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  1. ON THE PONTIFICAL MEETING THE MEETING The AUTARCH made his way to NEW VALDEV with promise of guest rite, it was then when he met his FRIEND, HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I in critical condition he was delivered to PATRIARCH VILLORIK to speak with him in his place. He offered retribution for the horrendous attack which took place and nearly slain the PONTIFF. He offered the OSTRACIZATION and EXECUTION of the former REX KLOG’AKAAL. It was worrying then to hear of a amassing attack upon the new government, which was friendly to Cannon, especially in its reforms. So again did the AUTARCH ride to NEW VALDEV but this time with a retinue of allies, from which he greeted the PONTIFF, his friend, at the gates. The pair spoke at length of the issues which had created such a diplomatic disaster, and about how the REXDOM might sort out the errors of previous administration. Thusly the REXDOM, already steadfast friends of many- including the church, did make agreement with HIS HOLINESS. ON THE OSTRACIZATION OF THE PUNISHED AKAAL The AUTARCH with the authority invested into him by the REX decrees a total OSTRACIZATION of PUNISHED AKAAL. ANY who associate openly or in closed doors with THE PUNISHED AKAAL will cease activity immediately. Any with information on the whereabouts of THE PUNISHED AKAAL will come forwards with haste. KLOG’AKAAL is hereby banned from all activities of GOVERNMENT, from entering LURAK without SLAUGHTER, a bounty will soon be issued upon him. ON THE AGREEMENT WITH THE CHURCH OF CANON The demands made by HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I are accepted in full. LURAK will grant a charter to the CHURCH upon discussion of location, with many selections already picked for them. LURAK will allow the CHURCH access to their resource facilities when letter is delivered as to when they might arrive. LURAK will aid the CHURCH in hunting down any aggressors who attack so freely the CHURCH its officials. AS DAAHD’LUR AUTARCH HAS BEEN STEADFSST FRIEND OF CAIUS I, LURAK DECLARES GENERAL FRIENDSHIP WITH CANON. SHOULD THE PUNISHED KLOG’AKAAL WISH TO REPRIEVE HIS SETENCE AND RESTORE HIS HONOR HE WILL COME AND DO BATTLE WITH THE AUTARCH IN AN HONORABLE DUEL, OR TURN HIMSELF IN TO THE LURAK. SIGNED, REX RUE'LUR, Master of Lurak, Wargoth of Lurakan, Scion of Daahd. @thequeennadine AUTARCH DAAHD'LUR, General Advisor, Scion of Swiv. @Sean_VEVO
  2. I am the Lord GOD without peer. I put into your heart the power of creation, and I created the seed and chaff, and put heat into the fire that reddens iron. And as I have created means to ease your labors, so I have created new labors, and new fruits. For I have blessed you with My miracle of creation, and you shall draw nearer to My throne by your labors. And you shall discover strength of heart as you work the forge and the plow. LABORERS OF VALDEV, WORKERS OF WALDENSBURG, RISE NOW FOR THE TIME OF PROGRESS IS AT HAND. OUR PLANNING PERMITS NEARLY COMPLETED THE GREAT COG OF BUREAUCRACY IS OILED OH LABORERS, SEEK NOW THE VIRTUE, AND SIGN THE INITIATIVE APPROVAL PROJECT 4: THE SACRED AND SANCTIFIED PUBLIC MANUFACTORUM ALL YOUR PROJECTS, ALL YOUR BURDENS. EASED THROUGH THE VIRTUOUS LABOR THE GREAT KING APPRECIATES PROGRESS. DO YOU? AID PROGRESS, FOLLOW THE VIRTUES. BY THE KINGS REQUEST: Sign this document to show support for the construction of the public manufactorum! Write down all the VIRTUOUS projects YOU would get done if you had a full factorum at your disposal! -The sacred labor serves the virtuous laborer. THIS is how we get the bread- -Penned by Father Adeptus #003, Priest of the Canon, and humble Servant of the OWYNSSIAH -HAIL PROGRESS, HAIL PURITY- {{Want a factory job? Have a project you wanna queue? write your rp name and what you like about project 4! Include your ideal project too! If you want to SERVE GODAN}}
  3. ✠ FROM A SQUIRE TO A HOLY SIR ✠ [!] THE COAT OF ARMS OF HOLY SIR PHILIP HUGHES DE ROSIUS [!] This is my story on how I got from being a squire, to a Holy Sir; my struggles in my training and how I succeeded in my final quest. The story of how a eighteen year old boy became a Holy Sir in the Most Holy and Supreme Order of Exalted Owyn. ✠ THE SQUIRE DAYS ✠ I, Philip Hughes de Rosius; remember it as if it was yesterday. I sent my letter to the Holy Mother Church to become a Squire to the Most Supreme and Holy Order of Exalted Owyn. It was during the Social Season that I got to hear of me being accepted into the Order; and I was quite surprised. I went to Dobrov for my first Squire training; a duel it was - while having Holy Sir August Jazloviecki as my trainer and Knight during a duel against a fellow Squire; I was the victorious one. It took up to five years of training to get to my final-quest; I obtained four of the five rings that were necessary to do so; which were Swordsmanship, Horsemanship, Blacksmith, and Education on the Scrolls. But first I had to write a thesis as tasked by Holy Sir August Jazloviecki. The years were long; but GOD gave me my strength to hold on to the tasks that had to be done. The motivation for my final quest was GOD, my wife Elaine and my newborn daughter Genevieve de Rosius; I simply could not allow it to let them down if I had failed on my final quest. Before my final quest; I had spent a few days of training with Holy Sir August in preparation of my final quest. [!]A painting of a Harpy that was flying towards Holy Sir Philip while he was on his horse. [!] And so I arrived with Holy Sir August in the lands where a strange creature had been seen. I was riding off on my own as Holy Sir August told me to discover what this creature was; and so I did. A peasant came to me and told me that there was a monster that had killed his wife; and so I followed the peasant into the mountains and we discovered a strange creature. It was a creature with the head and wings of a bird but the claws of a beast; I charged at it and started to fight against this monstrous being; and so the harpy clawed my right arm and right leg, but I did not give up. I swung my blade at the harpy it’s body and head, until it would finally give up. And so it did; The harpy fell down and a large screech would have been heard from the mountains. The harpy was suffering from utter pain, and I decapitated it; showing it a quick mercy. I bound the head to my horse to drag it to the location where I had to show it as proof of my kill; and so I did. Then, the final quest was concluded and I had to wait for me to be knighted by His Holiness High Pontiff Everard VI. ✠ THE KNIGHTING ✠ As word got to the High Pontiff; a time and date for the knighting was made. A few of House de Rosius and my distant relatives came to attend. As I was nervously waiting for the High Pontiff to arrive; I started to do a prayer for him and me family to remain as faithful as they are now. Then His Holiness had arrived; and so he told me to kneel to knight me. His Holiness then told me to recite the oath; and so I did: “I vow to never falter, to obey and guard the laws of GOD, who is the one true Creator. I vow to be the sword and shield of the Church of the Canon and her faithful, to fight for them when they cannot protect themselves. I vow to resist the temptations of Iblees and strike down those who have fallen under his dark rule.” When I had recited it, His Holiness High Pontiff Everard VI told me; “Then rise, Philip, and join your brothers as Holy Sir Philip the Kind, and be as loving to all as our God is. Vy are an Equestor of the Supreme Order of Exalted Owyn and the Church of Canon, sworn to protect the people of the Canonist faith. Vy shall be fair and just, defending the innocent no matter their rank: Beggar and bishop alike.” And so I became a Holy Sir and Equestor of the Church, it was GOD and my faith that has inspired me to reach such. For it is GOD that we defend for and for GOD who we fight. This was my story; on my journey from a Squire to a Holy Sir and Equestor of GOD and the Church. Signed, Holy Sir Philip Hughes “The Kind” de Rosius
  4. TREATISE ON THE MYSTERIOUS BLESSED MAURICIO OF AZOG Written by Thucydides Melphestaus Esquire, from The Supreme Order Of Exalted Owyn A thesis as tasked by Holy Dame Faux Amati. “An orcish champion who by popular legend is said to have entered the pits of Hell itself, and did battle successfully with the forces of Iblees.” This is the reason why Mauricio of Azog was beatified. Yet the Church speaks nothing else upon the orcish warrior, the only info we have being this, and later on the church even simplifying his accomplishments more changing it from doing battle “with the forces of Iblees” to “many of the Enemy’s servants” An orc blessed, one which supposedly walked through the gates of hell to fight the forces of Iblees head on, is quite unique yet it as if such a story of a orc is kept silent, hidden in plain sight. Information cannot be clearly gained about the story of this orc, or the legacy he left behind. I am not in a position, nor have the knowledge to say whether or not this is the intention of the Church. However, I deem it fit to have such a story shrouded no more. Through the use of old records, letters, decrees, and many other documents found in libraries throughout Almaris. I have been able to compile a rather basic, and in truth not in depth overview of Blessed Mauricio of Azog’s life and feats from public information. The beginning of his life is shrouded in darkness. Nothing is known of his upbringing or even when his early adult years began. One can assume however due to other sources that Blessed Mauricio of Azog was originally raised within Urguan, a unique upbringing as such for an orc, automatically hinting at perhaps the tolerance Mauricio of Azog may have later on his life. The time between then and his first years within the United Aegis Coalition (U.A.C) are shrouded behind a lack of records. What we do know is that Mauricio of Azog, perhaps either lived with Kal'Urguan, or visited the capital city of the Dwarves. For there is where Mauricio of Azog would be recruited into the United Aegis Coalition. During his time in the U.A.C it was nothing but hardship, a most notable occasion being where himself and a group of his fellow soldiers were tasked with infiltrating an undead keep. This would prove to be unsuccessful, resulting in many of these soldiers dying, and many of those who survived deserting the U.A.C all together. When the failed rebranding of the U.A.C to the Followers of Aeriel occurred, Mauricio left due to his view upon what the U.A.C had become, bringing along with him gold and diamonds he stole from the vault of the Followers of Aeriel, granting him enough funds to purchase himself a residence within Al'Khazar. His time within the capital of Oren is like his upbringing unrecorded, according to other accounts seemingly not being anything of note. Undead continued to ravage the lands however, many fleeing because of it. However, Mauricio remained where he was until he was invited to join the Teutonic Order led by Gaius Marius. Once joining the Teutonic Order, Mauricio received backlash due to his race, many within the order disapproving of him due to Mauricio of Azog being an orc. The Teutonic Order compared to that of the U.A.C was vastly different for Mauricio. Because of this, the orc began to question what his true home and place was within the world. Receiving permission to take a leave of absence, he traveled to the home of the orcs, Krugmar. Here he saw what he supposedly described as primitive savagery. Disapproving of the actions and beliefs of the nation of Krugmar. Unable to accept the belief that all orcs acted in such a way he ventured on to try and find orcs more similar to him. Whether by luck or by the will of God, he stumbled upon that of his brother, Urik Azog, a man who he had been separated from since his time in the U.A.C. His brother brought him back to Fort Azog, the home of the Orc Clan of Azog. There the clan chief took a liking to him, and offered to adopt him into the Azog Clan. Obviously the Blessed would accept the offer, taking on the name Maur Azog. He assisted the clan through the practice of engineering creating defenses that allowed themselves to even fend off attacks from the likes of the Dwarven Military. Along with this he also helped in making of the laws of Clan Azog, which ironically enough were simple and seemingly of orcish nature. The singular law stating “Azog Shall Never Kill Azog” He spent some time with that of his newly found family and clan, yet eventually he would be called back by the Teutonic Order. Almost as soon as he returned he would be ‘shipped out’, but rather ‘shipped down’, down to the Nether. He was chosen as one of the few who would represent the nations of Aegis against Iblees. The group proceeding fast, yet infighting quickly began with the chosen of Renatus, striking against the chosen of their rival nation Hanseti, Mauricio being one of these chosen of Hanseti. A chosen of Renatus would be killed by one of the Hanseti. Yet the conflict ceased as more undead began to attack them. The Hanseti would be separated from the main group, eventually returning to find that all chosen of the Elven, and Orc nations gone. Yet prior to the life of one of their own being lost to save the other two. When the Hanseti returned to the main group, now within the citadel in which they were tasked with destroying, only the dwarves, Renatus, and Hanseti remained. The Renatus chosen, accused the Hanseti of striking first, the dwarves however ignored it and wished for them to focus upon the task at hand. The dwarves would continue on first, yet as soon as they did the doorway which they entered would collapse leaving the dwarves separated from the rest. With the dwarves gone, the chosen of Renatus struck upon the Hanseti once more, the only two of them remaining being Maur Azog and a fellow orc. The fighting was brutal, filled with hatred from either side against the other, due to long lasting rivalries, leaving both sides to forget about why they were in the Nether. Eventually the fighting ended with only Blessed Mauricio of Azog standing. Walking towards a cliff where he had seen his fellow orc fall, he saw this orc grasping onto the cliff, with a chosen of Renatus wrapped around his legs. With a few final words reminding Blessed Mauricio of Azog of why they were done here, he bid him farewell, and then let go. Thus, bringing both the last chosen of Renatus and himself to their deaths. Now only Mauricio of Azog and the dwarves remained with the chance of defeating the forces of Ibless. Mauricio along with the dwarves fought against undead conjurers, travelling farther down and deeper into the citadel. Through their efforts the citadel had began to collapse, the mission was a success. The dwarves quickly began to escape, but Blessed Mauricio of Azog, could no longer move on. He was filled with grief and yet also accomplishment. He had completed the mission, and yet he had lost his fellow Hanseti. He lay prepared to die, yet by the will of God, he was given more time. He was brought back to Aegis, tended by members of the Teutonic Order, and lived his remaining years amongst his family, Clan Azog. In 1698, upon the 16th of Horen’s Calling. The Azogs would be given badges in which he served and were rewarded during and after his service in the Teutonic Order. The orc left behind something for his Clan to be proud of, that made them more than just another mere band of war loving orcs. Mauricio of Azog would receive more accomplishments too, rather than just being one of the chosen to go to the Nether. Such accomplishments being; first orc OrdenMarshall and Hochmeister of the Teutonic Order, first orc to obtain a land title in Hanseti, led the exodus of Sariants from the rule of Hochmeister Black. Along with to my knowledge being the only, or at least one of the only few Blessed who were a part of the orcish race. I encourage others to delve deeper into the story of Mauricio of Azog, along with other Blessed and the likes. For these stories are ones which somehow remain shrouded began fog, even when such stories hold great relevance as to why we stand where we are today, and why we stand the way we are standing today. Signed, Thucydides Melphestaus Esquire Squire of The Supreme Order of Exalted Owyn
  5. LORE PROPOSITION - TINFOIL ARMOR A Harian Tinfoil Warrior, Circa 1600 In a world where magic runs rampant alongside the growth of an ever present aura of paranoia, it is of the utmost importance to defend oneself against mind probing huns. Innocent men and women are becoming deceived by such vile magicians, leading them to believe that they are the opposite gender if not already resulting from their pineapple illatian pastries. Tales of such illusory and probing have spread far and wide, and thus the demand for magic resistant armor is high. As a result, smiths across the land, most notably Haskill of the Freeman’s forge, have taken to pressing melted tin to a papyrus thin state so that it may be molded with ease. With this invention, denizens across the lands may sleep in peace- and in tin, to ensure that their internal viscera is not morphed to that of a bestial creature. Tin foil equipment will allow the user to deflect magical influence and attacks without flaw depending on its crumpled state. Akin to sound proofing, the more crevices and bumps a piece of tin armor holds the more resistant to magic it is. For example, a smooth sheet of tin would be useless to magic whereas its crumpled counterpart would be impervious. Despite its extreme defense to magic, it's delicate and thin state makes it quite useless against any other form of attack. To provide balance to magic users, quite literally anything (bar magic) can destroy this armor. Arrows can pierce it, fingers can poke it, and more importantly, one could rip it by simply walking. Despite its detriments, however, tinfoil armor remains the go-to headwear for those fearing illusionists. Waldenian Soundproofing, circa 1364 To craft Tinfoil Armor, one must gather tin through roleplay means, melt it, and then press it into its thin state. Once this is accomplished, one must then carefully craft it through roleplay means. Should you roll anything less than a twenty in its careful construction, the armor will be torn. Once in combat, should the armor be damaged or torn, the exposed area would then become vulnerable to magical attacks once more. Mechanically speaking, it may be possible to statgen base chainmail to have hugely negative defensive debuffs (practically none) with its durability also being modified to be destroyed within two hits. Furthermore, due to its light nature, if a mechanical armor set were to be created it would hold no speed debuffs. The way one would determine whether someone was wearing tinfoil armor or not is purely dependent on their skin, which should look something along the lines of: Should this lore be accepted, I believe it will add an additional level of role-play not yet seen on any medieval fantasy server. This document is purely science based, and now that the current year is 1600, a time in which pirates roam, the need for tinfoil equipment is necessary. However, should this lore not be accepted, I truly believe people will still craft such equipment through roleplay means even if it woiuld not provide the additional magical protection as they would hold the belief that it truly does. I have kept this short and sweet, like an innocent child, for I believe I've nailed my points across rather effectively. For those who are too lazy to read, I shall summarize in a tl;dr. Tin Foil Armor should be magic resistant depending on its crumpled state (coating your armor in tin will not do anything unless it is pure tin!). Tinfoil headgear should prevent illusion magic and mind probing from affecting the wearer. To craft a single piece of armor, or the tinfoil itself, smiths must roll a perfect 20/20 in role-play to provide validity to the tin foil's stability. Tin Foil armor has no durability nor defensive buffs to ranged or melee.
  6. Holy Order of Saint Wilfriche Holy Order of the Black Mace https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZGMqKLGFpA “In hoc signo vinces” HISTORIA THEOCRACIA MILITIUM ♔Command♔ High Pontiff The High Pontiff has absolute and supreme authority over the Holy Order of Saint Wilfriche. His Holiness, Sixtus IV Holy Knight Commander The Knight-Commandant is selected by the High Pontiff from among the Knights. He is the direct commander of the Order and manages their day to day operations. Holy Ser Edward d’Ambray 'the Austere' ♘Holy Knights of the Black Mace♘ The Holy Knights of the Black Mace are chosen from the current serving cadets as seen fit by the Holy See and Holy Knight Commander. Holy Knights are sworn to uphold the Palatine Code. Knights are expected to maintain the laws of the Church as well as those of the Imperium. A high priority is set on the members of the Church and its beliefs. As the members of the Black Mace are knights of the church they are title, "Holy Ser". Knight Banneret Bannerets serve as the leaders of the Order taking charge of a division of knights. Holy Dame Aquila Elendil 'the Humble' Holy Ser Alexander Gotthold 'the Ardent' Holy Dame Karina Gotthold 'the Beast' Knight Knights are the backbone of the Order. They are experienced in matters of protection. Each knight is expected to mentor a Cadet. Some knights may also choose to specialize with the inquisition and learning to keep heresy at bay. Holy Ser Maximillian Dawnstead 'the Truant' Holy Ser Alexander ‘the Savage’ Knight Errant Knights Errant are up-and-coming knights. They are the young blood continuing their education in the Church. No longer a cadet, they are more autonomous. Holy Ser Vaerath Leydon Knight Cadet Knights in training under the banner of the Holy See. They are yet to be fully initiated into the Order. Cadets are expected to follow the orders from those above them and to learn the ways of the Church. It would be beneficial to seek a brief mentorship with a priest. Cadets are expected to complete five trials. Pierre de Robineau Dorm Amador Dane Lester ♖Inquisitors♖ Canonists that serve as inquisitors are specially trained and qualified to root out heresy and find the unholy throughout the world. Many are to be feared as they can be ruthless in achieving success in the name of GOD. “Ordo ex chao” Superior The Superior is charged with maintaining the inquisition. A Superior is the most experienced of inquisitors as is to be expected of their position. Typical duties other than rooting out heresy can be more formal such as presenting investigations to the Synod and as simple as keeping the training of inquisitors and external aid. Inquisitor Tasked with rooting out heresy. An inquisitor might find himself working anywhere in the world seeking the unholy. Sometimes that which is unholy is to be destroyed other times, a more kind approach may be taken such as turning that which is unholy back into GOD’s light. Acolyte The title bestowed upon someone seeking to become an inquisitor. Following along with an experienced inquisitor to learn the ways and traditions. “Pro deo et patria” ♘Holy Knights of Visiga♘ The Palatine Code All members of the Order are expected to follow the stations and tenets as well as take the oath. I. STATIONS i. Stand as guardians of the High Pontiff and Holy See. ii. Protect the Creator's faithful from evil, whenever possible. iii. Hunt all worshippers of evil and practitioners of darkness. iv. Keep watch in the lands of the Holy See, and uphold peace and order. v. Be the Vanguard of any Holy Crusades and Inquisitions. vi. Carry out the sentences of those convicted of crimes against the Faith and the Holy See. II. TENETS i. Share, with tolerance and understanding, the word of the Lord. ii. Maintain a powerful and unwavering faith in the Creator and His word. iii. Seek to embody Horen's Virtue and Owyn's Spirit. iv. Strive to deliver upon the faithful the embodiments of Godfrey's Gospel and Siegmund's Auspices. v. Obey, without question, the hierarchy of the Order, and ultimately word of the High Pontiff. vi. Embrace our fellow Ordermen as Brothers, and treat them as such. vii. Know to violate the Palatine Code is to be stripped of his rank and to be exiled in disgrace. III. Oath If I should falter in my course, send me never to the skies above. If I should succeed, bestow unto me His blessings, forevermore. For, now I march into a valley through which there is no path. And the stones cascade behind me, to seal my retreat. Though in this valley, I find my Brothers; Now I am named Guardian of His Flock. Should I falter, my shield shall turn to ash; But I shall not falter. Testaments of Faith FIRST TRIAL : SACRED URN The creation of the Sacred Urn, holder of the martyr's ashes, is first amongst the tests. The Urn must be fired and molded by the squire himself, all resources and tools must be chiefly his own work. After, a bishop of the Canon must approve and give his blessing, lest the squire remake the Urn. SECOND TRIAL : TONGUE OF FIRE To speak the Creator's Will is to have a Tongue of Fire, the tongue which breaks all barriers of language and communication through His Power. In order to be considered to become a Knight of the Black Mace, one must convert a heathen, one who has not had the joy to hear the Canon, and bring him fully into the fold of our community. THIRD TRIAL : SWORD OF OWYN The Creator’s Wrath brings fear and awe across the plains of existence, in every heart and mind of every being which has walked and thought. Through discipline and faith, one may acquire the Creator’s Blessing in the art of combat, to spar and wield the weapons of His Divine Will. FOURTH TRIAL : HOLIEST DUTY The Vicar of GOD is the chief priest, representative of His Divine Will. Through his words mark the words of GOD Himself, and so the tasks delivered by him also Divine in nature and spirit. Accomplish the task given by His Holiness moves one ever further in achieving the ashes of the sacred. FIFTH TRIAL : ARMOR OF FAITH To truly believe in the Grace of GOD is to have true faith in Him. The test of faith marks a man from the commoner to the most devout. Weapons of the Faithful Fill out the following application and send it to the Knight-Commandant in the Apostolic Palace next to the Cathedral of St. Thomas. IC Name: Age: Race [Human/Elf]: Status of Blood (Nobility, Gentry, Commoner, etc.): Place of Residence: Martial Knowledge (if any): Skills: OOC MC Name: Skype ID:
  7. Holy Order of Saint Wilfriche Holy Order of the Black Mace “In hoc signo vinces” History of the Order ♔Command♔ High Pontiff The High Pontiff has absolute and supreme authority over the Holy Order of Saint Wilfriche. His Holiness, Sixtus IV Holy Knight-Commandant The Knight-Commandant is selected by the High Pontiff from among the seven Knights. He is the direct commander of the Order and manages their day to day operations. Holy Ser Edward d’Ambray ♘Holy Knights of the Black Mace♘ The Holy Knights of the Black Mace are chosen from the current serving squires and from within the Faith Vigilant as seen fit by the Holy See and Holy Knight-Commandant. The title is not honorary as it is confirmed by an oath to GOD in defense of the Holy Palatinate. Holy Knights are sworn to uphold the Palatine Code upon taking the Knight’s Oath. "Virtus junxit, more separabit" Holy Knight The knights are servants of the Church’s will. They are entrusted with serving as the officers of the Holy Order of Saint Wilfriche which in turn is entrusted with the defense of the Faith, its priesthood, holdings, and the virtue of the realm. Knights exercise their charge through inquisition, crusade, and diplomacy as required and authorized. Holy Ser Maximillian Dawnstead Holy Dame Karina Gotthold Squire Squires are both the servants and the students of the Holy Knights. They clean their armor, feed their horses, polish and sharpen their blades, serve their meals, and so on. In return, the squires are trained in swordsmanship, horsemanship, the faith, and other essential aspects of Holy Knighthood. ♖Inquisitors♖ Canonists that serve as inquisitors are specially trained and qualified to root out heresy and find the unholy throughout the world. Many are to be feared as they can be ruthless in achieving success in the name of GOD. “Ordo ex chao” Superior The Superior is charged with maintaining the inquisition. A Superior is the most experienced of inquisitors as is to be expected of their position. Typical duties other than rooting out heresy can be more formal such as presenting investigations to the Synod and as simple as keeping the training of inquisitors and external aid. Procurator Serve as prosecutors and investigators during inquisitions. Procurators also have the ability to begin investigations of their own if they believe that they have found heresy or anything that might be in question. However, to act upon it, much like regular inquisitors they must bring the information to the Superior though a Procurator can take the information to the Synod as well. Inquisitor Tasked with rooting out heresy. An inquisitor might find himself working anywhere in the world seeking the unholy. Sometimes that which is unholy is to be destroyed other times, a more kind approach may be taken such as turning that which is unholy back into GOD’s light. Acolyte The title bestowed upon someone seeking to become an inquisitor. Following along with an experienced inquisitor to learn the ways and traditions. ♖Faith Vigilant♖ Canonists finding themselves serving within the Faith Vigilant will be the guardians of the Church. They will act as its defenders and avengers. And when required they will be its militant arm to do battle for GOD be it in holy crusade, inquisition, or fighting GOD’s enemies. These honorable soldiers are the vanguard of the Church. “Pro deo et patria” Marshal Commander of the Faith Vigilant. A loyal canonist and protector of the Faith. The Marshal is selected out of the ranks or appointed by the Commandant or Holy See. Sergeant Sergeants serve as the Vigilant’s trainers and most experienced soldiers. They can be relied upon in near any situation to get tasks done and to make sure that standards are kept perfectly. Sergeants can lead detachments of the Vigilant throughout all the dioceses. Chevalier The sacred footman of the order are well experienced in their roles. Serving as guards of the Palatinate and defenders of the Faith. Chevaliers are learned men of the Faith as are all men of the order. An expectation of these men are that they shall know verses from the scriptures. Footman Newly initiated members of the order. They can find their path within the branch of the Faith Vigilant or the Inquisitors if they so decide. ♘Holy Knights of Visiga♘ The Holy Knights of Visiga is an order of honorary knights. This goes back to the days of the Order of the Black Sepulchre. Knights of Visiga will have no command authority over any member of the Order of Saint Wilfriche. Members inducted into the knights will be allowed to style themselves as Holy Ser. To be inducted, one must be chosen by the Holy See. As with all members of the Order of Saint Wilfriche, even the Knights of Visiga shall follow the Palatine Code and take the Knight’s Oath. Honoured Jan Kovachev Joseph Ciacci John Kowacz Alexander ‘the Savage’ Sokol Nikovich Ragnar de Autson VI, deceased All knights formerly of the Order of the Black Sepulchre or of past holy knightly orders are encouraged to submit a letter to the High Pontiff and Knight-Commandant with their information. The information required will be placed below. The High Pontiff will make decision on who will be sanctioned to resume their place in holy knighthood. The Palatine Code All members of the Order are expected to follow the stations and tenets as well as take the oath. I. STATIONS i. Stand as guardians of the High Pontiff and Holy See. ii. Protect the Creator's faithful from evil, whenever possible. iii. Hunt all worshippers of evil and practitioners of darkness. iv. Keep watch in the lands of the Holy See, and uphold peace and order. v. Be the Vanguard of any Holy Crusades and Inquisitions. vi. Carry out the sentences of those convicted of crimes against the Faith and the Holy See. II. TENETS i. Share, with tolerance and understanding, the word of the Lord. ii. Maintain a powerful and unwavering faith in the Creator and His word. iii. Seek to embody Horen's Virtue and Owyn's Spirit. iv. Strive to deliver upon the faithful the embodiments of Godfrey's Gospel and Siegmund's Auspices. v. Obey, without question, the hierarchy of the Order, and ultimately word of the High Pontiff. vi. Embrace our fellow Ordermen as Brothers, and treat them as such. vii. Know to violate the Palatine Code is to be stripped of his rank and to be exiled in disgrace. III. Oath If I should falter in my course, send me never to the skies above. If I should succeed, bestow unto me His blessings, forevermore. For, now I march into a valley through which there is no path. And the stones cascade behind me, to seal my retreat. Though in this valley, I find my Brothers; Now I am named Guardian of His Flock. Should I falter, my shield shall turn to ash; But I shall not falter. Testaments of Faith Fill out the following application and send it to the Knight-Commandant in the Bastille of Luciensport. IC Name: Race: Are you a Canonist or willing to convert?: Do you have any notable experience?: Following section for previous Holy Ser’s only Previous Order: High Pontiff who knighted you: OOC Username: Do you have TS?: Skype (can be pm’d): ((please keep sh*tposting and memes off this. That includes references to the Teutons and White Rose. Thanks))
  8. Prayer Magic Prayer magic is one of the rarer forms of magic on Axios, for it’s difficult to handle and learn. It is a combination of prayers and the offering of blood and mana towards the gods with the goal to boost either strength, speed or the reflexes of the caster’s own body. With extended learning,the caster can activate two or three of these enhanced abilities at a time. Some people are even mistaking it for Blood Magic, which requires blood to create greater mana pools; however, Prayer Magic requires the user to offer their own blood to the gods and get physically enhanced for a short amount of time instead of creating mana pools for stronger spells. Due to Prayer’s magic connection to the Gods and to ancient rituals, it was deemed a deity magic instead of dark magic. History The origin of the Prayer magic can be traced back to the slums of Salvus. Soon after its initial appearance in Salvus, the magic sprung up in Felsen. It was originally used by a group of Mercenaries and assassins, which prayed to their gods before they engaged combat. Casters offered their own blood to the gods and displayed respect to the gods with the lives taken as result which supposedly proved the existence of their gods. It’s said that the real origin of prayer magic lays in the blood magic, but not enough evidences can be found for this beside from the usage of the own blood to cast and the possible problems occurring with the usage of the magic. This discovery of this form of Magic lead to a raising of Warriors, those which would like to use the magic to be on equal footing with the stronger forces they faced. However, they barely thought about the curse on this form of magic, which often caused the warriors to die after their battles. Many Warriors’ lost their lives and fear spread throughout the warriors as they noticed what the magic would do to them if they weren’t careful or used it without thought and recklessly. In time, fear caused the warriors to forget all about the form of magic, calling it deadly and even too dangerous for even the strongest of warriors. The fear spread throughout the warriors, refusing to use such a deadly power. This fear was a reason to forget and ignore this magic, considering that overuse was deadly and the battles were long. It wasn’t a wise move to use such a power. The magic was banned and nearly vanished completely from most documents as result, pulled from plans, but some people are still studying the magic. These people are mostly mercenaries or Farfolks, which wanted to learn a new way to fight and to combine it with their own fighting styles. Etymology Although the form has roots within the reign of the Farfolk, no record of what they may have referred to it as has been discovered throughout the years. The term, ‘Prayer Magic’, is a Heartlander simplification of the Farfolk term, “Kam Ira”, a goddess of Blood and of Wars. It was later used to describe the God of the Heartlanders and as such the church of Oren by the Farfolks. Some mages are even describing it as Blood Magic, which is basically wrong, since the magic isn’t exactly using the blood itself, but the power granted by the deities after an offering. Blood magic would normally use the blood itself to create mana pools, holding the blood intact the whole time, but the blood offered for Prayer Magic vanishes and the deities are granting the user's new might and strength. Usage of the Magic Prayer Magic is often described as a combination of prayers and the offering of blood and mana towards the gods with the goal to boost either strength, speed or the reflexes of the caster’s own body. Each aspect can be strengthened by the magic to a certain level without getting hurt by the magic itself. The activation and usage of Prayer Magic can be seen as something unnatural, since the usage of this magic requires the user to offer their own blood for the spell to work. The normal amount to activate one of the aspects is at 100 Millilitres of Blood, but the spell can always be re-activated for the same amount of blood. Many users are using this system for their fights, since they can deal more damage depending on how long they can cast and hold one of the chantings up. To actually activate the spell each user needs to have a tattoo or tribal on his arms, legs or head and needs to make a personal prayer towards the gods. This will cause the chanting to start and the tattoos or tribals will start to emit an aura with the same color as the tattoos or tribals are having. This aura, which is similar to the Mana Mist created by Blood Magic, stays around the boosted body part and will remain there until the spell runs out. As soon as the aura vanishes the blood will leave the body, often through the mouth, nose and eyes, and turn into fog. This fog vanishes after a few seconds and doesn’t has any particular effect on it’s own. People are claiming that this fog will travel to the gods and that it will be given to these in need of new life or blood. Ranks and Tiers Like other forms of Magic, Prayer Magic is divided into different ranks and tiers, each of them representing a new amount of power used by the magic. The most common rank found under the users of this magic form is the rank of the “Spark”, often referring to the beginning of something new. These users are able to cast T1 and T2 spells, however only of one aspect at the same time for around 5 minutes. Another common rank is the rank known as “Rising”, often associated with the rising of the sun each day until it reaches the highest point of the horizon. This rank is also describing the ability of casting T3 magic and two Aspects of rank T2 at the same time, however mages of this rank are often able to maintain a spell for over 10 minutes. The last and most uncommon rank is the rank known as “Enlightened Soul”. Users of this rank are often teachers towards the younger ones and are known for their ability to use all three aspects without getting any real problems but excessive use, however, may result in death. Users of this rank are able to cast the strongest spell, the Blood Waltz, or two T3 aspects at the same time. They are also able to maintain all three aspects at T2-Level for some time and are able to maintain their spells for around 15 minutes without having bigger problems. This form of magic can be learned through one of the really rare, old tomes and hard training, however most users were taught by a teacher to increase the chance of success and to minimize the dangers of the magic. Sadly-wise not many tomes were left, since most of them were burned after the first people died from the magic and as such the remaining ones are really expensive or sealed away in churches and libraries. Also reaching the rank of an “Enlightened Soul” takes up to 15 years. This means that every user is normally learning the magic for 5 years until reaching the higher tier and to cast both more and effective spells. Aspect -> Tier I V Aspect of the Mind Aspect of Strength Aspect of Speed T1 - A single sense will get sharper - Most common are eye sight and hearing - Strength will grow in the arms - Able to shatter a bone on direct impact - Movement speed increased - Essentially doubles running speed T2 - Up to three senses at the same time, are sharper - Increased speed of bodily reflexes - Strength and toughness of the skin increased - Able to shatter thinner plates of metal - Increased jumping height - Able to reach a height of 5 Meters T3 - All senses increased at the same time - Musculature is able to withstand Arrows and slight cuts - Strength increased and can shatter swords on direct impact - Musculature is able to withstand falls from around 15 Meters - Tripling the running speed and increased jumping abilities to a height of 7.5m Blood Waltz The Tier 1 till Tier 3 spells aren’t really dangerous for a person as long as they aren’t getting refreshed the whole time, unlike the Blood Waltz. The Blood Waltz is the only spell of the Prayer Magic which would fall under the Tier 4- or Tier 5- Category, since it’s the most powerful and at the same time most dangerous possible spell. The Blood Waltz was given it’s name, because the movements of the users are often looking like if they would dance through the battlefield instead of a normal fight. The name is also an association towards the amount of blood which needs to be used to cast this spell and the bloodbath created by it. To activate the spell users are required to offer 1 Litre of their blood, often causing their death after the spell runs out since the blood loss would be too much to maintain the body's vitality. As soon as the spell gets activated the senses, reflexes and muscles are getting flooded by holy energy, which is causing the user to see the world move a lot slower, nearly as if time would have just slowed down for them. At the same time their aura gets emitted from all of their tattoos or tribals at the same time, covering the whole body at once. As soon as the user is completely covered in the aura the speed and strength of the whole body is getting boosted. Users are able to run at the same speed as horses would do, jump 15 Meters up in the air and are able to shatter thinner stone walls with a good placed punch. This amount of strength and speed created some legends all over the empire that experts of this magic could erase whole armies if they would give away her life and use the Blood Waltz to fight. However the Blood Waltz isn’t turning a person invincible and the user can still get hurt if not watched out by all weapons, causing it to be only used if the user is fairly good in combat and has trained enough years to avoid getting wounded. Curse & Restrictions The curse of the prayer magic isn’t like the usual curse of magic users, which would weaken them on a physical level, instead strengthen them for an even bigger and way more dangerous price. Each user needs to use the own blood to cast one of the spells, which is limited on the amount of spells at the same time and if they are getting renewed over and over again. The loss of blood will cause the user to have nausea, dry skin, insomnia and a lot more of physical and mental problems if it’s overused. However these effects are only starting to take action as soon as the spell runs out after a few minutes, causing the user to be a lot weaker after the usage of this magic until their blood amount has reached the normal level again. The overuse of this magic isn’t always ending deadly, as long as T1-T3 spells are used, since the body will react on the blood lose by falling into unconsciousness until the blood loss was recovered. Sadly-wise the usage of the Blood Waltz is often ending deadly if any spells were used before and if the blood amount is already lower than normally. This makes the blood waltz one of the most feared spells which can be used by the mages of this form and this caused the spell to be defined as a last prayer towards the gods by the church. Mechanics Strengths Weaknesses -Boosting of the user's own Strength -Sacrificing vitality for power -Boosting of the user's own Speed -Only usable with the own blood -Boosting of the user's own Senses and reflexes -Creates nausea, dry skin, insomnia and a lot more of physical and mental problems -Ability to fight with Hand-To-Hand Combat -Can end deadly if overused by the mage -High possibility of death if the Blood Waltz is used -Requires a Teacher or one of the rare and expensive tomes to study this form of magic Trivia Some users are starting to sing while they use this magic, however it is unknown why that reactions happens. Some people assume that the singing is used to transfer the blood easier from the throat and inner organs to the mouth. It is known that some members of the church are using this magic to fight against Liches and other undeads. Most users of this magic form are using medicine and plants to restore their amount of blood in a short amount of time. Written by Ragnio Checked by Vellisar 
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