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  1. Past hour
  2. Verena Ivanovich had holed herself up in her room, clutching the paper tightly upon her reading nook. She would say that she was not one for gossip, but this was proven false as her eager eyes scanned the contents. Her expression would shift in waves, but becomes especially amused as she reads of a particular good friend being named the most eligible bachelor! What was surprising to her was knowing each of the people mentioned - albeit on quite the varying degree. She felt a bit of shame quickly after her excitement for the next issue.
  3. "I must see this through. . ." Said Josef, preparing for the battle of a lifetime.
  4. Today
  5. I think i would kms in ur shoes sorry
  6. you can keep it as “dragon”, that won’t be any cause for denial
  7. Rezalisa wheezes at coming to read this missive, she began to see spots while being wracked with immense worry. "S-Surely it is a misunderstanding?!" she muttered to herself, desperate for any assurances. "Godan. . I must pray- I cannot rest with such a mess as this!" The Kovachev would certainly seek out aid once the morning came, though her evening was spent hard at work weaving threads. . .
  8. As the flaming wizard imagery flipped off the Ruthern Duchess, it would shortly be responded to with an uppercut punch to the jaw. "Ea ******* hate wizards!"
  9. Siegmund Weiss exchanges his robes and metal mask for the face of another, and a snappy suit to match... "It's all good, man." He muttered to himself.
  10. "MY GOD! We must fetch Reza a lawyer at once!" Emma cries.
  11. [This missive can be found publicly for all to read, spread using W1z$rd Dyn£sty agents, however this missive is mainly addressed to the high courts of the Kingdom of Haense]. To the High Courts, I hope this missive finds you well. I am wishing to sue Ms. Rezalisa on the grounds of explosive related and terrorist related offences, including indictment for an attempted murder. On the eve of some day, which is not of importance, I was sought out by this young noble lady in order to help her in her troubles. This was inside of the throne room, as I can attest, and I did in fact solve her issue. However, in the process of doing this, she has decided to release a flaming explosive arrow from a mage-touched bow in my direction, causing me to nearly die and get obliterated, but it also nearly destroyed the throne-room. Look, here is a detailed sketch of the damage. Do you see the pure EXTENT of the damage? At the steps of the throne? I believe that Ms. Rezalisa had certain wicked plans to ensure that she could silence me once and for all, and this is a part of a larger interpol terrorist plot in order to assassinate the King of Haense, by means of having the throne-room collapse on itself. Luckily, I, a brave and noble wizard, saved the room. As someone who is employed under the crown as a court wizard, swearing fealty to our king, I believe this matter must be dealt with in court. The King of Haense has provided me with an attorney, being his son, Prince Josef Stanimar. The offences I will be suing for are as followed: ♛ One count of terrorism. ♛ One count of treason. ♛ One count of battery against a court official. ♛ One count of attempted murder. ♛ One count of arson. ♛ One count of illegal possession of explosives in a royal premises. And to Ms. Rezalisa, I’ll see you at court, *****. [The golden wizard at the bottom flips-off the reader, most likely directed at the person he is attempting to sue. It is animated using wizardry]. Signed, Esior, the Golden Wizard, Court Wizard of the Kingdom of Haense
  12. A letter is returned to Shugo Kato. "To Shugo Kato of Koyo-Kuni, I had no idea. Please pardon my ignorance on this matter and the racial insensitivity I have displayed here. In claiming Bal'ance is a demon, I have done the work of the Vikelese agitpropagandists themselves - it is a shameful crime that they have gotten away with this scandal for as long as they have done. I shall not call her by her slave name. We shall free Pingheng from them and cast down the false idol that they have used to seal her. So swears Rhak'Dom, Rhak'Dom of Lurak"
  13. Dame Monika shrieks as she sees the very personal invite. She shoves the paper in her partner's face. "Konnie, Konnie! Look! Ve got invited to Austina's vedding!" She was very very excited, scrambling to get gifts!
  14. Free them all, end the grief. make lotc beautiful again 💅
  15. Sergei var Ruthern smiles upon seeing his painting once more before scanning down the paper and shaking his head vehemently before thinking to himself "Everyone knows it was Belisar's exercise regimen that helped Prince Marius!" @Masouri
  16. A letter is sent to Rhak’dom. ”To Rhak’dom, Greetings and good tidings to you cousin Gonijin, I write to you this eve about the demonic depiction of the panda bear in your missive. The panda bear is an endangered species from the Empire of Cathant that finds a small sparse populations within the Braevosian Jungles due to its history of ancient Hou-zi colonialization. With the death of Huangdi Takashi for the state of Koyo-Kuni, I honor him and I ask you for cease and desist on the demonic depiction of the panda bear - she is a prisoner of the colonialists in the Jungles today destroying its environment. If able to though I would not ask for you to put your people in danger on our behalf, we would wish for Bal’ance (平衡 Pínghéng in her non bastardized gaijin elvish name) to be returned to her people in the Jun Lei village where she might feast upon bamboo and faerie truffles.” - Shugo Kato of Koyo-Kuni SHUGONATE
  17. wereyoi


    You’ve just arrived in a swampy, dim town. As you look around, your gaze is met with shacks and cabins. It smells of rotted wood and wet moss. You duck and step into a tattered tent, illuminated by a series of candles suspended in the air. At the back of the tent, an old hag raises her head, “What brings you to this dingy town? she begins, then pauses to study your face—”Ah, it’s you. I’ve been expecting you. Sit,” she gestures at a cushion, “Tell me your story.” ((How do you respond?)) Arven paused, his eyes moving to the cushion, then back to the hag. Brow furrowing, he slowly let his pack onto the ground to take a seat across from the hag. His legs crossed underneath him as he leans forward. "This is...custom here?" His voice is kept low, as if any more volume may attract more of the gnats already buzzing around his head and in the tent. "I assume you must be some sort of official..." His voice picks up a 'used to this' tone as he fishes out a number of flat stone coins, "I've been through this before, a handful of marks and I can be on my way?" His eyes turn up to meet the hag, seeing nothing approaching an expression of acknowledgement, he bit his lower lip and leaned back. "You're being serious then? Well," Arven took a breath, a touch of a mistake given the smell. "I've been wandering since my da passed and my mother went not too long after. Farm workers you, see? We were Neervani, travelling workers. Had a carriage and everything, moving from manor to manor seeking employment to help in the fields. Well, I was never taught much else, so I continued with them and kept moving through lands. I've been seeking employment again, bribes and tips getting to my purse yet...farm work has lost its luster." Arven's eyes glance up at them expectantly, a wicked smile on their lips. "Say, you wouldn't happen to be looking for a young strapping lad to perhaps work a guard shift or two? You know after my travels and seeing how much you can get off of bribes? I won't lie, maybe being a shiner isn't such a bad idea." The silence deafened the room and Arven's smile lost some of its put-upon luster. "Well, if you're not a guard and not an employer, I don't have much of a clue who you actually are, but I'm more interested in finding what is out there. I have been kept as a travelling show for so long I'm not interested in telling more lies about it!" The crone's eyes just stayed on Arven, he shifted. "Just, there- take from that what you want. Figure out what's true and what's not, but can you at least point me the way to the nearest town?"
  18. Isana grins toothily upon seeing the notice. “Gud luck ta ye, Gundanat laddie! Oi wish ye well in t’is rough time. Danil’Lur wuda been ‘appy ta see ye!”
  19. the "realism"-ization of fantasy is a curse upon the genre and I condemn the Witcher and Game of Thrones for beginning the trend. it is one thick branch of the greater fetid oak that is grimdark as a concept, and we must burn it. we must burn it to the roots.
  20. Thinking of opening one art commission slot... 

    Edited by Sages
  21. "Kanon zpirit iz gettin bub'mitey." Gribb'Lak nodded.
  22. "Pay no mind to it." grumbled Marjoreya as she stood at the Queen's flank, her brows furrowed. "It is just petty commentary."
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