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The Deciding Orb Of Life And Death


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~.The deciding soul orb.~






“Monolog seventy eight by Elder Vallei of the celestial Triumvirate order of the cloud temple monks.


I have found a discovery that I was not once aware of within the cloud temple sanctuary. Upon my venture into the Triumvirate library not open towards the eyes of the public I have been made aware that I missed a book or that it has recently been placed within the library. This book was named ‘the three deciding soul orbs of the celestial triumvirate. Upon my inspection of the cover I was upmost unaware of such a discovery in the library that I have read every book on the shelves.


I strode towards the study bench lighting three candles next to one another as it illuminated the book texts once more. As I attempted to open the book it stood still shimmering a purple glow. I pondered for a moment before I stood up and began to examine the book, reading the spine and the back coverings. Before I was made aware that the book might need a test of magic to read the book-texts over, after placing the book down and taking a few steps back mist of an green descent came from my fingers as it traveled towards the spine of the book. I followed the trail before taking hold of the book’s spine once more slowly running my hand across following the mist as it traveled.




The book began to shimmer with purple once more before it burst open, the pages flickering through as if a gust of wind burst around the room. I watched before a hazy moment came over. When I came to a full front I began to translate the first few lines before I found what the book was about. The deciding if a soul goes into the orb of death or the orb of life.”


What is the deciding soul orb?


The deciding soul orb is one of the three orbs that would reside underneath the cloud temple. It would collect all the souls that have just passed and decide if the person soul goes into the orb of life, or death.


Though to get the point across the orb of life, contains every soul ready to be revived by the triumvirate monks where the orb of death contains all the souls that will never be revived unless under a certain circumstance.




The orb of life


The orb of life has the transition of containing every soul in existence not bound to object or body after it has been released from a deceased body. Be it of animal or racial creatures. That all have died with an un-natural non-self inflicted death. An example would be a beheading, the soul of the deceased will be put into the orb of life for resurrection unless the deceased soul does not want to be revived.




The orb of death


The orb of death contains the souls that are not bound to object or body that has been chosen to be put within this orb. The orb contains the souls of deceased individuals that have died from natural causes, suicide or decided to let themselves go into death without living once again. Though this orb gives transition from the deciding orb an elven week before fully being placed in locked seals.


Why should this be allowed?


I feel that if the three orbs were accepted and implemented in lore, it could help us determinate what happens to souls after they die in the afterlife on LoTC with this also aiding the role play of ghosts/specters as the soul could be sealed into the “Orb of death” having only the projection and memories of the ghost or specter around the server with a defined lore besides having a “lost soul” (As ghosts/specters don’t have souls), while also giving some more value out in role play with this. The orb of life and death can give other role play out into perspective of the monks and travelers around hearing great stories of the orbs. This aided another OOC + Can be an RP reason why on rare chances some PK characters can come back (with admin permission) transition from the orb of death to life with the aid of a monk. Giving some role play into things.


This lore wouldn't clash or deviate from any lore written prior towards it, as it won’t affect souls that are bound to something already, eg: Liches, undead, Ascended, ect. Though give some more role play to monks and travelers around while giving another story to tell others, especially mothers to children “Now now if you are naughty or muck up this night the monks will put your soul in the orb of death never to return”. Of course exaggerated but you get the point.



-Giving roleplay

-fleshed out reasoning where souls go when they die

-roleplay only, no plugin



-you decide-


Other information:

I wrote this by myself without opinion of the rest of the monk order. So do not direct anything bad off to the whole order but myself alone.

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  While it is certainly interesting lore and explains a fair bit of how the monks. I feel that it is best that the explanations for the revival and the like are allowed to be more open ended - I've had role-play where someone took my character's body and threw them into the well of life to be revived for example. This may just prevent role-play like this and also remove some of the mystery to how the Monks actually work.


  I don't think a lot of the explanations it provides for things, such as perma-kills are really needed. I simply go on the fact that if a soul wants to come back, the monks will revive them. I may seem a little harsh, but I really don't think it is needed. 

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This cripples religion RP, plus it's kind of a bleak...afterlife. I mean, if your soul is just cooped up in some lame orb, that's kind of...hellish aint it?

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  While it is certainly interesting lore and explains a fair bit of how the monks. I feel that it is best that the explanations for the revival and the like are allowed to be more open ended - I've had role-play where someone took my character's body and threw them into the well of life to be revived for example. This may just prevent role-play like this and also remove some of the mystery to how the Monks actually work.


  I don't think a lot of the explanations it provides for things, such as perma-kills are really needed. I simply go on the fact that if a soul wants to come back, the monks will revive them. I may seem a little harsh, but I really don't think it is needed. 

For your example of the well of life, that can happen if your soul was not departed from the deceased body. It would only depart if you click that luckly respawn button. Though to remove some mystery from the monks, it wouldn't. It just defines were the soul goes after it departs from the body, not giving any magical lore on hand on how the monks work. Though thank you for your reply.


This cripples religion RP, plus it's kind of a bleak...afterlife. I mean, if your soul is just cooped up in some lame orb, that's kind of...hellish aint it?

In roleplay souls all pass to the monks that are not bound to object or body for revival at the cloud temple. If that breaks any religion RP then sadly that is how the server worked. Besides it is giving details on where the soul travels after death, if you wish for it to go somewhere else your character or religious order can believe that. 

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This kind of thing is deliberately left ambiguous as to not stem in-character beliefs. All we really know about the going-ons deep inside the temple is that the monks revive people who die, and that's intentional.

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It's a nice idea, but I don't see the use when having this an open ended, freely interpreted thing would allow a greater source of RP than this, which is quite confining.

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This kind of thing is deliberately left ambiguous as to not stem in-character beliefs. All we really know about the going-ons deep inside the temple is that the monks revive people who die, and that's intentional.

The monks revive the soul of the person to then be brought back to life yes. How they get the soul is another matter, transferred through the plane of existence to then be healed when needed or like this. It is the choice of the matter. Though I understand on how things being left to depiction.


It's a nice idea, but I don't see the use when having this an open ended, freely interpreted thing would allow a greater source of RP than this, which is quite confining.

It can be left to the IC history part that I made and be interpreted as that if the lore was denied or accepted giving a chance to role play it regardless as it holds under beliefs. Though yet it again it comes under to where souls go after it leaves the body or object it is bound to. Ready to be healed or sealed. Giving a easier explanation on how things are done or how some characters are brought back from a PK (With admin permission)

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Souls of the dead pass on to Aeriel who admits them into Aeriel's garden. The monks don't control souls this much, that's what the soulcaretaker is for.

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Souls of the dead pass on to Aeriel who admits them into Aeriel's garden. The monks don't control souls this much, that's what the soulcaretaker is for.

I understand your take on this, as I knew Aerial was the caretaker of souls, though upon the wiki it does not state where the souls would go or muster themselves to travel. Through the perspective of monks, they use the soul to find a blueprint and heal the mortal being. Through Resurrection they need to find the soul towards doing so. If Aerial the caretaker of souls keeps the souls in her garden it ruins the purpose of monks restoration. Though being under the claim of only the PK souls. Then how would some come out to live again as specter, ghosts and even restore back to life (upon admin permission). I only understood that Aerial would only affect the souls that ruin the tides of balance one of the many reasons why Aerial came down to bless some mortals to become ascended. 

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I'm sorry to say that this lore is Denied.


This kind of thing is deliberately left ambiguous as to not stem in-character beliefs. All we really know about the going-ons deep inside the temple is that the monks revive people who die, and that's intentional.

Cappy says the most important bit. Souls and how they behave, and what happens to them is left ambiguous.

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