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  2. Cardinal Frantzisko enters the High Pontiff's room. "But Lord Pontiff, what about the Canonist Pilgrims in the Eastern Lands? Don't you think that the Pagans in Vikela will use the possibility of Pilgrimage routes being compromised as Anti-Church propaganda?" The Cardinal asked the High Pontiff. Caius I lazily turned towards his Cardinal. "What of them? The Orcs know better than to attack our people and lands. What are they going to do? We are not aggressors onto them. Their objective is to attack the Vikelan Pagans. If they wished to attack Pilgrims, and attack Church Land, why would the Brother Krug bow down to the peace demands I have made onto them which prevents such attacks from occuring?" Caius kvetched to his Brother-Cardinal, lazily dismissing the suggestion aside. "Whoever mentions the pilgrims is only mentioning it for its propaganda value, while also knowing full well that our pilgrims will go unassailed by the Brother Krug. Psch."
  3. "I cannot blame the Pontiff for such an opinion. There is so much to read, in so little time." Lothair flicked the bottom corner of the pontifical letter, letting the sound ring in his ears... "Before, I took it as obvious that the construction of Holy Sites was different from the establishing of a full canonist state. But if the Church will not have regard for the pilgrims travelling throughout the eastern territories, We must implore GOD himself for defense of the world's cooperation... he will know his own." Lothair knelt beside his bed in prayer, 'may the Lord open their eyes, and blunt their tusks. Let men of virtue shun neutrality against evil, and take more respect to diplomacy. Amen'
  4. Isana nods, a small smirk playing upon his lips as he reads the CCC’s counter-notice. “Time fer ta Weefolk and tallfolk ta merc ta Greenfolk. Warmest o’ wishes, nak’mar.”
  5. Isana au Isard shakes his head upon reading the missive. “Crav’n raties, ta lot o’ ‘em. Imagine get’n mad like tree huggers.”
  6. Isana sighs, shaking his head. “Oi wish Danl’Lur nae had died after our weddin’. A gud Uruk, tha’ lass. She nae would o’ klomped friends over trees o’ trampled churches fer nae gud.” He turns to pace towards the barracks, scowling all the while. “Nae hon’r in pointless war. Craven raties, ta lot o’ em.”
  7. A sense of anger would envelop Norido as he reads over the missive, he comments hastily "Can the orcs just leave everyone alone? Heh- probably not, that's wishful thinking. They're disgusting monsters with no sense of morality, or intelligence, they just smash everything. I hope we win this war over these wretched invaders, blood will be spilt, ideally blood of the orcs." Norido then tears up the missive he's holding, leaving it in pieces scattered throughout the floors of his home.
  8. Today
  9. "One can always trust an Ork to be an Ork, but the pagan will drape himself in one hundred deceitful disguises groveling for help and understanding. The one hundred and first will deliver a knife into your back," wrote Jean Cardinal St. Godwin in reply to the Pontiff's wise response.
  10. Mika Anarion pinches his nose as he reads the missive "I don't know why the alliance keeps persisting on canonist aid, this is not a matter of faith in the slightest." and with such he sighed, seeing little use in including faith in diplomacy when that is exactly the one thing not in common with these potential allies.
  11. Brother Ninnias praises tha Lord for gifting Canonism such a wise and cool High Pontiff
  12. HIS HOLINESS CAIUS I, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Sovereign of the Apostolic City, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD does decree the following… to Lothair of Brabant, and Jonathan V’llaire Lo, you of the Eastern Lands, for your cries have reached our ears, and we have diligently observed the strife that embroils the Rexdom of Lurak and the Eastern Coalition of Pagan States. Hearken, for the silly pretext of defending their wretched spirits, and the defense of supposed nature upon which the Luraki horde advances against the Queendom of Vikela is naught but a veil for their true intent—war for the sake of war. What, then, can one expect from a throng of pagan barbarians and brutes, save that they delight in the chaos of battle? Verily, this truth we have long known to the Canonist Church. That you are surprised by Krug's nature is a surprise onto us. Know that we did not tame the wild spirit of Brother Krug out of favor or trust in their promises of peace, but rather, we brought them under subjugation to uphold the sanctity of the Church. The Crusade was summoned not to curry favor with these Orcish barbarians but to assert the dominion of the Canon. Thus, when the Orcs yielded to our demands, we, in our mercy, stayed our hand. To wage war upon them after their capitulation would have sullied the honor of the Canonist lands. Therefore, we made peace with Brother Krug, regardless of his barbarous nature, for he swore an oath to refrain from assailing the realms of the Canon. Hence, we bear no duty to restrain and corral the Orc from his brutish wars, especially when they rage and advance against other pagans. As to the petitions of Lothair and Brabant, and Jonathan V’llaire, it is clear unto us that these entreaties are driven by political ambition rather than genuine concern for the welfare of Canonists. Verily, I say unto you, the only ones whom you deceive regarding these Pagan Barbarian states of Vikela, Lurin, and Vortice are yourselves. We know these realms to be wholly pagan in essence. Though you may attempt to portray Brother Krug as a transgressor against Canonism, draping the lands of the Canonist Princes in pious symbols, we discern a different truth. Never have the nations of Vikela, Lurin, and Vortice been embraced as Canonists, neither by themselves, nor by us. They have not sought our coronation, nor desired our Bishops, nor partaken in our holy rites, nor adhered to our sacred laws. The lands of Vortice consort with the Cursed Children, whom we have banned across all Canonist realms. The realm of Lurin is covertly ruled by the Uialben pagan dynasty, who have historically persecuted and scorned our faith, toppling the rightful King of Sutica, Corwin von Alstreim, and promoting every manner of liberalist and metropolitan doctrines, alongside their vile Aengul worship akin to the Xannite and Azdromoth cults. As for Vikela, they harbor Paladins within their borders and do all these things. These states are not, nor have they ever been, Canonist. To claim otherwise is self-deception, for even those states do not consider themselves as such; otherwise, they would seek communion with the universal Church. Thus, it is folly to beseech the Canonist Faithful to intervene on behalf of these Eastern Pagan States. These nations have long rebuffed us. My priests have found no welcome in their lands and have been treated as aggressors and barbarians. These states admit all who come to their gates, with no unifying culture among them. They welcome voidal mages, Elves, Orcs, Dwarves, and all manner of folk. I bid you to look upon our Canonist nations and see the stark difference; the Kingdom of Haense is a unified domain of Canonist Highlanders, and the Heartlander Kingdom a realm of Canonist Heartlanders. Attempt to label these Eastern Pagans as simply as I have labelled the lands of my Canonist Princes, and you shall fail, for they are but a motley assembly united only by their territory of which their citizens live within. As for the Brabantine Duchy, whence you hail, we know them to have maintained communion with the Church and the Canon’s laws, being true Canonists. Sterling Whitewood is a friend to me, and we have kept much correspondence. Yet even he knows this is not a conflict involving Canonists, and that his choice to defend the Pagan hordes is driven not by religious duty but by political strategy, seeking to keep his borders stable. He would rather neighbor peaceful pagans than warlike brutes. Know that, had this war been declared upon Brabant, we would have defended them as the Pontifical Chair. Yet this conflict is against the Eastern Pagan hordes, and Brabant’s decision to join their defense signifies their willingness to fight this war. For these reasons, we deem this strife a war among Pagans. The barbarous destruction they visit upon one another concerns not the Canonist realms. These tribes act in their customary disarray. Let none be deceived. This conflict bears no substance for the Canonist nations, and I shall not bid any to intervene for reasons of faith. These Eastern states should turn to secular Kings and rulers with their political entreaties, rather than to turn to the Church and preach falsities of Canonist Brotherhood of these Pagan states. This is our judgment as the true Holy Mother Church. @sapphic_spidy @Lomiei
  13. most of this stuff is pretty cool and i concur with most peoples' replies. i think the whole crop yield system would rlly have to be dictated by an independent weather system which, while i think would be cool, is a problem of its own. u rlly couldnt have one without the other. also dont think ppl should be chimping out over the cannibalism stuff, i think it's pretty funny. my only caveat with that would be, introducing mechanics for undead to feed could very easily be misinterpreted as fulfilling said undeads' individual race/magic quotas for feeding (i.e., necromantic undead/darkstalkers and having to feed something like every week or two to stay alive). i think it should very explicitly be mentioned that such a system wouldnt coopt their roleplay responsibilities, otherwise this system would stand to deincentivize actual undead roleplay. also, definitely no stat buffs be they for undead or the average john/jane doe
  14. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! Who is/was your favorite child character to play?
  15. An Adunian Ranger treads through the frozen hills of the North, the flurry of snow pressing against his pale features. He rests against a solitary tree, its gnarled trunk a testament to its resilience, his green hues floating towards the endless, vast sea of white under that dark crimson sky. With a deep breath, he pivots his form, turning toward a new direction, a desire to return to the people whom his grandparents had told great tales.
  16. "Nope. None of the Church's business. The orcs bent to His Holiness's demands when there was an incident that was relevant to the Church, and now there is a war that is absolutely nothing to do with Canonists. Very different. As long as any Church property is left unharmed, should be fine." Brother Ninnias states wisely and awesomely "Have fun orcs!"
  17. "WRONG!" yelled Garen Baruch, "Who are we as Canonists, MEN, whom fight over titles, land, women, the list goes on, to dictate what the orcmen do? They fight for something they believe is RIGHTEOUS and that in of itself is honorable. If these people wished for the Church's protection, they ought to bend to a liege that answers to the Church!"
  18. Skin: - Armor Skin [1] Bid: - $30 Discord: - clown.p IGN: - AntiSociety Skin: - Armor Skin [3] Bid: - $30 Discord: - clown.p IGN: - AntiSociety
  19. "Orcs are no more honorable. To seek conflict for odd trees and magical things is foolish. They are more elves than elves." Said a templar in her room for she upheld truth before anything elses. Fortunately, she found comfort in Brabant's courage and truth. She smiled at that as these humans continue to surprise here. "I wish to see the orcs of old again. Times were they treated war with honor and glory." She sighed to herself, going into the depths of her house to defend her home.
  20. would any artists here be able to make a cool album cover?

  21. Tora had always felt like she didn't belong in the small, suffocating town she grew up in. Adopted by a couple who never failed to remind her of how grateful she should be for being taken in, Tora experienced years of mental abuse that left deep scars on her spirit. At 17 years old, she decided enough was enough - it was time to break free and discover who she truly was beyond the confines of her adoptive parents' expectations.With nothing more than a backpack filled with essentials and a few meager savings, Tora set out on an adventure to explore the world and live life on her own terms. She wandered through bustling cities and serene countryside, meeting kind strangers who taught her lessons about resilience and self-love. As days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months, Tora began to shed the weight of her painful past and embrace the freedom that came with forging her own path.But no matter how far she traveled or how many new experiences she had, Tora couldn't shake the feeling of abandonment that lingered within her heart. Deep down, she longed for a sense of belonging that went beyond fleeting connections with strangers along the way. And as tears welled up in her eyes one night under a starry sky, Tora made a vow to herself - to find where she truly belonged and create a home within herself first before seeking it elsewhere.
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  23. Hi there, as you can see your application has unfortunately been denied, check below for the detailed reasons why. Unfortunately, your 48 hour editing period has expired.. However, don’t fret, you are free to reapply immediately, just remember to edit and change all that is listed below. -It looks like your minecraft username is misspelled or not a Java account! Please provide the corrected username! You should be able to find it by going into a single player world by hitting tab or typing in chat! -Please review our Wiki’s definition of Powergaming and Metagaming. Including an example if you're having a hard time writing something down/or don’t know how else to word it. If you need help, please feel free to reach out. https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Metagaming_%26_Powergaming You can also learn more about combat roleplay here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIJioVePKYo -Please make sure to include at least six sentences! If you’re stumped on what to add. I recommend saying where you are from, how was it growing up? Maybe talk about your parents? Ect. -Please make sure to mark out what your character is saying with quotation marks, or make sure to make out your actions however you see fit! -Please make sure to use actions in your backstory/roleplay scenario. This is just to ensure we know what you are doing! When talking about your character’s actions! Remember to use 3rd person! If you need help or have any questions, feel free to message me on Discord @mockingbirdart or the forums @MockingbirdArt I recommend joining LOTC's Discord, here is the link! Discord Go to the New Player's category, and go to help chat. Ping @Community team saying "Hello, I got denied, can someone help me with my new application? I'd like to try again!" Here are some Links to also help you out! WIKI New Player Hub.
  24. MockingbirdArt


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  25. MockingbirdArt


    Hi there, as you can see your application has unfortunately been denied, check below for the detailed reasons why. Unfortunately, your 48 hour editing period has expired.. However, don’t fret, you are free to reapply immediately, just remember to edit and change all that is listed below. -Please review our Wiki’s definition of Powergaming and Metagaming. Including an example if you're having a hard time writing something down/or don’t know how else to word it. If you need help, please feel free to reach out. https://wiki.lordofthecraft.net/index.php?title=Metagaming_%26_Powergaming You can also learn more about combat roleplay here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIJioVePKYo -Your Character Age is too old, please pick an age between 18-100 -Your Skin and Physical Description doesn’t match the race you picked! High Elves can not have 'teal' colored hair, please refer to the Racial Hub Wiki page for more information, and feel free to use or take inspiration from our Skin Archives If you need help or have any questions, feel free to message me on Discord @mockingbirdart or the forums @MockingbirdArt I recommend joining LOTC's Discord, here is the link! Discord Go to the New Player's category, and go to help chat. Ping @Community team saying "Hello, I got denied, can someone help me with my new application? I'd like to try again!" Here are some Links to also help you out! WIKI New Player Hub.
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