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[Animal Lore] Gnerbils

๖ۣۜ§osa (E.G.I.E.)

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(( Nur-bul ))



Gnerbils come in a large variety of colors such as, a dark purple, blue, sandy brown, deep red, or even a lime green. They are very small creatures, ranging from six, to twelve inches tall. Their feet are small and sharp, which are very similar to the talons of a bird, allowing them to grip onto small branches and such with their feet. Gnerbils have long, spiny tails, ( Long in a Gnerbil's point of view ) ranging in many sizes. Also, their heads usually appear odd, and "misshaped". Even their ears come in very odd, mutilated-like shapes.




These creatures are incredibly stupid, and annoying. They're pests, to say the least. The Gnerbil is a small, quick, and stupid little thing. It is nearly impossible to catch a Gnerbil not hopping around unless they're sleeping. Usually, they feast on farmer's crops or any other thing they can find. Sometimes, they'll even eat wood, and all the organisms that live within it. However, their hunger is satisfied very quickly. Gnerbils tend not to hunt at all, but they can nip at, claw, and scratch humans quite easily if they attempt to grab a Gnerbil.




Gnerbals usually live in small colonies in burrows. They dig their burrows in, or near, a large variety of places, ranging from the most quiet of forests, to the most active food stores, bustling with activity. The amount of Gnerbals in a colony is on average about nine or ten. They dig burrows deep in soil, and then make very small little tunnels and rooms. Usually, Gnerbals will gather food and store food into a small room in the burrow.



(( The image above is not to scale, but just for an example. ))




The Gnerbil's diet consists mainly of vegetables, bugs, and certain kinds of berries. It's very common to see a Gnerbil attempt to burrow into somebody's poor farm and eat the crops within it. Again, these pesky creatures are pests. But they still gather their own food within their burrows, like wild berries and dead bugs. However, as stated above, their hunger is easily satisfied.




Not happening. These pests cannot be domesticated, period. They can be offered food to calm them down, and they can be easily tricked by setting up a small line of food for them. A druid may calm them down, obviously, and they can be caged up. ( Even though that task is quite the feat ) But it is best just to kill, or relocated Gnerbils, instead of trying to domesticate them.


OOC Comments


This section can be used for a Q/A, also. Please, ask any questions in the comments. Also, add any ideas, or anything bellow!


Yes, a lot of this is entirely nonnegotiable, and up to change. So please comment any idea you have!

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The only problem I see with this is other RP-ers getting annoyed that there is a creature around them created for the sole purpose of annoying them and they can't really do anything about it.

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The only problem I see with this is other RP-ers getting annoyed that there is a creature around them created for the sole purpose of annoying them and they can't really do anything about it.


Hm, that is some idea that would need discussing, or changing.

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The only problem I see with this is other RP-ers getting annoyed that there is a creature around them created for the sole purpose of annoying them and they can't really do anything about it.

The only problem I see with that is Rpers not being able to roll with the punches.

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Make traps

Leave a stockpile of food out

Call a druid


Creates more overall RP for everyone.


Holy water circles

Leave out holy traps

Call a priest

Oh wait, we're still talking about LoTC?


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It's ugly... I like it! +1

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Uhm we already have annoying munchkins that kill and eat hobbits... they hide in the wheat a lot: 


but I guess Munchkins need pets too.... +1

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I love this! Though I'd suggest fleshing out their behaviour a bit. Maybe some sketches of what a tunnel home would look like, some details on family, language, hoarding behaviour. Also you didn't specify a height, but it sounds like they would be fairly small.


I'd suggest having the tunnels be like a rabbit's. With simply dirt rooms for hoarding food and treasury things. Lit by bits of crystal and maybe a few torches. If their language follows their homes and behaviour I'd expect it to sound a bit like blah, but an even smaller vocabulary. 

If this goes through I have /allot/ of interest in playing one of these! It sounds like a really fun event type creature, though I'd hope they aren't restricted to events.

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+1, would this be an ET creature or a normal one in which players can play freely, like ghosts and trolls? I skimmed over it so excuse me if I missed that part.

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+1, would this be an ET creature or a normal one in which players can play freely, like ghosts and trolls? I skimmed over it so excuse me if I missed that part.


I don't believe it's up to me to decide. But I'd make it an ET only creature, if it were my choice. Due to some players may abuse it.

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I'm sorry to say that this lore was taken to vote by the Lore Masters and has been denied.


While the creature, in my opinion, is quite interesting, the roleplay that could be given by it would mostly be of annoyence factor. This means it would not have much use after implementation and would most likely cause more disturbance than good roleplay.

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