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[Daemon] Niad


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The Preserver


Obtaining Godhood


Long ago in the times of Ancient Aegis, preceding the corruption and imprisonment of Iblees, several Aengudaemons gathered together to create a weapon to prevent something like Iblees from ever surfacing amongst their ranks again. The solution was an obsidian stake infused with the power to slay immortal beings, to end the existence of another Aengudaemon.


This weapon's creation became the source of great strife between Aengudaemons, a war

of the Gods ensued amongst their planes of existence, some vying for control of The Spire for their own selfish desires, others seeking to lock it away so that it would only be used when necessary, some sought it for more nefarious purposes. Eventually, the war ceased when the creators were slain by the Daemon of Chance, Phyos; who sought The Spire to use its power to slay others and siphon off their power for himself.


With the death of the immortals, many Aengudaemons went into hiding, fearing the bloodlust of Phyos. Already made powerful from slaying the creators of The Spire with their own weapon, Phyos began to spread his influence across other realms. Seeking to conquer realm after realm, command legions of followers and exert his newfound power he disappeared to parts unknown to fulfill his ambitions.


The whereabouts of The Spire remained unknown until a human explorer named Adin discovered it within an ancient shrine dedicated to Phyos. Ignorant of its properties, The Spire's resurfacing sparked strife amongst the Aengudaemons once more as many began to rally their forces to seal The Spire away for eternity. Many tried to influence Adin through dreams, spiritual experiences during his travels, and even risking their own lives by manifesting physically before him. Learning of what power he possessed, Adin began to muse over his options, eventually deciding to return The Spire to a gathering of Aengudaemons in exchange for maps of the world.


Upon the night of the gathering, an Aengudaemon infuriated with the decision dragged Adin to its realm as he presented The Spire, attacking him with divine power in hopes to eradicate the hapless mortal. On the fringes of death, Adin reached out with The Spire and impaled the Aengudaemon, killing it instantly. Upon the being's death, the magic Phyos had added to The Spire took effect, siphoning a great deal of the god's power and transferring it to Adin, ascending him to godhood.


With his newfound power, Adin left the dead god's realm to carve out his own and discover the capabilities of his obtained godhood. Dubbing himself Niad as means to mask his identity from other Aengudaemons as he explored his powers.


Becoming the Preserver


As Niad became familiar with his powers, he became overwhelmed with the desire of purpose. With godlike power and magics, he had the realization he could do so much more. Conquer, Create, Collect; the realm of mortals were his toys, and he, the observer. Looking over the realm, Niad took it upon himself to protect it, for while he could easily create his own land, flawless in every way possible, he did not. The realm of mortals amused him, the flaws and fractures that scarred the realm intrigued him. The blood soaked fields of the mortal wars saddened him. The mortals who continued to explore the world reminded him of his old life. Sparked by these feelings, Niad dubbed himself the Preserver. Seeking to maintain the balance of creation and destruction the mortals seemed to take pride in doing as they lived and died.Niad began to weave his magics to form a gift for the mortals in hopes that one who shared his cause would be worthy enough to take it. As centuries passed, he found no one sought to take up his cause for a time. He began to doubt himself and his power, wondering if he was going about this the right way. Niad then found a way to make way for his cause of preserving balance, by doing it himself.


To enact his influence across the realm, Niad split himself into two selves, an innocent, mortal self who has no recollection of who he or she is and why it exists, and another, the true self. His mortal self holds no powers, no idea, of what he truly is. The immortal self on the other hand uses this mortal self as a viewing lense, and on occasion, a mouthpiece. Aside from this, the mortal self is totally unaware of his true purpose and lives out his or her life normally. The mortal self is essentially an incarnation of some soul Niad chooses from his lot of followers. In exchange for this high honor however, the beneficiaries of this ‘blessing’ are killed upon the mortal self’s birth to prevent the mortal self of ever knowing what he or she truly is.


Niad’s Realm


Being the Preserver, Niad’s realm is a thing of natural and manmade beauty, various buildings and achievements of mortals make up his realm, which appears as sort of a misty fog. Those that are summoned by Niad will find themselves in a large meadow of a bygone age, several forts from lost military orders stand on the horizon as they harken back to different times. It is only in this realm that Niad’s true form is revealed, that of a young man or woman similar in appearance to his current mortal incarnation.


OOC Notes:

I couldn’t really decide to say if he was an Aengul or a Daemon as he doesn’t really care about mortal strife, just really preserving what they do and making sure they don’t screw anything up about their world. The best way to put it is that Niad is controlling caretaker and that is why he created his mortal lense, which is REDACTED as of now. When REDACTED dies, a new incarnation will be made. Will I play then? Probably not as the incarnations go boy girl boy girl. I also wanted to toy around with this type of lore and wanted to introduce a godlike being that wasn’t godlike to begin with because its such a cool concept. I will make accompanying lore for The Spire if requested.

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Like I said in helf chat, the whole idea of a character who is secretly related to a god or whatever really doesn't sit right with me. What's the point? What does this offer to the general storytelling as a whole?


Also you might want to fix the formatting. Kind of hard to read.

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I fixed it.

Edited by Meguzara
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I agree with Megu, I dislike this concept because of the fact it does minimal to benefit the server. It's no protagonist, antagonist, and while the idea's unique, it doesn't seem like it could be implemented efficiently. 

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Give it a purpose for it's existence. It's a neat idea, but there's little reason to implement another Aengudaemon when they don't have a specific goal in mind.

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An immortal assuming the goal of mortal preservation doesn't seem exactly fitting for the role of a godlike entity -- Aengudaemonic purposes are often indirectly influential of the mortal realm's inhabitants and moreso for the actual realm. For example, Tahariae and the Aengulic patrons are generally against what they define as impurities, and seek to expunge them from existence by using mortals as puppets, just to assure the land is "cleansed" of them, and bears their image of perfection. It's like a canvas for deities - a sandbox. There's some degree of regard that some Aengudaemons have for mortalkind, but it's often backed by additional self-imposed reasoning. If Niad's task was to preserve the mortal world, he would have thoroughly failed thus far; all lands the four races have left (which is around, like, seven) have been violently eviscerated by some form of natural disaster or embodied, impeding doom, such as the massive worm that devoured the land before Vailor. Not only were the works of the four races destroyed by this creature, but long-lived ruins were as well. One could think the constant migration of the four races actually prevents preservation in the first place, as every time they step into the next world, the last one was left torn asunder. You'd think Niad would be pretty pissed by that, no?

Personally, I would recommend taking a different route for the whole "higher being with a mission" scheme - perhaps Niad could be a Draagar instead, even though that would make his origin of ascension null as men cannot turn into dragonkin just as an Orc can't turn into an Elf. Draagar are known to collect droves of knowledge and hoard it all, and it wouldn't be far-fetched to think that a Draagar would make an effort to preserve all recorded history and general makings of the mortal races, as to assure their legend would not be lost in the lands they would leave behind.

Edited by Swgrclan
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Give it a purpose for it's existence. It's a neat idea, but there's little reason to implement another Aengudaemon when they don't have a specific goal in mind.

I agree with this comment. Give the Daemon some sort of purpose or task it wishes to complete. Right now it is just some random entity that can't be used for much... Give it greater meaning.

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I agree with this comment. Give the Daemon some sort of purpose or task it wishes to complete. Right now it is just some random entity that can't be used for much... Give it greater meaning.

Working on it

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I love the idea of a god-weapon used by a mortal to attain godhood, but I think the actual entity itself needs more inspiration. Perhaps there was a goal in his mortal life that carried on in his aengudaemonic lifestyle? Preservation doesn't entirely make sense from a mortal that wished to muse with the gods. Any case, food for thought.

Also, I definitely think it's worth expanding on The Spire, for the sake of extra clarification. Something that is capable of killing aengudaemons is definitely very powerful, and the idea that it might still exist somewhere only makes it more necessary.

Anyway, I will definitely support if more changes like those I detailed above are added. I like it!~ :)

Edited by Gladuos
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      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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