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The Monks Of The Cloud Temple


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~Monk Lore~

Keldrith, Lord of the Sun, began his story like any of the rest of us mortals. He was the son of a king, king Celetiman of Celestiran, a kingdom in what is now known as Asulon, the current city of Arethor, and thereby prince and heir to the throne. At the time the story begins, Keldrith was but a thirteen year old boy. Thousands of villagers dwelt in the kingdom, and all of them loved Keldrith, for he was simply a kind and charismatic person. As time went on, despite his young age, Keldrith fell in love with a princess.

Keldrith’s love was the princess Rellenia of a small city-state outside of the kingdom’s borders. He noticed her one day when she was not at a political debate, like his father was most hours, but out at the markets, purchasing some wheat from a poor farmer and paying him twice its worth. He was enthralled by a maiden that could be so beautiful, yet so kind. He would go on and on about her, and strangely, King Celetiman noticed this, despite his ignorance of informal matters. He went to the king of the city-state, Taron, and offered an arranged marriage between the two. Taron approved his proposition, and a marriage was planned between Rellenia and Keldrith. Now one might think that Rellenia would be unhappy about an arranged marriage, but quite the contrary, she had loved Keldrith from the moment she met him. They were happily wed, and when Celetiman passed on, Keldrith took over as king. When time saw fit, they went out into the world, leaving the general of the military in charge of the kingdom.

Time went on, and Keldrith, twenty-six, and Rellenia, twenty-four, arrived at a small hamlet known as Flowershire. In Flowershire lived a young man known as Tariel, a kind farmer who the two liked instantly. Keldrith, Relenia, and Tariel became the greatest of friends, and when they left the hamlet, Tariel came with them. They explored all of Asulon, cherishing each others’ friendship, and having many adventures.

Sadly, their joy could not last. It was said that they came to a wasteland in Asulon, nothing was there except for scorched rocky mountains. Not much is known about what occurred within the valley, except a farmer a few leagues away said he saw a bright flash of light from that direction soon after they entered. In truth, they were murdered in this place. Their bodies faded into the earth, as death does, and their belongings vanished as well, all except for one each.

It was said that, upon their deaths, the Creator took pity upon their souls and bound them to three minerals, Rellenia, a diamond, Keldrith, a bar of gold, and Tariel, a gem of Lapis Lazuli. He then waited, for he knew what would happen to the three friends. The stones stayed upon the ground for centuries, and all around them, the wasteland transformed into a paradise, water flowing from the mountain peaks reformed the land into a valley of grass, forming a pool in the center, the stones laying on the shore. Such a paradise could not go unihabited, so the Creator chose a single woman and a single man to discover it.

The man, William Alerus, and the woman, Vera Alerus, set up a home their, not knowing the stones the lied upon the shore, until one day, their child went down and explored. Amanda Alerus, their child, discovered the stones, and called her parents. They admired them, but something prevented both William and Vera from touching the stones, so Amanda went up and gathered them in her arms. The second she touched them, bright lights shot out, the colors of the stones, and they flew into the sky, the gold to the sun, the lapis to the stars, and the diamond to the moon.

The Creator admired the friendship of the original three, and left knowledge upon the new three mortals living upon the shore. He told them the story of the stones, and instructed them to build a Temple in their honor. They trained a messenger bird, sending him home to their friends and extended family, speaking of the paradise and the small price to pay. They brought with them all the materials they could carry and departed for the soon-to-be Temple of the Triumvirate. Work progressed quickly, an immense library going up and the Temple itself a sight to behold. These were the original Monks of the Triumvirate.

The Celestial Triumvirate, as Keldrith, Rellenia, and Tariel came to be called, became deities in their own right, demigods of the sun, moon, and stars. They granted their followers the ability to heal those who needed it by invoking their name in prayer, but the most powerful monks were able to do it through sheer mental focus upon them. They blessed the Temple when it was complete, that it would be forever void of any illnesses or disease of the outside world, and that it would ever be a safe haven.

As time went on, the monks forgot the old ways, becoming lazy and not helping those other than themselves. The Triumvirate saw this and were angry, so angry in fact that they banished the monks from the Temple, magical wards preventing any from entering the paradise as long as they lived, and longer. In fact, they did not allow anyone through until the adventurer Wilven Adonan.

Wilven Adonan, a young human adventurer, was among the first to originally came to the land through the portal. Upon seeing the people become afflicted with the devastating curse, Wilven set out to find some way to cure or dispel it. He traveled long through swamps, mountains, and forests and eventually came to a grand mountain range. At the base of the mountains, he found a partially collapsed tunnel that seemed to cut through the mountain, so he made his way through it. On the other side, he discovered a marvelous sight.

This place that he had found was not like the world outside it. It seemed the curse did not affect this place. Lush trees and vibrant grass covered the place and clear waterfalls streamed down the sides of the mountains. The structures, although collapsed in some places, were beautiful as well. Another strange thing Wilven noticed about this place is that he felt healthier while inside the valley. Exploring some more, Wilven came upon a large structure with several arches. He made his way inside and eventually came upon a hidden tunnel back behind a collapsed wall.

He made his way through hallways and down staircases and found himself inside a large library. Amazingly, the library was intact and untouched by nature. After looking over several tomes and manuscripts, Wilven was able to discover that this place was built long ago in order to serve as a place of worship for three beings of power, Keldrith, Rellenia, and Tariel. Together, these three beings formed the Celestial Triumvirate which watched over the sky and all below. Wilven wished to discover more, but he first had to bring others to this sacred place where the curse did not reside.

By the time he returned to the humans, many of them had fallen to the effects of the curse.

He collected those whom were still well enough to travel and brought them back to the sacred valley. Once they recovered enough, Wilven sent three messengers to send word to the Orcs, Elves, and Dwarfs that there was a place free from the taint of the curse. When the messengers returned, however, they brought with them only a handfull of people. Unfortunately, many of the other races’ people had fallen to either the curse or other unfortunate circumstances. Feeling reinvigorated by the day, the few remaining people set to work making for themselves a new home in this sacred place.

For many years, the survivors worked hard to restore the sacred valley to its original form. When Wilven was very old, he called the people together and told them all that he had learned of the Celestial Triumvirate. The people consecrated themselves to the Celestial Triumvirate and constructed a shrine to allow worship to all three beings. They formed themselves into monastic order and cloistered themselves from the rest of the world. They chose Wilven as their Abbott and, together, the monks continued to live on in peace taking care of the sacred valley, giving praise to the Triumvirate, and praying for the curse to be cleansed from all the land. Upon Abbott Wilven’s death, the monks wished to pay honor to his life by naming the sacred valley after him. From that day forward, the place was known as Wilven Sanctuary.


~The Fourth Patron~

Upon dusk, under deep meditation in their favorite spot, a Monk had a vision. As they recall, speaking to the other Monks, it was so real. In this dream they saw their self meditating in their spot, feeling the cool wind brush upon their skin, seeing the willow tree’s leaves rustle softly, hearing the delicate waves of the sea pound quietly on the shore’s rock. Though they knew something was off. Off in the distance is where they found their answer. A small boat could be seen, faint, but getting bigger by the second. Soon the boat’s sails could be seen, and on it was the Monk’s symbol. Confusing as it was interesting, they recall only being able to watch as the boat drew nearer to their meditating self. Finally, the vessel reached the little isle, docking. A fair lady walked off the boat, shimmering as if all the light was attracted to her, so bright they could not make out the figure’s face. That was when their meditating self looked up, shocked to see her standing before them. But, as quickly as they noticed her did they ask a question, “Who are you?”. The Monk recalls feeling her warmth, her happiness, as if delighted to be asked.


“I, am Lady Eldecia.” And then she disappeared, vanishing out of thin air, leaving behind an emerald in her place. And that was when they awoke from his meditation, looking all around for her and the emerald, but only the soft, green grass was felt.

Ever since then, a couple of Monks have been seen disappearing as of late, no where to be found, not even at their meditating spots...




As the days went on, the Monks began growing curious, wondering where their fellow companions could be. With patience and careful eyes, the Monks watched each other, though none seemed out of the ordinary. A Monk would heal, a Monk would help, a Monk would meditate. And to give privacy to those meditating, the Monks would not watch and keep track of said person beyond that point...


That is where they faltered, for a few days later, a Monk by the name of Alder noticed something strange when passing through the Grand Library, another Monk meditating there. The meditating Monk seemed to be awake, eyes open, breathing, maybe looking at the books, though with further inspection, Alder noticed the Monk's true appearance, seeming to be in an unconcious state, their eyes hazed over, their face, completely blank. Without disturbance, Alder watched, and with time did the hazed Monk actually do something.


Mumbling what seemed to be a Monk prayer, the hazed Monk got up, starting to walk out of the Grand Library, and around the temple. As silent as he could be, Alder followed, a few Monks tagging along with him. Until finally, the hazed Monk journeyed into the old library ruins, seeming to go to a dead end. But as the monk approached a section of the library, did the walls open, leading to a stairway downward, the entrance closing behind them....~


[[This is part of the Monk Event some active Monks are currently working on. As they go through the event, more lore will be unlocked, and in-game more areas will be uncovered for non-Monks to explore. The old library ruins is uncovered for people to explore ~]]


~The Plane of Neutrality~

Written by Birdwhisperer, changed a bit by Jistuma

The Plane of Neutrality, a sort of realm between realms. It acts as a barrier between the mortal world and whatever may lie beyond it - the Seven Skies, the realm of the Aengudaemons, the Creator, or perhaps something else. It is best described as a membrane stretched between this realm and the next, and it is a key element in the monks’ resurrection of souls. When a mortal dies their soul departs their bodies. Some souls burn through the Neutral Plane with ease, passing through it to what awaits them beyond. But many more simply remain caught, drifting in the gray expense. The Celestial Triumvirate enable their followers to catch the souls lost in the Neutral Plane and reunite them with mortal bodies. Some souls remain adrift longer than others. Some are stuck with treacherous winds of memory as they pass the veil, and a mirror image of them returns to the mortal realm as ghosts.


This Neutral Plane works both ways, which means that if an Aengudaemon wishes to grant powers to their followers that power must move through the Plane, which functions as a conduit. The Celestial Triumvirate oversee the Neutral Plane and its inhabitants; their stance is neutrality and their great goal is to preserve absolute balance in the world. A meddling Aengudaemon can threaten that balance. The Plane of Neutrality acts as a valve, moderating the amount of power that can pass from deity to follower. This explains why those loyal to powerful Aenguls or Daemons can only harness so much power under normal circumstances, and why the specific functions of these Aengudaemonic magics sometimes change: to restore equilibrium to the world.


Finally, the Triumvirate do not cast judgement upon either the Aengudaemons or the souls of the departed. However the Plane can act as a mirror that reflects the soul, illustrating all of their past deeds in brutal clarity, both good or bad. It contains all of their memories, the entire essence of who they were as a person. It is rumored that one trial of the Cloud Temple Monks is to gaze into the Neutral Plane upon their own souls, to remind themselves of their shortcomings and the true value of not casting judgement. This is what a normal man would see when gazing into the portal - himself, and the souls of the dead with all of their merits and shortcomings laid bare in a brilliant array of horror and beauty.


~ Ritual of Releasing ~

To perform this ritual, there is needed only one Monk, though if there are multiple Lost Souls, then three will be needed. On top of that, you need to perform this at the site of death, at any time of day. For this ritual to work, a Monk must properly send off the bodies of the souls, which either can be to bury, or set them to sea (and burn the boat). With the bodies must include an offering to the new Realm, whether it be food item, token, or anything, and a representation of that person, to be known as in the new Realm (if perhaps the body cannot be identified or claimed, like in war, it can be given something that represents their race, or nation.). The last thing for the ritual to complete, is to satisfy the Lost Soul (this will only happen in a case of murder, or something unruly, not war.). This means to help the soul in any way, its last wish, before moving on. (As an example: The soul may have been stolen from and killed, wanting its favorite pendant back with it before it leaves.)


~Monk Spells & Tiers~

Monk Magic is set in “tiers”. Tiers meaning once a Monk has practiced and used their magic enough, they can use it more effectively and efficiently. It is not tiered, as in time, but experience. Any monk can learn their magic faster or slower, as it is all about their pace. Monk magic is also “tiered”, for some spells and healings may require more energy, and is best if a beginning monk not try them. Do note however, that a group of monks are better than one, and can combine their magic to create greater effects.

A Monk first begins their journey titled as an “Initiate Monk”. An Initiate Monk does not yet actually perform Monk Magic. Instead, they either learn Mundane Healing or the Path to becoming a Monk. If a Monk is under the age of 18 (for humans, the age of maturity is the line), they will learn Mundane Healing, in which they train in basic, and alchemical, healing until maturity is reached. Upon being 18, or older, an Initiate Monk will take the Path to becoming a Monk, in which they learn to meditate, carve their own staff, be selected by a Patron, and learn Monk Magic, in which they will do their first healing while being observed by a higher monk. They can be easily distinguished from the rest, for they have yet to acquire their Patron’s color on their robe. Afterwards, they train in their selected magic, going from Tier 1 - Tier 5, and then becoming a Master Monk. From there, a Monk may train in becoming a Monk Elder.



What most monks would do. Only capable of using it with great power in the cloud temple, and in average power outside of it. The most capable monks able to restore lost limbs if lost recently. Sickness is the biggest problems for monks, as healing works by making the body like the soul sees it. Long lasting illnesses and sickness aren’t able to be healed by monk magic, only short time things, like a cold, or dark taint placed recently on someone. They are also able to self heal when powerful enough, to keep their work possible even in problematic times. In times where many are injured at the same time, a monk is able to spread his healing magic throughout various people, not healing them enough to make them healthy, but at least keeping them alive with slower bleeding and less pain.




Their magic makes light. They can use it to light stuff for moments.


Soul 'Viewing'


The basis for their powerful healing magic, monks can know what's wrong with someone's health, by comparing it with the image of the soul. They shouldn't be able to do more with it than know the person's race and age and the physical problems they have. For doing this 'viewing' they have to cast the magic, they don't just look at someone and know things.




The monks, when making trips to other places, acting as neutral parties in meetings, or simply aiding travelers and villagers, are able to create a protection around themselves that stops most of the physical damage that they would receive. This can be useful for keeping alive from animal attacks, falling rocks, falling from cliffs, getting rashes, and so on. While it would work on attacks from people, if the attackers really wanted the monks hurt, the monks wouldn’t have much hope of using this magic for protection, as it would wear off quickly.


Pure Potions

Monks may use this magic in two ways. Some of the more experienced in potions and drinks, may use this magic to enhanced potions (no potion would have a poisonous effect, nor fighting effects such as stoneskin potion and strength potion) as to minimize the side effects. Alchemic potions infused with this magic also help monks treat other beings that aren’t affected by their healing magic, such as animals. The other use is in normal drinks, where the monk is able to remove poisonous effects and purify a drink in various ways. Removing poisonous effects may help a Monk be more useful in meeting where he is mediating, ensuring that no one there is being poisoned with any drinks. If the monk knows how to make drinks, he may as well create some new flavours with the use of this magic, some good, some bad, no one wants ale without alcohol.


~ Monk Spells ~

Colored Magic - Tier 1
Soul Magic varies in different colors. When a Monk simply uses their magic, it will appear as the color of their Patron (Keldrith = Gold/Yellow, Rellenia = Light, Sky Blue, Tariel = Darker Blue). A Monk can also change the colors of their magic when linked to a soul. Depending on the soul’s mood will determine its color. (Happy = Yellow, Mad = Red, Sad = Purple).


Soul Light - Tier 2
Using the natural light of your soul you are able to illuminate blocks around you to see. Exerting more energy from the Triumvirate would make you glow brighter, allowing the radius of what you see greater. You may also illuminate other souls to make them visible and give off light. This is the same light that is given off when using Soul Blueprint.


Monk Bread - Tier 2
Monks are able to summon Monk Bread out of thin air! This is simply the ability to create bread blessed by the Triumvirate, allowing anyone who eats it healing and fulfillment properties.


Borrow Energy - Tier 3
Sometimes a Monk has a bigger problem than they can handle, and their patient is too far to reach the Temple Grounds and Altar. Using this spell, a Monk can borrow energy from nearby Souls, making their magic greater in power to heal the larger wounds that they would normally not heal. Do note, however, that a Monk of lesser experience should only do this when needed, as taking in energy takes a lot of work, and holding too much energy can harm and even bring the Monk to unconsciousness.


Soul Shield - Tier 4
If attacked, a Monk's Passive Healing will be replaced by a Passive Shield. This creates a soft light around the Monk’s body, showing as if they have an extra layer of skin. This shield absorbs any physical attacks (not magic), though if attacked repeatedly it will break.


Pure Potions - Tier 4
The purity of Monk Magic seems to enhance healing potions immensely, and it also seems to neutralize any harmful potions, including turning alcohol a harmless drink, with no toxicity consequences.

Passive Healing - Tier 5
Due to Monks always dealing with souls and magic, they have gained the ability to heal themselves, passively. Only Monks with the highest of magic capabilities can sustain this though. Once injured, a Monk will heal, without thought, although if decapitated, or striked through the heart, they will not heal and die.

Soul Blueprint - Tier 5
The Soul Blueprint is simply when a Monk uses their magic to see what a person’s body should normally look like (i.e. they will see an arm where an arm was cut off). When used, a Monk will see the victim's soul blueprint in its most original form. To non-monks this is simply shown as a soft blue light illuminating from a person’s chest when used. The Soul Blueprint spell though is used in conjunction with Soul History and Soul Light.

Soul Barrier - Master Monk
Like the Soul Shield, you are able to use energy from the Triumvirate to created a barrier to deflect attacks, although only physical, not magical. This takes a good deal of energy, and sacrifices your Passive Healing, but should block that of less it would take to heal said wound. It may also protect those neutral around you (won't work in a war, but say a boulder is about to fall on top of the party the Monk is with).

Triumvirate's Aura - Master Monk
This is an area of effect healing, only used by the highest of monks. When there are too many people to heal at once a Monk will use this to stop any blood loss and heal all minor wounds in a certain radius. Plus, this spell can be focused onto one soul, becoming a long range tool if needed, reaching souls from afar. The more Monks there are in the area using this spell the greater the effect and greater the radius. This spell sacrifices a Monks passive regeneration, so if they were to be harmed, the spell would break. This is mainly used during wars, to help all dying people before death.


Soul History - Elder Monk[/b[
Although this is usually used when healing, a monk is able to read a soul, giving basic insight on that person. Mainly, it vaguely tells of the subject’s race and age. If the soul is hurt in any way, the Monk will also receive this information (i.e. stab wound in leg), but that is all. Like Soul Blueprint, when an Elder Monk uses this it will give the victim's soul blueprint in it most original form, though also show a History of Soul Blueprints from the past Elven Week.


~Monk Roles~

As a Monk progresses through the learning cycle of Monk Magic, they may choose a path of skills to learn and help the people. As a Monk exits the Initiate stage, they may choose a basic skill, one of which will help them learn hard work and dedication. Those skills include: Farming, Mining/Stonemasonry, Breeding, Fishing, Lumberjack/Woodworking, Tinkering, and Enchanting (There is no need to explain… they do what they say). A monk will continue their selected path of skill until they have become Master Monks ((will be working on skill around temple + lessons)). By this time a Monk has learned the purity of Monk Magic and its healing capabilities and hard work, now being able to choose between a set of skills that help both the Monks, and the people. They may choose between the following: Monk Traveler, Monk Librarian/Informer, Monk Smith, Monk Bartender, and Monk Enchanter. A Monk will be allowed to stay with their current skill if not wanting any of these. There is however a way to further advance in the leadership role of the Monks. Master Monks who have shown great dedication and knowledge to the Monk Order may be chosen by the Triumvirate, and Monk Order, to become an Elder Monk, one whose main task is to help Monks and teach them. Monks can switch roles at any point in time, as long as they meet the prerequisites (A Monk Elder can easily walk them through this changing process if needed).

NOTE: All skills are to be learned RPly and MCly. This is to allow new Monks to develop their Mechanical skill during training so when they reach Master Monk status, they already have the RP capability (and mechanical) to do their task.
NOTE 2: Think of it as a school. There is the principal (leader), assistant principal and staff (elders), teachers, and the students (initiates and monks). Without the principal, there would be no structure, and without the students there would be no purpose. Although, each can make decisions, and none have a higher power over the other (As a whole - one bad student vs principal is not what i mean).

NOTE 3: This system does NOT stick you to one skill, just titles you to one skill. I.E., if I look for a Monk Breeder I will look for a Monk whose character mains in the Breeding skill RPly, even though they may have other skills. And I only look for them, not someone who may have breeding as a selected skill. Though with the Grand Roles you can only pick one to do.


~ Leadership & Grand Roles ~

Monk Traveler -
A monk traveler is a skilled Monk who travels around the world, looking for wounded that cannot make it back to the Temple. There can be up to 8 Monk Travelers, two designated to one race and area - Prerequisites require extensive knowledge on the land and world. More information on Traveling Monks can be found in the “Traveling Monks” section.

Monk Librarian & Informer -
This Monk is special to those who look for lost knowledge, or even new knowledge. Monk Librarians work at the Monk Library, sorting and studying books donated to it. Here people can read and learn of what others have experienced. The Librarian is also a resource themselves, for they are usually the most wise on Lore, and can help anyone. They can mostly be found in the Library, or around the temple, helping new travelers ((new players)). There can be up to 6 of these Librarians, one for Humans & Halflings, one for Dwarves, one for Elf & Kha, one for Orcs, one for Magic, and one for the region and history of the world we currently inhabit. Of course each librarian is not tied down to said topic, but should they be asked, they should know a good deal. - Prerequisites require extensive Lore Knowledge.

Monk Smithy -
The Monk Smithy works on forging tools and leather-bound items. Using the ores they have gained from the miners, they craft remarkable necessities in order to greatly progress in other skills. The Leather-working smithy also helps with making crafts of beautiful simplicity. There are only two Monk Smiths. DISCLAIMER: Monks do not make weapons of any kind. - Prerequisites require the learned skill of Mining or Breeding.

Monk Bartender -
The tavern is an important place to get exquisite food and drinks. Bartending Monks will learn how to cook and prepare drinks with the many selections of foods available for a Monk to create, serving to the patrons of Vailor. There are only two Monk Bartenders. - Prerequisites require the learned skill of Farming or Fishing.

Monk Enchanter -
A Monk Enchanter’s duties is to enhance the performance of tools. Although a narrow job, an enchanter’s duties take long hours to perform. And learning it is no easy task. A Monk Enchanter is well respected and enjoyed, as they also are commonly known to know another non-deity magic. Through dedication as a Monk Enchanter, they possess the ability to create Soul Gems (WIP Lore). There can be up to 2 Monk Enchanters - Prerequisites require the learned skill of Enchanting.

Monk Elder -
A Monk Elder is an overseer of the entire order. There are only 4 at one given time (Two for each way to perform Monk Magic:Alchemical and Soul). They are the ones to assign new roles to Monks and make sure everything is running smoothly. They also teach, along with the leader, Monk Magic and its given Spells to new Monks when the time is right. Monk Elders are blessed by the Triumvirate, enabling them to have better knowledge of the Monks, and people, around them. If felt needed by the Monk Order, a Master Monk may be chosen to be tested by the Triumvirate in becoming an Elder Monk ((allowing more Elder Monks if needed pretty much)).

Monk Leader -
Although the Monks technically don’t have a leading power, they do have one monk they look up to for guidance. The Monk Leader accepts new Initiates and appoints new Elders. A small, but delicate role.


~Traveling Monks~

~What is this? ~
A Traveling Monk plays an important role in the Monk Order, almost as important as the Elder Monks leading the Order. They are the ones to assist with road-side wounds and bring back the dead to the Cloud Temple. These Monks usually have a set path, hitting each Capital and Monk Station, so finding them should be of ease. Though do not count on finding them on the road easily. Their main goal is to allow people to be healed and helped without having to make them travel themselves on the long, and sometimes dangerous, roads to the Cloud Temple, and then back to their home.

NOTE: If asked, a Traveling Monk can make deliveries and the like for free. Though do note, that even with passive healing and defensive spells to help protect, there are those who still kill unarmed, and harmless, Monks for no reason, always having the possibility for the package to get lost.

~ Monk Stations ~
Traveling Monks have set stations to check into on their journey through their set area. These stations act as checkpoints and healing areas, making it easy for a person to find a Monk while on the road. Although, due to this not being the cloud temple, any missing body parts, or more serious wounds, will have to be brought to the temple, though the Traveling Monk can stop bleeding and help it out. Each Station will be similar, looking like a large tent, all being set in neutral grounds, having the same colors, and a Monk Banner signifying it is of Monk Property. Should a person need help or assistance, all they would need to do is go to a Monk Station and a Monk should be there shortly when they get to that point on their route. A Traveling Monk will also use these stations as Checkpoints, recording their locations and the like, just incase something happens while on the road.


~Monk Magic~

~ How It Works ~
Monk magic, alternatively called the Blessings of the Triumvirate, are boons granted to the Wilven Monks in return for their charitable and altruistic services to the people.

Monks, once initiated, will choose a dedication to one of the Triumvirate. This determines the trim of their robe, the deity they receive the boon from, and the color of the remuneration once the boon is granted. No matter how a monk uses their magic, the results appear to viewers as wisps of light of the color of the Triumvirate that the monk follows. Light Blue for Rellenia, Blue for Tariel, and yellow for Keldrith.


~ Understanding Monk Magic ~

Monk magic isn't healing - at least, not in the conventional sense. Whereas Clerics use their understanding of anatomy and the body to create new flesh and muscle, Monks 'recreate' damaged portions of their target's bodies by using their soul as a blueprint.

(If the two magics were scientific instead, Clerics use plain stem cells and force them to grow into what they want, whereas Monks clone back the damaged parts of their patients from the patient's DNA.)

Here's a handy diagram to demonstrate.

See the man on the left? This is Bob. Say hi, Bob!


On the right is Bob's soul. As you can see, it looks just like Bob.

Now, Bob is out adventuring when an Orc comes up and lops off his arm. Oops.


Why isn't important, what's more important is what happens when he visits a Monk in desperate need for Healing. This is what the Monk sees.


As you can see, Bob is physically hurt, but his soul is fine. Now, the Monk summons forth the Triumvirates power through either Prayer Healing or Silent Healing, and this power rebuilds Bob's body from his spirit 'blueprint', and he's as good as new!



~ Ways to Perform Monk Magic ~

There are three ways to perform (NOT SUBTYPES) Monk Magic, each having their own way to heal using Monk Magic, but all three relate back to Soul Magic (using the Soul as a Blueprint to heal wounds). They are Alchemical, Soul, and Scroll magic (Scroll is currently NOT being used!).


Soul Magic:

Monk healing is very powerful, and can knit together minor wounds in a matter of minutes, more grievous wounds in under an hour. Bones can be fixed by dedicated healing by a higher rank monk. Monk healing can fix damage to any organ, given enough time, including recent physical (not mental) brain damage.

However, Monk healing will not cure insanity, amnesia, or any hereditary or lifelong disease, or anything that affects your character's soul itself, such as Witchdoctor hexes, etc. This is because Monk Magic only heals retroactively, working from the 'blueprint' of your soul - if your soul is damaged, monk healing will repair back to that damaged state. This is where Clerical Healing, Druidic Healing and Monk healing differ!

Diseases and illnesses can be cured by Monk healing, but are difficult to purge entirely. It is often much more efficient to merely slow down or halt the disease's' development, depending on how severe it is. Clerical and Druid magic is much more efficient at curing diseases and pestilence than Monk Magic is.

The most widespread use of the magic is through praying to the Triumvirate. While performing the healing, lighting, purifying, viewing or protecting, they chant prayers to their patron. As a monk gains more trust in his skill, he may start silent prayers, which only have the difference of not being said out loud.

Alchemical Magic (Not Being Used):

An Alchemist Monk takes a new approach to healing the wounded. Using old ways of apothecary, a Monk will combine their potion concoctions and Soul Magic. A Monk being seen using this type of healing will usually have a set of potions with them, some healing, some sleeping, anything really, that may be used to grant the subject better health (no potions on a monk will be harmful). They will most likely first perform Alchemy on the subject, and if needed will then use Prayer Healing or Silent Healing to amplify the potion’s effects. This magic allows monks to more easily preserve their power and even to try and heal things that they normally can’t, such as long lasting illnesses.

Scroll Magic (Not Being Used):

Instead of prayers, the monks may use the creation of symbols in the same way. In scrolls which the monks carry in their person, or to be made immediately into a person, there would be symbols which would be like the prayers to their patron. Each of the Triumvirate would have different symbols. The magic would not be stronger or faster with the use of scrolls, only a different manner to please their patron.

~Monk Rules & Regulations~

~ Rules of the Cloud Temple & Monk Order ~
Violent or Negative acts of any kind are not permitted. The Cloud Temple’s Aura prevents it. These include: Stealing, Slaving, Killing, Harmful Magics, etc.
{ OOC } The Cloud Temple is to be a respectful and helpful environment, especially for newer players. Trolling or Excessive OOC will NOT be tolerated.
{ OOC } Respect the rules of the server, otherwise there will be retribution both by the order and by the LoTC staff.
{ OOC } If you are to FTB (and the like) in the Cloud Temple, then do so in whisper chat.

~ What Monks Can and Cannot Do ~
A monk is never to deny assistance to one who needs it, regardless of age, sex, orientation, or history.
A monk cannot fight. Though can defend him/herself and defend others if unarmed.
A monk may not have any tithes to the leader of a faction that might force them to go to war: If a monk has gone to war they will be expelled.
A Monk cannot intervene in armed conflict (Heals only after the battle is over).
A Monk cannot forcefully heal someone.
A Monk cannot commit any violent actions.
A Monk can learn any other magic. A deity based magic though cannot be learnt if the other Deity doesn’t allow other Deity magic to be learnt. Any Dark Magic cannot be learnt by a Monk.
A Monk must meditate and always worship the Triumvirate. Ceasing to do so will lose connection.
{ OOC } If a ban report is passed on a Monk, the order will look at that report and decide if we want to keep that Monk within our ranks. Being a monk is a large responsibility, and is not one to be kept lightly.

{ OOC } The Monks are a serious Order, especially due to being mainly at Spawn and that we help New Players. Excessive (as in being noted by the other Monks) Trolling or acts of Immaturity (we are all immature in some way, always wanting to have fun, but there can be a fine line) will result in a removal from the Monk Order.

~ Monk Advantages (+) and Disadvantages (-) ~
(-) Cannot PvP
(-) Unable to Harm others
(-) Removed from Triumvirate if a rule is broken
(-) Cannot intervene in armed combat
(-) Cannot heal if not wanted
(-) Monk Magic only works on Souls

(+) Most Powerful Healing Magic
(+) Can learn other Magics
(+) Can Learn an assortment of Spells
(+) Every Monk is unique, having their own way of healing
(+) Variety of Paths to choose from

~Monk Attire~

Monks can be easily distinguished by their robes.
“An exquisitely woven robe, light brown in color, reaching from shoulder to toe. Trimmed delicately with the color signifying their patron, usually of shining gold, sparkling diamond blue, or glistening midnight blue. The robes can also extend above the shoulders, giving a hood for Monks of Elder rank. And upon the Monk may be a sash or bag, holding their contents for their selected type of Healing, fitting comfortably for ease of travel.”

~Wanting to be a Monk?~

If wanting to be a monk don’t worry, all you need to do is read the Lore, How Monk Magic Works, and Rules. After you have done so, seek out an Elder Monk (regular Monks can get Elder Monks for you) for the application itself! The rest you will learn in RP throughout your journey as being a Monk!

Please make an RP post on this forums after you have completed the application so we know to review it! Do note, the Monk Application is quite tedious and hard, as we now only search for the most dedicated of players.


((P.S. You will be given Initiate Monk Robes, and then Monk Robes trimmed with yer Patron's Colors through RP! Dun worry, be happy!))


Edited by Spike823
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~ Our Current Monks ~


Leader -
Spike Vondar (Spike823)


Monk Aeryn of Soul Magic (Ovary) - ((Teaches EST & near timezones))
Monk Vallei of Soul Magic (Aegis_Monk) - ((Teaches Aussie & near timezones))
Elder Monk of Alchemical Magic (Empty)

Elder Monk of Alchemical Magic (Empty)


Master Monks -

Monk Hannah of Soul Magic (Ratattoo) - Monk Traveler

[blind] Monk Yohei (Obtitan) - Monk Librarian

Monks -
Monk Mumbo (Gigarun) - Performs Soul Monk Magic
Monk Turr’leyu (I_love_dirt) - Performs Soul Monk Magic

Monk Bungo (Dr_Dovahkiin) - Performs Soul Monk Magic

Monk Seyla (tristanx7) - Performs Soul Monk Magic

Monk Isle (samsan99) - Performs Soul Monk Magic


Monk Alder (JavaWizard) - Performs Alchemical Monk Magic

Initiates -
Initiate Thalia (hiphoplives)

Initiate Almalexia (JtPvLSD)

Initiate Ella (shorty794)

Initiate Zajirr (Prophesier)

Initiate Groshanz (_Myst_)

Initiate Payton (BlackerTheBerry)

Initiate Laera (nugsy)

Initiate Fa'nir (Adelle)

Initiate Daem (GreyGree)

Initiate Luther (einnatz)

Initiate Jeremiah (Gladuos)

Initiate Lavani (WolfTay)

Initiate Alene (legocrazy7)

Initiate Couteerian (Crazy_Dinosaur)

Initiate Deltion (jjujack)

Initiate Sorthes (GoboHobo)

Initiate Tharoc (erikus6)


Helpers -
Spike's Golem, Soleil (Spiritualist)

Hannah's Golem, Cynzia (Adelle)

Cervitaur Enya (Ratattoo)

Lumberjack Fallos (Rozetta_Stone)





Spike823 and Aegis_Monk worked on compiling this together. Some of Freya’s old work with explaining Monk Magic was also used, but altered. Jistuma (mainly), and other Lore Masters, also checked over this. zane was there too


Sidenote: Along with accepting peeps, this forum will also be used as the Monks 'Forum Noticeboard', so stick around to get news about happenings in the Cloud Temple!~

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Hey, I've RPed my monk a few times since I was unbanned but I didn't know there was an active group! I used to run the monks in Anthos for a while before Escharian re-took over. I think I was tier 4-5 ish. I'd like to get back involved if you add me on skype :)

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*Smiles as he gathers up the new applications... A couple of hours later he returns with his own letters, a bit fewer than those received, sending them out to the accepted applicants, this one among them*


"Ye have been Accepted! Welcome to thy Monks~"

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((Very happy to see Monks trying to become an active group again! Been a long time since I've seen you guys openly abroad. Looking forward to future roleplay!))

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Isle comes up a small smile on her face "Hello again my brothers and sisters.. it has many years since I last came to the temple but to this day I still follow our teachings, Would you allow a older monk like myself to return under such sort notice?" Her weathered robes slightly hiding the many scrolls she keeps under them and within her bag leaning on her staff slightly as her smile brightens.

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Elder Monk Vallei looking over the notice before noticing Isle. 


"Aha, an aspiring scroll monk. Well luckily I will be your teacher once again. You'll be accepted into the monk ranks on good foundations. Welcome back Isle."

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*smiles at the amount of new applicants applying, sending most of them all letters*


"Welcome to thy Monks, ye have been accepted" ~Spike V.

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{ OOC }


Some changes have been made to this post, Including:


(+) Added the list of Spells

(+) Added the Plane of Neutrality

(+) Added a Monk Ritual

(+) Updated 'Our Current Monks' list

(-) Shortened the Monk Magic Explanation

(-) Removed the Explanation of Tiers (Will learn IG as a Monk) and Replaced with the General Magic Monks can do.

(~) Moved 'Our Current Monks' to its own post with the 'Credits'



Thank you Jistuma, Lore Master, for your help in getting some of the Monk Magic accepted. Thank you Birdwhisperer for your explanation on The Plane of Neutrality (better than I could do).

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Daem turns in his form into the Cloud Temple


He grunts old manedly, turns around, and leaves.

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Daem turns in his form into the Cloud Temple


He grunts old manedly, turns around, and leaves.


*smiles, sending the acceptance letter -- Soon after, he goes over to the 'Current Monks' sign board, painting on a new name*

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Luther sticks his application to the board with a piece of wet clay.  He proceeds to sign it in a scribble, then once again in print, before trotting on his way.

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Jeremiah hobbles along the temple grounds, slapping his application onto a noticeboard.


"I t'ink tha'll do." he says before marching away!

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Luther sticks his application to the board with a piece of wet clay.  He proceeds to sign it in a scribble, then once again in print, before trotting on his way.



Jeremiah hobbles along the temple grounds, slapping his application onto a noticeboard.


"I t'ink tha'll do." he says before marching away!


*smiles as the Monks receive new Applicants, though this time, sending a letter to each of them*


"Accepted, Welcome to thy Monk Order"

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Lavani wishes to join the monks for these reasons. *Lavani would scratch his head, then continue writing in this book.* Lavani wishes to be a peaceful one, unlike his friends, but he still has much respect for his friends. Lavani loves nature,horses, and ocelots. Lavani is a Kha-Pantera, 34 years old, and of the sleek black fur types. Lavani now ends this book. *the writing would end in a clean way, then these words are stated at the bottom*                                Lavani thanks you for reading. Lavani would walk up to the board after putting it all to words on a scroll, and push it on using wet clay. "Lavani thinks this'll do fine." Lavani would walk away.

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