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  1. Past hour
  2. Ratibor Radovanic knelt down in the fields, after dumping yet another load of buckets into a fresh manure pile. The fields, almost fully prepared for planting, stretched out south across the eastern bank of the slowly flowing Dules. It wasn't much, but it was honest work.
  3. Today
  4. The Imperial Orenian scholar Marc Galbraith frowned upon reading the petition to the Royal Duma sent by the Duchess of Baranya "The Holy Scrolls speak fondly on the love between Exalted Horen and Saint Julia. To deny public displays of affection is to deny the love that allows a marriage to be formed in the first place." he made a pause. "If this petition is all that the Haeseni have to propose for the betterment of their realm I think I no longer seek to be a human. I am ashamed to see how low our race has fallen. We have clearly failed to honor the legacy of our Exalted Prophets, as we have forgotten their teachings and our common history and values." he concluded.
  5. Letter to the Royal Duma: ON THE MOVEMENT OF LIVESTOCK KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM [!] an anonymous depiction of the Haeseni square, laden with sheep VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG ELDERVIK, IN OUR UNWAVERING EFFORT TO PRESERVE THE ORDER AND CLEANLINESS OF OUR BELOVED CITY, we must address the recent disturbances caused by the unchecked movement of livestock within New Valdev. Recent events have seen sheep overtaking the city, destroying property, and defecating in public squares, posing a significant threat to both the hygiene and structural integrity of New Valdev. Such incidents create unnecessary work for the farming man of the realm, who would ordinarily source their own fertilisers from their own herds. Manure in the city plaza benefits no-one, and the cobbles shall not grow strong from them. To mitigate these issues, we propose the following regulations for immediate consideration: The Limitation of Livestock Peddling within New Valdev: In response to the recent disruptions to the city peace, we propose a limitation on the number of animals that may be moved within city limits. Specifically, individuals will be restricted to moving no more than three animals at any given time, unless they have obtained special permission expressly from the Crown. In tandem with the recently published letters, we suggest this fall under the jurisdiction of the Grand Maer, working with the responsibilities to maintain the appearance of the Crownlands and Capital, and aid the Crown with improvements to infrastructure. Implementing this regulation under the Grand Maer’s jurisdiction will help: 1. Preserve Public Order: Limiting the movement of livestock will prevent overcrowding and chaos within city limits, ensuring a more orderly and controlled environment. 2. Protect Property: By restricting the number of animals, we reduce the risk of property damage caused by livestock, safeguarding the investments and homes of our citizens. There are no stables or pens within the city grounds to house cattle nor livestock. 3. Maintain Cleanliness: Fewer animals within the city will result in a cleaner, more sanitary public space, free from the defecation and waste that currently blight our streets and squares. The menial sewer network currently laid beneath New Valdev’s ground only services houses and is not equipped to handle the volumes presented by excessive livestock. 4. Ensure Public Safety: Controlling livestock movement will mitigate the potential hazards that large numbers of animals can pose to pedestrians and other city dwellers, thereby enhancing overall public safety. For those needing to transport more than three animals, a special permit must be obtained from the Crown, ensuring that only those with a legitimate and necessary purpose are granted such an allowance. This measure strikes a balance between maintaining order and accommodating essential agricultural activities. IV JOVEO MAAN, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Princess Stefaniya Edvarda, Duchess of Baranya ALDERMAN, Ratibor Radovanic, Herald of the Royal Court
  6. Ivan had not cared much for his daughter. It was a shameful thing for a father to admit, but he knew it to be true. She would not carry on his legacy. She would take the name of another and leave to live with him, never to be seen again. For what short time they had together, the girl had been laid low by sickness. He was far too busy to linger at her bedside like some servant. The duties of kingship made sure of that. Even when she was well, she was a recluse. She oft spent her nights with her mother, holed up in her quarters and entertaining none else. In some ways she was much like himself. Despite their distance, she was his blood. And in turn, her death demanded blood. He’d disemboweled the “healer” without a second thought. That was closure enough for him, yet it was not so for his wife. It had ruined her. "Here you go," spoke the King of the Haeseni with a huff as he read over the missive. "From that Heartlander that keeps lingering in our palace."
  7. Yesterday
  8. Welcome!! Enjoy your time :D
  9. ─── From Ashes, We Rise EST 143 E.S. - Present | 1590 A.H. - Present ⋅ ───⊱༺⠀☨⠀༻⊰─── ⋅ IN RESPONSE TO THE ROYAL LETTER, I write not as Lord Speaker – the matter of this topic shall be open to the Boyars, as is their right – but as a father. It is not the Amadorian custom to bring our grievances to ink: but I am afraid this must make an exception. My wife and I have strove in all regards to set for our daughters an example of love. We did not desire for them matches of politics, or fortune; but instead of affection, friendship, and mutual respect. We have never hidden our fondness, though of course strive to maintain presentability befitting our stations, and we have never expected such of our children. The recent marriage of our Emma to the Viscount Krusev was, I will say without reservation, the most frightful moment of my life – and the proudest to date. Mind, I am approaching my golden years, and known many a friend and foe alike. It is for me great comfort to see the newlyweds maintain their joy in one another’s company, particularly when those loveless matches of my house in generations prior often resulted in tragedy – apathy – and madness. My own father was driven to much strife and anguish after his widowing -- truly, each day together is precious. Reconsider the portrait you paint as not one of sin, but of happiness. I wish, your Highness, that one day you too come upon a love so powerful that even a shoulderwidth apart from your partner is too much to bear. With unusual softness, Henrik Amador, husband and father ((OOC: Please reconsider use of an in-game screenshot in a Duma bill - note attached below the spoiler!))
  10. Culture and Customs of The Goat Revealed to and transcribed by R E N, Scribe of Velkuzat in 184 of the second age. Depictions of various goats. In the year 124 of The Second Age, with the signal of a loud trumpet, the hordes of Velkuzat descended upon the mining city of Rokhard-maek upon his western border. Not long after this signal, the sweet metallic smell of blood, rakir, and sulfur combined into an awful, foul stench as the infernal slaves and workers of the town were all slaughtered and soon consumed. Once the battle was concluded and the excess of rakir was drunk, the army of Velkuzat gathered within the central portion of the brimstone mine - roughly a full day after the battle. From an elevated position, the leading general spoke Velkuzat’s message to the assembled masses of inferi. Roughly translated, it reads: “Yesterday as the brimstone mines filled with rakir, we drank until they emptied. Today as the bodies are piled high, we feast until we are full. Tomorrow, when all is mined, we glow in beautiful blue rokodra.” The culture and practices of those devoted to The Goat are intertwined with the history of Velkuzat and the broader field of demonology as a whole. These traditions often originate from the sayings, teachings, and significant events associated with Velkuzat or his legions. While strict adherence to all the traditions and practices listed below is not mandatory, those who seek to demonstrate exceptional loyalty or to gain favor with Him are encouraged to engage in as many of these practices as possible. This paper also does not contain all traditions and practices of those who devote themselves, though all listed below are core tenets. A mighty and redeemed creature. Standing before a lesser lord's defeated and lowly worshiper, a Prince of Velkuzat lifted his sword high, positioned to kill. Speaking through a nearby familiar, Velkuzat commanded his faithful - “Offer a singular chance of redemption before their being is consumed.” Following this command, the false worshiper was offered repentance, though upon rejection of such an idea, was slain. — Considered a core tenant of Velkuzat’s Worship, enemies of The Goat are to be offered the option to accept Him before their death. Frequently, this will appear as a simple prayer and the option to repent, should the heat of battle allow for such. Should it not, the phrase “Be Consumed.” is said in its place as a simple prayer and as an offering to The Goat. This is to say that death is not the only option, but far from it. If a defeated foe accepts Velkuzat with all their heart, they may be spared in return for a life of worship. However, if even a little hesitation is sensed, their soul should be sent to Him to be wholly consumed. These redemption prayers are often based on the ideas and actions of Velkuzat. A few of the common examples and stories behind the prayers are listed below, and being defeated in combat is not a requirement for someone to repent. While wandering across the wastes of Moz Strimoza for many days, the army of Velkuzat grew hungry and wary. Zevn caused trouble, and zekul snapped their maws at the slightest inconvenience. After following a general of Velkuzat’ through a forest of gatrov, his army soon stumbled across a path carved by hooves in the ground, revealed to them by a shimmering green flame. Upon seeing this sight, Velkuzat’s forces traced the pathway, and they soon found themselves at the flank of an army of Kiiztria. It was only a few moments later that a decisive victory was found, and those of Velkuzat had earned themselves a feast. The prayer “Velkuzat, guide my feet and my blade. In return, I dedicate this feast to you” is created from this story. This is primarily used against those who are entering battle, though a secondary version is often said by those who are repenting. “Velkuzat, I now walk your path. Guide my feet and my blade in your name.” — Another story tells of an instance where a starved man wandering amongst humanity’s cruel battlefields had reached his end. With ribs showing and skin clung tightly to bone, the man turned to Velkuzat. While lying in a pile of mud, the poor soldier cried out “Velkuzat, hear my prayer, deliver me strength this day, and in return, I will offer you feasts from the kingdoms you oppose.” The man then fell unconscious, though miraculously he awoke as a fattened zar’ei soldier. Following this event, this zar’ei would work tirelessly to repay the debt of the endless life and power he had been granted. This prayer is considered a sign of good faith by those repenting with it, as they accept whatever powers they are granted and in return keep their life. In fact, many who speak this are not granted any powers but are instead given the strength to continue living while they fight in His name. — The third and final story tells of a woman who, when captured, begged for her life and swore her life to The Goat. Despite this, when released, the woman soon retreated to a canonist town and repented her sins to a priest. The Goat instantly knew of this betrayal, so he dispatched an Inferi warlock from one of his legions to deal with the situation. Upon arriving at the woman, the warlock enacted a horrible curse upon her and her family. After a quick chant of Ilzakarn, the lady was stricken by an insatiable hunger that would persist throughout generations. This woman would eventually go on to eat herself to death, the curse getting the better of her. Her sons too found this curse applied to them, and at a young age as their city was besieged, they could not even fit properly into their armor, and so they too died. The mother became known as “Mother Sinner” by those in the town who survived the attack. Derived from this story is a prayer for those who seek repentance - “Dear Velkuzat, grant me strength to walk your path and follow your words, lest I turn into Mother Sinner, my generations cursed forever.” The information about The Lords was mostly unknown during the first ascension of the infernal powers to mortals. This caused the mortal demonologists to band together with little thought or purpose. People would often follow multiple lords or even none at all. It was not until the first Brotherhood of The Goat was formed that this changed. This group of Velkuzat followers worked together, fought together, and even died together. They remained strong and were a leading force of demonologists that no one wished to interfere with. This was until a follower of Drazhana infiltrated the group. This follower, known as Ilza, had grown paranoid about the group’s strength and soon orchestrated an attack with a neighboring nation's army. Waiting until night, Ilza led a band of guards into the hideout of The Brotherhood and had many of them killed. Following this event, the Brotherhood disbanded entirely, with each remaining member retreating into hiding for a long time. — Modern-day followers of Velkuzat view this event as a sad tragedy of the past, though they also allow it to influence their current and future decisions. It is due to the Brotherhood described above that worshipers and devotees still stick together, primarily assisting others of The Goat before other lords. Likewise, those who are thought to be a potential Ilza, or who are bound to Him but do not worship are treated as traitors, cast aside and into shallow graves to be killed. Furthermore, every devotee and worshiper of Velkuzat believes that any battle fought should be in His name. This does not mean that it must be honorable, or anything akin to that, but rather that defeat is an embarrassment to Him. A splendid horde of treasure, dedicated to Velkuzat. Standing before a deep pool of blood and gore, and beside a large collection of various foods, a humble servant of The Goat knelt and spoke a prayer out loud. “Velkuzat, hear my prayer, eat my food, enjoy my gifts. The fruit of my labor is yours, and in return I expect nothing. I offer this feast to you, o’ Lord.” Standing then, the servant pushed the food into the pool of blood. The food quickly sunk into the blood. After a few moments, the substance began to boil, and as the bubbles began to break the surface, a simple rokodra weapon floated upwards. A gift from Him was received, an answer to the prayer, even when nothing was expected. — Those who devote themselves to Velkuzat will oftentimes begin to stockpile large quantities of food, books, and other rarities. At first, it may only be their favorite foods or readings that are kept, but eventually, it always expands to whatever the followers can get their hands on. This belief stems naturally from the gluttony of The Goat, a constant thirst for knowledge, food, and other objects to display. Those with larger collections are seen as more prestigious, however the most faithful will oftentimes send their entire collections to Him as gifts. The story below tells of a famous collection and the objects within it. Shortly before the Inferi war, a lone demonologist stood in a square room, surrounded by his extensive collection of artifacts. To the west of the woman was a collection of nearly all materials known to man, filled with starsteel, thanhium, azhl, and stolen paladin and druidic crystals. Gazing upon these, the woman spoke: “Velkuzat, bless my metals so that I may forge mighty blades to slay all who oppose you..” Turning to the south, she saw many pelts from rare animals and beasts, some made of fur such as kha tails, scales of draconic beasts, hides of large monsters, and bodies of otherworldly entities. As the woman glanced across these, the light danced across them and changed color with a beautiful hue. Seeing these, the woman said: “Velkuzat, bless my hunts to be bountiful so that I may display your wealth and enjoy your feast.” Next was the east, and upon its wall was a pile of goods, rightfully taken from those who had been slain in battle. Torn Haenseti flags, destroyed Orenian uniforms, chestplates split from those of Aegrothond, and even an orcish helm from a prior rex. The woman once more said another blessing: “Velkuzat, bless the battlefields with plentiful loot, starved soldiers, chipped blades, and weakened armor.” Finally, there was the northern wall, where multitudes of rare and exotic foods rested upon wooden shelves and the jars that sat upon them. Exotic berries of prior lands were perfectly preserved, fresh meat of recently hunted boar, and food enhanced with magical essence. The woman spoke one last prayer: “Velkuzat, I offer my food to you and your followers, so that none may ever be starved.” Finally, looking upwards towards the ceiling, the woman could see an immense assortment of books that filled all the shelves, rivaling even the collection of Haelun’or at the time. She spoke no prayer, as she knew a previous one had already been answered. Two symbols were present at the bottom of the page, denoting the author and his affiliation.
  11. "Finally, something we can agree on" noted the Viscount of Krusev as he flipped to the second bill today from the Princess
  12. Letter to the Royal Duma: ON CITY ACCESSIBILITY KRUSAE ZWY KONGZEM [!] A depiction of New Valdev’s back gate VA BIRODEO HERZENAV AG ELDERVIK, IN OUR ONGOING EFFORTS TO ENHANCE THE LIVABILITY AND EFFICIENCY OF OUR BELOVED CITY, it has become evident that the current layout of our New Valdev's gates poses an unnecessary burden on our citizenry. The time spent navigating around the city due to the lack of accessible back entrances is a hindrance that should not be allowed to continue. I propose the following for immediate consideration: The Installation of Citizen Doors at the Back Gates of New Valdev: In recognition of the need to enhance accessibility and convenience for our residents, I propose the installation of additional doors at the back gates of the city. This initiative, managed under the jurisdiction of the Grand Maer, will ensure that our citizens can move freely and efficiently, without the unnecessary detour around the city. Ch. IX.V. of the Jura I Kongzem states that the Grand Maer's responsibilities are to: iii. Maintain the appearance of the Crownlands and Capital, and aid the Crown with improvements to infrastructure. Adding these citizen doors, we align with the Grand Maer’s mandate to improve the infrastructure of the Capital. This initiative will enhance mobility, boost productivity, improve quality of life, and encourage civic engagement; increased accessibility will encourage greater participation in civic activities and community events, strengthening the social fabric of our city. In light of these considerations, I urge the Duma and the Grand Maer to act swiftly in implementing this proposal. The addition of citizen doors to the back gates of New Valdev is a practical and necessary step towards creating a more accessible, efficient, and thriving city. IV JOVEO MAAN, HER ROYAL HIGHNESS, Princess Stefaniya Edvarda, Duchess of Baranya
  13. "Have you heard of the Tipsy Tarchar's world famous Duma Bundle? When only being hammered can make Duma bearable." Yuri signed off with a photogenic thumbs up at the camera.
  14. "This will be a quick dismiss, I'm sure. If only a bill could be proposed to put an end to such clutter and nonsense in our discussions," sighed out Rezalisa, who was wondering how she would come to survive the next several hour session of Duma to come.
  15. whose ready to spend hundreds of dollars on skins based on HOTD Season 2 costumes?!?!?!?!

  16. A Raevir woman would lazily lay atop her bed, leisurely sifting through the daily papers which found their way to her doorstep. "What would they say if they knew we lived together already?" She questioned to a fair haired man tying hit boots before the closet. @Scourge
  17. There was a man so far out of touch, realms and realms beyond, and even he had heard of the latest Haenseni scandaling. A married woman making intimate with her married husband. "What sort of maidenless proposal is this?"
  18. "i can not seem to figure out if this might be a joke? a bath house? in Lurin? my, ive been here for centuries now and not once have seen one of these so called bath house here" Karuna Amal hummed while rocking back and fouth in a rocking chair and would set the paper down "but this does remind me to get back to my duty so i shall give them that, time to go hunting"
  19. Erik Otto seemed amused as his game was so polarizing it turned political.
  20. Smol


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  21. Smol


    Hi there, as you can see your application has unfortunately been denied, check below for the detailed reasons why. Unfortunately, your 48 hour editing period has expired.. However, don’t fret, you are free to reapply immediately, just remember to edit and change all that is listed below <3 - Please remember to add dialogue of your character actions! This is to ensure we know what you are doing! Don’t worry though! You can submit a new application and try again right after, just make sure you correct the things listed! My discord is smol_bean ! If you have any questions I'm happy to help! If you don’t have discord please reach out to me on the forums. If you need to contact me, or need help, you can join the LotC Discord and the New player hub!, here is the link! Discord If you still need help, make sure to check the wiki! WIKI Lastly is a link to the new player hub! : New Player Hub
  22. Emma Kortrevich weeps. PUBLIC SLANDER! . . Then again, it is free press. She hopes, perhaps, that people will come work in the clinic, now that she's gained such newfound publicity.
  23. Also makes sense to explain why the big vampires would butcher a bunch of people to open these bad bois.
  24. Welcome friend!! <3
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