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[✗] [Dark Druids] The Fourth Way


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Some notes: I kind of rushed the **** out of this as I had the idea on the spot and won't have much time to work on it during the week- I hate when documents sit on my computer for ages. 


Basically, this is proposed as more a means for the ET to have an Antagonist for the Druids, but could also be an Aesthetic change for those Druids that are coming to the end of their tier progression and might want a change in RP.

I'll fix it up once opinions are left about what can be changed, or I'll simply remove it if the Druids hate it all together.


The Fourth Way




It is not enough to cull the weak, for all life is burdened beneath the will of the Aspects. They have taken the true force of nature and contorted it, bent it against the will of the originator. They control it with their own, hideous creations, disguising balance with the pretence of death.


It is not death that is the answer, for death is only the answer to a plague that spreads without control. Before the influence of the Aspects, the world was balanced and healthy. Have you not heard the tales of old? That where Cerridwen tampered, Cernunnos controlled, and Nemiisae weaponised?


All the ills of the world, and all of the terrible creatures that kill our ilk and eat our food. They spurn from the Aspects and their ways. But there is no need to fret for this predicament, for there is a Fourth Way.

When you heal the plants and animals of the world, you are not restoring true nature. You only help to strengthen the false creations of the world, so that they may prosper within this illusion. It is all a farce, brother, and I will show you the truth that the originator wishes for you.


You have come of age. You are ready.


I am the true servant of nature, and I am here to reverse this process- to return the world to its ancient and wise blueprint.


Maggeg, the Hidden Aspect



(Maggeg appears a Goat-like Humanoid)

Maggeg is a Greater Kabalees of Vaasek, who presents himself as the Fourth Aspect of the world.


He preaches of the three Aspects and their influence on the original idea of nature. He speaks of how they have corrupted it and added animals to it for their own personal gain- how nature in its current state is a disease and an illusion, which is perpetrated by the Aspects.


Where Cerridwen first corrupted plant life, it began to grow out of control. Cernunnos stepped in to control the spread with his own brand of life, but was ultimately unsuccessful. Finally, Nemiisae was put into the fold as a final solution- one that would allow them to deceive the descendants into a false sense of balance.


He presents himself as the one, true Aspect. A servant of the “originator”, who seeks to restore nature to what it was intended to be.


When a Druid is first given their powers, Maggeg is watching closely, and continues to observe their progress until they develop a considerable level of ability- which is usually at T3 or T4, depending on the individual. At this stage, he presents himself as the Fourth Aspect and attempts to show them the reality of their world, and how they have contributed to a lie.


He will use illusion to “bless” the Druid with true sight, which will cause them to view the world as a grotesque sight of disease and illness. Under this revelation, Maggeg will convince them that they live under the spell of the Aspects, and that he can restore the world with their help.


Once proud trees will be withered and devoid of life, and the carcasses of animals will scatter the floor. Where beasts roam, they will be corrupted and rotten, weakened in their state. The sky will bleed crimson and dust will swirl about the land.


When a Druid is convinced to follow The Fourth Way, all of their previous spells will take on the alternate effect. Where they see corruption and attempt to heal it, they will actually be tainting perfectly healthy land. They will be in a constant state of illusion during their time under Maggeg, and will consider their work just and right.


The Ritual



In each world there sits an enormous tree- the Tree of True Sight. Gnarled and contorted, it serves to contradict the verdant life around it. Its deep and tainted roots embed into the ground, leeching the life from the soil as Maggeg awaits his followers.


For as one approaches the tree, and steps within the circle of influence that the roots make, they begin to see the tree take on a new form, as it flourishes with greenery and life. Once inside this sphere of influence, the outside world appears dead and tainted.


A Druid that wishes to follow the Fourth Way must bring the Animal that they are attuned to, or have a strong bond with, and must show it to Maggeg. For in order to use the energies of Vaasek, the Druids must have a considerable portion of their life force drained from them, and these Animals are used to sustain them.


In their illusion, it appears as though Maggeg is simply blessing these animals. In reality, they are shattered from their core and their body is fused with the Druid in question, creating an unholy abomination of man and beast. In the mind of the Druids, however, it appears simply as though the Animal has gained newfound life and sight, and understands the “new world” as the Druid has come to understand it.


It is this process, and this corruption that maintains the permanent illusion beset on the Druids, and is where their powers come from. In reality, all of their spells will emanate a crimson hue as they taint the land, but to their own eye they will see only beauty and health.


Notes & Summary



(A crisp and withered Rose, under the influence of Maggeg)


> Requires some form of T3 Druidism

> When under the influence of Maggeg, the Druids will sever their connection to the Aspects, and will be unable to communicate with animals, traverse the Fae Realm or use any positive spells. Instead, all healing spells will cause taint, and all influence over plants will cause them to wither and die.


> In the minds of the Druids of the Fourth Way, they see all of nature as corrupted, and only their own influence is healing. In reality, it is the opposite.


> When a Druid morphs with their animal, they take on some minor characteristics. For instance, if one were to merge with a Deer, they may develop small horns protruding from their heads. If one were to merge with a cat, their eyes would change and they would develop grotesque hands and claw-like fingers.


> It is only possible to reverse this process by having the Tree of True Sight destroyed.


> These Druids are no more or less powerful than ordinary Druids, and instead influence nature in an opposite way, to the level that a Druid of equal power or tier may do.


> Aesthetics


Thanks to my friend @MotoSCP173 for letting me bounce ideas from him and getting some good feedback. Your input was appreciated.

Edited by Smaw
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Simply amazing. I can think that most of the druids in the community will get slightly triggered, but hey.


Huge +1 from me, and as a Dedicant, I'd love to go through such an experience if and when I get to T3.


Amazing work as always, Smaw.

(Your rushed writing is me focused, apparently)

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Okay. So, as a member of the druid community, I read the title and was about to scream. However! After reading it, I don't see any major issues with it, and can see some good roleplay blossoming out of it. +1

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Everything is good minus the fourth aspect, one aspect of shadows and another aspect that's unknown? No thank you. Unless you make it so that Nemiisae was never actually an aspect and this one was the real third.

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This is actually a cool way to introduce antagonistic forces for Drui to have to contend with.

I'll be preparing my anti-draoi bat though. ;)

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4 minutes ago, Sky said:

Everything is good minus the fourth aspect, one aspect of shadows and another aspect that's unknown? No thank you. Unless you make it so that Nemiisae was never actually an aspect and this one was the real third.


Oh he's not posed as an actual Aspect, it's just the persona he adopts to trick Druids. In the trick, he alludes to being the one true Aspect, posing the three as false.


Perhaps it didn't come across well enough in the text? He's actually a Kabalees, a minion of the Daemon Vaasek, who uses Illusion quite profusely.

Edited by Smaw
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This is cool and all but I think you should come up with a different name than "dark druids". That's something that already exists in the form of druids truly protecting the balance by the views of the Aspects albeit with questionable morals (Thuleanism being an example of these druids). This is legit harming the balance due to being deceived by a servant of the deity of deception. They're actually more like unintentional draoi, so you ought to just change the name to avoid confusing this with groups that already exist IRP. Otherwise, I've not read it all yet, but it looks pretty cool so far!

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1 minute ago, Smaw said:


Oh he's not posed as an actual Aspect, it's just the persona he adopts to trick Druids. In the trick, he alludes to being the one true Aspect, posing the three as false. Perhaps it didn't come across well enough in the text?


Alright, though I've also come to the realization that druid lore is over saturated in my opinion, but I won't fight against this lore piece. Simply an observation I have made.

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Wouldn't this be reflavored necromancy (with Druidic abilities), just no raising the dead?
Not that I hate it, mind you, I just can't seem to see the differences.

Good work on the piece.

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4 minutes ago, Gladuos said:

This is cool and all but I think you should come up with a different name than "dark druids".

Yeah, you're right. It's basically just a placeholder- and click-bait! 


3 minutes ago, Arkelos said:

Wouldn't this be reflavored necromancy (with Druidic abilities), just no raising the dead?
Not that I hate it, mind you, I just can't seem to see the differences.

Good work on the piece.


In some sense perhaps, but the main focus is on the illusionary aspect of this piece, and how it can add some layers of flavour to Druid RP- and indeed RP across the board. 

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It'd be pretty awesome if you added a little more to this piece to separate it from Necromancy blight (with unique aesthetics). Maybe you can also mutate animals to appear malformed and become malicious entities. Perhaps not with any more power than they originally had, just more aggressive and spooky as hell looking! @Smaw

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1 minute ago, Smaw said:

In some sense perhaps, but the main focus is on the illusionary aspect of this piece, and how it can add some layers of flavour to Druid RP- and indeed RP across the board. 


I mean I get it, but also this is going to be a rather difficult piece to pass if it does the exact same thing Necromancy does. Even with the Illusionary bits and pieces, your serving a watered down Necromancy (No offense, I'm a blunt person is all) to fit a role Necromancers could achieve with their own accepted magic.

There was a lore piece being worked on (I know the lorewriters personally) in Athera where Draoism was a group of evil druids started to worship a corrupt nature spirit, and tried to corrupt others once they got their hands on an Aspect Stone (if the event had progressed) and tl;dr basically attuned to those spirits directly to use their power and twisted the gifts of the Aspects forcibly to be able to still interact with nature, but forcing instead of requesting.

Something like the above I think would play out to be something a bit more interesting.

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