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[Shelved][✓] Null Ember Manipulation (Ascended Disconnection)


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  The proposed edit to Ascended Disconnection is intended as a quality-of-life change which eases the burden on Ascended teachers as well as allows the use to be tracked by the Magic Team. This lore is written to work in tandem with the Ascended Lore posted: Here




  • Most of this is already accepted in the main lore post this piece is mainly just clarification, slight alteration, and slight expansion of the accepted concepts.

  • Ascended Disconnection now has two varieties.

  • Upon acceptance of this magic addition all current Ascended that know Disconnection will have to relearn it and then submit a Disconnection app (All Ascended that fit this category have agreed to the proposition)

  • Disruption, Decay, and Repossession do not require an accepted Magic App.



                    Progenous Flame (T4-5)                




                Living Ember (T1-3) OR Progenous Ember (T1-3)                



Null Ember Disruption, Decay, & Repossession



When an Ember is gifted to a mortal, turning them into an Ascended, the flame from which it was birthed retains a lasting impression of the Ember that was lost. The vacant space is mended in time as the Flame naturally regenerates itself, however a scar remains in place of it. This Null Ember exists permanently within its Flame and, indeed, the Ascended that houses this flame. Like a scar one would find upon the skin it houses no infectious or ill properties and serves merely as a reminder that an Ember was gifted to another.


However, with coaxing, a Null Ember may be taken from the Flame just as easily as a normal Ember would. Physically it appears identical to a normal Ember save that its hue is an abysmal black and radiates a faint, dark smog. The Null Ember holds none of the properties associated with Soulfire and is harmless to all Ascended, save one. The Ascended which bears the Ember that resulted in the creation of the Null Ember is exceptionally vulnerable should the two be forced to merge, resulting in three different outcomes.


  1. If the Null Ember merges with the Ember, the result is a Chaotic Ember. Chaotic Embers reside within the Ascended and cause their magic to be wildly unstable; reverting all their magical feats to minimum strength for three elven days. After time has passed the Chaotic Ember will stabilize and revert to a normal Ember.

  2. If the Ember has since turned into a Progenous Flame, merging with the Null Ember will destabilize it and revert the Flame back into an Ember. Effectively the Ascended is returned to average strength and can no longer fragment their flame to create new Ascended. Should the Ascended undergo the Ritual of Stoking in the Hallowed Grounds then they will return to their former strength immediately.

  3. The Ascended that bears the Null Ember in their Flame, the teacher, may physically rip the Ember of their student from their soul and replace it within themself; resulting in that particular Null Ember ceasing to exist for future use. The student then ceases to be an Ascended. Teachers cannot repossess an Ember if their student’s Ember has since turned into a Flame


Red Lines:

  • Null Embers may be given to an unrelated Ascended as a physical item, allowing them to hunt down and destabilize the unruly student without the teacher directly being there. Obviously the teacher cannot disconnect the student fully if the two are not together.

  • When not held by the teacher the Null Ember will decay and die after one elven week. In cases like this the Null Ember must be made into a physical MC item, be approved by the MT, and list an expiration date.

  • Null Embers cannot be Soulbound or stored in an Enderchest. It must always be in a direct inventory.

  • Null Embers have the consistency of charcoal and may be physically destroyed.

  • Null Embers CAN be held by ghost entities.

  • Another Null Ember cannot be created until the previous one expires.

  • Null Embers can only be used against an Ascended when in the possession of an Ascended.


TLDR: Ascended Teachers can partially silence, weaken, or directly disconnect their student by themselves. They can only do this with Ascended THEY created.



Null Ember Disconnection


    There are times when an Ascended has lost sight of their purpose and been deemed a threat to the order or the realm, however, the acquisition of a Null Ember by normal means is not possible. In such cases a Null Ember must be forcefully brought into being through the wounding of their own Progenous Flame; a process both damaging and taxing to the creator of the Null ember. Forced creation of a Null Ember requires an Ascended to expunge a typical connection Ember from their Flame while on the verge of mana depletion, when their Flame is weakest, and then provide an ounce of the intended target’s blood to the Ember. The Ember will then darken and take on the form of a standard Null Ember, which is usable against the Ascended whose blood was utilized in its creation. After the creation of a Null Ember the performing Ascended will lose access to their Enhanced Regeneration and be unable to create any Infusions for three elven days.


Red Lines:

  • If the intended target’s Ember has since turned into a Flame, it will take two uses of a Null Ember to fully disconnect them. One to revert the Flame to an Ember, another to repossess the Ember.

  • The blood of the targeted Ascended is required, allowing them a chance to learn of the plot against them.

  • Standard Null Ember redlines (listed above) apply.

  • Three Null Embers are required to disconnect one bearing the Living Flame.

  • The blood utilized must be no more than 24 hours old.


TLDR: An Ascended can inflict weakness upon themselves and utilize the blood of a rogue Ascended to create an artificial Null Ember, which can be used to weaken, destabilize, or repossess the Flame/Ember of the rogue Ascended.


Key Note:

  • As all Embers and Flames are descended from the Living Flame, the bearer of the Living Flame can repossess the Ember of any Ascended as long as it has not matured into a Flame. This is already accepted in the main Ascended lore post.

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Quick thing, but, if Ascended are obliged to do good stuff somehow, why do they need a disconnection lore since in one way or another they can be kept in line?

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10 minutes ago, Man of Respect said:

Quick thing, but, if Ascended are obliged to do good stuff somehow, why do they need a disconnection lore since in one way or another they can be kept in line?



Every holy magic has a form of disconnection that allows a member of the magic, whom knows disconnection, to remove another member from the magic when it is utmost necessary - this goes for clerics, paladins, ascended, and druids. The Ascended always had disconnection and this is in case an Ascended goes against the rules of the Ascended, such as harming an innocent mortal being or commit crimes that's enough to get them disconnected. All holy magics will get some characters going rogue, so it's a necessary thing to have. What Jallen wrote is to clear up a few things about Ascended Disconnection and adding onto the current Ascended lore.

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I suggest a form of risk should be implemented if other people are allowed to carry these null variants for up to a week. Why not allow others to turn the Null Embers against the intended use, similarly how other utilities like Draughts of Incite can be weaponized against Undead to "mortalize" them by force? I would recommend that if others were to use these, that they cannot inflict actual Disconnection, but rather repeat the same debilitation of chaotic/uncontrollable power as is described.

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11 minutes ago, Swgrclan said:

I suggest a form of risk should be implemented if other people are allowed to carry these null variants for up to a week. Why not allow others to turn the Null Embers against the intended use, similarly how other utilities like Draughts of Incite can be weaponized against Undead to "mortalize" them by force? I would recommend that if others were to use these, that they cannot inflict actual Disconnection, but rather repeat the same debilitation of chaotic/uncontrollable power as is described.


There is a risk, you would only need a rogue Ascended and blood of the Ascended that you want to weaken, it even says that you could disconnect the bearer of the Living Flame.


Its a huge +1 from me.

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5 minutes ago, Suxals said:

There is a risk, you would only need a rogue Ascended and blood of the Ascended that you want to weaken, it even says that you could disconnect the bearer of the Living Flame.


Its a huge +1 from me.



One of the redlines is that only an Ascended can use the null ember to disconnect an Ascended. I may add in that Chaotic Embers can be resulted from someone not an Ascended, we'll see. Mulling it over atm.

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good changes, will help my coup plans +1

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I despise disconnection, especially with necromancy.

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1 hour ago, Kowaman said:

good changes, will help my coup plans +1


Shhh, you will ruin everything.

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20 hours ago, Swgrclan said:

I suggest a form of risk should be implemented if other people are allowed to carry these null variants for up to a week. Why not allow others to turn the Null Embers against the intended use, similarly how other utilities like Draughts of Incite can be weaponized against Undead to "mortalize" them by force? I would recommend that if others were to use these, that they cannot inflict actual Disconnection, but rather repeat the same debilitation of chaotic/uncontrollable power as is described.


I mean it's been established in a lot of pieces that Ascended artifacts for the past six years usually require Ascended blood/the Power of Aeriel in order to properly activate them, and though that has changed a little bit for some of the new infusions this specifically isn't an infusion. Anyways the purpose of all this is for internal Ascended management, not to write another weapon amongst all the copious methods and weapons that exist to murder Ascended and things similar to it already. As it stands anyways there's no point giving it the ability to be used by non Ascended, as most likely than not you will never even see one of these things, the need and will to disconnect Ascended rarely if ever comes up, and when it does come up the affair is entirely internal, and handled with the utmost discretion. There's no point really, that and again, there are already several other methods to screw with Ascended without us writing in our own thing to screw with ourselves as well really. There's already enough in the Ascended lore that serves to be a detriment without adding more. 


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20 hours ago, Master Sage Delaselva said:


One of the redlines is that only an Ascended can use the null ember to disconnect an Ascended. I may add in that Chaotic Embers can be resulted from someone not an Ascended, we'll see. Mulling it over atm.



Just do it. Think of the amazing fallen angel bounty hunting events we could have.

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Null Embers will continue to only be usable by Ascended. No other group has a written-in, abusable weakness in their disconnection lore and we will not either.

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      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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