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The Spirits - Grand List


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I have done RP with spirits before only to have the spirit be overridden because I never documented them. Let the following spirits be transcribed from Google Docs and introduced to cannon:


Spirit Name: Talmindi, spirit of fungi

Spirit Type: Lesser under Freygoth, allied to Laklul

Spirit Totem: Wooden totem shaped like a mushroom; a stalk with a cap. Engraved. 

Alignment: Neutral

Discovery: Laks were taken by a farseer in Vailor to make her ally with Laklul. They did a number of tasks for her and she returned the favor.

Spirit Appearance: I can’t find anything on deviant art/ext but she was a pretty woman who was also a mushroom. Think Bryophytes. Realm is a mushroom forest. 


Spirit Name: Frûmsrubalt, spirit of grass(es)

Spirit Type: Lesser under Freygoth, allied to Laklul

Spirit Totem: Wooden totem, styled to look as if it were topped with wooden grass.

Spirit Appearance: Honestly can’t remember. This would be fitting, however: 

Alignment: Neutral

Discovery: A Lak did some tasks for the lad in return for his support. Was taken by a farseer.

Spirit Appearance: a goblin with sod for a back, realm is a sea of grass tall as trees.




Spirit Name: Bûlgzad, spirit of insects

Spirit Type: Lesser under Freygoth, ally to Laklul

Spirit Totem: A monument of mud, essentially (soulsand and some dark oak)

Alignment: Neutral

Discovery: Another Lak venture during Vailor. Shaman/spirit walk discovered.

Appearance: He’s a large dragonfly. His realm is a swamp with A LOT of bugs.


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Spirit Type: Lesser of Arwa

Spirit Name: Arkanokz

Spirit Totem: Spirit of Pumpkins

Spirit Appearance: A massive shark made entirely of a pumpkin



Discovery: Found by a wandering shaman and some friendly halflings

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Spirit Type: Lesser of Votar

Spirit Name: Trukargz

Spirit Totem: Spirit of Tracking

Spirit Appearance: A horse sized greyhound with large pointed ears that can rotate 360 degrees. It’s tail has a mind of it’s own and is covered with reptilian-like scales that are forked at the end of the tail. It’s snout is drooping like an anteater yet it has rows of sickly sharp fangs.


Image result for sha art egyptian

Discovery: Found by wandering shamans and a friend

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Well done good sir.

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Spirit Name: Muarkazh – Spirit of Bogs

Spirit Type: Lesser under Laklul

Spirit Totem: Lots of mud, the spirit isn’t too smart and doesn’t expect a whole lot

Alignment: Pawn of Laklul, simple as that

Discovery: A Laklul spirit walk with Nazark’Gorkil, Omar-Grimmer, Lubok’Lak, Daw’Lak, Mungo’Lak, Baroth’Lak and Bawtl’Lak





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Spirit Name: Brakharet

Spirit Type: Lesser under Luara

Spirit Totem: Full Moon

Alignment: A member of Luara’s council of moons

Discovery: A Laklul spirit walk with Nazark’Gorkil and members of the Shrogo Clan

Appearance: An Owl

Spirit Name: Sheparkht

Spirit Type: Lesser under Luara

Spirit Totem: New Moon

Alignment: A member of Luara’s council of moons

Discovery: A Laklul spirit walk with Nazark’Gorkil and members of the Shrogo Clan

Appearance: A Crow

Spirit Name: Rekhardi

Spirit Type: Lesser under Luara

Spirit Totem: Crescent Moon

Alignment: A member of Luara’s council of moons

Discovery: A Laklul spirit walk with Nazark’Gorkil and members of the Shrogo Clan

Appearance: A Bat

Spirit Name: Tremharp

Spirit Type: Lesser under Luara

Spirit Totem: Half Moon

Alignment: A member of Luara’s council of moons

Discovery: A Laklul spirit walk with Nazark’Gorkil and members of the Shrogo Clan

Appearance: A Half-Masked Man

Spirit Name: Parkheshi

Spirit Type: Lesser under Luara

Spirit Totem: Blue Moon

Alignment: A member of Luara’s council of moons

Discovery: A Laklul spirit walk with Nazark’Gorkil and members of the Shrogo Clan

Appearance: Pale Crow

Spirit Name: Harzkhep

Spirit Type: Lesser under Luara

Spirit Totem: Blood Moon

Alignment: A member of Luara’s council of moons

Discovery: A Laklul spirit walk with Nazark’Gorkil and members of the Shrogo Clan

Appearance: A Crimson Bat

Spirit Name: Xaarptrekii

Spirit Type: Lesser under Luara

Spirit Totem: Havest Moon

Alignment: A member of Luara’s council of moons

Discovery: A Laklul spirit walk with Nazark’Gorkil and members of the Shrogo Clan

Appearance: A Masked Farmer


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Spirit Name: Leydluk

Spirit Type: Greater Ancestral

Spirit Totem: A big flaring fist

Alignment: True and true ork

Discovery: You know

Appearance: body.png?skin=5e58fa2684c7acbe&model=classic&theta=6&phi=11&time=310&width=600&height=800

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Spirit Type: Lesser Beneath Ghorza.


Spirit Name: Branune.


Spirit Totem: A set of balanced scales. 


Spirit Description: Branune is a faceless humanoid made of brass. Adorn in simple garbs and straw hat. Branune roams, clutching a simple set of scales. With which it judges trades between those beyond. 


Spirit Alignment: Neutral. 


Yet to be discovered. 







Spirit Type: Lesser Beneath Ghorza


Spirit Name: Belune 


Spirit Totem: A set of tipped scales. 


Spirit Description: Belune is a faceless humanoid made of silver. Adorn in fine clothes fit for nobility. Belune roams, holding a set of fine gold scales. Belune tricks those beyond into trade that favors one party over the other. For the unlucky, Belune tricks them into deals that favors itself with these scales. 


Spirit Alignment: Dark


Unknown to any currently. 

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On 12/11/2016 at 2:46 PM, HedgeHug said:
New Spirit



Spirit Type: Lesser (Greater: Urin)

Spirit Name: Storm Mother, The Spirit of Thunder and Lightning storms

Spirit Totem: A lightning bolt made of any material though she prefers blue stones

Spirit Appearance: A large woman made of rolling storm clouds

Alignment: Neutral

Discovery: The spirit worshipped by the Stormbringer tribe, found during a freak storm when the chieftain looked to the sky and saw a woman floating through the air





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Spirit Type: Lesser Beneath Volar


Spirit Name: Kodogoz


Spirit Totem: A descendant riding an animal holding a Taming weapon


Spirit Description: A caveman that's often seen riding a T Rex it can often be seen holding a Bola food to tame animals 


Spirit Alignment: Neutral 


Unknown to any currently. 

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Spirit Type: Lesser (Greater: Aztran)

Spirit Name: Glarzdan, The Spirit of Sunrays

Spirit Totem: An eight-pointed, circular star

Spirit Appearance: A man entirely made out of moving light, with a large head that swirls in an orange-hue.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Discovery: Found on a Spirit Walk by Godwin Maiheiuh and Sera Gylldene. Discovered during an attempt to commune with Aztran

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Spirit Type: Lesser (Greater: Akezo)

Spirit Name: Iirilei, The Spirit of Well-being

Spirit Totem: A sideways eye with a blue iris

Spirit Appearance: An eye made of fog with an iris of cerulean light.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Discovery: Found on a Spirit Walk by Godwin Maiheiuh and Naya Barakat. Discovered during an attempt to commune with Akezo.

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(was worried that the spirit would be invalidated if I don't put it here)

Spirit Type: Lesser (Greater: Brimztra, Spirit of Music, Art, and Creativity)

Spirit Name: VALYNMAAR

Spirit Totem: A Mini Easel with colourful splashes of paint covering it

Spirit Appearance: (Appears as a floating used artist palette board, having multiple colours mixed and mashed, One could only imagine how many pigments are present on the surface of the wood.

Alignment: Neutral Good

Discovery: Found by Glorier and Otellia Maiheiuh when wanting to visit the realm of arts



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Spirit Type: Lesser (Greater: Brimztra)

Spirit Name: Aemarni, The Spirit of Membranophones

Spirit Totem: An inkblot.

Spirit Appearance: An oil slick that moves as though it were liquid on a speaker. Does not actually move, just seems to change perspectives.

Alignment: Lawful Good

Discovery: Found on a Spirit Walk by Godwin Maiheiuh and Sera Gylldene. Discovered during an attempt to commune with Brimztra.

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Spirit Type: Lesser (Greater: Isuz)

Spirit Name: Atunyian, The Spirit of Devotion To One's Spouse

Spirit Totem: A pair of hands with feathery arms.

Spirit Appearance: Shapeshifter. Any monogamous animals.

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

Discovery: Found on a Spirit Walk by Godwin Maiheiuh. Roleplayed by @ProcaPro.

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