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This lore has been [Accepted] .. somewhat, these following points have been decided upon;


- Wyvern's and Pygmy dragons are accepted. However basilisks and hydras are not, reasoning listed below;

1) Basilisks unfortunately are already accepted lore here. Most likely a mistake, however they're an already present concept.

2) Hydra's are pretty darn powerful. Infact-- They could most likely rival that of a dragon with their.. several heads.


- Dragur's influence is removed entirely.

Looking back at the Dragur lore it has some contradictions, these currently do not exactly fit within such and thus we're forced to remove his creation of them.






Wyrms, savage and feral cousins to Dragons. Wyrms are the general term for the draconic descendants of the more ancient and powerful Dragaar and Dragons, as well as their corrupt counterparts. They consist of a wide selection of variants and within those variants, each wyrm is as different as the last. Some are big, some are small, some live by water, some live underground. They all have their similarities, but are all fundamentally different. They can, however, be grouped into various categories to better classify and understand them.


To note, Wyrms overall are an almost purely event Race. Either playable by ET or used in events. You cannot run around roleplaying as a Wyrm.


Dragon Hierarchy [ NOT ACCEPTED ]


For reference:



Types of Wyrms


Wyverns [ ACCEPTED ]




Wyverns are generally the most common and well known type of Wyrm. Their features greatly resemble that of their dragon counterparts, taking on most of the typical draconic traits such as the razor sharp teeth, spined backs, leathery wings, scaly bodies and often horns sprouting from their heads.


Wyverns never have more than two legs, their hind legs being quite strong and taking almost full responsibility for their movement on land. All wyverns are raptor-like in their forms, with a pair of large leathery wings sprouting from their shoulders. More often than not, their wings will have claws, useful for climbing buildings and assisting the Wyvern in moving on the ground.


They will often, but not always, have the ability to breath a liquid fire, which is produced from deep within their chest. Sometimes, Wyverns have other weapons at their disposal, such as being able to spit acid or produce a thick smog. This is not always the case, however it is known to have happened.




Wyverns are physically strong and quite large (as shown in the picture), taller than the average horse and more than twice as long (tail length and all). Their claws are extremely sharp as are their teeth, but contrary to popular belief their bones, teeth and claws are not unnaturally durable (definitely not a viable weapon material). Much like any other beast, their bones are merely bones.


Their scales are much softer than that of a dragon or dragaar (and their corrupted cousins), taking on a more snake-like appearance. Their scales are often rather smooth, but should not be confused for weakness, as their hides are quite thick and able to withstand being embedded with numerous arrows.


Much like most predators, Wyverns feed on a surplus of raw meats, preferring to catch their prey themselves and savagely feast on them. Their young also pick up this instinct at quite an early age; a baby wyvern is far more vicious than it is cute. They breed much like fish do, in the sense that the female Wyvern will lay a surplus of eggs, while the male (the bull) will fertilize them. Because of this, a great majority of Wyverns are female. Note: Bull Wyverns (male) are far superior to their female counterparts, but far rarer, being almost twice as large and having much more coarse and hardened scales.



most common and well known

raptor-like dragons with wings

strong, medium sized

sharp claws and teeth

smooth scales, thick hide

can breath fire/acid/smog

most are female

male wyverns twice as large


Basilisks [ NOT ACCEPTED ]




Unlike the rest of their kin, Basilisks are always legless and wingless, taking on a far more serpentine body than the rest of them. Most Basilisks choose to live in watery areas, be it in lakes, seas, watery caves or sometimes even sewers (if they’re large enough). Generally Basilisks are quite large, at full length being able to stretch to the top of most trees. However because of their snake like bodies, their movement is fairly limited.


Having no legs and no wings, Basilisks often slither across the ground, dragging their heavy bodies with them. However, with their loss of flight, they have gained a great affinity to swimming. Basilisks enjoy remaining in the water, often hunting large sea creatures as well as large game on land.


Much like snakes, Basilisks secret a potent, acidic venom from their teeth, using it to slow down their larger prey. This acidic venom can also be spat, often burning through most organic tissue, barring bone (not through steel or stone). Oddly, Basilisks use this at the end of their “feast”, cleaning the carcasses of their prey and using the bones to decorate their caves.




Different from their kin, their scales are mostly soft and snakelike, with a hard layer of tough scales across their backs. They have no claws (of course), but have great horns and spines across their back and covering their tails, often using it to pummel large landborne victims. Their teeth are very sharp, however their snouts and noses are strangely tough and hardened, often using their faces to hammer into large creatures.


Basilisks tend to reside and nest in great caves, often on coasts and by the sea. They will often come out of their caves, be it to the sea or to land, to catch and kill their prey, not feasting til they return to their nests. Because of this, their caves are often filled and covered with the clean, white skeletons and bones of all their prey; a horrifying site.




can be giant

no wings or legs


secrete acidic venom (also spit it)

soft scales on stomach, easy to pierce

hard scaly backs

live/feast in caves

decorate caves with skeletons






Hydras are the strangest of all the Wyrms, being the only draconic beings to have more than one head. Obviously, the most famous Hydra is the wingless, five headed coastal Hydra, however Hydras take on fairly different forms. Sometimes a Hydra will have two heads and wings, sometimes it will have three heads and no legs, sometimes it will have five heads and four legs. Although they are all large and all dangerous.


Due to the nature of their bodies, Hydras’ separate heads have their own thoughts and “personalities”, however have found a way to work together in absolute unison. They appear to have some form of telepathic communication with one another, being able to coordinate with each other fairly well.


Hydras don't have particularly hard scales, but have a thick hide and long sharp teeth. Like most dragons and Wyrms, they gnash and gnaw at their prey, tearing them to shreds and feasting on them.




Hydras often have some form of “breath” be it fire, smog, etc while others divide up their duties, for example one might have the ability to spit an organic oil on their victim, while the other might ignite it etc. Their multiple heads often make them a very tricky foe.


For the most part, Hydras tend to live by coasts and cliffsides, nesting in caves and coming out to hunt. Hydras, similar to Wyverns, often have great hoards of gems and minerals in their nests, laying their eggs amongst piles of them. They have an unnatural obsession with it shiney objects, much like magpies and gather the stuff for their nests.



multiple heads

big bodies

can fly sometimes

live and reside by the water

live in caves

have treasure hoards

can breathe fire/whatever


Pygmy Dragons [ ACCEPTED ]




Pygmy dragons (or dwarf dragons) are the smallest draconic beings ever recorded. Easily recognisable by their size alone, Pygmy dragons are usually no bigger than a cat or a small dog. However their size should not be mistaken for vulnerability. They will almost always travel in packs or even swarms, overwhelming their prey with savage strikes and bites, tearing into their enemies viciously.


Similar to Wyverns, their bodies are quite similar to their dragon counterparts, sometimes having four legs, other times having two like wyverns. Always a pair of leathery wings, scaly hides, long tails (often dotted with spines), sharp short teeth and vicious claws.


Unlike Wyverns and most other Wyrms, Pygmy Dragons cannot breathe fire or much else other than air. Whether this is attributed to their small stature or some other defect with their bodies, it is unclear. However not once has a Pygmy Dragon been known to breath fire. Instead, Pygmy Dragon’s rely on their size, their speed, their size and their numbers to annihilate their prey, behaving much like bees.




Pygmy Dragons travel and hunt in swarms rather than alone, overwhelming their prey with sheer numbers. Like the rest of their kin, they are predatory and feed on meat, usually attempting to subdue their prey one way or another, sometimes blinding, biting ankles, attacking their victim’s throats, etc.


Amongst themselves, like bees, Pygmy Dragons are mostly males, workers for the rest of the flight. They are led usually by a single female, a Queen much like bees, and work to serve her. The queen is usually three times as big as the males, but wingless, remaining in their nest to breed. When there is a shortage of food, the Queen will often eat some of the worker Pygmies, their lives practically fully dedicated to her.



dwarf dragons, cat sized

travel in swarms

sharp claws and teeth

swift and vicious

hardened scales

cannot breath fire

winged can fly

all are male

females are queens and flightless




Difference between Wyrms & Dragons


There aren’t many differences to be frank, but there are some. Being of the same kin they will of course be massively similar and to most people they won’t seem too different (especially Wyverns). However the important thing to remember is that they are what they are, lesser dragons. They’re smaller, weaker, not nearly as tough. They’re draconic beasts, feral and wild, almost mindless and operating purely on instinct. In short, they’re animals.


They come in far more varied forms than dragons and have far less intellect, with dragons often being more intelligent than their Wyrm counterparts, sometimes even possessing some form of magical power (not nearly to the extent that Dragaar have, but it has been known to happen). Wyrms have none of that. Wyrms are draconic animals and nothing more. This means there are less issues with conflicting Lore, Daemonic issues (Dragur storylines for example) among many other things. The intent is to bring dragons and draconic beasts back into event monster attack roleplay without causing any greater lore issues.


If there’s any information you think I’ve missed or any questions you might have, feel free to ask below and I’ll try and answer.


PS: Tiny dragons that weren't cute or domesticated were hard to find so excuse the pictures. I think the first one represents them best though.

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This looks really cool. Lots of detail and would fit well with the world. I look forward as much as my characters do for these mythical creatures. Considering that we've already been through events and some of these creatures (if not variations of the different types) have already been implemented heavily in lore, it's good to see someone taking initiative on making some serious, detailed work on this kind of this. Also, dragons.


Ruiri rubs her hands together, looking forward to all the Pygmy Dragons she will be collecting.

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Ruiri rubs her hands together, looking forward to all the Pygmy Dragons she will be collecting.



Dank read tho, +1

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Very interesting read and i would like to see this implemented, would bring some dank RP. +1

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philosoraptorgrass_fullpic.pngClever girl...

But seriously, this seems like really good lore. +1

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nice raptor! i +1'd your knight book and i can +1 this!

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Something seems wrong about the Hierarchy. I do not recall Drakaar as being corrupted but rather they are the off spring of Daemons and Dragons (I know this from the Asulon Lore). As such, Setherin a Drakaar maintained autonomy in his actions as he was not a slave to Iblees. Which leads me to ponder, who are the Dragaar? I have not heard of these before.

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Something seems wrong about the Hierarchy. I do not recall Drakaar as being corrupted but rather they are the off spring of Daemons and Dragons (I know this from the Asulon Lore). As such, Setherin a Drakaar maintained autonomy in his actions as he was not a slave to Iblees. Which leads me to ponder, who are the Dragaar? I have not heard of these before.


The hierarchy is the current implemented hierarchy, it was only used to show where wyrms stand on it.




dragur is the daemon

dragaar are the children of dragur, they can take human form, speak, crazy powerful, have magic etc

drakaar are dragaar that have been corrupted, such as setherien and others.

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For clarification. The reason as to why this piece hasn't been given a 'new system out soon regarding creature lore' and then denied is due to its purpose. Its quite a big piece regarding something larger than a new breed of cow and would have to go through the usual processes anyways.


Just in case anyone was curious. 

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