely with a hopeful gaze sadness evident within her eyes.* 

  18. no way thats an adult

    1. Crevel


      You would be correct, they recently turned 14.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  19. Why is ferrymen post closed to replies? Is that an option when posting? Actual question

    1. Crevel


      Yeah, it's been the case for a very long time. A lot of people just don't really ask to have it done.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)


    1. Crevel


      We live in a saltine cracker. There are two sides. There are holes that can get you through to the other side (wayfinding). We live in a cracker. Accept the cracker theory.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. She might have 'quit' LOTC, but we will never forget her masterpiece


  22. who gets the better lotc experience: people who join knowing people already, or people who join completely alone?

    1. Crevel


      I would say from personal experience that joining the server already knowing some of the players or being directly invited generally provides a better starting experience. Not only can these people give you an easier time understanding how the server works, but the connections they provide can give you roleplay opportunities that may otherwise take a little bit longer for a solo player. It's also generally easier to get into roleplay with people you're already familiar with.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

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