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Wyrssa [Lore]


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What are they?  Wyrssa, also called the Crystal daemon cats.




How do they get this way?  They eat the Crystal Flowers.  They safely defuse the crystal’s chemicals by depositing it into their skin.  This causes the many large crystal’s on their fur.  However if one was to remove them, the crystals are all but worthless.  


Do the crystals help them at all?  Yes, for their natural predators it makes them back off, because of the solid crystals that can cause teeth to easily chip, or the overly salty taste will overload the senses of the animals trying to eat upon these creatures.


Why do they like Atgaard?  They stay there because its near a plant that helps them digest meat, and also gives them the large sodium boost they need.  They can live without it, but they only can eat plants if they don’t get that.  Which makes it hard for them to eat in the winter.


Are they aggressive?  Not towards people, but towards other animals they can be when provoked.  They are generally passive and loving, preferring to curl up against their riders and loving on them.  Will they attack someone, they will run if attacked, they prefer being non confrontational.  So No.


How hard are their horns?  The horns are actually covered in crystal, so they are extremely hard, but they serve no purpose besides decoration due to their backwards angle.  However they can make extremely good handles.


What size are they?  Let me show you.  




They are about 15 hands at the shoulder.  So about the size and weight of an Arabian horse.


How much do they weight? About 800-1000lbs.


Where do they live?  Atgaard, they prefer wood elves and have a special way of training them only truly learned by the Taliame family.  


Can you get one?  Sure, if you want to rp getting one from Lily, mind you she will prefer to keep it as a racial mount for wood elves, and they reject other riders.


What does it eat?  It eats really anything it can get, being a scavenger they find life easy when bonded to someone else, due to being fed daily that way.


How many babies does it have?  4-5 per litter.


How often, once every two years?  So two elven weeks.


How would you represent it in MC?  A grey horse, or a white horse if someone requires the beast to be there.  However it can also be represented by a cat.  


Can you ride it?  Yes, its big enough to have a saddle.


What happens if it doesn’t have access to these flowers?  Well if its already eaten from it, it keeps its crystalline chunks and horns, if not then it just has regular backwards deer antlers, and of course two tails.


How do they bond to people?  A tradition learned by the family is passed down, the creatures will bond to someone, their eyes will turn from bright to darker.  They live for about 40 years, and are loyal to the family of those they bonded too.  


How do they live when unbonded?  They prefer to be in small groups of their kind maybe 3-6.

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orcs already have something like this (just sayin)

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The lore of these creatures and their art is rather unique, I would know =P I made it all up and drew it.

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(( This should probably be moved to Roleplay Ideas, instead of roleplay. ))

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((Why does it have to be a tamed animal already, why can't it be wild and then you go through the RP of trying to tame one of these.. creatures? Thus providing you with more RP instead of just saying 'I have one of those.' Also, this should be provided for all, not just one family at the start.))

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I don't see the reason for this things creation, like at all. I mean it's kind of cute, but looking at it makes me think of a neopet. And to be honest its too similar to Crystal Beast Amythst Cat from Yugioh for me to not see it in that light..




It falls too easily into various tropes, not to mention it looks like somethign from a DnD Campaign mixed with sailor moon.. Dungeons and Dragons is chock full of these. Xorn, Xaren, and Crysmal anyone? I mean yeah it would be fantastic as a monster from the Elemental Plane of Earth. I'd love to put my barbarian against it, would be an interesting battle to see.


Otherwise? I personally don't see what this adds to the world at all.


Edit: I kind of want to see this in a nekomata form.. it would look incredible in Shin Megami Tenshi: IMAGINE except they already have a handful of both crystal and cat monsters.

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This along with a few other creatures are going to be made, for wood elves.  This is the first of a few mounts, and animals bearing one main resemblance of the crystals that i will be adding.  I plan on adding a deer creature, as well as a few helpful beasts for the more or less impaired.  Orcs have so many mounts, so do other races.  Really as long as I follow Mech standard which I did, as this gives no benefit to fights or such, then it is allowed.  It was posted in Roleplay because I didn't need everyone saying OH, LOOK!  Idea!  Lets downvote it so much, the person will want to remove it.  


If Deco can make a lore for a type of horse that she sells.


Jade can make lore for giant wolves for dark elves.


Orcs can make huge mounts for them.


I see no point in me making a few passive mounts that will effect you in no way.  


Also I've never seen your pictures, or the creatures you're talking about, so you can stop spamming with ideas that I've ripped people off.  I created this blatantly from my own imagination, only using a reference picture of an actual cat.  

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Lawl, thing is, my horse was still just a normal horse. There was nothing special about it. It was not giant sized, it was not magical, it was not relative to one area. It was a normal horse created via special breeding. It was an animal created in RP through RP traits by the horses brought to me.


Nor do I care or claim that you have ripped anything off. All I said is this is what it looks like to me. Those are my personal thoughts. I personally disapprove of adding more when there is already excess. Once again, all my views are personal. If other people and the lore team support it, that's their view.


Also, Orcs have a legitimate reason for their big bulky mounts. Normal horses and creatures cannot bear their girth. Other than the little mustang that carried Urara in her battle with the sand-worm-thing-whos-name-I-can't-remember, I literally have never heard of an orc riding a horse that made sense. Not a one. Orcs that ride normal horses, in my opinion, are overpowering those animals since their backs cannot properly support that amount of weight. Not to mention the tempers of horses don't fit orcish lifestyle whatsoever.


In the case of wood elves, they have creatures already available that make more sense for them in MY PERSONAL OPINION, that aren't as garish as a giant, antlered, crystal cat. I get you like cats. Cats are awesome. Freakishly awesome. I have literally never lived a day in my life that I didn't have one or two in my house, they are a factor of my perception of a complete home. However I just look at a giant, antlered, crystal cat.. and I don't see the point of it.


I'm all for adding flavor to the world and expanding it. I'm all for adding mythos, mystery, and fantasy. But I literally don't see the point in the cat. The flowers? Freakin cool. I like the flowers. Keep the flowers. Maybe if the flowers grew exclusively in a hidden away forest that was basically made of crystal, where every animal is crystal in this freaky, sparkly mini-biome within itself? That would be cool. If the flowers and animals took over Aatgaard or whatever you call it and became a sort of subtle, invasive, natural sort of antag. That would be cool. Better than a stupid fracking plague.


The idea of a slow, ever nearing swath of crystal that basically encased every living thing into a twisted crystalline form of medusa's garden? Pretty neato. Crystal cats out of left field that suddenly belong to some random girl, that weren't just noticed in the wild and become this fantastic thing before someone finally decides 'Hey I wonder if i can put a collar on that'?


I'm not a fan. Sorry.

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Teerz, to note




 No this will not be restricted to my friends only as I am willing to share the knowledge. 


I did not make them race specific. They are ritual specific. I have no problems sharing the ritual with anyone OOCly if asked. I have made it clear in my thread they are available to any and all races so long as people follow the lore and dont start using them to kill each other.



This is currently DARK ELF exclusive because thats all that was taught, WOLF CLANS.


You want one, talk to me, I can hook you up with the ritual, but you better have a good reason as to how you procured the knowledge.


I did not make it exclusive to a race or a family. I will share it. No one has asked, no one cares. If someone wants a ker wolf, welp all they need is RP reasoning as to how they got the info.


I made it hard to get mine because I want the ritual done right.

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I am sorry to say this lore is Denied.


The lore seems to have some interesting spots but does not seem to provide any valuable RP opportunities outside of a very small group.

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