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[✓] Combustion [Fire Evocation Addition/Amendment]


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[A horrendous blast reigns fire on enemy infantry]

[Fireball by Eedenartwork]


    Combustion is a subcategory of fire evocation in which a mastered veteran fire-mage is able to form concussive blasts through advanced spellcasting. By the expense of extra mana and time, a fireball (or what have you) is capable of expanding with such force that it no longer merely douses the radius in flames but also expels large amounts of kinetic energy in order to create a true explosion. Whether a mage is facing an opponent immune to their conventional burning methods, or they merely wish to do more destruction, this would be the desired technique next to blue-fire. However just as blue-fire is more dangerous by its intense heat, the possibility of closeby explosions are more dangerous than one might think.

    Normally when a fire evocationist creates something of an expansive wave of flames it is due to the compression of said element during the preparation of a spell. This is how the non-concussive ‘explosive’ fireballs well-known in the art are made possible. They do not cause true kinetic explosions, but there is indeed a way for this as a mastered fire mage. It is actually the same concept pushed to eleven, a mage putting greater effort and diligence into exceptionally compressing their flame into a singular spot over time. There becomes a critical point where the compaction is so powerful that when the fire is let loose, it explodes with much more energy than normally possible, allowing for the flames to take on true explosive properties.

    Unfortunately despite the increased damage this is capable of causing there are a number of aspects that make choosing such a technique not without its drawbacks. Due to the higher level of concentration required to maintain the compressed state of flames, it is impossible to maintain such past a ten meter radius (10 blocks) before it automatically releases pressure and thus it ‘combusts’. Furthermore, this advanced form of fire evocation requires an exponentially greater amount of mana than that of normal non-concussive flames. Likewise as the mana increase is present, so is an extended period of time required to force the flames into a compact singularity. Finally, as the combustion technique has a shorter range than most forms of fire evocation as well as being inherently more destructive, the mage is far more likely to cause harm to themselves by the backlash of their own casting. All in all this means one should practice much caution when deciding to use this technique over the common form of casting, just as they should while casting blue flames.



-The caster is limited to a 10 block radius from themselves while casting combustion (It explodes mid-air at the limit if attempting to go further).

-Must be a T5 master fire evocationist to practice this technique.

-Requires 1-2 more emotes when deciding to use combustion (concussive explosions).

-Mana needed to do this is higher, resembling that of utilizing blue flames. Fatigue must be roleplayed if used excessively.

-Mage is not immune to their own explosions. Not intentionally dispelling or losing focus leads to premature explosions.

-Must be cast nearby in the form of a compacted fireball, which should subsequently be thrown or intentionally dispelled.

-With the implementation of this the former redline in which one cannot cast concussive explosions is nullified, so long as one utilizes the guidelines in this lore.


Clarifications [11/06/17]:

The 10 block radius is not in reference to how large the blast of combustion spells are, but how far away a mage is able to throw them. Consider a standard non-concussive fireball that's already possible. It would take 3 emotes to cast and throw, with it dousing flames in a couple block radius on hit. A combustion fireball of the same size would need to be formed close to the caster over 5 emotes and thrown no further than 10 blocks away. The resultant explosion would have the same radius of a couple blocks and douse the area in flame with the only difference being anything caught inside is also subjected to bludgeoning trauma. With that in mind, a master fire mage could only cast a combustion spell like that 2-3 times before becoming exhausted. The explosions are able to be made smaller or larger than this, with mana expenditure linearly changing to match. If the prior-mentioned combustion fireball is the standard, one may discern the upper limitations of how powerful larger blasts could be.

I would also like to stress the risk of explosions on the user more clearly. Even if one is not caught in the radius of the direct explosion, things being forcefully impacted inside can be flung without control (due to it being a literal explosion) which could come back to harm the caster. Likewise due to the need of forming the spell in proximity as a fireball, a premature explosion could occur on top of them if forced to lose concentration. This would cause the flames to be quickly released, hitting the caster as well as anything else around with flames and force. It may however be weaker depending on how far along they were in casting before losing control.



-Made several clarifications as requested by the LT in the new 'clarifications' section seen just above. [11/06/17]

-Amended a redline and added another to further describe the use of this technique as being like a fireball that must be formed near the user and then thrown. [11/06/17]

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Yes please add. Mega +1 from me.

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Are blue flames lore approved, if so where's the link? Otherwise idk how I feel about this so I'll consider it further.

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i helped with consultation :))

fire evo is not very good at doing what its meant to do if it cant generate any degree of concussive force

big plus one from mister goosey

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Thanks for fixing fire evocation people keep nerfing it into the ground.

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i thought this was already a thing, but yeah



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Mhhh i dont know how to feel about this, how many emotes would be needed? 4? For an attack that can most likely 1 hit you... mhh. Yes, lighting evo can 1 hit you the in the most of the cases and with the same amount of emotes, but it doest destroy things, from my point of view the evocations are meant to be basic magics and thats why they can be self taught , if you make them more complex and powerful that would change, plus it needs to keep a balance with the other evocations.


But i wont give you a +1 nor -1 because i dont play voidal mages, i just try to explain my thoughts regarding this piece of lore.

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Thank you for submitting your piece! This is now under review and you can expect a verdict in roughly a week.


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8 hours ago, Suxals said:



I understand your concern, however I must say evocations outside of Arcanism have needed a bit of love for a long time. This is what I'm trying to do here. As much as this could be used as a one-hitting move, so can blue fire at an equivalent tier. It requires roughly 5 emotes for a relevant blast and takes so much mana a master can only accomplish it a few times at best before feeling exhaustion overwhelming them. There's a close range limitation, while a mage is not immune to their own explosions. I tried to make sure there were enough drawbacks to support something like this, it's not something that should be done willy nilly by any means. Regular fire blasts in 5 emotes could one-shot kill people with lots of destruction too if placed well enough against the right opponents. Basically if anything should have this it's fire evo, as it has essentially no defensive abilities whatsoever and is primarily about offense. Unless you count deterrent by offense as defense, which I don't. Perhaps it was a mistake to make evocations self teachable as they have been under-appreciated long enough.

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I give my support, the possibilities with this can be seen.

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      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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