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[✗] Anti-Magic Rewrite


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Anti Magic Lore Rewrite


Fi'hiiran’tayna also known as anti magic once the blanket of all, attacks connections, the farther away the connection to the deity, or magic that the person uses, IE: if someone was to be connected to the void, the easier it is to cut the connection.  Whereas creatures and beings that are rooted into this plane are less affected, but affected nonetheless.  


Fi' magic now takes the shape of a distortion of types, whereas one would look upon the sand of the desert and see the distortion from the temperatures meeting one would see this, with a tint of color at the hands of a Fi' mage.  Long gone are the mists of old and the light, but now this distortion can be twisted and manipulated to the need of the user, allowing them new spells and new abilities!  With this change however, those of soul splits find themselves lacking in power, and the need to find a teacher would pester them, until they too shared their soul with another.  


Fi magic is a distortion around the user, instead of a mist or blinding light, it creates waves similar to heat, distorting that around them slightly, in an area of effect.  This allows the creator to have their desired effect, however from those outside it would be clear where the magic starts and where it’s clear.  This is easily see through, though similar to a mirage the very center is slightly off giving the better effect.  Once inside this range one would be able to see easier the caster, where as outside the caster is slightly rippled making it harder to see.  Each distortion will have a small tint to it unique to the caster.

This does not create heat.


A person (Traditionally) chooses a person closest to them, whether the same race or another, it is all the same as long as the person has a soul.  The teacher of the Fi' mage will cast a distortion bubble around the two, as the student then kills the person that they have chosen as their sacrifice. (PK for the victim)  This then allows the teacher to catch the soul, and fling it back into the body of the student.  Once this is done the fight ensues to see which is more dominant.  When one fails this is a death for the player (Perma Kill), however if they succeed they should be able to summon their distortion to subjugate the soul to their will.  At this time their distortion will pick a color of it’s own which will identify that mage from there on out.  

Once the soul is in the body it will slowly begin to eat away at it, battering the body constantly unless the mage is casting, and even when casting if in excess it causes nausea and disorientation.  The mage slowly becomes weaker and weaker, a Tier five will be the same strength as a journeyman necromancer.  A newly connected Fi' mage will discover that food is hard to keep down, and that sleep is rare to come by, often pushing themselves to collapsing before sleeping.  The stronger they get magically the easier to subjugate, and even at Tier five, one could crush the soul almost enough to live a normal life, though they would be exceptionally weak.  

The soul will communicate, it may whisper at times, though rarely able to hold a full conversation, as well as it would never be able to be befriended, it may forgive you, but the struggle will always be there.

Once connected, the user instantly becomes susceptible to Ascended holy fire due to the subjugation of the secondary soul.  

People who have connected to Fi' magic, have an increased mana sensitivity, this means that they are more aware of mana around in their bubble and easier to be overwhelmed.  However they cannot sense mana around them directly, thus if you're a mage, or even have an illusion on the fi' mage won't know that you do.  If you suddenly release a powerful enchantment though the Fi' mage may be overwhelmed.  

After an Anti mage is connected they lose their physical strength and muscle mass, a T5 is equal to a T3 Necromancer.

Casting too much will lead to nausea, vomiting, and disorientation.

Wearing heavy armor is impossible.

Wearing enchanted armor cannot be done due to the magic being sapped every time the mist would be used.

The second soul will always harbor some resentment and ill will towards the Fi mage, and will never stop opposing them.

Requires a PK of a character

Due to their nature of carrying two souls within them, they are vulnerable to ascended magic.

You are susceptible to insanity, and the fact of the mater is the longer you practice this the more insane you will be driven.

Cannot sense mana, yet is sensitive to it.



Casting Chart

Anyone of Deity magic, or voidal magics, would be effected normally, any other magics would be softened similar to an Ascended ward, the spell would be dropped two tiers, besides that it would not have any effect.( Softening causes the magic to drop 2 tiers, while slightly softening causes the magic to drop 1 tier. Nullifying completely nullifies the magic or spell, causing it to dissipate.)The normal effect of Fi magic would completely nullify a spell it comes in contact with, while the ‘softening’ effect simply weakens the effectiveness of it. In the case of a magical creature within a bubble, the softening would reduce their magic tier entirely.  IE a T5 shade tendril would be resorted to T3 however it would still be able to go into the distortion and attack.  



T1 Fi will nullify a T1 & T2 spell and slightly soften a T3’s spell. No effect on T4 & T5.

T2 Fi will nullify a T1-T3  and slightly soften a T4’s spell. No effect on T5.

T3 Fi will nullify a T1-T4 and slightly soften a T5 spell.

T4 Fi will nullify T1-T4 and fully soften a T5 spell.

T5’s Fi will nullify T1-T5


Other Magics

A T1 can slightly soften a T1’s spells.

A T2 can soften a T1 and T2’s spells.

A T3 can soften a T2 and T3’s spells and nullify a T1’s spells.

A T4 can soften a T3 and T4’s spells and nullify T1 and T2’s spells.

A T5 can soften a T4 and T5’s spells and nullify T1-T3’s spells.






By concentrating the energy into a ball, this distorted creation would be able to be thrown though slightly slower than a fireball.  This would be effective in canceling out other projectiles, however due to the fact that it would be thrown away, it would be weaker only able to take out spells of its tier. The max range of flight is 8 blocks That  can only be 2 blocks wide and 2 blocks high maximum. The ball can only be flung in one straight direction, and will continue until it hits something. Hitting anything other than another magical projectile will cause it to fizzle with no effect. The spell can only be flung in a straight direction, and can not be arced or thrown with a curve.

Ball can only be used in a straight line, it cannot be curved, or change it’s path once thrown.

Ball cannot be used to hurt anyone, if it comes in contact with something tangible, it won’t affect them or cause them pain.

This is only used for combat against other projectiles.  This cannot be used while shield is up, or bubble is up.  This must be the only spell active.

This can only be 2 blocks high and two blocks wide maximum. Projectile speed is slightly less than the standard fireball.



Filling the whole area with fi magic will create the bubble effect, allowing the distortion to writhe around, at it’s max size like before it is weak however it would look like the shield except the inside is utterly full of fi magic.  People inside would begin to feel pain if they are based off magic, however some are able to move through, where others are affected after a set amount of turns and paralyzed.  There would be between 3-6 emotes depending on what creation it is before these are frozen. 7x7 block square maximum,  weaker the farther away it is, so smaller bubbles are ideal.  When enchantments or wards are brought into a bubble; they are drained of their mana holding them, deific and Voidal are the most susceptible, the same goes for soul puppetry hexes.  Mortal/dark arts enchantments drain slower, whereas dark hexes just stop working until out of the Fi’ distortion.

It can only be 7 by 7 blocks large maximum

Bubble can be moved but only 1-2 blocks an emote, and it would be stressful for the fi’ mage.  The Fi’ mage must always be in the center of the bubble at all times however.

Please refer to casting chart to see what is effected inside of bubble.  

The Bubble is not entirely immune to the effects of other magics, and can be broken or worn down by consistent magical assault.

The relative strength of the bubble depends upon the strength of the Fi mage. Spells of the same or higher tier will break the bubble quickly, with extreme tier differences causing it to shatter with  feedback damage to the Fi mage, disorienting and nauseating them. Spells of a lesser tier will wear the bubble down with time, causing it to dissipate with less of a disorienting effect. Spells of a greatly lesser tier will have little to no effect on the bubble at all. (T1 vs T4/T5)Casting and maintaining the Bubble requires intense focus from the Fi mage, preventing them from casting another spell or doing much else, bar some movement. Distancing themselves too far from the bubble however will reduce their control over it and its potency.

Fi mages may not cast other spells within the bubble, excluding Silence.

Draining items takes three emotes to do, however they stop working almost instantly when inside of the bubble.  



Silencing ritual now takes tendrils after the person is surrounded by the heat distortion (which causes no heat; it only looks like a heat wave), these tendrils drive themselves into their chest and around their soul, creating a static like interference, reducing a T5 to a T1, and a T4 barely able to even summon a tiny bit of their magic, before it fizzles out.  This lasts for 7 days maximum without OOC consent.   However it can be pushed longer, even utterly removing someone’s magic with their consent.  Their magic will start to fizzle away and if not reversed within a month, they will end up utterly magicless for the rest of their life.  

Silence cannot be cast on a character outside of the Fi mage’s casting tiers.

Silence cannot be cast until Tier 3.

Silence cannot last  for longer than 7 IRL days without express OOC consent.

If a character remains silenced for more than a month, that silence is permanent. Requires express OOC consent.  



By severing mana from one source, if the user has gained enough, from one spell, by touching another mage they would be able to redirect one fourth of the mana gained into another person.  However the spell then created would not be able to go through a fi mist barrier.  This cannot be given to another fi user.  This can be used in tandem with the Shield, allowing several attacks to be absorbed before pressed into another person.  To allow this before mana is directly stuck into the void, it would have a chance to go through the fi mist user, giving a reason for their sensitivity and then through the soul.  This can be stopped by quickly redirecting it from the second soul and into the other caster next to them.  This doesn’t refuel their mana, however it would strengthen a spell similar to power sharing, however use of this more than two times in a row, without at least a half an hour break IRL between would cause massive exhaustion to the Fi' mage, causing duress, vomiting, and most likely passing out.

The mana used for Buff must be taken from Shield.

Only gives 1/4th the magical force drained.

Buff cannot be used to replenish mana, it is simply a functional powershare.

Buff may only be cast twice in a scenario without stress on the Fi mage. At least 30 minutes of rest for the Fi mage must occur before they can cast the spell again without issue.

Ignoring this redline will lead to passing out, vomiting, and duress.

You must touch the person you are power sharing with.



This can be edited so it’s not only a bubble, however it can shape away from the user, creating a distorted shield of sorts.  Effects like these would be great to block incoming attacks and give the chance of other mages to summon something like a call down in a magical fight, before the fi shield could be dropped allowing those who have prepared to cast their magic.  Those inside the ‘dome’ of sorts that would be hollow, would be allowed time whereas any magical attacks from the outside would be blocked.  This also would repel magical beings as it is more concentrated, walking through this would cause intense pain and disorientation, however as stated below it wouldn’t kill. The shield does not completely repel magical creatures, and the speed at which they pass through the shield alters its effects on them. A creature that dashes through the shield would find themselves briefly in pain and disoriented, while a creature that walks or is halted while standing in the shield would be pained and fully disoriented.  A fi shield should be a 4 by 4 block half bubble., and be flattened, it can be a half circle within the person's vision, however this goes with line of sight, anything behind them would be exposed. The shield may not reach over 8 blocks in length.  And it ranges as half a blocks in width though it does go up into the air by five blocks.  Allowing a decent sized half bubble though it can be made smaller and more potent.  Before your person fires or casts their spell, you must release your shield.  Thus making it more exhausting because you’ll need to put it up again if you want to repeat.

It has no magic inside of it allowing others to cast, but allowing others to get inside as well.

It can be walked through, or run through.

Shield can be moved but only 1-2 blocks an emote, and it would be stressful for the fi’ mage.  The Fi’ mage must always be in the center of the shield at all times however.

The smaller it is the more potent it is

It takes four emotes total, including connection to make a shield.  

Shields can only be half bubbles.

You must drop the shield for the other person to cast




Healing a Fi' Mage

To heal the soul you’ll need at least one Ascended and a psychopomp, however any Ascended healing will be out of their magic for the rest of the day.  This is due to the process, the ascended needs to purify the soul while the psychopomp  sends the kidnapped soul back to the soul stream where it belongs.  Once they’ve healed the Fi' mage they must often perform rituals to purify the soul, which would be agony and take a month IRL to do before the person would ever be able to practice magic again.  However they would never be able to reconnect to fi.  

This requires ooc consent

You cannot practice magic for 1 month after, and will still be burned by holy fire until you are cleansed

You can never become a Fi' mage on that character again.

This requires one T5 Ascended and their psychopomp



What Fi' Magic effects

(Will be updated often!)

Creatures effects for T4’s and T5’s.


Anything T3 related would not paralyze, but wouldn’t be able to fight due to pain.  This would give them sluggish pained movements, but they would still be able to move.


  • Wight: Unhusked, however they can still move and are in extreme pain.

  • Keepers: Begins to slow their movements, starting at the limbs and moving to their center over 6 emotes. Completely paralyzed at 6th emote.

  • Augers: Bodies kept sustained in an unnatural state from an enchantment lain by Yeu Rthulu. This enchantment can be easily severed and undone by an Anti Mage, causing the entities to be immobilised and in immense pain between 4-5 emotes, being paralyzed at the 5th emote.

  • Atronachs: Begins to slow movements and functions over the course of 4-6 emotes, shut down/paralyzed at 6th emote.

  • Golems: Begins to slow their movements upon contact, over the course of 4-5 emotes. They would be shut down/paralyzed at 6th emote.

  • Archons: Feels minor pain in coil form when casting; pain intensifies in transcendent form, prolonged exposure will be immense and crippling ( 3-4 emotes to crippling pain if they’re casting in the fog, the pain becoming progressively painful). The fi mists will shut down any Archon boons as well, leaving the once transcendent magi to that of a normal mage, likely made inept due to the mists shrouding them; this causes immense pain when uncoiled, and with prolonged exposure, can cause one to lose consciousness.  

  • Dreadknights: Slows their movements, feeling increased pain over the course of 5 emotes. Intense pain at 5th emote.

  • Paleknights: Movements slow over the course of 4 emotes, practically freezing at 5th emote.

  • Ghost and Gravens: Demanifests over the course of 3 emotes, completely de-manifested at 4th emote.

  • Ishrukal: Rends their mortal form over the course of 4 emotes. At the 5th emote, they will be forced into spectral form and paralyzed.

  • Wraiths: Increased pain over the course of 4 emotes, 5th emote intense pain and partial paralyzation. Husked form: Reduced pain and slowed movements.

  • Liches/Darkstalkers: Increased pain over the course of 4 emotes, intense pain at 5th emote.

  • Daeva: Painfully immobilised and forced back into their Descendant Form as they are unable to maintain their Amber augmentation without active mana guiding it.  

  • Soul Trees - Slowly paralyzes them over the course of 5 emotes, starting at the limbs and moving towards their center. Paralyzed at 6th emote.

  • Izkuthii - Masked - After 1 emote the illusions binding them would snap.  Leaving them in their masked state which would instantly begin to break, after the 3rd emote the mask would break leaving them in their Unmasked state, incapable of utilizing any of their abilities.

  • Spectral - Should the Izkuthii be caught in their spectral form, they will begin to be immobilized over the course of 4 emotes, along with being subjected to pain. Upon the 5th emote, they will be rendered unconscious
  • Frost Witches - Being in a bubble will prevent them from donning or removing their disguise, but will not remove it on its own. Will remove their active control of the ice, but will not affect its velocity or form.



Patch notes: 1.0

Soulsplit was removed

Mist was removed

Silencing was reworked

New spells added

New way the soul works

Healing added

New casting chart added


Worked on by: Rella101, Phil (KnghtArtorias), Meg (No2TypeB)

Also thank you to all of the others in the magic team that gave opinions and feedback!

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*kicks door in*



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Just now, TeaLulu said:

*kicks door in*




I didn't do it, but I was approached for a rewrite, that fi severely needed, so I worked with about 6 LM/MT and got this!

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here let me add some stuff


1) fi magic cant be healed the **** how would it even, ur stuck like that for life. the soul is used to tether into the void ascended dont got power over that

2) the pked char has to ACTUALLY BE VERY CLOSE to the other char for it to work, meaning like, literally YEARS of knowing each other

3) u cant use ghosts for it

4) the other soul isnt a ******* shade it wouldnt necc always be resenting the other soul, it depends on the nature of their relationship and how the fi mage was brought about; did they do it willingly or were they forced?

5) you CANT USE A PERSON'S SOUL FOR FI MAGIC IF YOU ONLY GOT TO KNOW THEM FOR THE PURPOSE OF USING THEM FOR FI MAGIC. the whole POINT of the soul sacrifice is you actually have to be CLOSE, MUTUALLY CLOSE, and you will not ever be truly mutually close to someone if you only got to know them for the purposes of sacrificing them for a magic =w=

6) no the "Student" doesnt kill the other person, the magic was written so that it would literally only work if you were close to the person. i can send you the original lore write about the high elven enclave who first developed and discovered the magic by isolating children for most of their lives and then introducing them to only one other child for the purposes of forcing a close emotional connection between the two.

7) the other soul cant hold a full conversation but due to the close connection between the two individuals before the horrible terrible no good incident, the still-alive person would probably constantly hallucinate and believe themselves able to still converse with their now-dead close friend/family member.

8) one of the main drawbacks to fi magic in addition to all the physical ailments was always always always meant to be INSANITY, which ofc supremacyPOOPS didnt like because "oh no hgh elves r graceful and beautiful and perfect we cant be insane" so he probably dropped it a long time ago, but it was ALWAYS supposed to be part of the magic

9) the ability to interfere with voidal vs divine magic was ALWAYS meant to be TWO SEPARATE powers, and in order to get a fi mage with BOTH abilities, you'd have to do two sacrifices which would make them even more insane and unstable as well as unhealthy. you're not supposed to be able to interfere with both voidal and deity magic on a single sacrifice.


anyways that's my 2 cent tl;dr i hate what my magic has become please just kill it already LMs and let me re-write it. :/

Edited by TeaLulu
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the magic was fine for years until the LT barged in and demanded a nerf smh -1

Sorry ur being held hostage rella

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5 minutes ago, TeaLulu said:

here let me add some stuff


1) fi magic cant be healed the **** how would it even, ur stuck like that for life. the soul is used to tether into the void ascended dont got power over that

2) the pked char has to ACTUALLY BE VERY CLOSE to the other char for it to work, meaning like, literally YEARS of knowing each other

3) u cant use ghosts for it

4) the other soul isnt a ******* shade it wouldnt necc always be resenting the other soul, it depends on the nature of their relationship and how the fi mage was brought about; did they do it willingly or were they forced?

5) you CANT USE A PERSON'S SOUL FOR FI MAGIC IF YOU ONLY GOT TO KNOW THEM FOR THE PURPOSE OF USING THEM FOR FI MAGIC. the whole POINT of the soul sacrifice is you actually have to be CLOSE, MUTUALLY CLOSE, and you will not ever be truly mutually close to someone if you only got to know them for the purposes of sacrificing them for a magic =w=

6) no the "Student" doesnt kill the other person, the magic was written so that it would literally only work if you were close to the person. i can send you the original lore write about the high elven enclave who first developed and discovered the magic by isolating children for most of their lives and then introducing them to only one other child for the purposes of forcing a close emotional connection between the two.

7) the other soul cant hold a full conversation but due to the close connection between the two individuals before the horrible terrible no good incident, the still-alive person would probably constantly hallucinate and believe themselves able to still converse with their now-dead close friend/family member.

8) one of the main drawbacks to fi magic in addition to all the physical ailments was always always always meant to be INSANITY, which ofc supremacyPOOPS didnt like because "oh no hgh elves r graceful and beautiful and perfect we cant be insane" so he probably dropped it a long time ago, but it was ALWAYS supposed to be part of the magic

9) the ability to interfere with voidal vs divine magic was ALWAYS meant to be TWO SEPARATE powers, and in order to get a fi mage with BOTH abilities, you'd have to do two sacrifices which would make them even more insane and unstable as well as unhealthy. you're not supposed to be able to interfere with both voidal and deity magic on a single sacrifice.


anyways that's my 2 cent tl;dr i hate what my magic has become please just kill it already LMs and let me re-write it. :/


Lore changes, I'm sorry that it's different from what you viewed it as but it's evolved.  I worked with several MT/LM's to get this to the place it is now, if you don't like it I'm sorry.  But throwing a fit won't really help.  


I'd love ACTUAL feed back, but it's just become something else, if you want it edited from this I'd be more than happy to converse with you if you're able to keep a cool head.  However this is a rewrite, if you want to go read the travasty that I am editing it from please go read the original rewrite in lore section.

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Hey, as the LT who introduced Fi as one of the problem child magics that needed a looking at/re-write, and also as I worked with Rella extensively on this, I want to clarify a few things.


The current Fi userbase was contacted as to the re-write, as they are the ones who have the most vested interest in what would happen to the magic. This was an attempt to rectify some of the less than desirable changes Connor made to the magic, but I will bring up in chat the issue of you being unhappy with changes to something that was originally your concept, Lulu. It is a touchy subject in terms of at what point does a concept belong/no-longer belong to you, but I understand the sentiment and will bring it up to forum. 


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11 minutes ago, Rella101 said:

Lore changes, I'm sorry that it's different from what you viewed it as but it's evolved.  I worked with several MT/LM's to get this to the place it is now, if you don't like it I'm sorry.  But throwing a fit won't really help.  


I'd love ACTUAL feed back, but it's just become something else, if you want it edited from this I'd be more than happy to converse with you if you're able to keep a cool head.  However this is a rewrite, if you want to go read the travasty that I am editing it from please go read the original rewrite in lore section.


This is ACTUAL feedback, I'm not throwing a fit I'm just not going to write it all fancy.


Fi magic was ruined a LONG, LONG time ago by Supremacy. If you want me to actually edit it into what it was originally meant to be, as in, a piece of lore which;

1) Contributed to roleplay in many factors

2) Was more interesting and intriguing than your average voidal magic (which is what this is, now)

3) Was dark to the core

4) Required a GREAT deal of effort to achieve

5) Was never a magic you couild ever seek to gain for yourself

6) Would generate more roleplay than this


Then consider this an official request to the LMs;

As original creator of the lore which was then stolen by SupremacyOps, its time to set things right. Please put this re-write aside, put all plans for Fi aside, and allow me to completely re-write it from scratch back into what it was meant to be.


Hey, as the LT who introduced Fi as one of the problem child magics that needed a looking at/re-write, and also as I worked with Rella extensively on this, I want to clarify a few things.


The current Fi userbase was contacted as to the re-write, as they are the ones who have the most vested interest in what would happen to the magic. This was an attempt to rectify some of the less than desirable changes Connor made to the magic, but I will bring up in chat the issue of you being unhappy with changes to something that was originally your concept, Lulu. It is a touchy subject in terms of at what point does a concept belong/no-longer belong to you, but I understand the sentiment and will bring it up to forum. 


With all due respect Meg, I have tried for YEARS to get the LM team to give me BACK the reins to what was MINE, and was stolen by SupremacyOps because he wanted to make a special thing for the high elves, and as we all know, he then proceeded to make it super OP and remove any of the negatives or anything of interest.


Quite frankly, I understand that yet, the fi userbase is important and should be contacted - But at the same time, the Fi userbase, due to SupremacyOp's schemeing, IS ALL THE SAME PEOPLE AS IT ALWAYS HAS BEEN. It has always been high elves of haelun'or and it will CONTINUE to be high elves of haelun'or, and quite frankly, the magic was never meant to be high-elf exclusive. Yes it was invented by a high elven enclave, but having such a clique magic exist in this day and age of Lotc is unforgivable.


Fi magic never should have become the disaster it became or have been allowed to continue to exist after my numerous pleas, EVERY time a re-write came up, for it to be given back to me. Now that the LM team is out of the hands of corrupt idiots, maybe y'all can make right on whats been a mess for years.


But if you're not, I'd rather the magic be killed, or be completely re-written to be completely different from what I originally wrote and Supremacy stole.

Edited by TeaLulu
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fi magic has no culture and pretty much no aspect beyond the "oh u have two souls" thing


it's far less in depth than any other magic and this doesn't change anything, i'm afraid


it's about time to close to history books on this one, and maybe start anew

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The ownership of the lore has been passed several times since its original concept and additions/rewrites of it. This current lore submission was done by the current owners of the lore and group to try and work with the LT/MT on several issues that were brought to their attention. This lore submission will stand and be reviewed as with any lore placed on this thread. 

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1 minute ago, TeaLulu said:

well yea rn it don't but if it was REWROTE TO BE WHAT IT WAS MEANT TO BE it would


I'd like to see this, bit much to think that everything but your re-write would be rubbish.

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Toss the rewrite to Lulu, she is actually capable. This piece is shoddy and honestly just makes the magic more confusing, it's a rehaul that legitimately fucks the magic and abruptly changes things without cause. As a long-time Fi magic user I hadn't even known there was a rewrite or been consulted on the topic, admittedly due to my inactivity, but Mordew and I have discussed the subtype at lengths in the past and we both have a thorough lore understanding since then. I feel the only step in the right direction this makes is removing Soul Split, but more work needs to be done, this still feels so shoddy. The point of the magic is that through great sacrifice somebody is capable of acquiring a second void connection to repel and disperse all other forms of magic, in retrospect that separates it from many other magics because you actually have to sacrifice someone tangible (via a pk) in order to achieve greater power and have the capability to handle the typical mage with relative ease if you're well-practiced. This feels like some poor attempt at normalizing a magic over lore misconceptions that have been taught over the years and abruptly fucked around with by Supremacy. Fix the misconceptions, the magic itself isn't the problem. 

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4 minutes ago, Delmodan said:

The ownership of the lore has been passed several times since its original concept and additions/rewrites of it. This current lore submission was done by the current owners of the lore and group to try and work with the LT/MT on several issues that were brought to their attention. This lore submission will stand and be reviewed as with any lore placed on this thread. 


Thank you Delmo

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7 minutes ago, Delmodan said:

The ownership of the lore has been passed several times since its original concept and additions/rewrites of it. This current lore submission was done by the current owners of the lore and group to try and work with the LT/MT on several issues that were brought to their attention. This lore submission will stand and be reviewed as with any lore placed on this thread. 


Yea, you're one of the previously aforementioned LMs who, despite having this issue of the fact my lore was stolen and turned into a heaping pile of terrible mediocrity, has refused to work with me repeatedly or allow me to re-write it to what it was meant to be - 

Likely due to the fact you just, personally, do not like me. Quite frankly, you shouldn't have any standing on this matter due to your bias against me.


Besides, I stated my request to put this re-write aside and allow me to re-write the magic as it was intended to the entire LM team - You alone don't have the authority to claim that request as denied. Continue trying to abuse your power against me just because you don't like me, and I'm going to be putting in a staff report.

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All I did was look at the draining spells emoting times, causing me to say this, just no. This magic is overpowered. 

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    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

    • satinkira

      Bârî'n Katharâd,
      Îdô Nidir nêd,
      Nêpâm nêd abârat,
      Nidir nênâkham,
      Nêtabdam dâur!

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