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Blood And Needles: Our Roleplay Environment.


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Needles and Blood.

This lore is merely the request for LM clarification instead of actual lore approval.




So I see a lot of people roleplaying they have hypodermic needles like they are casual and easy to produce things in the roleplay environment we exist in. There was this big idea once upon a time we exist kinda like what the 14th century looks like, unless another piece of lore over-writes that bit of real life history.


So, using that knowledge, the creation of such needles is basically near impossible. Something more roleplay correct would be the use of goose feathers. Back in ye' old days needles were made from them. They were big, weak, kinda hard to use things and pumped with a cows/pigs bladder, not with a class tube and pressurized syringe like some people roleplay.

So, I am merely asking the LM's, can we enforce something more realistic instead of vacuum syringes and hypodermic needles, better just.. well, making the setting more immersive and less "Here is casual IRL stuff." 


So here is some ideas on how to roleplay using goose feathers for syringes:

  • It would hurt a lot.
  • It would probably leave a lot of bleeding and a risk of damaging blood vessels.
  • Its not hygienic at all.
  • They can be crushed, or split.

OOC source:



[specifically blood transfusions]


So, another thing I witnessed today was the use of a blood transfusion, and the actual mentioning of blood types. Now, this popped into my mind as "A freaking disaster!"

Why you might ask? Well, the fact we live in societies that have lived long enough is that we have a lot of races with their own blood types. You then have even more races interbreeding and creating even more blood types! You are talking 6 races with different blood pressure constraints, immune-systems and in fact one is even immortal!

Aha, but surely that's not a case human to human, even if there is a 1 in like 8 chance you get the blood group right and they are compatible. Well, sadly no, because we have mixed race blood groups everywhere, and frankly how do we know blood groups exist?

There has never been a study. Any studies that did would have resulted in every failure resulting in catastrophic immune response from the person injected with foreign and non-compatible blood.

So the moral of the story is, blood transfusions and even mentioning blood types in character just shouldn't exist. The idea is dangerous, the implied risks as stated above, as well with the syringes being formed from goose feathers and the idea of injecting air bubbles into a vein would make the concept of blood transfusion ineffective and not used.

Similarly, blood types.. well, they just wouldn't/couldn't have been studied.

OOC notes: Well frankly, its just logic. I understand we are in a fantasy setting.. however, if think we should use RP tools and RP technologies because its just more immersive then going "Yeah I casually have glass hypodermic syringes, don't ask me where I got them though!"

SupremacyOps agreed with me to get go, it just makes sense.
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I'm a huge fan of realism and always enjoy some good realistic medieval Rp, but LotC is not a place to use any sort of realism as an argument.


We are about as unrealistic as you can get, so enforcing realism for this one small thing is kind of pointless.


(Edit: We're actually unrealistic about stuff that we specifically try to be realistic about, such as armor slowing you down).

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Never seen anything like you mentioned in this post in RP, but everything you say makes sense, so +1 EDIT: Not saying we should necessarily let bleeding people die, but using glass syringes is unrealistic. Possibly magic or something more realistic and immersive could be used, as a substitute just to make it seem more in-tune with the setting.

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Where would you get needles...? I agree with ya lima :D

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I have actually made a very narrow, hollow, metal tube that could easily be used as a syringe in real life. It is tricky and time consuming, but for an RP master Blacksmith they could easily do it. As for keeping them hygienic, soak them in high proof alcohol.


Also, we do have glass, and glass blowers to make it, so RPly they could make the tubes and vials needed for syringes, and alchemists could make the potions for use.


However as for the blood transfusions, I agree, that would be impossible. However when someone loses a lot of blood, a high tier cleric could just regenerate that person's blood as I understand, along with closing the wound.


We have mastered Magic and traveled across different dimensions, slaying great monsters and fighting off plagues. We are not morons, but we don't have modern knowledge or technologies. So metal needles and glass tubes are not impossible, but to have them in RP would mean that the Doctor is very wealthy and intelligent, and that he has skilled workers who he buys his supplies from. Perhaps we could open up an RP market for such things, and make a fortune.

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Why do people want to stretch the limits of roleplay, is that blood transfusion really necessary for your roleplay? FFS we have monks that cam heal any wound, why would we need needles

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We have alchemy and stuff, so needles are fine. Advanced in some ways, not in others. As for bloodtypes and blood transufions...LOL WHAT THE ****??? WHO THE HELL DID THAT, HAHAHA

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Why do people want to stretch the limits of roleplay, is that blood transfusion really necessary for your roleplay? FFS we have monks that cam heal any wound, why would we need needles


This one. Just cut the arm off. The Monks will stitch that right back up.

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(Edit: We're actually unrealistic about stuff that we specifically try to be realistic about, such as armor slowing you down).





grrr plz milord do not get me started grr 

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I can see where you're coming from, but is this really necessary? I think not.


Is when you see blood transfusions. And as a Malinor guard.. previously.. I can confirm this has happened more than once.

And happened again today. 


Just erked me.

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