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[✗] Visitants ~ Huntsmen of Yore


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Visitants ~ Huntsmen of Yore

Written by: Sug & TheDarkIsEternal


Visitant - “One whom has returned.”


The Brotherhood of the Covenant

The First Brotherhood of the Visitant Covenant took shape many suns ago. It began with four individuals: Galen, Arnoldus, Thorold, and Rawlin. Men from different cultures of human nature, yet all bound by similar principles through which they formed a pact which stated forth that:


“The continuance henceforth of monsterkin and their wretched counterparts within their hapless state of being shall be a bane towards society and must be met with strict and unwavering disciplinary onslaught.”  

 - The First Brotherhood of the Visitant Covenant -


The Four Visitants of the Covenant then took to the land hunting vile unnatural and natural creatures through their God-given abilities. Traveling about the realm, usually assisting nations with bounties and monster infestations for coin, the four gentlemen became almost nomadic in their lifestyle. However, as time dwindled onward, so did the lifespan and abilities of the Visitants. Time wore their bodies down, causing them to grow aged and weakened. They began to take on newer members who helped on their quests and were taken under the tutelage of the Four Visitants so the Covenant may prosper with the new generation of huntsmen. They began teaching and acquiring voidal art forms to help combat the monstrosities which took the lives of many in the group. The Covenant then began to splinter, loyalties and friendships faltered over coin and eventually, the First Brotherhood fell to ruin but the Visitants continued their hunts. Serving different kings and vassals for coin and land.


The Rebirth of the Covenant and the First Reborn Visitants

Through mutual bonds of kinship and hunts. The Reborn Order’s members began to reform around 50 years after the disbursement of the First Order of Visitants. Slowly over time, more and more joined the Visitant’s ranks and wished for further abilities to protect themselves on the hunt, their skills and abilities were becoming more and more honed as their swordsmanship began to become a well-known trait of the Visitants, yet as this occurred the monsters within the realm became more developed as well. Alchemy was used as a main source for the Covenant, as more and more of its members delved into the various brews and potions, out of what seemed to be a dark poison, came something odd and almost unnatural. Whilst on a hunt, a small group stumbled upon a tiny cavernous system thought to be the home of a Sylvan whom was pestering a nearby Orenian fiefdom. Through a dense formation of wooded area, the small group stumbled upon the entrance to a cave system which they believed to be the hiding place of the Sylvan creature. Yet upon entering, it appeared to be a man-made system of caves and rooms. The members of the Covenant delved deeper into the cave, it opened into a grotto-like area littered with broken statues and eldritch designs. Within the middle of the grotto was a smaller stone structure with fermented elixir in a baptismal-like chantry within a small bowl in the middle of the altar-esque structure. The elixir was formed by fermented blood of a Mara Basilisk and its venom whilst being mixed in a crucible-like fashion for over two decades with mandragora, a plant commonly used in Alchemy for regeneration purposes.


To the naked eye, due to its fermentation the elixir appeared to be much like mulled wine. Its dark red coloration has occasional wisps of the dark venom floating freely within. As the group pressed just past this altar, the sound of an arrow sliced through the cold air of the Amber Cold, causing it to make a thudding noise as the arrowhead smacked into the side armor of a young woman named Adeline Bennett. The impact caused her to stumble back and begin to bleed profusely. Two of the other Visitants set off into the cavern to seek the archer out, following the footsteps of the being before cornering a middle-aged cavern dwelling thief in a room full of vials of the substance within the grotto. After a brief conflict, the man was slain but the two men remained within the old eldritch alchemy room, looking through aged looking leather backed tomes that depicted basilisk's venom and blood which sat in assorted vials along a wall. Meanwhile, the rest of the group which consisted of four members of the Covenant stayed to treat Adeline’s wound, however it was fatal and they scavenged about for anything to soothe her pain. A small flask was filled with the elixir that was within the chantry it was then given to the injured woman and after a short while the woman fell limp, her pulse fading until almost unnoticeable. The group around her fell to a eerie and glum mood, their demeanors bearing looks of sadness and woe upon them. They sat to gather themselves and their thoughts but after about 15 long minutes the body of the wounded woman began to twitch and contort as she gasped outwards in pain.


Where the arrow had been removed, was a patch of fresh flesh. The wound seemingly sealed over as the woman began to vomit forth a mixture of blood and and stomach fluids. The wound itself appearing to gleam like that of burnt flesh yet it’s texture would be soft and could easily be reopened. The group stood in awe and a younger man drew the conclusion that this elixir that was given in desperation, was a means of healing so he made a minor cut on his hand with a small dirk and proceeded to consume a small amount of the liquid. He stood stolid for a moment before his figure began to sweat profusely and lose control of its extremities causing him to rock back and forth. The young man fell still once more before collapsing suddenly, unmoving and deceased and did not raise as Adeline did. The group sat bewildered, the presumption became that the makeup of different people reacted either positively or negatively with the elixir. Adeline became the first reborn Visitant. The two individuals returned to the group, astonished at the stories that the rest of the group’s members told them. They wished to further study the substance so they returned to the Alchemy room where they stocked up on tomes, vials of the fermented blood, and aged mandragora. When they returned again the group gathered themselves and returned back to their base of operations within a secluded and undocumented keep in the mountains where they buried the young man whom passed. From there the study of the eldritch elixir became primary for the Visitant group.



As time went on, it was discovered that upon the single consumption of the elixir in excess, an immunity was formed and the man or woman’s body would seemingly shut down before being rejuvenated by the fermented venom. The nerves and muscles absorb the venom, growing used to it’s catalyst qualities from its fermentation and the fermented rejuvenation qualities from the mandragora, allow for the body’s natural system of healing to quickly repair the wound that is needed to heal. From there small doses of dulled elixir could be made by the alchemists of the Covenant and used to heal wounds such as fractured bones, torn ligaments and muscles from open slice and puncture wounds, yet burns and killing blows such as an arrow to the heart or the exposed skull could not be healed. This discovery did not come at a small cost, many members wished to gain the immunity to the elixir but were killed by the potency of the venom-based liquid. From there, the members of the guild began to hunt monsters on a larger scale than they were able to before. The immune Visitants were endowed with the gift to minorly heal their risen forms should abrasions and puncture wounds happen to them. This was so they would be able to resume their hunt faster rather than find a druid or holy user and have themselves taken out of the hunt to be healed. Yet the elixir was not an instant ordeal, it's healing qualities are painful and agonizing and through the process, the dulled form of the fermented elixir renders the Visitant unconscious for 10+ minutes. If killed, the Greymist Elixir could not be used to bring people back from the dead as it can only bring someone back from the brink.


The potion did not go without its effects on the body. Due to the venom that was absorbed into the body’s system the immune system itself became effected as pathogens and disease are able to form within Visitants quicker than most. The venom took tolls upon the mind as well. It’s potency caused hallucinations and weaker mental strength which allows the being to be easily manipulated by mental magic and illusion. Spells of dizziness and nausea are common among these beings. As for their muscles, they remained the same but the interior structure became weak due to it harboring small amounts of the catalyst liquid within, making minor tears and rips in the muscle tissue more prevalent and painful.    


The Greymist Elixir & Improving It


Alchemy was a main way for the Visitants to heal and treat wounds before the discovery of the Greymist Elixir. A young member of the Visitants, named Althalos began experimenting with different vials of the Mara Basilisk venom. He found that although it was indeed quite venomous, if left to ferment long enough, and a large enough amount was ingested one could build an immunity to the venom, although it still had severe side effects, it wasn't considered lethal, this explains how Adeline Bennett was able to survive the consumption of the elixir, while the other man was not. Althalos sent a team of Visitants back to the cave system where they found the original elixir, his main objective becoming the reproduction of the elixir. With the alchemists order, the team gathered any informational texts within the room, along with all noticeable plant life. What the team found was more than enough for the alchemist to reproduce the elixir, not only that, with what they found he could improve upon it.


Althalos spent many nights, and even more days within his workshop, adding and removing various ingredients. He also looked into the various new plant life that was brought from the cave. Before long he hit his first break through. One night while playing with various herbs he placed the right one into the elixir, Elf's hair vine. This delicate ingredient was the first herb the alchemist wouldn't remove from the elixir. With this herb inside the elixir it would increase one's movement speed, making them faster. However it didn’t come without a side effect, due to it needing to ferment with the venom for ages, the drinker would find themselves getting dizzy often, sometimes even passing out from it.


It was a long time before the alchemist had a similar breakthrough, however this time it was much different.  One night, when the sun was setting, the keep where the Visitants lived was attacked by a group of soldiers from the nearby city. They claimed that the Visitants were unholy, and what their alchemist was practising was an abomination against god. As the Visitants struggled to fight the legion off, Althalos sat within his workshop, examining the new plant life that was brought from the cave. Although it was dried out now, it would still hold its effects if it had any.

With that the Alchemist plucked a single petal from a ebony flower. He placed it into the elixir. For a moment nothing happened. Banging began to ring out from the door, Althalos watched as suddenly the petal disintegrated into the elixir. Knowing what awaited him, the alchemist grabbed the elixir and downed it all. The door being kicked down by one of the soldiers at this. As the soldiers entered the room, they found the alchemist on the floor, seizing from the venom rushing through his veins, however after a moment his movements would cease. The soldiers brushed it off, as a coward taking the easy way out, and dragged him out and placed him with the other dead Visitants. The few remaining Visitants mourned their dead within the courtyard of the castle, only to find that the alchemist wasn’t dead. His pulse was fragile, and his eyes seemed to have turned a vile green, his pupils fogged over. The placed him inside the castles infirmary.


After many long nights of the Alchemist seizing, he finally awoke. His hair turned white while he slept, his eyes also remaining the vile green color, and his pupils still foggy, However something changed about the alchemist. It wasn't apparent until the alchemist stepped into the training yard. Althalos, a man who’s never trained with the other Visitants was able to beat them within a fight. His strength, and speed unmatched, by even Adeline Bennett, the drinker of the first elixir. Due to the Alchemists added herbs, and study of the elixir he did exactly what he set out to do. He improved it.





The Visitants Petal


The Visitants Petal is a rare herb, that will seemingly only grow underground in cave systems, to this day, the only known area of growth is the cave in which they were first found. It has a crimson colored stem, accompanied by a ebony flower atop of it, the petals of the flower are ebony with small veins of crimson running through them. The stem seems to do nothing when utilized within alchemical potions. However the petals have a strong effect after being dried out. Once the ebony petals have dried out, they will work to boost the strength of anything that has ingested it. However consuming too many of these petals will cause the consumer's death, via their heart exploding. This is caused because, after consumption the petals work to speed the consumers heart up, effectively causing their heart to pump more blood to their muscles, which is where the boost of strength comes from. The Visitants Petal does indeed have some addictive qualities, after a four uses of the petals, the consumer will find that their heart will give out if they do not ingest more.





(Name of the plant )

Visitant’s Petal


(Picture reference including credit to artist)



This small flower, seemingly only grows within cave systems, away from any sunlight, though always near a source of water.


Brief summary of the plant

The Visitants Petal is a rare herb, that will seemingly only grow underground in cave systems, to this day, the only known area of growth is the cave in which they were first found. It has a crimson colored stem, accompanied by a ebony flower atop of it, the petals of the flower are ebony with small veins of crimson running through them. The stem seems to do nothing when utilized within alchemical potions. However the petals have a strong effect after being dried out. Once the ebony petals have dried out, they will work to boost the strength of anything that has ingested it. However consuming too many of these petals will cause the consumer's death, via their heart exploding. This is caused because, after consumption the petals work to speed the consumers heart up, effectively causing their heart to pump more blood to their muscles, which is where the boost of strength comes from. The Visitants Petal does indeed have some addictive qualities, after a four uses of the petals, the consumer will find that their heart will give out if they do not ingest more.  


Characteristic: (Physical description, Behaviour, Reproduction, Uses, Roles in ecosystem, etc)


It has a crimson colored stem, accompanied by a ebony flower atop of it, the petals of the flower are ebony with small veins of crimson running through them. It reproduces by expelling lightweight seeds around it, often these plants are found in small clumps of 5-6. Uses, only known uses so far are Visitant Greymist Elixirs. T


Lore Origin (optional):


In the Lore above.


LM Approval Required:




Mara Basilisk Venom


Mara Basilisk are a species of Basilisk, not to be confused with with their larger cousin named the Jormun Basilisk. Physically smaller than their cousin, the Mara Basilisk has developed a strong and potent venom for it’s prey. Hunting these vile beasts poses a challenge due to their scales ability to take upon the coloration of the reptiles surroundings. Aspiring Visitants are made to hunt these creatures as their final act of training before their elixir test where their physicality and life is put on the line to see if they can withstand the venom.(A roll will be made and must be 23+ out of 30 to see if they will survive. If not, due to the player drinking the venom on their own accord, it will result in a pk.) Although the venom of the Basilisk is potent in content, certain individuals within the realm have a genetic immunity to it, enabling them to become Visitants who can use this substance to their advantage. As stated before, the venom works in mysterious ways when fermented correctly and more and more research is done by the visitants on exactly how this substance affects the body. The venom within itself takes a toll on the user’s body, should they survive. In the end it is still a poison which affects the body in a negative way if not handled, fermented, and brewed properly. Growing only a smaller size size of their cousin, these dangerously cunning creatures are at the top of the food chain and will pose a great threat to those whom seek to end it’s life and should not be taken lightly when hunted.


“As for the poison; the venom is faster acting in terms of reaching the brain, and the muscle paralysis is faster at taking effect. That being said, they only have enough venom to poison two creatures.”

~LotC Wiki

The Venom taken from the animal is only enough to fill about two elixir’s but about a few hundred bottles were found within the cave which the Visitant’s stumbled upon and due to their small numbers, it has been plenty to help sustain them.


Effects & Side-Effects


The abilities bestowed by the elixir come at a steep and taxing price for the user. The respective Visitant uses the dose only if they absolutely must (usually for their physical rejuvenation every two weeks). Consuming the elixir alters their physical state of being drastically. However this is only temporary due to the fact that the body eventually will naturally absorb the substance over time as the elixir is used to seal wounds, mend scrapes, and sometimes heal bones. A revenant is able to maintain their increased physical healing, speed, and strength abilities for up to two weeks but their body will crave a renewal of the substance in order to heal and maintain their abilities. Should the potion not be administered before two weeks is up, then the body will not be able to use the elixir to self heal and wounds will become permanent. Once they drink the new potion then their form will revert back to being able to use this substance. Yet, after consuming the potion twice, the Visitant Petal’s addictive qualities begin to set in and the body will crave this substance once it is almost spent. The Visitant will yearn for regeneration and after four consumptions of the elixir, the user's heart is at a constant heightened speed and should the elixir completely leave the body then the Visitant’s heart will come to a stop. Whilst the potion does heighten the abilities of the being, the potion takes a toll upon the mind as the venom seeps into the brain and can often cause vivid dreams and hallucinations when blunt force occurs to the cranium, crown, or temple region. Also when dormant in a sleeping state, the venom will cause nightmares and horridly vivid dreams. Dizziness and nausea also follow due to the toxin’s effect on the brain. Magics such as illusion and mental magic will easily pervade their way into the mind of a Visitant, their minds already feeble from the venom. As the venom seeps into every part of their body, the muscles are constantly tearing and rebuilding themselves at an alarming rate, thus causing a buildup and almost natural storage of excess venom that becomes trapped in the tissue of the Visitant as the muscles tear and allow the venom and elixir the Visitant has become immune to build up and be ready for healing.

Visitant’s are also sterilized by the venom as it does enter every part of the Visitant’s body. On top of that their life spans are shortened due to the speed at which their heart and muscles perform. Often becoming overused, a Visitant’s lifespan would be halved by the elixir’s effects. Their immune systems also become weakened so they’re more prone to disease and pathogens in general.





Although after drinking the elixir one would still look like their previous self, a few things would be altered. The drinkers eyes would take on the vile green color, and their pupils would fog. A few nights after the ingestion of the elixir, the Visitant would also find that all their hair would slowly fade, and turn white in color. After prolonged use, the consumer will also find that their skin takes on an odd grey tint.




Although Visitants combat monsters with varying weapons, they do have a favored weapon. One that has been passed down from the time of the first Visitants. An aurum sword, however these swords are quite unique. Unlike most aurum swords, a Visitants sword isn’t weak, instead quite the opposite. Firstly the blacksmith must create a normal sword from steel, however the blade is a bit smaller, and thinner than a normal sword. After that is done, the blacksmith melts down Aurum, and dips the sword inside. Thus making an aurum sword with a steel center, and stronger aurum weapon. Along with their signature blade, Visitants also utilize a number of blade oils cooked up by their alchemists. However the three most popular are these


Basilisk Venom Oil

A oil created from the very venom that was originally mixed into the elixir. When the blade is coated with this oil, it will gain a slight grey tint to the sword. When a wound is inflicted with a weapon coated in this oil, the wounded will feel a burning sensation within their wound. If not tended to quickly, the venom will spread throughout the body of the wounded. This will spell the demise of the wounded if not stopped before it reaches the heart. Due to the venom from the creature, paralysis can become common. If it does successfully reach the heart, the wounded will find their heart simply… Explodes. For the venom to reach the heart it takes about 30 elven minutes and paralysis begins after 10 minutes.


Habgobsnit Oil

A curious oil, created from the herb Habgobsnit. When the oil is coated over the weapon of choice, it adds a dull green tint to the blade. When a sword inflicts a wound upon someone with this oil, within a few moments (2 Emotes) the wounded will find their movements slower, as if their body is moving through water. Although it doesn't slow them very much, nor does it last for long (2 Emotes) it does give the Visitant an advantage.


Combustion Oil

The combustion oil is quite a powerful weapon within the Visitants weaponry. When this oil is applied to the weapon of the visitants choice, the sword will gain a orange/red tint to it. When the oil is light on fire, the oil will slowly turn into a goop like substance that coats the blade. With a simple swing of the sword, the Visitant can spray the fiery goop around them. Although the goop will burn anything it comes in contact with, it will only burn for a period of 2 emotes.


How fast does the Greymist Elixir Actually Act?

Minor Cuts, Burns and Abrasions : 5+ minutes

Large Cuts, 3rd Degree Burns +, and Abrasions: 15+ minutes

Hairline and Small Fractures : 7+ Minutes

Broken Bones : 20+ Minutes

Compound Fractures : 26+ Minutes  



  • Dynamic Being able to give people who don’t want magic to fight monsters, something to Roleplay

  • Able to self heal over time, and not have to go to the monks or holy users in order to heal. This Allows for interesting Roleplay.

  • Increased Healing Abilities through alchemical and physical recovery method.

  • Physical Attributes slightly heightened but balanced out by the negatives of the Elixir.

Red Lines/Weaknesses:

  • Once a roll is made, if it is lower than a 23, the user must pk their character no exceptions due to the suicide permakill rule.

  • Blade Oil is not limitless, and rubs off as it makes contact with the victim.

  • A Visitant is not able to come back from the dead, only from the brink.

  • The set time limit of healing can not be breached and will only take longer than the times described, not shorter

  • Visitant’s whilst having boosted abilities, they would not be heightened to anything obscene due to the negative effects acting as a counterweight to the creature.

  • Visitant’s can not have children after they become altered

  • More susceptible to injury as the venom (Whilst a healing property, mixed with mandragora.) does hinder the beings form while repairing the body.

  • The mandragora does not act as an automatic healer but as a boost to the venom to help heal and strengthen when used.

  • The elixir lies dormant until tissue, bone, and other things like skin tear and it does by no means immediately heal the user.

  • Does not heal burns but only seals the open wound beneath the surface of the burn.

  • Scars will form from the healing process, it’s not like the Holy Arts where they can be completely perfect.


Disclaimer: These are simply a means of further roleplay and Event-Based beings. They’re by no means meant to be overpowered or given magic as the initial design is for people who do not want their character to become an Op spellcasting mage yet want themselves to stand out in combat or events and have a unique roleplay experience can do so. Should the LT require the Visitant’s Petal to have a plant lore application, this will be provided below:


A Huge Thanks to the following:

  • TheDarkisEternal : Co-Writer, Editor, Ideas, Pictures, basically Sug was a monkey behind a machine and Seth did all the hard work.

  • Slayology and Luv : Our Muses

  • Jaden : For Moral Support Once Again


Yes I know it’s like the witcher. But what isn’t like Dark Souls and the Witcher anymore?

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Not a huge fan of this; witcher copy-paste lore needs to stay off of the server.

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mother fucker dont step on our witcher-boo turf that's OURS

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*strokes witcher lore ***** 



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3 minutes ago, GrimReaper98 said:

mother fucker dont step on our witcher-boo turf that's OURS


) _ ) <3?


3 minutes ago, Fordo said:

*strokes witcher lore ***** 






4 minutes ago, The Rabbi said:

Not a huge fan of this; witcher copy-paste lore needs to stay off of the server.


Noted! Thank you!

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18 minutes ago, Sug said:


Yes I know it’s like the witcher. But what isn’t like Dark Souls and the Witcher anymore?


lore that I actually want to see on the server

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1 minute ago, HurferDurfer1 said:

dont we already have the Marked Men???


Yep! Although if they sought to have this they would be more than welcome!

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Specialized potions that only a select few have access to that enhance strength, speed and give regeneration? And permanently.


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38 minutes ago, Sug said:


  Reveal hidden contents


(Name of the plant )

Visitant’s Petal


(Picture reference including credit to artist)



This small flower, seemingly only grows within cave systems, away from any sunlight, though always near a source of water.


Brief summary of the plant

The Visitants Petal is a rare herb, that will seemingly only grow underground in cave systems, to this day, the only known area of growth is the cave in which they were first found. It has a crimson colored stem, accompanied by a ebony flower atop of it, the petals of the flower are ebony with small veins of crimson running through them. The stem seems to do nothing when utilized within alchemical potions. However the petals have a strong effect after being dried out. Once the ebony petals have dried out, they will work to boost the strength of anything that has ingested it. However consuming too many of these petals will cause the consumer's death, via their heart exploding. This is caused because, after consumption the petals work to speed the consumers heart up, effectively causing their heart to pump more blood to their muscles, which is where the boost of strength comes from. The Visitants Petal does indeed have some addictive qualities, after a four uses of the petals, the consumer will find that their heart will give out if they do not ingest more.  


Characteristic: (Physical description, Behaviour, Reproduction, Uses, Roles in ecosystem, etc)


It has a crimson colored stem, accompanied by a ebony flower atop of it, the petals of the flower are ebony with small veins of crimson running through them. It reproduces by expelling lightweight seeds around it, often these plants are found in small clumps of 5-6. Uses, only known uses so far are Visitant Greymist Elixirs. T


Lore Origin (optional):


In the Lore above.


LM Approval Required:






  • Dynamic Being able to give people who don’t want magic to fight monsters, something to Roleplay



this is the biggest part of my hatred for this lore. You don't need lore to fulfill the ******* superhero complex to complete any task. Leave Monster Hunting to normal people, I'm sick of augmented magics, antags and protags that power spike and create a realm of special snowflakes.


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Right. Constructive criticism on the way.


We already have a well established group doing the exact same thing this lore's talking about. The Marked Men have been around here for years and fulfilling whatever Witchering desires players might have. What my earlier post had to say was a perfectly constructive criticism by the way, this is simply unecessary.

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4 minutes ago, Jonificus said:


Right. Constructive criticism on the way.


We already have a well established group doing the exact same thing this lore's talking about. The Marked Men have been around here for years and fulfilling whatever Witchering desires players might have. What my earlier post had to say was a perfectly constructive criticism by the way, this is simply unecessary.


Wonderful! Thank you. I understand that. We just thought we'd submit something is all. No need to say 'delete this' or 'delete that' a simple "I don't think this would go well in the server because the Marked Men have already established a form of monster hunting" would have been good as well rather than calling for a lore submission to be deleted. Thank you for your input though! See you on the server! :D

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      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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