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  1. To the women of Karosgrad and the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska, You are hereby invited to the Czsenz Osrand, as a citizen and resident of our Kingdom. The Czsenz Osrand is an open invitation to the women residing in Hanseti-Ruska, that shall participate and run activities for the group to expand the availability of opportunities, connections, and entertainment for the women of this great Kingdom. The Czsenz Osrand shall not only be participating in commonly womens activities, but branch out and explore all that the cultures and lands of Haense offers. Activities shall include: hunting, fishing, tea drinking, camping, and much more. Are you looking for a place to start out and make connections with other women in Haense? Hoping to get more involved in Haeseni society and culture? Looking for something to pass the time, and expand your horizons? Then you’re invited and welcomed to the Czsenz Osrand! Send a letter to Her Majesty, Koenas Isabel, (Juli#9597) if you are interested in joining. CZSENZ I HANSETI-RUSKA OSENSK Signed, Her Royal Majesty, Isabel of Valwyck, Queen-Consort of Hanseti-Ruska Her Grace, Charlotte Irena Baruch, Duchess-Consort of Valwyck, Grand Lady of Hanseti-Ruska Her Ladyship, Marcella Karolina Barclay
  2. Union of Eagle and Owl [11th december Friday, 4pm EST] [!] A depiction of the Amador family preparing the bride for her wedding. You are hereby invited to attend the holy union between His Lordship the baron of Sigradz, Friedrich Wilheim of house Barclay & Her Ladyship, Ingrid Mariya of house Amador The two shall take their vows in the St. Henrik’s Basilica in five saint’s days. All are welcome to attend and witness this marvelous event. [!] Special invitations are sent out to the following; House of Barclay House of Amador House of Barbanov House of Baruch House of Kortrevich House of Vanir House of Ruthern House of Alimar House of Ludovar House of Vyronov
  3. UPDATES TO THE ROYAL COURT OF HANSETI-RUSKA Obdatz va ve Hof i ve Hanzeh-Ruzi Gronna and Droba 350 ES ROYAL GOVERNESS Vacant The Royal Governess of the Royal Court of Hanseti-Ruska is in charge of tutoring and caring for the royal children from their toddler years until they are adolescents. They will also need to take care of and teach the children of the highest ranking individuals within the palace, including children of the Palatine, Grand Lady, Chamberlain, etc. They must plan lessons and excursions for the children to experience and ensure they are educated formally. MASTER OF THE HUNT Vacant The Master of the Hunt is given the responsibility of hosting hunts for the nobles and Royal family as well as ensuring the palace is filled with game to feed its many inhabitants. This position requires previous experience in hunting since they may be required to teach the noble youth and inexperienced in the ways of hunting. GRAND LIBRARIAN Vacant The Grand Librarian is given the task of maintaining the public library located inside the Nikirala Prikaz. The Librarian will work alongside the governesses to ensure the library is filled with books relevant to our history and suitable for teaching the royal children. They have the opportunity to host book clubs as well as other activities within the library. OTHER AVAILABLE POSITIONS Servant Butler Ward Lady in Waiting Scribe Event Collaborator Send a letter to Her Royal Majesty, Koenas Isabel, if you are interested in filling one of the available positions at Court. SIGNED, HER ROYAL MAJESTY, Isabel Franziska Barbanov, Queen-Consort of Hanseti and Ruska
  4. Monthly Player Appreciation November 2020: Xarkly Xarkly has been part of Haense since 2016. His first character Floris van Loden being a steward, later becoming a maer of St. Karlsburg. Under Piovs reign he was a minor baron. During Atlas he became more involved in Haense under his character Ruslan Amador and was a maer for several terms throughout the map. He also later played as Edward Alimar, who was the Lord Auditor; Better known as the Lord Seneschal nowadays. He worked together with some other people from Markev when things fell apart with Renatus, trying their best at not getting warclaimed. Working hard on the very long process of rebuilding. Afterwards, he took a well deserved break. He came back to Haense in April 2020 as Konstantin Wick. He started an eventline that made him famous and loved by the whole community. The Scyfling Wars. It lasted throughout the summer and was multiple events scattered throughout the months. Making it possible so people might attend at least one. Slightly before the event finished he became the Lord Justiciar as his character had won a number of court cases and been heavily involved in the House of Commons. After Seannie PK’d he became the Lord Regent. Working hard to bring about certain changes, like recreating our knighthood. And today he is our Lord Palatine! Along with this Xarkly has been a voice of reason for many, as someone told me he will listen and not assume you mean something bad even though you perhaps explained yourself badly. And I believe from my own experiences with the man that is very true. We hope to see you continue to grow and do much for Haense. My personal message to you Xarkly is that I adore the way you roleplay Konstantin. Your emotes always make me laugh, as sometimes they are so silly I do not know what to make of them. I also think you can be really kind and understanding, along with being patient of others. Keep on being your lovely self! This month is for you @Xarkly!
  5. ~The Season of Rebirth~ Almaris. What has this new land brought to the world? A sanctuary away from the horrid natural disasters that ultimately lead to the end of Arcas? New lands to explore and colonize? Well, young Hildebrand found something else. Something that he felt meant more than new land to explore. Or even a new kingdom that would hold great promise for the, now, independent Haense. He found a rebirth. Once the Drifter had passed, the talk of bounty dealings had mostly vanished from the talks, throughout the kingdom of Haense. Though, this once widely known, juvenile, the operation didn’t go out entirely. Nothing is ever truly dead the moment they die. When one passes, no matter who it might have been, they leave behind a legacy. It is whoever takes this and makes something of their memories that will, in the end, keep them alive (in essence). If no one carries their legacy on, then the lost soul will just drift away into the darkness of the unknown. ~A Gleaming Legacy [Prologue]~ Exploring the streets of Haense, Hildebrand spewed out the pipe smoke into the chilled air that filled the beautiful night sky. He’d pass through the inn, the square, the barracks. All he could think of was the Drifter. Without his wagon, would his legacy meet its end? After a few hours of brooding over this simple question, Hildebrand began to feel a need for vengeance, arising deep within his heart. After all, Lincoln Ignius still lingered on somewhere within Almaris. His mentor’s passing would tear the poor lad up inside. Making him question his ideals and morality. Eventually, standing from where he sat against the barracks wall, Hildebrand began to then make his way toward one of the entrances into the sewers. The cold night only became chillier, as he walked through the wet sewers of the sleeping city. Eventually, Hildebrand ended up encountering a small, little opening within the walls of the sewer. The boy began to drag all that he owned into there, the following morning; putting his bounty dealing cove together after a while. Once all was said and done, Hildebrand grasped a knife and hurled it forward at the poster of Lincoln Ignius he had hung up. “I will honor your legacy Drifter. Though you were quite a sly and selfish mentor, you were still my mentor.” The young man spoke in anguish, clenching his fist tightly whilst he longed for the day to see the man who put an end to his mentor, dead. In ashes, embers always live on. It is if we choose to reignite those embers that make legacies live on. With all that has been said, I welcome you to The Season of Rebirth. (OOC message): I am so ecstatic right now! Just now getting the post out for the start of the new season. I admit there were some flaws last season (that will be addressed now). But first, and foremost, I’d love to give a big thank you to everyone who has come this far with me. These bounties have become a big portion of my LOTC experience, and I am so glad that I get to share it with you all! As you can probably guess, I do not have nearly enough to start the bounties up right now (Unless your ok with doing them for free 😜 ). If you would like to help out in any way, whether it be donating minas or build materials, any help is welcome. If you are looking to donate, I’d go directly to me (Limo_man), or into the sewers where the bounty dealing area is. I will warn you though, if you are caught in there irply, and are not part of the HRA, then you’ll be fined. Changes that will be made this season. The Bounty Board: Last season, because of the number of bounties that were being run on a regular basis, I usually put together quick bounties through outlines that I had ready. This season will be different in that aspect, to bring more diversity and choice into bounties that are available; also providing the ability for them to be more immersing and in-depth. The Reputation system: This change will really only affect the tier system. The bounties from the bounty board will give different amounts of reputation for each one completed during the season. Once you’ve accumulated enough reputation, you’ll be granted the seasonal medallion + a few other rewards if I can afford to get them. WE HAVE A LOGO NOW?!: Yes, we do. There was supposed to be one last season, but I procrastinated and didn't want to make it. But, this season, we have a logo. I don't like to speak for the things I make or accomplish, so if you could, please let me know how it turned out. (Still can't format for my life *Internally cries*) Also, I'm dumb. I ALWAYS forget the discord link, so here it is if your interested on seeing how the bounty dealer's building goes. I'll make have to make another post regarding how the bounty system will work since I felt that it wasn't covered entirely in this one. Have a good day/night everyone!
  6. A piece of paper between two pieces of bread are found on your counter. A note next to it says "BUCK NOOS SANWICH! DIJEST THE NOLEDJE!". You decide not to eat it. Probably a good idea.
  7. A buck news has.. appeared.
  8. Monthly Player Appreciation To the Haense community, Do you ever feel like we need more wholesomeness in our community? Or a need for more appreciation of our great players and the things they contribute with? Well I do. Which is why I wanted to start a monthly player appreciation post. But before I start, I want to make it clear that this player is not greater than the rest. All of us matter and are appreciated for the things we do for Haense. So don’t feel bad if you are not included in the first few posts. There will be many more of these so maybe one day if you keep doing you and making this community great you will end up in M.P.A. one day! We love you and appreciate all of you! Sincerely the Haense community. If you feel like you know which player deserves to be on one of these posts in the future you can pm me on discord that will be listed further below on this post! Or you can fill out this form that is posted below. Remember to include why you feel like the player deserves a spot and what he/she/it has done for Haense or for you. M.P.A. Form for next post Discord: GreenBudgie#0760 Click on the next page to see which player was given some extra appreciation this month! October 2020: 0zark 0zark has been with the Haense community for around five to six months. So one can say he is pretty new, but he has still become a part of this community that some of us call a family. And this month he is the player chosen to get some more appreciation than the rest. 0zark is a part of the HRA, the military of the kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska with his character that is also called 0zark. He has been a good member of the community by making people feel welcome and also included others in his roleplay. He has protected us and our community alongside the rest from raids, bandits and other things. He has also worked hard with many of our other builders for our city on the next map. And it has been amazing and fun to work alongside him. Even though we both wanted to strangle each other with how much work there was, he still continued on. I think I speak for many of us when I say he is an incredible builder and decorator and we are so thankful for his work. My personal message to 0zark: Before I started helping with building the city for the next map I in truth had no idea who you were. And you did not know who I was either. But after having worked so long with the build alongside you and others... I must say you are super nice, kind and funny. And I look forward to having a marvelous time with you next map! This month is for you @0zark
  9. ~A Key in Major Scale~ The outside of the Drifter’s wagon loomed over the bounty hunters who had stood affront it, whilst it gave off its usual essence of perpetual gloom and dolor. The Drifter leaned back into the dimly lit shadows that protruded off from the weather roof of the wagon; encasing him in the darkness that would hide his blood ridden robe. The man began to debrief the five brave souls that had chosen to take up a bounty on this ‘special day’. The previously known bards who had made a swift escape from the feast of Remembrance had been hunted and tracked down to an exact location within the depths of the slum-filled Wick Woods of Haense. Wanting, and having a thirst...a hunger for knowledge, the Drifter rushingly sent the hunters out in desperation to finally get his payment from Hans; without enough knowledge of what troubles were to come. Approaching this old camp would give a hit of nostalgia for some, and traumatizing memories to others, as this camp would be the remnants of the old pit that those who had bravely fought the cultists were put into brutal combat against the cannibalistic cultists. The group of 5 had devised a plan of attack, by having 2 of their main forces flank around the dim woods, and set up a crossbow in the foliage that obstructed the view of those in the camp from seeing the two. Though, to their surprise, a man clad in dark armor, who had one of the many tormented and shackled slum-dwellers at his mercy; as he would lead the poor, lad out to toward this body filled trench that had been dug down into the ground. Taking this opportunity, the group that sat in front of the gates would begin an assault on the camp as Fyodor flung out an arrow that would daze the knight; allowing for the shackled slum dweller to escape. The three men made their stealthy charge that would prove to be less quiet than they would think, alerting the camp of their where abouts immediately. As they would begin this fight at a heavy disadvantage, things would only get worse as the hedge knight from before, that had been heaviliy dazed, would return to the fight with a rage filled presence. Though the brave Jackson would step up to take himm on in order to prevent a flank. Meanwhile, on the other side of the camp, Ser Ruben Ruthern and Hans Dragovitch would keep a steady eye out for the bards who had escaped the hunter’s grasp from their last encounter at the Feast of Rememberance. They would eventually spot the two bards atop a small throne that had been formed by the remnants of a tree. A ranger would sit on the throne,watching as her forces fought. Ruben would take this oppritunity to fire a well placed bolt at the ranger; though this wouldn’t be enough to finish her off, as her and the bards would begin to make a run for it. Eventually, Hans would run her down and viciously cleave her in two with his claymore that would also have a part in knocking the bards unconscious. On the other side of combat things were looking quite bleak for the group of three, these opponents starting to prove to be to much for them to handle. Though their hope, and morale dwindled, cascading downard in a spiral, Hans would put a stop to this as he’d appear from the other side of the camp to save his comrades. After a very long and brutal battle that would result in heavy injuries, this encounter seemed to be finally over after a carrion cocktail would be lobbed into the air by Fyodor, raining flames down onto slum dwellers below. This would result in many of them running from the camp as they’d even trample a small child in their tracks. Eventually, the group pinned the bards against a nearby tree, interrogating and tormenting their distraught soul’s. After finding out about the where abouts, leading to where Hans’s (event npc) daughter was being held, Thorn would inhumanely and humiliatingly end both of their lives in excruciating pain, showing them no mercy. Upon their return to the Drifter, the blood covered group would inform him to quench the need for knowledge that would satisfy him. The Drifter has seemed a bit desperate, and...impatient, to say the least, in these past few years. The man also has seemed to be getting all the more soft through his aging, and now facing death.
  10. ~The Drifter’s Feast of Remembrance~ The morning sun would start to rise upon the city of New Reza, drawing yet another day of Haense life out onto display. The Drifter’s wagon had been pretty quiet as of recent, this being because of refusing to take people out on bounties until he had figured “something”, that he wouldn't speak of, out. Though today had been different, as the Drifter would finally come out of a shell that he had stayed within whilst planning a surprise for those he had been employing to do bounties. Today would be his big Feast of Remembrance. He had planned and planned for this event, going as far as ordering a party planner to help set everything up. As this party was formulated, the surrounding slum dwellers would come to pick up and talk of this feast. After facing complaint after complaint from these peasants, the Drifter decided to invite them too in hopes that they wouldn’t tell anyone of the feast that had been planned. Though as this party had been being set up, the three bards who had been hired would suspiciously be prowling around the Drifters wagon. One of the three would drop one of the eagle like medallions, without knowing of it. The day had finally come for this party to take place. Once the two men, who had come along for this feast unknowingly, had gotten to the wagon, they would start being debriefed by the Drifter as he made up a bounty off of the top of his head. Thorn and Fyodor stood out front of the wagon whilst the Drifter debriefed them, saying that he had found the group’s base of operations that they’d been looking for. As the two had gotten there, a small feast of berries and potatoes had been prepared for them. Though they were met by an odd fellow, by the name of Albert whilst the three bards played a delightful tune for the feast. The men wearily conversed with Albert, with the tense feeling of mystery. Noises of metallic scraping surrounded the feast as it went on, putting the two more on edge whilst they talked to Albert. Suddenly, the bards would abruptly stop their lively tune, and turn it into a more jestful and violent like song. Whilst the slum dwellers and attendees alike, took a fine moment to take in the sudden change in music, they would know that something had to have been wrong. Suddenly, a wolf jumped out at one of the slum dwellers as it would pull him onto the ground and ravagingly bite into his neck. More wolves would appear as Fyodor and Thorn made quick work of them, with the help of the slum dwellers. Though archers would begin to fire at the duo as Thorn would be hit by one before wildly charging at them like a boar, showing them no mercy as he tore them to pieces. As the fight continued to drag along, Joshua Sirsk would appear to aid his fellow hunters in their attempts to protect the slum dwellers. As the reinforcements had arrived, quickly another beast that had taken up a large cage would be unleashed upon the group. With the command issued by Fyodor, the slum dwellers retreated as two of them would be unlucky enough to be slashed through by the bear’s hulking strength in a single motion. After a little bit of trouble, Fyodor and Joshua would successfully take down the bear whilst crushing it’s spine. Once the bear had fallen, the surrounding men started a retreat whilst the bards pulled Carrions from their pouches and tossed them out at the slum dwellers who had fled combat with the bear. No mercy was shown toward these opposers as Thorn was able to run down one of the bards before pouring alcohol on him, and setting him ablaze. After this long fight against starved wildlife, the trio of men quickly left the area after sorting everything out with Albert. Fyodor would return to the Drifter’s lively wagon on his lonesome, as he turned in the bounty to call it a day. To Fyodor’s surprise, the Drifter had set up the party. Though he hadn’t known anything about the ambush. The Drifter slid a slack of gold, as well as a medallion over to Fyodor as he gave the man a small smirk. The Drifter would go into a small coughing fit as he exited their conversation by entering his wagon. ~Note To The Community~ Looking here at this screen as I write this, I knew it would only be right to have an OOC note to this beautiful community that has brought me here. Enjoy!! 😃 I’d just like to take a moment to say thank you a thousand times over from the bottom of my heart! Looking back at these past 2 months, I see a journey that I have partaken. Though it isn’t one that I’m on alone as I, the Drifter, have a community that appreciates the events I run. From my experiences of running homebrew after homebrew and constantly having players go inactive, I see this as a rarity. This growing community of bounty hunters has helped me strive to keep pushing events out. I remember back when I held the first ever “bounty” from the Drifter’s wagon. It was somewhat of an experiment, that turned into chaos rather quickly. Though we made it through the event, fullsteam ahead! Though, I do know that it would’ve gone different if not for you all being there to support me through the troubles I had beginning. Anyone who has been to even a single bounty event, thank you so much, as you helped me build up my emotes. I truly couldn’t have gotten to where I am without this great community of LOTC players that surrounds me. Though it has only been 2 months, look where we are! We have reached the big 50TH EVENT milestone through our hard work, and efforts to keep this wagon stable. If we can do that in only 2 months, I know that we will reach 100 in no time. But first, let's take a step back for a moment to enjoy the 50th. It’s not everyday that you run your 50th event you know ;). Throughout my time at the event running as the Drifter, you’ve all been here throughout my journey that you have joined me on. We’ve had great moments, some bad, and some that have left us with good laughs. Bumps in the road are sure to be encountered by those who fare it. I look forward to continuing on this ride with you guys. I hope that I have left a trail of great memories behind as that is really the whole reason that I have been running these events. It could seem silly to ask this of you, but if you could. Please leave any lingering feedback, or feel free to share a memory that you’ve had in a bounty (if you’ve had any). (Ik that up there ^^ was super cheesy, I don’t care tho 😃) Big OOC Thank you To: Mio_ : Thanks a bunch for those minas that you gave me! I could not have gotten this far without them, otherwise these events would have made me bankrupt! GoodGuyMatt: Thanks for the RP items you gave me early on when I was just getting started! They’ve helped a bunch! StillAMiniGuy: Thanks for being there to help me out with setting this all up man, couldn’t have done any of this without you! Firespirit44: Thanks a bunch for going over emotes with me, and taking the time to help me out with improving! It means a lot! HRA/BSK/Haense’s community: I’m so glad to be a part of this great community, it feels like a family, and I feel overjoyed to have brought these experiences to you all! I couldn’t have done any of this without your support, fam! 😉 The entire community: I’d feel bad if I didn’t include this. Don’t worry if you weren’t on here since there were far too many names to go through, and the forum post would’ve gone on for a very long time if I took the time to list everyone who has left a meaningful impact or had helped me along the way. Just know that I am extremely grateful to you all, and am super happy that you take time out of your daily lives to spend time in my events! Cya around the wagon sometime- Limo_man / The Drifter If you are interested in joining the fun of doing these bounties, have the Discord link! Feel free to join if you wanna, it's open to everyone! ~sigh~, I still can’t figure out how to format even after these 2 months.... lol
  11. Newsfrogs hop around haense, a buck news taped to each one. You reach down and unfold the dirty paper.
  12. [!] Flyers were put up around Oren, Haense and Sutica and some of the trees right outside of it! It’d read: Tricks and Mirages Palace is now looking to hire people for their next venture! Currently, we are talking of expansion into settlements or other nations and need more workers to do so. But, we currently reside within Sutica, Oren and Haense. Job Descriptions: Crafter: A crafter makes the approved ideas for the pranks, no rename tokens required. Payment is 200 mina per week. Herbalist: People who simply go out and gather herbs to bring back for use, noting down where they are found and such. Pay is negotiable and a herb by herb basis. Alchemist: There is always room for another Alchemist. We provide whatever is needed, whether herbal or otherwise. Pay is negotiated. Other: Is there something you believe we may need? Try your luck! You never know. There is room for future promotions and to make more mina but it all depends on the work put in and just how well everything keeps going. [!] A form is attached at the end of the flyer to fill out and bird in! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScoN8kFKNctMl5YTQ7lkunXS_ggQ3ARwgYIixEkV4DIuywFkA/viewform The shop itself is located at Lubba Ward 3 in Sutica, Nauzica Stall 11 in Oren, and/or Rosebud Market 3 in Haense for those interested or just curious.
  13. You wake up with something in your mouth. You open it, and pull out a crinkled up piece of paper that tastes like dirt and grubs. You wonder who it could possibly be from. And what ever the hell this is
  14. ~ A Fraud’s De-Masking + Epilogue ~ ~ A Fraud’s De-Masking ~ The day finally drew near, the day of the war’s end against the Cult Of The One Eyed ‘Fraud’. After over a year of trailing this cannibalistic cult, The Drifter finally did it. He found their deadly ‘fortress’ that had been rumored throughout his many sources to be near the old ruins of a Scyfling battle known as Camp Mud. After thorough inspection, and tireless searching, the Drifter figured out the camps ‘routine’ you could say. Once he had informed the rag tag group of the three HRA men who stood bravely to oppose the forces of heresy, they set out at once during the midday to avoid the main force of cultists…. After decisively slaughtering the forces within the camp, the HRA men stood together in arms to fight the proclaimed prophet and savior against the Inferi race. With one clean cleave, Ruben Var Ruthern’s Great Axe detached a head from the ‘god’s’ body-.... ~SUDDENLY~ without warning, the masked prophet’s Great axe flew toward Fyodor Erdhart violently, though the surprise advantage he had gained would be short lived as with another blow, Astoro Jovanovsk ‘maimed the man’s skull so badly that it could almost no longer be distinguished by people’. Upon the 7ft behemoth’s fall, the distant sounds of the returning patrols could be heard nearing the camp. This alarmed the HRA men as they made a hasty escape, making sure to take the “Prophet’s”, Great axe with them. Returning to the Drifter would leave him somewhat happy as for some reason at the end of their little talk, and revealing the name of the false prophet, he gave the men a troubled expression hastily looking to escape them. The Drifter looked at the men, letting out a slight chuckle as he drug the satchel of Minas from the counter into the barrel below it. "Ser Ricardo Guthric, huh...." He let out a small forced chuckle as he returned his gaze to the men before continuing "That's a story for another day assuming you lot come back for more my young hunters..." the Drifter then let out a somewhat happy chuckle before his happiness would quickly fade into a troubling expression. "We have another storm approaching my friends..." he let out in a troubled manner before hastily grabbing the pipe from the counter and turning back to the wagon's entrance. "Well, you lot have certainly earned yourselves a nice carrion in the tavern -and a good night's rest- why do you hurry along and get to it my friends." the drifter spoke as he swiftly entered his wagon to ‘escape’ the HRA men. -The Aftermath- Once the smoke filled battle field had drawn to an end, the head of the mask used lied next to the fraud, limp on the ground. The slow marching of the patrols would turn into a hasty sprint as they saw their ‘prophet’s ‘ fortress ablaze. They immediately dropped the freshly cooked corpses of humans, rushing toward their home to put the flames out. After the massive panic, the followers scanned the camp whilst desperately calling for their ‘god’s ‘ name. Hours of searching left them only to see the Goliath’s corpse that lay on the ground, unknowing of who it had been as they also would notice the Cyclop’s head laying next to the man on the ground. Minutes, that would feel like hours to the men and women, passed. Some started crazily laughing...others balled on the ground. Some even started ripping their mask’s off of their charred faces and killing themselves. Hours had passed within the empty shell of the once lively cult’s fortress as all of the men, women, and children that followed the false prophet ended up dead inside of the camp....all of them meeting their fate by the same cause. A simple slit to their wrist. Another noticeable sight from the corpses that laid deceased on the ground, would be that all of the masks layed ripped off and thrown around randomly in the charred camp. This would reveal the crispy scorched visages that they left behind for whatever their afterlife had to offer. ~Epilogue + Prelude~ Letting out a single relieved sigh, and nothing more, the drifter closely eyed the HRA men that had just completed the bounty leave the sight from the small fence like crack in The man’s wagon. Taking a step back, and sitting into the wooden chair that sat within the wagon whilst taking a moment to think. “Ser Ricardo Guthric…I know I’ve heard his name before. But where?” the Drifter let out a little silent murmur, continuing to try to think back to his ties to this man. His eyes widened from behind his hood once he had realized who this mysterious figure was. Ser Ricardo, to his memory, was a man who had once been one of his hunters that he had hired to go out alone on a simple scouting bounty. This bounty was to scout out the cave that started it all. Though the Drifter found himself asking, why would Ricardo have become insane enough to start a cult and eat his own kind? Sadly, he never did find the answer to this question as any ties to the cult had seemingly been cut. The Drifter decided that a good night’s rest was exactly what he needed, as he drifted off into a deep sleep. The Drifter had seemingly slept through something big as there was a lot of noise, he assumned to be Haense’s city life, that noisily rung throughout Haense. Eventually the Drifter awoke on the uncomfortable wooden chair due to a coughing fit. Once he gathered himself, stretching a bit first, the Drifter wiped a small amount of blood from the side of his mouth as he took a step out of his wagon to make breakfast at his campfire. Though as he reached the camp fire, the first thing he had noticed was that the cans stacked against the walls of Haense that were filled to the brim, each containing black paint, seemingly were missing from their regular location. Looking at the wagon, the Drifter saw the fabled icon of what plagued his childhood painted onto the wagon. Further glances would show that the painting of an eagle would be painted multiple times all over the wagon’s base and the barrels that lied next to it. ~Note To Attendees of This Event Line~ Yo, I included this little note for anyone who was able to make it to any of these events. Anyways, I wanted to say man was this a fun event line to host and I hope it left you a little something that will stick with you for the rest of the time you're on LOTC (A good memory hopefully, lol). But I am pumped and excited to see what the future holds with this wagon that started out pretty small. I am so happy to have this forum post go out, because it marks the completion of my first event line… I have one small request of those who attended one of [The Cult Of One Eye] events, and that is feedback (if you wanna give any). I want to keep these events going even into the next map! So any feedback helps especially because I don’t want to fall into the same pitfalls during future events. Thanks again to everyone who was a part of this event line! PS, we have a Bounty Dealer discord for this stuff if this made you interested The Link To Join The Discord
  15. Monthly Player Appreciation To the Haense community, Do you ever feel like we need more wholesomeness in our community? Or a need for more appreciation of our great players and the things they contribute with? Well I do. Which is why I wanted to start a monthly player appreciation post. But before I start, I want to make it clear that this player is not greater than the rest. All of us matter and are appreciated for the things we do for Haense. So don’t feel bad if you are not included in the first few posts. There will be many more of these so maybe one day if you keep doing you and making this community great you will end up in M.P.A. one day! We love you and appreciate all of you! Sincerely the Haense community. If you feel like you know which player deserves to be on one of these posts in the future you can pm me on discord that will be listed further below on this post! Or you can fill out this form that is posted below. Remember to include why you feel like the player deserves a spot and what he/she/it has done for Haense or for you. M.P.A. Form for next post Discord: GreenBudgie#0760 September 2020: CaptainHaense It is a rather obvious reason that CaptainHaense, also known as Bubby, is on the first edition of M.P.A. And I think all of you can agree with me on this. He made Haense independent after months of the Haense community being unhappy with us being under the Imperials. No offense to them, they tried… But it didn’t work. We were just too different. Bubby has done a lot to our community. He has helped many feel welcome and worked hard to make the kingdom a great place. At this moment he is the King of Haense under the character Josef I. Of course he did not do it all alone, but if he had not wanted to do it then it would not have happened. And we all love him for it. Bubby stands up for those that need standing up for. For he knows that it is not always just black and white. And that in my opinion makes a great leader and a person. I hope he continues to do well as King. And we all look forward to seeing him grow this community even further! Not only is Bubby our King, but he was also our Lord palatine on his last character Petyr Baruch. He helped with our government and passed laws during his time in the position. While doing so he was also the Duke of Valwyck, Patriarch of house Baruch. Creating a lot of fond and funny memories out of character between those that were in house Baruch at the time. My personal message to bubby is this: Thank you for being there for me during this whole time and accepting me into your rp family when you were a Gant and also a Baruch. You have given me great memories and been a good friend to me. You stood up for me when others did not after I recently rejoined Haense after having been away from the community for a while. And had you not… I never would have stayed. So thank you Bubby. P.S.: I know I said I would do this kind of post for the whole community, but after some thinking I felt like I could not do that as I don’t know the rest of the communities of lotc enough and it would not be fair for someone outside their community to decide for them who gets to be on posts like these and why. I also got too few submissions from every community. So instead if you wish to see these types of posts for your communities, make your own! ^w^
  16. https://youtu.be/K-EthATzWzo [Art by Yuri Nikolayev] Cuisine of Hanseti-Ruska “Eat your food, child, lest you want the cold to nip at you more fiercely! Go on, eat!” Haeseni Babushka A cultural treatise presented by Her Royal Highness, Alexandria Karina Wick; Royal Curator of Hanseti-Ruska. The climate of Hanseti-Ruska is cold and cruel, and can be unforgiving to many - especially the unprepared. It has led to the belief the hardly many quality ingredients can be gathered within our Kingdom’s borders in order to prepare a delicious and hearty meal; many people over our generations have gradually taken to forgeign recipes and foods from the Crownlanders and other warmer regions, which has nearly made the spirit of Haeseni cuisine to fade entirely. This document is made in order to save and preserve it - as well as the urge for the denizens of Hanseti-Ruska to follow this example. Despite the hardened climate and landscape of the Haense, there are a wide variety of ingredients able to be grown, hunted, and gathered within the boundaries of the Kingdom. Grains Wheat A commonly grown and hardy grain in the flattened territories of Haense, abundant in supply and used in the preparation of various breads and other doughy goods within the Kingdom. It is one of the most important staple foods within Haense, for bread is a food found in many a Haeseni meal and plays an important role within Haeseni tradition to begin feasts; Breaking the Bread. Barley Being chiefly important with its role as stockfeed for those following the agrarian way of life within the Kingdom, barley is commonly used for various sorts of brews within Haense; most commonly Waldenian ales. Aside from that, the grain makes for a pleasant ingredient for various vegetable and beef stews. Rye Due to its similar uses to wheat and barley, rye may also be cultivated within the borders of Hanseti-Ruska. Haeseni porridges mainly utilize this grain. Meats Venison Deer are abundant in the forests of Hanseti-Ruska and make for a common game for Haeseni hunters and trappers to pursue. Oftentimes, it is prepared for less special occasions due to the gamey flavors of the meat; however, it still provides a quality amount of nutrients and an ample amount of meat for various stews and other fulfilling meals. Mutton A meat that has a strong and gamey flavor, used commonly in Haeseni stews due to his toughness; however, it isn’t as easy to acquire as venison and is saved to cook for more special occasions or to add more flavor to stews in the winter months. Rabbit A meat cooked and treated similarly to chicken, and often used in place of chicken when it is not available. It remains another popular choice for the preparation of hearty, Haeseni meals. A wide variety of meats plays into the cuisine of Hanseti-Ruska, since it offers so many nutrients to keep a Haeseni or Ruskan strong. To avoid repetition and for the sake of brevity, a simplified list of other meats often found in the Kingdom’s borders are as listed below: Pheasant Whale Goat Boar | A favorite game to pursue for Haeseni hunters, though dangerous. Often served at grand festivals or other celebrations by being slow-roasted over a fire. Cod Herring | One of the more favored seafoods of Haense; commonly found in territories bordering large bodies of waters, due to the love many Haeseni bear for the seas. Salmon Cow Fruits, Vegetables, Ect. Haeseni Wild Apples A rather small sort of apple that grows in the territories of Hanseti-Ruska with more mild climates. It has a rather tart taste, which grows sweeter the more it is ripened. It is often an added ingredient to certain stews or porridges for extra flavor and nutrients, though is favored mostly when prepared for pastries such as Ruskan cakes or pies. Prikaburren The national fruit of Haense.Red berries found commonly in the Haense wilderness or in the gardens of those with a sweet tooth. It’s used to accent dishes - often ones with meats; and is rather popular for pastries as well. Teas and alcohols have also been prepared from these berries, proving that they are truly a Haeseni favorite. More information on them may be located in the Tarcharman’s study: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/191294-prikaburren-prikaz-berry-national-fruit-of-haense/?tab=comments#comment-1771196 Pears Ruskan Olives | An olive favored by Prinzenas Aleksandriya Karina i Haense for its medicinal uses; an oil produced from these olives have acted as a base for salves that relieve muscle pains. Potatoes Beetroots Carrots Baby Bella Mushrooms | Small brown-capped mushrooms that grow in the gentler parts of Hanseti-Ruska, most notably clearings and meadows. Named after Prinzenas Theodosiya Ysabel i Markev, since the insides of these mushrooms are a luminous white that was reminiscent of her skin tone. Turnips Onions Herbs and Spices Paprika Oregano Thyme Rosemary Parsley Bay leaves Dill Mint Garlic [Art by Yuri Nikolayev] Recipes Pies Startlaefaf Pirok A savory pie favored by many Haeseni fishermen and sailors, its name translating to common as Salmon Pie. Made primarily from salmon, rice, cabbage, mushrooms, and a mixture of various other vegetables based on the cook’s choice. Cooked eggs, minced red onions, cheese, and parsley to help bring out more flavor. [ https://withinthewild.com/our-recipes/russian-alaska-salmon-pie/ ] Ruskan Apple Cake A sweet and crumbly cake made from Haeseni wild apples, a simple treat for all to bake in the spring and summer months of Haense; other fruits may be used within the cake, if apples don’t fit one’s fancy. Prikaburren are known to be used for cakes such as these. [ https://natashaskitchen.com/apple-sharlotka-recipe-russian-apple-cake/ ] Haeseni Vatrushka A Haeseni cheesecake that can be made sweet for desserts and tasted with prikaburren jams; or savory to eat with soups. If the filling is sweetened, some bakers are known to add dried fruits into it for added flavoring. [ https://russianrecipebook.com/vatrushka/ ] Stews or Soups Huntna Stew A hearty stew made with a wide variety of meats from a boar, vegetables, and wild herbs. Often slow-cooked within a cauldron over a day before it is served to a large group. Meant for celebrations and other popular festivities involving crowds. [ https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/polish_hunters_stew/ ] Mutton Stew A savory stew meant for smaller gatherings, though is fulfilling nonetheless. Cooked with a wide variety of vegetables to accent the mutton. [ https://www.recipecottage.com/german/lamb-stew.html ] Winter Soup Very nutritious and fulfilling, and made from Haeseni vegetables capable of enduring some of the harshest of climates. Winter Soup is a common meal within the Kingdom, especially when meats are difficult to obtain - mainly in the winter months. [ https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/nordic-winter-vegetable-soup ] Roasts Janz Dinna A juicy and tender roast made from the beef of a cow, once the favored dish of Komit Jan Kovachev i Carnatia, though still remains a popular dish for many other Haeseni for its simplicity and delicious flavors. [ https://www.theseasonedmom.com/dutch-oven-pot-roast/ ] Koengzdaf Often called a meal for a King, though it’s not an entirely complex recipe; the few ingredients involved, however, remain rather costly. [ https://nordicfoodliving.com/danish-roast-pork-with-crackling-flaeskesteg/ ] It is encouraged for other Haeseni to prepare and present their own dishes, or to even reference this document in moving forward with their cooking and baking. The soul of a nation is found in their food, and it’s the duty of every citizen of Hanseti-Ruska to keep it thriving.
  17. The Life of a Bounty Hunter What to expect from the Hunts?: As one of the Drifter’s novice hunters, you will have to gain his trust to become one of his “full fledged” hunters. A regular hunt is somewhat life threatening. Now you may ask, “How might one differentiate mortality rates?”” Well the Drifter has you covered with a full tier system with 3 different difficulties that each give you a certain amount of reputation with each one you complete. (Difficulties listed below in detail) The 1 Skull’s: one skull tier’s, or the easiest tier, is known to be the least life threatening to a person looking for a quick job in the lands. These somewhat easy bounties would be considered a “stroll in cloud temple” to those who have become the Drifter’s most trusted. As you may expect, the 1 skull’s give out about as much reputation as one might think, which is 1 reputation towards the season goal of 15. [Payment for doing this tier can be anywhere from 25-50 minas] The 2 Skull’s: the second tier is quite a few steps higher then the first tier. This is more suited for the working class. This tier offers a higher challenge as the 2 Skull tier bounties are considered to be suited for town guards, footmen, and basically other military positions. You get the point. The Drifter will not willingly hand a working class member a 2 skull or above bounty until they reach a total of 5 bounties completed. Another suggested tactic to doing 2 skull’s is that you bring a group along with you, whether it be a drinking buddy, or even the town guard that seems to be the most arrogant man alive. As long as they have clearance to go out on 2 skull bounties, it is fine to bring them along. One may expect to gain 2 to, sometimes, 3 reputation toward the seasonal goal of 15. [Payment for doing this tier of bounties can be anywhere from 200-300 minas] The 3 SKULL’S: the final tier/difficulty of the three, is only given out to those who have gained their seasonal reputation goal with the Drifter. These bounties are no joke ato quote the Drifter, “I’ve lost a lot of good, promising sellswords to these bounties. I don’t willingly give out these bounties to those I don’t trust, or that do their bounties strictly alone”. Other than the fact that the Drifter may actually care about his hunters, the Drifter would be unwilling to give you one of these bounties unless you have a substantial group of other hunters with you. These bounties are very life threatening. He expects hunters to bring back the heads, pieces, remnants, etc. of creatures like Jormun Basilisks, or even a Fleugal. [Payment from doing this tier of bounties can be anywhere from 500-800 minas] 2. Seasonal Goals Being one of the Drifters Trusted hunters will not be a simple walk in the park, it's more like a fight against a Lubba, or more specifically an adult one, Very Hard though not impossible to kill. As you go about your bounties, you will be expected to reach a certain goal every season (they may change or vary depending on the season). Like stated previously, you need reputation with the Drifter to get anywhere with bounty hunting for him. Completing bounties brings you closer to reaching the seasonal goal that grants you a special medallion tailored to the season. With this medallion, you gain access to special items from the Drifter, more specifically weapons, traps, etc. for use on your hunts as well as the Deadly 3 Skulled Bounties. Your status resets upon every new coming of an OOC season. Every season grants new medallions, goals , bounties, items that will be brought into play but the old ones will remain with those who own them. Old seasonal items will almost certainly NEVER BE BROUGHT BACK INTO THE DRIFTERS LINE OF SEASONAL EVENTS. 3. Current season of Bounties The Season of the Great Hunt (1st irp season of bounty hunting): The first recorded season of the bounty dealer’s dealing. Season form reference: The Drifter of Haense 4. Previous seasons of bounties (none yet) (srry about posting this so late. Was supposed to go out a while ago, but I forgot to post.) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jUuE2_JAWmFHj0_44jh6_3kiW5mdRjHp5iwNU1elxJY/edit?usp=sharing Heres the link if u don't wanna read an un-formatted mess ( I tried.... ). Its a google docs with the same exact info as in here. Also I figured I’d include an inv to the discord for the bounty dealer. Its where everything is coordinated. Join if you wanna. https://discord.gg/7T7sxeR
  18. It appears someone has eaten all of the medicine out of your house. Lucky(?) for you, it has been replaced with a brand new issue of buck news.
  19. Just when you thought you were safe.. a brand new buck news is taped to your face when you wake up this morning. That way you can walk and read! How convenient. And another one nailed to your door with 13 nails.
  20. ~Encounters in the One Eyed Pit~ As night fell upon Haense while the townsfolk went about their nightly business, whether it be go home and sleep or have a night out in the tavern, would not take notice of a small select group that wandered out of the gates and to the front of the Drifter’s wagon. Seeing that they were ready to continue this war against the damned heretics that had killed one of their comrades and many others, the drifter would lean up to speak to them now having new information that would most definitely help more than the last debriefing did. “I see you lot are back, are ya ready for the next battle against the heretics?” the drifter spoke, letting a small stream of smoke escape his mouth as he looked to the group, examining each and everyone of them. Astoro, a man of the HRA, would reply with something along the lines of a yes. The Drifter would nod to the group as he heard some questions from a few of their bunch asking things like, “Do you have actual information this time,” or “Will it be as bad as the last one?”. The Drifter stood there for a moment as he thought of how to answer their questions. After a few moments of him taking a puff from his pipe passed, he would start his somewhat informing debriefing. “This one won’t be as brutal as the last. See, you crippled their forces in the last encounter so one of the main camps, The House of Darkness, relocated itself basing somewhere in the wick wood near the two birds camp. This camp that they have made is now better known as The Pit for reasons I do not know. I want you to go there and clear those cultists out of their new camp, so that they don’t have time to get too comfortable there. Once you are there, you should notice traps there. If you're careful about it you should be able to avoid them.” the Man paused for a moment after debriefing to everyone the bounty to await a response. The HRA men mixed group would give him a few nods and words of clarification to confirm accepting the job. As the men got ready to go, Leonid Amador offered up a few prayers before battle as they then would venture out into the harsh forests of the wick wood. After a few hours of searching in the cold night, the group would be met by a gate that would have a noticeable trap on it. The group of young hunters alike would all silently and stealthily proceed to make their way into the camp as they would make quick work of the front group, then alarming the rest of the camp. As more men rushed in, Astoro, Leonid, Joshua, and Sheppard would all hold the lines as those who opposed them would perish. The fight was going to plan as Leonid and Astoro would manage to kill the pit’s champion, though it would seemingly become a bit of a struggle as after a *thunking* noise, two giant hulking grizzly bears would burst out from a cage as they charged for those who dared to fight them. After a drawn out engagement against the grizzlies, the group would prove themselves as they cleared the pit. Letting out a sigh of relief, and becoming exhausted, the hunters searched the camp a bit as they found a slip of worn out paper that had an exact location on it that was written in blood. The name Rigut would be placed underneath, as if it were marking their location. With this information, the group would return to the Drifter after a successful hunt. Their talk wouldn’t be too detailed as their relations with each other had somewhat gone on a downward spiral after what happened in the previous massacre in the cultist camp camp, ‘the boiler’. It was a quick tradoff, Astoro gave the man the information they gathered and the Drifter would toss the minas onto the table. Though after the majority of the group left, Joshua stayed as he angrily questioned the Drifter. After their conversation, Joshua stormed off as the Drifter returned into his small unwelcoming wagon.
  21. ~The Feast of the One Eyed Prophet~ The cheers of men and women, and the nice crispy smells of cooked meat would ring throughout the entire Wick Wood as the cultists were having a feast. A newly made holiday that would be dedicated in celebration of their One Eyed Prophet. The HRA would make their advances toward the smell of what was believed to be the smells of cooked human flesh as they searched the Wick Wood. Upon reaching the top of one of the mountains, the group would prepare themselves as they lit their arrows in fire and prepared their cocktails for use. Archer Biano would silently stumble down the hill to make sure it was clear as someone shouted, alarming the feasting men as well as a small hunting force of the cult that there was a disturbance or some kind of intruders in the camp. They would immediately drop their fried limbs, sizzled intestines, and many other cooked organs, limbs, etc., and grip their weapons as the men would rush out from the camp. The hunting group would rush out from the forest and immediately go after Archer. It was a rush to get down the hill as the men fought on 3 fronts in total as the fight went on. The forest group would have a standstill against Ruben, Archer, Genieve, and Astoro. But through Astoro’s command they would finish the fight after gaining an upper hand. On the other front, Reyna, Leonid, Joshua, and Sheppard would hold the hill affront the fort through pushing men back into the flaming fortress and holding the uphill advantage. After an intense struggle, and many injuries, they would manage to hold the hill. At the sight of the 30 dead bodies laid sprawled out all around the field, the HRA would let out a big sigh of relief as they saw everyone still to be living. Sadly, their sigh of relief would be met with a sight of death and sadness. During the battle, Archer Biano took heavy injuries as he would bleed out before the medics could reach him. Archer’s final actions being confessing his love to Reyna as he would give her an emerald ring to symbolize his undying love before closing his heavy eyes one last time and resting peacefully. After a long day, the men would call it at an end. Leonid and Astoro would bring one unresponsive captured cultist back to the church as he was ordered to be executed. Astoro would fling a shot off at his head using his heavy crossbow to deliver a quick and painless death to that heretic. Meanwhile, Reyna brought Archer to the same church as a funeral was held and Archer would be buried at the back of the church for ridding the lands of heathens.
  22. ----------------- The Death Of A Ranger----------------- The day started as any other, Archer Biano awoke in the HRA barracks. After eating a few rations Archer slowly got dressed in his ranger uniform. He had lost his arm a month before to a bandit with a great-sword. The wound was still semi fresh as he had to change the bandages several times a day. Making his rounds around the city of New Reza he had saw Reyna standing in the town center, to him her beauty was unmatched. Slowly he walked up to her, “Hey Reyna, how are you doing?” He had asked, leaning slightly on the giant statue podium. They continued to talk for around 30 minutes before a bird landed in between them with a letter. As Reyna opened the letter with Archer standing behind her, they read out about another bounty. Soon the both of them had armored up for it, Reyna bringing her Crossbow, Sword, and plenty of arrows. While Archer grabbed his shield and a dagger, since he had yet to retrieve his sword from the young Joren. As they set out for The Drifter's wagon they spoke to each other. “Which camp’s were on the map?” He asked, gripping the shield as he walked. “It didn’t specify, but there were 4 of camps.” Reyna told him, walking a bit faster to keep up with Archer’s longer legs. After another minute of walking they arrived at The Drifter's wagon, seeing more than those who were there last time. The lot of them stood in a half circle formation infront of the wagon, listening to the strange man speak about the place to attack. ------=======------ As soon as Archer had left his group, it had all gone to ****. One of the cultist’s had yelled out letting the others know of us. Astoro, Genevieve, and Ruben were in a ditch of sorts, fighting off the enemy berserker. Archer had whipped around, attempting to use his shield to block an incoming attack at his calf. He had failed as the sword went into his calf, scraping just past the bone. As the fight went on Archer got attacked again, this time a man was aiming at his throat. It caused a deep gash to appear going down from his chin to his collarbone. He thankfully he pushed the man back, letting Reyna rain flame arrows over him. Archer soon passed out, holding his shield over his body. ------=======------ When Archer awoke again, Astoro was standing infront of him. “W-where is Reyna-na?” He asked, as he slipped his hand out of the shield. “She is up on the hill, she is safe.” Astoro replied gripping onto his hand, his helmet hiding his face. He only continued to ask, “S-she is safe, and un-unharmed right?” “Don’t worry she’s perfectly fine, only one of us to be unharmed. You’ll be able to see her soon alright?” Astoro spoke through gritted teeth, the lie flowing out like water. “You’re a good man, thank you for being there.” Archer held onto his hand, holding onto him like a lifeline. As Reyna ran up to Archer, Astoro mouthed to a medic that he was dying. “Archer-No!” She cried out, trying to push past Astoro to get to Archer. “Shhhhh, it's fine Archer you'll be fine alright, just fine.” He continued trying to maintain his composure while lying , letting Reyna move closer and removing his hand. Archer reaches out his hand, firmly holding onto her hand. “Reyn-a I need to explain som-me things….” He pasused taking a breath, “You have been the best friend I could ever ask for, you were a kind soul to me in a dark time. You helped me look at a better light, a better future and for that…. I thank you. You could call me crazy but, I love you Reyna. W-Will you take this? For me?” He would retract his arm grabbing a ring from a small bag. Archer slowly and wobbly he placed it on her finger. “H-how would you like to be a Biano?” Reyna nods her head, helping him put the ring on her finger. Then Archer pulled Reyna in giving her a kiss on the check. “Stay happy for me, you are my blessing.” His dying whisper came out, his eyes becoming dull. ------=======------ Archer slowly opened his eyes to a blinding light, a figure standing in the middle of it. “Who?” He asked, holding his hand up infront of his eyes. As the light dyed down his eyes widened with tears brimming the edges. “Momma?” He asked reaching up at the figure. “Yes my dear?” His mother replied, pulling her son up. The boy cried, holding onto his mother for dear life, crying “I love you”s and “I missed you”. As the reunion happened a big black rottieweiler bounded up and jumped onto Archer licking his face. The rest is history....
  23. ~Prologue~ One cold day, the drifter sent out a group of Sellswords to check out a small cave, and none seemingly returned. As the days went on, Bounties would be handed from one hunter to another. Months later, the Drifter wouldn’t know of what had happened to his hunters as none of the parties who got involved in his bounties to search for the missing hunters would find them. As the year would conclude, the Drifter finally decided to stop sending hunters aimlessly out into recon after recon the wick wood to search for what could be deemed as a myth or tale. What really had happened that day in the cave would spark a dark ominous threat, leading people into its grasp of death. This story went a bit as follows... the four brave hunters ventured into the unknown dark cave expecting good pay from a run in the mill bounty, as it was for some reason a tier 3 bounty. The group would find that inside of the cave lied simple traps and other mechanisms to be all over the cave. About an hour would pass as the four struggled to get through trap after trap placed by someone who obviously didn’t like visitors. reaching the lower cave, the four would come across the recover mission that they were tasked with. retrieving one of the Drifter’s supply crates that was stocked with food and stolen by the unknown. Concluding someone probably just left it here to either grab later or leave to rot the group started their walk back up out of the cave as they would be met by a towering figure, that stood 4 meters tall, upon reaching the front of the entrance/exit. The hunters would prepare themselves as they knew they were about to die. After a few moments of the hunters drawing short swords, bows, and mace, the cyclops had already thought up a rather simple plan. Whilst the four brave hunters stood to fight the cyclops, the egotistical giant would pridefully spout out ”Rigut is prop’et...great sav’or to hum’e race” while speaking these words, the 4 Sellswords would look to eachother rather confused as one of them would ask cautiously, still gripping their weapon ”Porphet to our race?” . Rigut would give them a small nod before speaking in a sly Cavemanish tone ”Rigut wont sav’ humee’s unless humee’s help me”. The hunters would watch the prideful one eyed man spout this off, not believing him for a moment. ”Give Rigut meat, and Rigut might help humee’s” the Cyclops went on as the hunters still were quiet unbelieving of the giant as they gripped their weapons not wanting to help this obvious liar. Seeing that the humans still resisted his offers, the cyclops would simply walk out of the way from the cave’s entrance. Though as the hunters left the cave, they would meet the same grizzly fate as just about anyone else who ventured out into that cave and didn’t join this Cyclop’s cult. They would all be struck down , later being used as the Cyclop’s breakfast, lunch, dinner. With this tale ending you might be asking, just how did the Drifter know where to send Sellswords on this first bounty? Well, its quite simple really. The Drifter had heard reports of local people in the Wick wood going missing, and so he sent out one of his Sellswords all on his lonesome to search and find out what has been taking people. After a few months passed, the Drifter grew restless, awaiting for the man’s return he would go out to search himself. Unfortunately the man couldn’t find really anything as he searched through the woods, eventually reaching the bandit camp finding corpses to be missing from the camp, shown by the trails of blood exiting it. Upon finding this, the Drifter would then have a bounty prepared and ready for the next group of Sellswords that came along to his wagon. ~The Two Bird’s Camp~ As the day went by, and Haense Duma would end, Haense soldiers would flock to the Drifter’s wagon expecting a hard bounty based off of what they had been hearing for the past few days. Approaching the wagon, the group of 6 would stand by the Drifter’s wagon awaiting his debriefing. The Drifter would wait until he had took a long puff from his pipe before speaking in his low raspy tone, though anyone could tell whatever was wrong was clearly troubling the man as all of his movements seemed tense and forced. ”Right, I guess this should be enough of you lot.”. The Drifter spoke, leaning back into his wagon before he continued onto the debriefing, ”There have been recent local reports of people going missing near the Wick wood. I sent out one of my sellswords about a month back and he has either failed and is to ashamed to bring himself back here, or he was likely dead because of whatever he found. I sent him out to go near that bandit camp your men sieged a while back. Since he never returned, I decided to go do it myself. Though as I looked around the camp, I only found trails of blood exiting the back of it. I want you lot to go search the area and find some conclusion of what happened to my man.”. And so, the Sellswords were off on their bounty. They found themselves in the camp that had previously been sieged , now becoming a corpse dump it would seem as the group of HRA would see a few men covered in one eyed masks dragging carcass’s of half eaten, rotted humans/animals into the camp and leaving them around the area. Trying to be silent, the HRA hid to the sides of the gates as Ruben Var Ruthern would practice his acting skills and start screaming in pain ”AAARGH, AHH NO NOT MY.” . Ruben left off as the three body dumpers would send out a single one to go over to him. As the man reached him, he drew his knife readying it behind his back as Ruben stood in front of him, towering over the man in his plate as the cultist would ask ”Whats wrong friend?” the cultist asked, prepping his dagger behind his back assuming Ruben was hurt. Tough before the situation escalated any further, Astoro would slit the man’s throat trying to be stealthy as the other two noticed. They would run screaming ”ALERT ALERT, RUN!!” . The HRA would chase down 2 more men killing one of them as they question another that had rolled violently down a hill. From what they could draw from the questioning is that the men of this cult would most likely rather die then reveal their burnt skinned faces to anyone else, and that there was a nearby camp just down the pathway to the left. Going down that road the HRA would start to smell the putrid, stench of rotting corpses that the camp gave off. As the group would start going toward the camp, a few men would be visible behind the small wooden defenses they had though they were very unmoving. as Astoro ordered a few seperate groups to loop around the camp, they would find themselves being ambushed by a giant outnumbering force of the cultists as they were all separated. Astoro and archer would hear their comrades engaging in a fight as they started into the camp and discovering that the men behind the defenses were indeed a trap. though without any second to respond, Astoro and Archer would find themselves ambushed from behind. As the long hard fight went gruesomely on, the HRA would gain the upper hand as they slowly but surely scraped along killing the cultists throughout the fight. As the battle had finished, or so they had thought, the group would then be attacked by a hedge knight as he challenging anyone who wished to step up and fight. His opponent, Astoro, would hold his own against the knight. Though the duel would not end how one might think. It would be rudely interrupted by Archer as he stabbed into the back of the man’s neck. The long hard fight now being over, it would be followed by a big sigh of relief being there no injuries as the HRA went along to search bodies and the camp. They would that every one of the dead cultists held a bottled eye as some sort of ID? They would also find a map locating what seemed to locate 4 other cultist camps. The 6 made started their long walk back to the drifter, once returning would offer the drifter the map and one of the cultist’s bottled eyes. The Drifter would seemingly except this as enough for their payment as his stress and curiosity only grew. The Cultist Camps -In depth- The first one the two bird's camp. Its called this because the cultists that had lured people into the camp would hide in the tree's as the unsuspecting men would wander in as they thought they saw cultists standing behind defenses as when they wandered into the camp, they would find the bodies to be dead as the cultists would come out from the surrounding forests, and kill those who wandered in. The second one is known as the Boiling Pot because the cultists themselves had taken up eaten humans and animals as so did the cyclops. the made a camp for the cooking of the Humans/animals in the wick wood as they had a giant pot underneath a campfire to boil dead creatures. This camp would be somewhat defensible as it's their main point of food making for the followers. The third known as the house of darkness. this house would be placed as a decoy cave to the cyclop's home. upon entering the cave, it would be seen that it is littered by traps of all kinds. It would also hold cages holding bears, wolves, and boars (not greymanes just regular ones). there would be beast handlers that set off cages as well as a few people guarding them. The fourth would be known as the cannibals commons camp. this camp is one based by the Cyclop's cave as it holds a lot of the followers. It would be seen as there main home if they were not staying in the cave with the Cyclops. The fifth camp is known as the burner. known as the area where the skinning and burning of faces happens. It is heavily guarded by some hedge knights and a few others as this camp houses all of their medical cultists. The main Base of Operations is known as the One Eyed Kingdom. the most fortified. known as the Cyclop's main home, there would be walls set up outside of the cave as the inside would be disorienting to those not wearing masks because the moss would cause disorientation -2 to all rolls to anyone inside EXCEPT for the Cyclops. the cave would most likely have traps in it as he was known as a more intelligent Cyclops. a trickster. let me know what you think, its my first time making a forum post for eventlines. 😃
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