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  2. [!] A set of missives are seen throughout Aevos bearing the symbol of a curved eye above a depiction of a golden falcon head. When the missive is unfurled, the following text is revealed to the reader: Leh-iy, in the name of the Ra’tuhmet, lord of the eternal sun and keeper of Creation. Isfet, known as chaos to many civilizations, has plunged our world into darkness. Enemies of Creation, such as foul draconic Isfetians, daemons, Undead, and other horrors, roam confidently in the demise of the False Sun, known as Xan. Dragons prowl this world freely, looking to subjugate those who are blind to the Light, and destroy they who know of its glory. Now is not a time to retreat, hide, or remain passive in the face of these Isfetian evils. The world must embrace the Light that shines brightly where Xan’s faded away - the eternal light of the Ra’tuhmet. The priesthood of the Ra’tuhmet calls to all of you who once put your faith in Xan, or believed that his centurions were the salvation of descendants from the evils of Isfet. Your judgment was misplaced, but the true King of the Sun can provide reprieve from the stinging reality of your mistakes. His is the Light of Ka which burns eternally with the might of the Sun. It is his light that we are commanded to send throughout the world to counter the Dark. The False Sun’s principles were entirely concerned with serving his own selfish pleasures, with little regard to what is good or true beyond his will. The Ra’tuhmet, whose glory is shown to this world during each sunrise, set into motion the laws of Ka’tau which bind moral conduct across cultures and civilizations and, regardless of arbitrary whim. This poses an important question to those who seek the true light of Ka: What does it mean to follow the Ra’tuhmet? A follower of the Ra’tuhmet will uphold the forty-two laws of Ka’tau, the spiritual law of truth, order, and justice that binds all who live in the world. One who serves Ra shall provide clarity to the darkest of situations, and cast away the darkness of deceit through their efforts. A follower of Ra will bring his light to the darkest reaches of the world by building shrines, forging weapons, and using Heka - divine magic - in his name. Most importantly, a follower of Ra will build shrines, forge weapons, and use Heka for opposing the enemies of the True Sun and Ka’tau. The light of Ra does not abide by aengudaemonica, undead, the Infernalists, and other foul powers that mock or defy Ka’tau’s order. A follower of Ra will bring more to know his glory and teach about the foundations of Creation. Whether you decide to serve as a champion for Ra, acting as his Khopesh and striking down his enemies, or a priest, conjuring Heka and increasing his presence in his mortal plane, your gifts are called to his service. There is more to serving Ra than these tenets, but these are vitally important to the life of a servant nonetheless. For those of you interested in learning more about this opportunity, find attached directions to Rah’tuma. Once there, ask for Pharaoh Atemu-Ta or the Ra’tuhmet’s high priest Silas to discuss further possibilities. Come, and help the eternal Sun of the Ra’tuhmet claim dominion over these lands and drive away the darkness of Isfet. It is Ra, in the form of the Flaming Eye, who in the Rah’mun Creation Story was responsible for freeing the early descendants from the darkness of Keop and Kazul, the latter who served the one known as ‘Iblees’. He has been victorious for ages, and he shall continue to reign. Where Xan failed, Ra shall succeed. His Light calls to you. Em shemensu. OOC: Links:
  3. hardu


    this is the story of a high elf war hero who was condemed by the same people he sought to protect. his memories wiped and his soul screaming. what will become of this once proud and might elf ? You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) "Oh, I just, uh…" you stutter, tensing up. You eye the crone, then back outside the tent. For a moment, the air thickens with anticipation, until… i speak with a quaint but elegant voice "i have been wandering in the forest for as long as i Remember" with a pained look hidden by my soft smile i continue saying "it was lonely... they was nobody with me just the chatter and humming of the forests and the random pain in my forearm were the only sensations i felt" but the pains suddenly vanishes and the elf remembers something " my name ...... my name is Elwin Waesceran " the elf might not know what burden and strength this name carries yet. but this spark will light his way to the truth
  4. A queen of yore embraces a leal soul as he ascends to the Skies. The martyr would guard his dignity in death, as he had done for her in life.
  5. -------------------------------------------------------------- Death. Death was an ever haunting specter. Is that why she had come here? To remind herself of this? How many decades it had been – three, four? Her mind ached. Time was not a constant, anymore. It was a flow, and she merely was swept up in it. Some days, it was a gentle current. Today, it was drowning. It ached, gnawing at the edges of her mind. She remembered the pain. Half of her face, torn apart in an instant. Scoured with hellflame, as Laelia screamed. It came in glimpses, after that. But she remembered the roses. The roses, so key to a lie. When steps came down the gravel road, it was enough to bring her out of that endless haze. If only for a moment. The creaking figure turned, standing tall. Six feet, clad in robes. The scent of death clung to them, mummified and musty flesh. Part of her hoped that where it began, it would end. But she would not be so lucky. Those dead feline pupils instead settled on a sight she had hoped not to see. An old friend. Flickers of memory flooded back. Talks amidst the hallways with servants, gossip. Friendly conversation over a royal wedding. Her steps brought her closer; the man a frail shadow of who she knew. “He took everything from me. I won’t let him take her, too.” It didn’t matter what she did, in truth. She had already lost. Nothing would ever convince this man of the truth. Of what fate awaited his daughter, despite every attempt to intervene. At least… She could end things quickly. Before it was too late. Before he had to see what he had raised and loved reduced to ruin. How often Sermi had seen it. With Laelia, with Deia. Broken people. Shells, even herself. That was all that was left. No one who stared into the sort of darkness that lingered would ever emerge unchanged. It mattered not the side they fought. Even Villorik had something missing in his eyes. “Sermi…” It was a trivial matter to slip the blade into his gut. Azhl. A lethal thing. With his poor state, passing was certain. They locked eyes, for the briefest moment. Blood dripped onto the white of his clothes. Eventually… He was gently set down. Slowly, did they turn. Each step weighted. Of all the emotions to sting at her mind, it was the faintest reminiscence of guilt. Was it worth it? He was not the first. He would not be the last. There was no new beginnings, here. Only suffering, and tortured souls.
  6. Today
  7. r (i go eepy, will reply in morning <3)
  8. "You fled a home and found another, Seraph." — "It's time you've realized that." Belonging. Solace. Ardor. Things brought about by an undying love. And even without breath or a heart ever beating, those things lingered. Nothing could remain dead, for laying a man to earth or turning him to ash couldn't rid the world of his words nor the impact of them. One man found himself rid of life by a devil's blade, while another found it fleeing from his very throat. A dimming had ensnared that star once ablaze. But to gaze upon a sky no longer hosting his other was an act he'd refuse. Diverted to soil was Čedomir's attention. Allowing himself to wilt would dishonor two decades of doubtless existence, something he'd not do. No, he chose to bloom.
  9. A Star Extinguished A Morozov-Tabbris family portrait painted by the lovely Deia c. 172 E.S. “Do you believe you’ll find belonging here?” ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ The older Valdev servant had been on the road, a crisp morning as he strolled. His intentions were mundane, to go and find the right ingredients for tonights dinner. It was a joyous night however, as his daughter had come to visit with his grandson. The whole family together once more, sharing a meal and laughs. This never came for the man, as he strayed from the path. He thought he would be making up time by taking a short cut. With his weakened stature, his cane hitting cobblestone, he stumbled upon an eerie figure. A figure cloaked in dark robes, a figure who hissed when she spoke, a figure who hissed out his name. He remembered her face, although now sickly within death’s grasp. Once his daughter had called her aunt, but now he only had a coldness in his heart. She was the murderer of his beloved queen. But there he stood curious as she rasped on, what did she want with him? She circled him like prey, the man too sickly and too slow to run from her now. He allowed his mind to wander, because she was also a gleam of nostalgia. ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ A long time ago in Old Valdev did a young man of white hair stumble upon the city. He was a wanderer, and never kept to one place for long. But this time was different for he needed to make sustainable coin. The city was full of cheer, their beloved queen having hosted a festival. That was where he had spotted an older butler, striking up conversation about work. He was the first ally, getting the man speaking to the head of servantry and the queen herself. By his side another new hire, a man akin to sunlight “Do you believe you’ll find belonging here?” would be asked of him then. ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ An explanation given from the undead before an apology. Before the man could react, he felt searing pain in his abdomen. He had been stabbed, and she was only digging the dagger deeper. She believed this was the only way, this must happen, because it was what had to be done. He was angry but helpless. How could this be the way he leave this world? Instead of any fighting, all he could do is think to the people who made him whole. ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ Being new to Haense, Seraph found himself quite lost initially when it came to forming bonds. However he was immediately met with kindness. A physician who held stern but gentle hands, A handmaiden who always made time, A poet who wrote what the songbirds sing, and plenty of others who would come to talk with the man at the bar counter. Although intially with the man with hair of sunlight, their bickering constantly having the poor handmaiden in the middle. They eventually found friendship, and found love and partnership in each other. The sun and a star, dancing about in the heavens. ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ She was aiming to kill, her intentions now fully clear. His anger flared from the blaming of his dearest friend, but only desperation came as he laid bloodied in the gravel. The figure had fled and he was dying alone. He prayed to the cross he laid under to see his family once more before he passed. It was the last thing he would ask of the universe. A young woman’s voice calls from the trees, a distraught comet whistling down the path to his side. ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ His daughter, his little comet, was his pride. A young orphan who would not speak had gotten through the gates on a cold winter’s day. The man of sunlight had tried to get her to stay at the servant’s quarters but she refused. The brightest comet racing across the roads, she was an adventurer. She was bright and she was his darling daughter. The comet would come to sometimes travel too far from home, but she would always be welcomed back. One day, the man was blessed with a meteoroid, a grandson. He would cherish the child and every moment he got. The child would most likely not come to remember the man with silver hair, however plenty of stories dance around in that house to remind him. ⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☽ ◯ ☾₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆ The next moments were a blur, the man clutching onto life. He was taken to the clinic, as the anxious medic began to work immediately. She never gave up on trying to save him but he knew his time had come. He got his wish to see his family once more. His last words died with his final breath. He would not see his daughter leave for her revenge, He would not hear the wails of his dearest friend, and he would not feel the touch of his husband’s hand as he took the ring from his finger. The other surgeon announces the time of death: 9:30 on the 17th of the First Seed, Year 182 of the Second Age. “I did.”
  10. You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) Example: (delete this) "Expecting...me," you say with confusion. You look around, peering through the trees in search for friends of the hag. Not seeing anyone near, you shrug and step closer to her, feeling a strange but harmless aura. "Well...if you can help me navigate to the nearest bakery then I'll give you every detail."
  11. Year 167 of the Second Era 07/02/2024 ISSUED BY: THE OBSIDIAN THRONE ᛏᚺᛖ ᚷᚱᚨᚾᛞ ᚷᚱᚨᛈᛖ ᚨᛚᛚᛁᚨᚾᚲᛖ ᛏᚺᛖ ᚷᚱᚨᚾᛞ ᚷᚱᚨᛈᛖ ᚨᛚᛚᛁᚨᚾᚲᛖ YOTH BRATHMORDAKIN NA YOTH URGUAN ᛁᛟᚦ ᛒᚱᚨᚦᛗᛟᚱᛞᚨᚲᛁᚾ ᚾᚨ ᛁᛟᚦ ᚢᚱᚷᚢᚨᚾ Preamble The Grand Kingdom of Urguan and the Principality of Celia’nor, hereinafter known as the Signatories, to establish stronger bonds and friendship amongst themselves, hereby issue the following Article I: Sovereignty The Signatories hereby acknowledge each other's claims and sovereignty to the lands they respectively hold within their jurisdiction. The Signatories agree to respect and acknowledge each other's laws, culture, as well as religion when inside each other's jurisdiction in their respective lands. They both recognize that citizens and occupants are subject to the laws in effect during visitation. The Signatories hereby agree that free passage of civilians between each other nations is to be granted. Article II: Defense The Signatories agree that no military action will be taken against any of their listed counterparts by any of their forces; this includes vassals and all endorsed factions under their jurisdiction. The Signatories will enforce a partnership between their domains and will not incite conflict among themselves or their allied forces. The Signatories pledge that they are willing to aid each other militarily if they are threatened. Should the nature of a conflict - in this case whether it is defensive or offensive - come into question or be unclear according to the assent’s agreed definition, both Signatories pledge to hold a summit in order to deliberate on a decision. They pledge to adhere to the consensus. Article III: Trade The Signatories shall be given privileged exchange of resources, goods, and economic commodities amongst their nations. The Signatories shall promise one another a tax-free stall to sell their wares. The Signatories pledge to take part in cultural exchanges between the nations’ citizens in order to broaden understanding in both domains. Texts, scrolls, knowledge, and scholars may be traded in such exchanges. Article IV: Darkspawn The Signatories agree to share their knowledge of any and all Darkspawn they may confront. They promise to lend any and all available resources to assist them in their fight against Darkspawn. They pledge to work together in the pursuit of this mutual goal. The Signatories agree to share their knowledge of any and all Azdrazi and Dragon-like entities they may confront. They promise to lend any and all available resources to assist them in their stance against Dragon-kin. They pledge to work together in the pursuit of this mutual goal. Article V: Duration This pact shall be in effect for twelve Saint’s Weeks. After the duration expires, the Signatories may reconvene to renew or renegotiate a new treaty. Both parties agree that if the pact is violated, then both parties shall host an immediate meeting together to attempt to resolve the issue. Signed, ᛏᚺᚢᚱᚷᚱᛁᛗ ×ᚨᛜᚱᛁᛗᛊᛊᛟᚾ× ᛊᛁᛚᚢᛖᚱᛒᚱᚨᛁᛞ Grand King Thurgrim ‘Angrimsson’ Silverbraid Son of Angrim, Son of Ongrim, Son of Svardin, Son of Delric, Son of Elie, Daughter of Chaecus, Son of Herot, Son of Thrain, Son of Bogrin, Son of Urguan, Grand King of Urguan, Lord of the Silverbraids, Reckoner of the Guild of Reckoners, Grand Tanner, Truth Seeker Her Excellency, the Honourable Princess Royarch, Illyria Ibarellan, The Prophesied, The Reclaimer and Phoenix of the Principality of Celia’nor
  12. Letter to the Royal Duma: ON THE TRAITOROUS NUT KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG ELDERVIK, RECENT EVENTS HAVE CAST A DARK SHADOW OVER OUR FAMILY, AND OUR BELOVED NATION IN EXTENSION. We must find ourselves compelled to take decisive action to safeguard the lives of our most cherished citizens. The Royal Family has found itself plagued by the threat of the walnut, its nutty aromas wafting through the halls, assaulting any Bihar it may claim for its nefarious intentions. Three crows have fallen victim to the hunt of the beast, with the most recent being our beloved Princess Anastasya Milena. These tragic losses have shaken the very foundations of our nation, and we must respond with measures that ensure such a grievous occurrence is never repeated. I propose the following legislation for immediate consideration and enactment: The prohibition of walnuts within the nation of Haense: In light of the fatal threat posed by walnuts to The Royal Family, I propose a complete ban on the possession, sale, and distribution of walnuts within the kingdom. Any who fail to abide by such regulations shall be deemed a traitor to the crown, their actions only indicating their wish for treason, and their intent to harm those within the royal bloodline. This measure is vital to prevent further tragedies and to protect the lives of our beloved royal family and any other citizens who may be at risk. I urge the Royal Duma to act swiftly in passing this legislation, thereby affirming our commitment to the protection of our royal family and the safety of all citizens of Haense. Let us not allow another life to be lost due to inaction. I trust that the gravity of this proposal will be recognized, and that the necessary steps will be taken to implement this critical safeguard. IV JOVEO MAAN, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Princess Stefaniya Edvarda, Duchess of Baranya THE WALNUT ACT “KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM.” EA BYK ZWE ZANYOTSKER ZWEER EA TER PETRAVEZKER. “I WOULD HAVE PERISHED HAD I NOT PERSISTED.” INTRODUCTION To avoid any further harm to the Barbanov-Bihar bloodline, the crown shall ban walnuts from the entirety of the Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska. AMENDMENT Ch. IV. “Regarding acts of treason and invasion” IV.VIV. Let he who peddles or possesses walnuts be branded a traitor to the realm and be guilty of Poisoning. Introduced in Duma by Stefaniya Barbanov-Bihar in 532 E.S.
  13. guys what do you mean you're taking a shower xan just died!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wizry


      People were constantly rping about it in cities, towns, and making forum posts. An example of this is @Panchowho was in Haense rping about Apotheosis. Forum posts, roleplay was made.


      I know because I was one of those Forum Posts that withdrew from the Covenant publicly. The Paladins also released a post asking people to either volunteer or support them with herbs.


      They went around, they talked to people. I dunno how insular an event where people were constantly invited and requested to join us - but that doesn’t sound insular.

    3. MailC3p


      You mean to tell me a /Paladin/ player went to /the largest human nation/ and spoke about how Azdromoth was coming? That's great but most people /aren't in Haense/ despite their status as largest nation on the server right now. As A Haelun'or Helf player, the only thing I knew about this event at all was when I was in a VC with Pancho talking about it, besides that personally my interactions with Paladins where limited to Darkspawn hunting EDIT: Just to show my ignorance, I checked Squak's Recap post and the only names I recognize there are "Xan" and "Azdromoth", like who the **** is Satar, Elden, or even Tahariae. Anywho my point is I was so disconnected from this event both OOCly and espeically IRPly, it would be more wrong to be like "Zoh my god guys Xan is dead, Azdromoth is taking over!" instead of the RP of "Huh, that's weird. . . I heard some yelling, anywho"

    4. squakhawk


      @Nectoristtbf paladins did go to haense (twice) and other canonist nations asking for help and they said no rofl


      i did originally want to do siege events on nations at the start of the eventline but weekly sieges sounded exhausting 


      in the near future though cities/places are probably going to get fucked up and the issue of having the dedicated dragonslaying force no longer around is probably going to be an unpleasant one. i think its good to break out of the (self admitted) nation bubble because it really is up to the nation to get out of it itself without being forcibly dragged in. i dont mind forcibly dragging nations and stuff in, but it shouldn't be the requisite. 

  14. MAJESTY, The Kingdom of Hanseti-Ruska was founded by men and women of Waldenian and Raevir blood alike. Therefore I trust you know that the Vander Code is as ancient as of both of our proud peoples, stemming from a simple creed and evolving over the centuries into the form that is now entrenched in the Sacred Law of Waldenia. House Weiss is not an Elector upon the Waldenic Diet, though they are of Waldenian blood, as recognised by your own nation. Lord Weiss is therefore obligated never to reject the cultural authority of the Vandalore and the Waldenic Diet, or to challenge their cultural decisions that violate no rights of the Waldenian People through any means other than formal and electoral. He has been invited to formally challenge his summons. Such is the way of the Diet. If Lord Weiss chooses to reject his Waldenic heritage, then the matter ends here. The Diet holds no jurisdiction to pass judgment on a man who is not Waldenian. If he chooses to embrace his heritage, then the Waldenic Diet shall vote on whether he is to receive punishment and if so, whether it will take the form of admonition, a quest of penance, or barring of certain rights such as being granted an Electorate in the future. I shall not subvert your authority within your domain. Do not attempt to subvert mine. ✠ In the name of the sons and daughters of Waldenia, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, ADALFRIEDE von HEXENWALD, Princess of Minitz, Margravine of Vanderfell, Lady Vandalore, Grandmaster of the Vandorian Order and Order of the Black Eagle
  15. guys dont be mad at the human nations for not caring at all about the world ending- they have romance rp to do!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. xo31


      i am your biggest hater pancho

    3. Pancho


      You ain’t even close to being a big fish

    4. xo31


      if there is 1000000 pancho haters, I'm one of them. if there is 10000 pancho haters, I'm one of them. if there is 100 pancho haters, I'm one of them. if there is only one pancho hater, I am that pancho hater. if there is no pancho haters, I no longer exist.

  16. "Let us pray that GOTT's children do not fall to the temptations of usurpation and petty quarrels..." Gottfried the Cannonside sighed, looking back on his years of service in the Veletzian wars with a slightly marred tone.
  17. sign your letters REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

  18. "DEATH TAE TH'ENEMIES O'URGUAN! KILL 'EM ALL!" shouted Urugail Hailstorm as he went to sharpen his favorite axe.
  19. Ser Maerîl of Al'Ildic would smile at the mention of herself as allies after being shown such a missive by her spouse ( @Bones ).
  20. I disagree that giving artificers the ability to create combative enchants would cause min maxing, doing so locks the player out of becoming a scion or void stalker. IMO void stalker is the strongest voidal feat in terms of power, meaning that the player would be giving up power for crafting RP. as it stands right now, my VS could become an enchanter and be "Minmaxed" I agree with everything else you said though, and should this lore come to pass, heavy consideration to buffing or changing enchants is not a bad thing.
  21. Tuzic reads over the missive with a furrowed brow… “Already tha dragon’s influence spreads further… Dungrimm guide us..” he mutters to himself as he hurried off to meet the king.
  22. Eriantiel, the Princess of Númenost, treated the Grand King in a quiet panic. After all, her dearest friend could've died, right then and there - grateful to the Gods for allowing him to live another day.
  23. (Image generated through Bing AI) [!] Rumors begin to spread from city to city of the dwarves in the west, each bringing wildly differing claims. A host of dwarves had been spotted marching toward Numendil? The Grand King was engaging one of his own subjects in combat? His steed had been discovered by an Adunian farmer munching on grass in a nearby field! - A missive appears on nearby noticeboards soon after the circulation of these gossips. "To any and all who call dwarves 'friend', I write this to spread word of recent happenings within the further reaches of Aevos, particularly, and especially, on that of recent happenings among the dwarves and the rumors that have begun to slowly make their way east... They are all correct. I have been scarred by an attempt that has been made upon my life, an attempt that had very nearly been successful if not for the very timely intervention of our allies. Some of my kin might speculate that this be the work of the elves, who we so often hold issue against, or that it may even be the work of disgruntled 'Umri' nations wishing to quash the dwarves. Instead, I am harrowed by the fact that this was an act carried out by a dwarf. One of Urguan's Folk that I may only suspect had grown heavily sympathetic to the Azdrazi given my conversation prior to his assault, and the circumstances that lay around it. Unfortunately I am unable to confirm if such is fact, as the assassin lies dead. Should anyone possess knowledge of such plots, it is requested that they respond with message to the Obsidian Throne. I would also ask that neighboring nations carefully monitor their citizenry as Azdromoths influence may reach further than initially expected, given the potential of at least one dwarf having fallen into his clutches." Signed, Grand King Thurgrim ‘Angrimsson’ Silverbraid Son of Angrim, Son of Ongrim, Son of Svardin, Son of Delric, Son of Elie, Daughter of Chaecus, Son of Herot, Son of Thrain, Son of Bogrin, Son of Urguan, Grand King of Urguan, Lord of the Silverbraids, Reckoner of the Guild of Reckoners, Grand Tanner, Truth Seeker
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