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[Magic] [Lore Revision] Arcanism (formerly arcane evocation and shielding)


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* Arcane -> Arcanism *


The Official Canon Guide to;

Written and developed by BrandNewKitten


Basic Understanding


For those of you who remember the old Arcane Evocation (Pre-Anthos) this is similar but not the same;


Arcanism at it's core aims to take the imagination of the user and bring it to life. From use in combat to art Arcanism is highly variable. It is a free form of magic meaning you don't have to belong to a guild or group to use it. I recommend learning it properly in RP else you might run into trouble with the quality in which you RP it. So what is it exactly?


Arcanism is the act of evoking pure magical energy and shaping it into things. Things? What things? Really almost anything the user can imagine! Firstly the magic interacts what I like to call an aura. An aura being a field of mana that surrounds all living things. If fire is a metaphor for a spell then aura is the smoke that comes off of it and even more so as a spell is cast. The more complicated sentient beings having different coloured auras. Different colored auras? Indeed! Aura color varies from person to person, not just mages have auras but all things have a specific aura color. While my character might have a purple aura yours might be a sky blue. Like how other evocations are a replication of a real element, arcane evocation is a replication of pure magical energy drawn from the void. It takes on a color because pure voidal energy has no real shape so as it is processed through you it globs onto whatever it can find, that being your distinct aura. The spell doesn't specifically travel through the aura but there is a basic passive interaction.



Since Arcanism is a magic of the unseen, meaning it is physically not represented in this world ie fire, water, stone, it can be difficult to produce. This is why the magic can be so incredibly difficult to learn. It takes meditation, testing of theory and a strong imagination to achieve even the smallest success in this magic.


What Can I do with it?:


Arcanism can take on any physical form from solid to gas but it is constantly seeking to disperse into tiny fragments or “wisps” as I like to call them. Anything and everything you make is essentially made up of millions of tiny tiny wisps. So if for say you were to conjure a blade made purely of arcane energy it could take a more gassy form and break easier or it can be made into a solid that matches your finest iron-made sword. If you were to swing the arcane blade and hit something it is likely the arcane blade would shatter back into all those tiny wisps if your spell is beaten back or cannot outweigh the physical force being returned to it.


The magic wants to be free and unrestricted which is why non-combative use of the magic often can be more expansive. That isn't to say you cannot use it in combat because at it's core it is a combat magic. So when you are shaping the magic into whatever it may be keep in mind the density of the object you are forming. Is the object less or more solid? More solid? Great, so this is more exhausting for me.


Arcanism has a neutral temperature and does not mix with other evocation. Meaning you cannot mix it with fire evocation to make blue/green/rainbow flames. It can surely take the shape of fire though, it just will not burn and not be hot. The evocation is a neutral room temperature. One thing it does posses is a glow. It illuminates the area around you and can create bright flashes when large spells explode.


When struck against something the evocation might shatter; In the event of this I like to describe it as a visual explosion meaning it looks like an explosion but the temperature doesn't change. What it does do is cause a knock-back and blunt force trauma against whatever it hits. The more solid the evocation the more concentrated blunt force that is applied. Arcanism’s main two attributes are blunt force and ingenuity. The act of exploding can be a brutal tool in the mage’s arsenal but suffers from the lack of any elemental attribute. Smaller spells and spells with lower mana cost also do not cause as much blunt force. Arcanism CANNOT create sharp objects or defined shapes a.k.a conjuration spells. It only causes blunt force trauma and knockback.


So in battle where a fire mage casts their fireball to launch and burn you create physical spells to negate or create physical, impact damage.

Arcanist evokes energy into their hand. -> Energy builds & pulses -> Energy is released into an arc that trails to it's target -> Target is hit and is knocked to the ground.


Arcanist brings both hands together, energy accumulates. -> Energy continues to build. -> Energy is begin reformed into a shape. -> Energy forms sword. -> Arcanist manipulates sword to fly and stab towards target. -> Target is mage and is run through, the blunt sword piercing the unarmored individual before fading away, having been broken by the impact.


And with that we will break  Arcanism down into five specializations to better clarify the different things this magic can achieve. Projectiles, Shielding, Weaponry, Life, Art. As an initial progression I would pick one specialization at a time. Each Arcanist is unique because your proficiency in each specialization are separate from each other.














Arcanism -> Projectiles


Projectiles are the main arsenal of arcanism and can be shaped into many different things. Projectiles almost always have a gas-like form  which is really what allows them to be projected so easily. Smaller spells create less force, explosion and knockback while larger spells create more. Arcanism spells are rarely one-hit KO and often require repeating spells to incapacitate your foe however they are seen as concussive spells that deal concussive damage. Here are some examples of projectiles;

Missiles: Small. Most basic spell. They can be shot off but are weak. Casting a multitude can be effective. They are also easy to control and require little mana to manipulate.


Orb: Small.  Orbs are a step above Missiles. They are shot slower but give a much greater impact. These are not perfectly round and give off a misty-wisp aura.


Bolt: Small. This is a quickshot. Expends more mana, is singular but is stronger than other small spells.


Disc: Medium. Discs are semi-solid. They are essentially small thrown barriers. They have less explosion but more impact if they hit their target. They do not shatter like shields but can be thrown at angles. These are not quite barrier discs and offer no protection.


Arc: Medium. Arcs are trails of energy that curve  through the air to their target’s initial location. They are hard to track and look like a line of energy as they travel through the air. Speed matches the bolt, causes an impact equal to an orb but does not seek out it’s target if it moves and cannot be swayed from its path once fired.


Beam: Large: Strongest knockback spell. Creates larger explosion field and will likely hit multiple targets. Longer charge time and fires only in a straight line. The spell will keep going until the mana expended is used up. The farther the beam  goes the more mana is used and the less impact it has.


Ray: Large: This is a closer range skill. The caster evokes a large amount of mana in the air and calls it down like a pillar onto it’s target. This has longer casting time and requires the most focus to use.


Arcanism -> Shielding

Shielding is much like Water Evocation’s  ice. It is possible to evoke solids, sometimes taking on the shape of barriers and shields. These shields are all translucent which means you can see clearly through them. These barriers are based off the balance of a character. It is quite the feat to be able to hold a solid, let alone watch in amazement as the translucent barrier of magic rebounds incoming physical attacks. Sometimes Arcanists will only use shielding as their form of combat.


These barriers can be cast as entire bubbles around individuals and can be used to bash much like a material shield. However it goes further! With this specialization an evoked shield will actually stand toe-to-toe to a real shield and in many cases dominate a clash of shields. Sometimes if the shield shatters it will momentarily remain to send glass shards which can cut those adjacent. Shields take up mana per second for as long as they are cast. The larger the shield the more mana that is being drained. Here is the tier of balanced based on initial mana consumption;


Disc: The disc is the most balanced and simple way to keep a solid from degrading back into gassy wisps of magic. It can be expanded to cover a wider field of defense.


Flat Shield: Usually used to cover a small area of space. For example it can block a doorway or passageway. It costs more mana because melding to surfaces requires more concentration.


Bubble Shield: A full shield around the caster and possibly allies depending on the size.


Bash Shield: Requires shield to be already cast. Shield is flexed or moved to physically hit another object. This creates drastic stress on the shield but imposes a large knockback effect.


Pulse Shield: This is the only exception in this specialization in terms of solidity. The caster evokes a field of energy directly around them and shoots it out like a shockwave. It can knockback but is not solid. Less effective than a bash but costs less to cast and does not require a shield to be evoked.


Trap Shield: A bubble shield that is placed over another person. Caster may decrease the size of the shield to compress onto the target. Shield will cause medium amounts of pain from compression but will eventually break, leaving the target largely unharmed. If the target presses back the shield may shatter. This is used to hold someone but it cannot be used to kill someone. ie- you can't put a shield over someone's head to crush their skull. Your shield loses in this regard.


Dual-Shielding: A caster may cast up to two full bubble shields, splitting the entirety of their concentration in half. They became more stationary and the shields have issues moving.


Colossal Shield: This is a spell saved for events and is usually a key moment that comes from specific instances. The Colossal Shield is a shield that expands to cover a wide area. Sometimes a single home and sometimes an entire city. Likewise a Colossal Shield can be created and fueled by more than just one Arcanist. Two or Three Arcanists who have specialized in Arcane Shielding could hold an entire city from conquest for much longer than one could alone. The mage becomes completely stationary and usually will enter a deep meditative state in order to channel the spell. The large amount of mana expunged to fuel the Colossal Shield could leave the mage incapacitated for hours if not days if they allow their entire supply of mana to be used.


Arcanism -> Weaponry


Arcane Weaponry are spells to take on a replica of a regular weapon but with the added benefit to cast weapons as projectiles at the cost of lack of durability and mana cost. A mage can either hold the weapon or shoot it at their foes. They are described as ethereal and are surrounded by a thin veil of wisps, small traces of excess wisps. Weaponry is easier to move around with than other spells and an evoked weapon is weightless to the mage (but equal to an iron sword to others) due to it being made of pure magical energy. Weapons cannot be incredibly detailed and their form is in between the projectile and shielding specializations in terms of density and because of this they are dull and are highly ineffective cutting weapons. Impalement is still a possibility though no arcane weapon will be better than an iron weapon. Multiple weapons at once is possible but the mana consumed is multiplied and like shielding it costs mana to maintain the spell. If a weapon breaks it does not explode or shatter. It simply dissipates. It is important to note that this list can be much more expansive than the other combat oriented specializations.  Larger weapons or ones that have a less static form cost more mana. All weapons have up to five hits which means they are no substitute for a real weapon. It is important to note that while a weapon can be cast away from it's caster it can only be done so by throwing it like a projectile. It does not act as a summoned pet that can attack like a conjured summon. Here is a list of weaponry;


Tools: The only spell from this specialization that breaks the form is Arcane Tools. Examples being plates, pots, tongs, cups, umbrellas, etc… The tools take on a more solid form that can capture liquid if necessary. If hit they break back into their fluid form. They fade away after use.


Sword: Small-to-Large. This includes daggers to greatswords. Not sharp but can be used in multitude to attempt to overwhelm an enemy.


Bow: Small-Medium. From shortbow to Longbow the bow shoots Arcane Bolts at a faster rate. Shooting from an arcane bow does not damage it like other weapons.


Staff: Small - Medium. From spears to bo staffs. Cannot be sharp but can be thrown. Like any object it has a chance to impale or cause concussive damage to it's target depending on their level of armor (Iron iron would never be pierced by an arcane evo spell).


Hammer: Medium-Large. You are granted more impact achieved but the weapons weight is accounted for in terms of mana cost and has even less durability. You can only summon one hammer at a time if it is a two-handed one and an arcane hammer can break in 1-2 hits do to the force needed to swing it adding onto it's already fragile frame.


Whip: Medium -Large. A whip is an example of  fluid weapon. It costs more to keep cast due to it’s ability to more freely move. Cannot bind target.



 Arcanism -> Life


Arcane Life can both be used for combat and creative arts. It is not conjuration and the  evoked forms of energy take on a shell of what it’s replicating. The form varies and depends on the mage to gather research about their imitation of life before they can cast the spell successfully. The imitation also lacks much of the specifics of original and is cloaked in a mist of wisps that can be described as ethereal. The imitation also takes on a very rough form of the imitation so where a conjurationist can give exact details an Arcanist can create a rough outline. The caster can fuel the spell and make the imitation like an arcane projectile but Arcane Life spells do not normally explode when broken unless you cast them to do so which causes them to act like a projectile. They dissipate like weaponry. Here are some examples;


Sprites (Animal shapes):  Any type of animal, though they lack any sort of detail of the animal they are mimicking. Instead they take on indistinct blob-shapes that are rather unique to this type of magic alone. They are dolls to be puppeted by the caster. They are mainly distractions but can also be flung like projectiles to explode. Using them in combat is more taxing in terms of mana consumption.



Arcanism -> Art

The most fluid form of the magic and the most open to new creation. Arcane Art is largely used out of battle as the creations are largely non-harmful. The caster for all instances of Arcane Art enter a deep meditative state in the central location of their piece. Due to the lack of any solidity and the mage’s full concentration the piece can become expansive without spending too much mana. Here are some examples;


Shroud: Due to the relative nature of Arcanism, it being different levels of condensed mana in the form of msit and wisps, it is possible for the caster to evoke a shroud around themselves to obscure vision. This cannot be incredibly expansive and works less effectively in open spaces where the magic has the opportunity to spread out. The caster can control this shroud but it is unable to cause harm to opponents. This is a specific use of a free-form spell.


Installations: This involves casting patterns of energy that stem from them. These streams, rivers, streaks, and other formations can move along any surface without disturbing it’s placement. This spell is unharmful and is the main focus of the specialization.


Imagination: Any other non-harmful freeform thing you can think of! Can’t effect anything with it but this specialization gives a lot of leeway so long as you abide by server rules.



These lists are used as a guide to what you can do in each specialization. If you would like your personal spell added post in a comment below and I may add it or ask for an explanation. Some roleplay tips I can give are;


-The larger or more solid the shape the more it costs to cast (not a drastic change but you don't start off learning the dense spells).

-If it isn’t solid it lacks durability.

-Shielding is enhanced when you concentrate on shielding.

-Everything is see-through and takes on the caster’s aura color (think MC stained glass)

-You need to let your opponent know the effects of the spell.

-Explosion is mostly visual. Explosions are an expulsion of energy & do not create heat. Only knockback/blunt damage from the impact.


Here are some roleplay examples! I will add more upon request for a specific situation.





Iatrilemar lifts his right hand, facing his palm out while taking a firm stance.

Iatrilemar's palm begins to glow with a bright violet light which pulsates. His cheek twitches up, both eyes wincing.

Soon the pulse quickens, more of the violet light gathering towards his palm.

Iatrilemar reels back his arm and thrusts forward, expelling a beam of energy outwardly.

The beam shoots out with tremendous force, becoming shallower and shallower as it travels through the open air until there is nothing left of it.

Iatrilemar smirks as he lowers his hand, the light fading from his palm.



Iatrilemar sits in the center of a large circular room, taking a meditative position and closing his eyes.

His breath drifts into a slight hum as he places both palms flat on the ground. Anyone watching would notice the soft light pounding into the ground.

Iatrilemar opens his eyes and at once streams of violet energy spill from his palm onto the floor, flowing like open waterways across the stone.

Iatrilemar turns his head the the right; The streams meander to the right before beginning to spiral. The same process is repeated by Iatrilemar turning his head to his left, the spirals now concaving into themselves.

Soon the streams of energy fill the entire floor with mosaic patterns that seem to swirl with life. The room; an ocean of intricate twists and concaving swirls.

Iatrilemar's palms slowly lift off the ground, his eyes closing once more. Almost as if in rewind the streams rapidly recede, snaking back to Iatrilemar before disappearing into his palm.


EX. 3

Iatrilemar’s arm twitches, his arm raised.

Iatrilemar narrows his eyes on the area just in front of his hand, adjusting his footing.

Iatrilemar takes in a deep breath before a faint purple light emits from his palm.

Iatrilemar exhales the breath as a small solid flat circle appears in front of his palm.

Iatrilemar clenches his other hand into a tight fist as the circle begins to spread outward in all directions.

The substance suddenly disperses as Iatrilemar falls over, incapacitated from fatigue.


EX. 4

Iatrilemar holds up his hand flexing his fingers, glancing around to two adjacent trees.

A glass-like shield sprouts from the epicenter of his palm rapidly expanding outwards in all directions.

The shield continues to expand until it meets the ground and the two trees.

The shield shakes violently as it melds to the flat surfaces.

Iatrilemar smirks, his shield covering the entirety of the opening between the trees.


EX. 5

(Starting off with the shield already evoked)


The bandit brings his sword down against the shield.

Iatrilemar’s shield shudders as the sword collides with it however the shield withstands the hit causing the sword to recoil off it’s surface.

The bandit staggers back due to the recoil of his hit before charging once again swinging his sword down onto the shield.

A small crack appears on the shield as Iatrilemar winces however once again the shield withstands the hit with the same outcome. The sword recoils.





~I realize there are a lot. But remember them!~


  • Your shield is not impenetrable. Mental magics will still go through it, just at a more taxing cost to the opposing caster due to the diminished visibility.

  • Do not instant cast.

  • You cannot evoke armor.

  • No sharp weapons

  • You cannot create a shield to allow you to dive underwater.

  • You cannot levitate yourself or use it as stairs to climb something.

  • You cannot cast your spell and then leave it. Once you lose sight of it the shield will rapidly disperse back to the void.

  • You are the one that needs to emote the status of your shield. Not your opponent.

  • Your aura colour is and always will be the same. You cannot have a multi coloured shield. So choose wisely. To change your aura color your character must have gone through a large change in their lives and a drastic character shift.

  • Your Arcane Life is not conjuration and your imitations of living things are merely undetailed puppets. It you try to have an arcane wolf sink it's teeth into an opponent it will shatter in the process. Still a good distraction though.


Things changed from previous lore;


-Now one subtype.

-Introduced specializations. I would allocate one sub-type slot per two specializations. This is not a requirement.

-Shielding is a harder tier of magic.


-Clarified the explosion effect

-Added a range of examples for each specialization.

-Shielders can no longer meld unless to participate in a Colossal Shield




Edited by BrandNewKitten
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This is combining the sub-types back together. The LMs seem to be down and so this will the new form of magic. All those in the sub-type would receive access. There are also some new things and some things removed.

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I like it. This seems to largely be a clarification from my view, which only helps. The other additions really just seem to be something to provide an interesting branch to provide more non combat based things within the magic.

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Why arcane weaponry? Make a weightless arcane hammer, have an Orc hold it and swings it so quickly anyone would explode.

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I like this a lot. However, as a fellow roleplayer of both shielding and evocation, I've a bunch of questions.


-For those of us who have had one or both of the magics, how would we define at what level we actually are in this new lore? Seems a but difficult to pinpoint one's capabilities with this new specializations system.

-Can whips be used to latch on to things Indiana Jones style?

-I would like more clarification on the amount of force that a "Ray" spell is capable of applying. Could it crush a man in plate armor? I feel it's a bit vague at the moment.

-What happened to the "No arcane armor" red line?

-In the case of weaponry such as sword, can they actually cut like their material counterparts?

-Can the mage evoke a weapon for another person to use? It would be a neat interaction for mages and warriors to have. It would allow the mage to create a fitting weapon and the warrior is obviously a lot better at melee combat than the mage. They would both synergize to enhance the effectiveness of the other.



I would also like to propose a spell, meant to be the "ultimate" spell of the projectile specialization

The Devastation Beam - Very Large: The mage starts to accumulate energy in their body at a slow and steady  pace. As more and more energy is accumulated, the more volatile and unstable it becomes, resulting in escalating mana and focus cost for the caster. Once enough energy has been accumulated, the mage can redirect all of it towards one point (Their arm) and fire off a massive beam that travels much further than any other projectile and annihilates anything in its path (It hits like a wrecking ball). The extreme force of this spell is somewhat compensated by its many drawbacks. First of all, it requires a very, very long time to charge up. Also, interrupting the mage in thi stage will cause the energy to be released prematurely and hurt the mage, along wth any unlucky bystanders close enough, the effect being more harmful the longer the mage has been charging. Then, the body of most mages simply cannot withstand such a collossal force, shattered arm and hand bones and luxation are uncommon injuries to attain from successfully casting this spell. (I like to /roll to decide on the damage. A perfect roll of 20 means no broken bones, but the mage would be completely drained for a good while after casting it)


Why arcane weaponry? Make a weightless arcane hammer, have an Orc hold it and swings it so quickly anyone would explode.

Most orcs would kill a mage for using mojo. Let alone allow themselves to wield a mojo weapon.

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Why arcane weaponry? Make a weightless arcane hammer, have an Orc hold it and swings it so quickly anyone would explode.

Most orcs would kill a mage for using mojo. Let alone allow themselves to wield a mojo weapon.

Evoked magical weaponry I believe has not been a thing due to mages being weaker in body strength due to the void connection, ergo a mage would be useless and have no sense of what to do with an arcane weapon in hand and would have no real practical use to use as a floating weapon other than to attack from afar as most spells often do regardless. It seems really unnecessary and more so can be easily powergamed. Another example being having two swords in the air to corner some poor warrior who would be literally unable to pass the blades simply because they can float and spin. Still reading the rest of the lore and spells but so far this is my biggest issue.

Also a note for your devastation beam, unless the arcane energy was already evoked it would not explode during the casting process, if you were interrupted during your cast it would more so waste your mana and cause exhaustion than a burst of energy that has yet to be evoked. Essentially until you put all the mana needed into a spell there will be no real effect, atleast from my knowledge since Asulon.

Edit: Originally Arcane magic was blunt, even back in Aegis. Why the sudden need for change?

Edited by DrakeHaze/Omnyaxle
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Then I should in theory based off this current lore be able to make similar things with water evocation or earth evocation.

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I find the weapons to be ridiculous, this magic is growing to encompass too many different things all in one swoop.

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I find the weapons to be ridiculous, this magic is growing to encompass too many different things all in one swoop.

Weapons have always been a thing as seen here https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/108019-~-~-arcane-evocation-guide-~-~/ I added them being able to be sharp just to see what LMs thought. The only thing that has been added is weapon sharpness. Everything else is just examples of spells put around into categories for easier RP use and reference.

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Then I should in theory based off this current lore be able to make similar things with water evocation or earth evocation.

Added onto this, if said arcanelife is added (which it apprently already is (have not seen it)). Could you enchant it to an object to keep said 'life' alive without the constant need of mana flow? If this is the case would it be similar to the "Atronach" lore Dsdevil made?

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Then I should in theory based off this current lore be able to make similar things with water evocation or earth evocation.

Added onto this, if said arcanelife is added (which it apprently already is (have not seen it)). Could you enchant it to an object to keep said 'life' alive without the constant need of mana flow? If this is the case would it be similar to the "Atronach" lore Dsdevil made?

Can you enchant something to keep any spell active? I am not away of the bounds regarding enchanting.


Also sharpness has been redacted. Literally nothing new now except shielders can only meld by becoming stationary. The two subtypes are just combined together as recommended by LMs.

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Can you enchant something to keep any spell active? I am not away of the bounds regarding enchanting.

I remember being told that you could enchant something to hold a spell for as much mana is put into the enchantment but the enchantment does need to be refilled every now and then. (A staff with an enchanted stone to create light, the stone needs to be recharged after 3 IRL days or it will no longer be in effect.) - As a example.


Could you do the same with this?

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I find the weapons to be ridiculous, this magic is growing to encompass too many different things all in one swoop.

I don't think adding sharpness to weapons is particularly ridiculous. Before, you had to utilize both subtypes of shielding and evocation just to craft a dagger that wouldn't really pierce far on hit. I think it actually makes use of arcane weaponry now. However, I feel as if its expanding too far with the arcane the hammer. I think it would be more concise and easy to guide players kitten if you could label the amount of hits taken before the evocation breaks. Maybe 2-3 hits for a hammer since it is a lot more to focus on and is just for blunt damage and maybe around 4-5 hits on a sword type? Also, I have one more question:

-You now added spear to the mix as well; could someone hurl a spear into someone's flesh and end up twisting the evocation to shred the flesh (with their magic contortion, not hands) or at least generate spikes to protrude from it? And also, could they recall the evocation to them or would that be too close to telekinesis?

Edited by _mkkk_
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Alright, so I was the first LM to say to combine evo and shielding. But seems there were a few things I didn't know about arcane evo. Well, I'll just comment on them.

Really? You're a mage, you don't have the physical skills to fight well with a weapon, and you don't have the concentration to keep a magic weapon out and fight decent with it. I can see it be used to make something like a club for a hit when the enemy is down or when attacking from behind and the enemy can't respond, but any weapon used to actually engage in a fight would leave the mage with almost no chance of winning.

I always imagined arcane evo and shielding as creating stuff that looks like glass. I don't ever see that exploding. I doesn't seem to fit well with the rest of the magic. Also, a disk exploding? How?

This seems to pass over the redlines of all evocations that states that the mage can not make life or even shapes resembling life without the also knowing conjuration. You could make a blob of something, but it'll just be that.

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-Could you use to shields in order to bang them together on someone's skull to crush it?

-Can the discs if hurled fast enough (emoting serious focus and angling arm back) to ever cut someone or sever flesh like a neck or limb?

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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