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[Magic Add-on] Conjuration Spies


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The General Idea:


This lore addon seeks to enable conjurationists to better utilize their magic for more refined uses; rather than just conjuring beasts to fight at their command, as most conjurationists do, this addon will allow for more utility in conjuration. In essence, the addon will grant conjurationists the ability to use their creations as spies, now being able to almost ‘see’ the world through their creation’s eyes. Now, this add on can have powerful effects if used properly or abused and, as such, will have its share of consequences/ limitations to counter its benefits.


How it Works:


When a conjurationist creates an animal, a drone for example, he can have this drone target a designated area and simply observe. Once the conjurationist is satisfied, he or she can summon the drone forth and have it debrief them of what it has heard through a series of visions. These visions are created when the drone is dispersed but the mana fueling it, through the mana-anchor, is still in its fleeting state. The remaining mana, while too scarce to be able to be absorbed and repurposed, will slink into the depths of a mage’s mind. Here, it will momentarily coalesce with the mage’s mind and the mage will begin to experience visions. These visions are more like bits of memory, often fluctuating in clarity and in depth. A vision’s quality will always depend on the conjured beast, should the beast have poor hearing then the mage will find it difficult to ‘hear’ anything or if the beast has poor vision then the mage in question will likewise be unable to see very well. In the example above, the mage’s vision will be divided into multiple segments, much like how bees see. In addition, these visions are not only limited to sight and hearing, but the entirety of an animal’s senses. This means that when a conjurationist decides to employ this technique, they will ‘feel’ what their conjuration feels, including pain.


Red Lines:


  • No more than four visions at a time. This disables conjurationists from amassing an army of animals and spying on everyone. Anymore than four will cause the visions to malfunction, and the mage will find it nearly impossible to keep track of all of them. Visions will simply cease to exist.

  • A mage cannot delve into their conjuration’s mind while it is still animate, attempting to do so will dispel the conjuration and eliminate any chances of retrieving a vision from it. This also means that should a conjuration be killed before coming back to the mage, the mage will not be able to gain any visions from it.

  • In order to obtain a vision, a mage must be within close proximity of their conjuration, anything more than a few inches will fail to function correctly.

  • This lore does not allow a mage to conjure something out of sight. The conjurationist must keep their conjuration within their line of sight or they risk having it being dispelled.


No teaching is required. Anyone who possess conjuration can take advantage of this lore. Cheers!

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I love :3 +1!!!


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There's a problem I see with this, despite it being interesting lore.


How do you spy mechanically? Especially if they are using muffled chat inside a building outside of your hearing range, but not outside what your creature could see/hear.

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Perhaps one could use a modreq?

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Perhaps you could play the character yourself.. But then if someone wanted to rp with your body.. idk.

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Pretty much the only challenge here is the fact that, mechanically, you can't interact with someone that's through a muffled wall. You could ask them to not use undertone, but that could easily start a conflict involving, "muh metagame." For something that's so easily available to everyone via conjuration, it'd be a pain to require a modreq every time this magic was to be used. Again, as Fury said, a friend of yours could RP as your conjuration, or you yourself could simply do it, but then no one could RP with your actual character. Perhaps the conjuration would only have a visual aspect, and no perception of hearing? That could fix most of the issue with the mechanical error, but you'd still need to see emotes. Either way, I'll support this lore if there's a solution to this issue. 


butheythat'snoneofmybusiness :^)

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I'd ask the question how are you casting a conjuration spell from so far away actually thinking about it. I'd assume you'd cast this from atop your ivory tower and laugh as they went off to do your dirty deeds for you. Problem with magic is the further away it gets the weaker the connection to the user it becomes until finally... poof. It's gone. 

Enchanting is the way around this because the power source isn't the user (most of the time) it's apart of the design of the item in question. But you can't enchant a living thing... can you? 

Perhaps a more permanent solution requires an Alterationist and an conjurer to make such a creature... or one skilled in both arts (rare enough to not happen often). 

That and the obvious meta issues... because being able to say "I know this because I was listening to your conversation" etc etc... is basically like meta birds. 

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I would make it a bit more simple, as that you can only summon one animal with your conjuration magic, then you transfer your consciousness into it. After you 'switch bodies', so to speak, your own body goes limp and collapses, so it would be best to be sitting or laying down when you use this magic.


Meanwhile you see, hear, and experience things as your summoned creature does as you are inhabiting its being. There is a limit on the distance for how far away the conjured animal can go before you begin to lose connection with it, and eventually disappears completely. So if you were trying to so some spying, you would still have to be quite close to where you want to listen in to. Meanwhile, if any guards came across your body, lying limp on the ground, then you would have no idea until you return your consciousness to your own body, or be killed. 



I could write some more details, but it's 3:30am and I need to sleep.

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On 4/2/2016 at 0:05 AM, Blundermore said:

I'd ask the question how are you casting a conjuration spell from so far away actually thinking about it. I'd assume you'd cast this from atop your ivory tower and laugh as they went off to do your dirty deeds for you. Problem with magic is the further away it gets the weaker the connection to the user it becomes until finally... poof. It's gone. 

Enchanting is the way around this because the power source isn't the user (most of the time) it's apart of the design of the item in question. But you can't enchant a living thing... can you? 

Perhaps a more permanent solution requires an Alterationist and an conjurer to make such a creature... or one skilled in both arts (rare enough to not happen often). 

That and the obvious meta issues... because being able to say "I know this because I was listening to your conversation" etc etc... is basically like meta birds. 

My thoughts exactly. 

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I was actually hoping to have this lore utilized in a setting where the desired target is not necessarily miles away, but rather just hard to get to, if that makes any sense. For example, in a tavern setting. It’d be extremely awkward for a character to just sit in between two people conversing in comparison to someone taking advantage of their magic and sort of ‘eavesdrop’ on them that way, all the while maintaining the spell and all it’s requirements (line of sight, etc). Also, perhaps I was not clear, the ‘visions’ would be rather blurry, just barely able to get the generic meaning of the conversation at hand. I wouldn’t have another person ‘play’ the conjuration, I’d just leave it to the other player’s discretion and let them PM me what they think is realistic, which is sort of naive, I know!


 That said, I’m well aware of the multiple holes in this lore and I’m working on revising them.



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If it were me I'd keep it up for constructive criticism. But I like the idea so hopefully you're able to figure it out, good luck!

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Seems pretty cool, Conjuration isn't used enough in my opinion. 

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Unfortunately, this lore has been denied by the Lore Team.


Feel free to message any member of the team for the full details.

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