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[Shelved][✓] [Drug Lore Vol. 2] Baby's Brain & Ice's Kiss


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Baby’s Brain


Baby’s Brain is a yellowish, thick liquid produced when one is to take the oils from Cactus Green and mix it thoroughly with ether when heated in a jar, pan, or any suitable container. The result of this mixture is the thick, yellow depressant that can be either drank, poured into an open wound, or injected in order to take effect. The effects of this depressant cause the user’s mind to dull down in its strength and ability, rendering the user akin to a baby in terms of capability, giving the drug its name. With a small dosage, about the size of a teaspoon for an average six foot one-hundred-fifty pound human male, the user would begin to feel its effects about five minutes after taking the drug, and it’d last for about fifteen minutes, during which the user will be in a mental state where they are prone to drooling, easily being distracted and tricked, hardly able to form words, and other similar effects akin to such. With a regular dosage, about a tablespoon in size, an average male would feel the effects in about three minutes, lasting around thirty minutes after taking it, with the effects more severe, preventing any form of purposeful communication or action during this time. Overdosing on the drug could easily cause the taker to suffer brain damage, or to black out for the duration of the drug’s effects. Due to the enforced limitations on one’s cognitive abilities during this time, this drug may be appealing to those with too much stress in their lives, or a desire to simply block out the outside world with ease, making the drug valuable to some.


Ice Kiss


Ice Kiss is an ingestible, or snortable, minty tasting powder produced when one pulverizes blissfoil, frost vine, and blood lotus, then mixes the three powderized ingredients together. After doing so, the combined powders must be lit on fire, and then rapidly cooled, the flames acting as a catalyst to make the powders combine into a unique substance, with the best results formed from four parts blissfoil, two parts frost vine, and three parts blood lotus. If there is more than twenty percent too much or too little of any ingredient, the mixture will not properly be done, rendering the usable powder too thoroughly mixed in with the unusable powder. After this is done, the result is a light purple, granulated powder, which can be snorted to induce its effects. If inhaled, the Ice Kiss will first and foremost, send a minty feel throughout the whole body, an incredibly strong one. Moments later, the coolness would bring upon an exhilarating sensation upon the drug user, akin to diving into ice cold water, without actually cooling in the process. This stimulant lasts for around two to six hours depending on the size of dosage taken, and in the last quarter of the drug’s effects, the cold, minty sensation would be overwhelmed by a burning, painful one, as if the user was covered in paper cuts and had lemon juice squirted all over the open wounds. This horrid sensation would most likely dissuade users from further use, unless convinced by the exhilarating properties exhibited in the first stages of this drug’s use.



((Thanks to SandK1ng for writing the first volume of drugs, and giving me the OK to make a few more. Perhaps some new drugs will shaken up roleplay a bit for some.))

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Can someone on the lore team hit me up, this is the only time im asking so if you guys get pissy with me after, too bad.

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7 minutes ago, dsdevil said:

Can someone on the lore team hit me up, this is the only time im asking so if you guys get pissy with me after, too bad.

I'm only Magic Sect, but feel free to PM me any concerns or questions you have on Skype.

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Accepted, use the appropriate indexes in the future though.

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon.

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