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[✗] Fourth Generation Necromancy


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Well done, gonna miss mysticism though. Does that mean there is to be a wipe? 

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32 minutes ago, The Redneck said:

Well done, gonna miss mysticism though. Does that mean there is to be a wipe? 


No! The idea for implementation will have to be talked about with the LT and some loreholders so I won't spoil anything regarding those events but mechanically:


Necromancers will get Consumption and/or Resurrection depending on what they know (some necros only know draining so they'd get Consumption) and if they don't want to take both slots they can choose to take either. Mystics will get Mysticism. We'll ask the LT to give a number of people full TAs and expanded student slots so they can teach all 5 magics and begin churning out new people. As well, there are plans for there to be a book which allows the self teaching of necromancy but to only 1 person at a time which will also be released through the events but that won't be decided on until this passes, assuming it will (pray for us).

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26 minutes ago, Zarsies said:

No! The idea for implementation will have to be talked about with the LT and some loreholders so I won't spoil anything regarding those events but mechanically:


Necromancers will get Consumption and/or Resurrection depending on what they know (some necros only know draining so they'd get Consumption) and if they don't want to take both slots they can choose to take either. Mystics will get Mysticism. We'll ask the LT to give a number of people full TAs and expanded student slots so they can teach all 5 magics and begin churning out new people. As well, there are plans for there to be a book which allows the self teaching of necromancy but to only 1 person at a time which will also be released through the events but that won't be decided on until this passes, assuming it will (pray for us).

With your writing I'm sure it will babe! Good luck! Snap me some more food creations soon! ❤️ Love the system that has been put into place through this lore, hope it passes! I miss necromancy.

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How will the darkstalker transition happen? Are they reverted to liches? Deathknights? What of the pillar then?


Id just enjoy the small precision for myself and others, other than that I support this rewrite!

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hey cool

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My personal issue with this rewrite is specifically to do with the creatures that originated from necromancy, Ghouls, or 'Fleshknights', and Darkstalkers, or 'Deathknights'.

I've recently realized, after reading further into the section and discussing about it, that 3-4/5 of the 'Blackhand' abilites just do not sound good at all to me, especially when in put into comparison with the modifications offered to the Paleknights.


I'll start with the Fleshsmithing ability. This is probably the one that I and those who I've discussed it with have the most issues with, as I see no point to taking it up since you could simply go to your necromancer for any situation you may need to use it in, making it very much redundant considering that the smithing is written to be frail and flawed, as well as any added appendages being much more costly for the creature.


The next is Deadbreath, the ability which originates from mysticism, which is why it confuses me, since the Blackhand is going to usually be taken by the necrotic creatures, why are we being given a nerfed mystic spell which can also instantly kill us should it be dispelled?


After that is Banishment, this ability is very unfinished, if you ask me, there's no writing describing how it functions and why it works, ontop of that it's kindof silly, spectrals and undeads are pretty much allies, which simply makes the ability more worthless as you'd be dedicating a slot towards combating your own comrades?.. And to be honest, I don't really know why it's been included? It's literally just an ability made to shoot yourself through the legs to kill off one specific... enemy?


And if I'm not mistaken, Gaping Maw and Polluted Claw are already available to these creatures via the means of Necromancy as it is.


And then there's Paleknights, who from what I can tell, have been given the most cool **** I've read from a rewrite in a while, like honestly. Menhir Crafting is pretty much Blackhand's fleshsmithing but for the stone blokes and made 10x better, Apparition Cradle which quite literally allows them to make fuckin' apparitions? Just try to tell me that isn't rad as ****. Congealing which allows them to eat Lich phylacteries or something, I think, and Cauterizing which makes them be able to heal?.. Not entirely sure since I'm not much of a mystic person. Hindering that allows them to become stone latern watchguards that can smell you the **** out. Hexing that's just, well, hexing - it's cool as **** already, and then Seance which I don't really know what that does.


I understand that this is written to be the merging of Necromancy and Mysticism, but in the end, these creatures will still very likely be owned by their respective masters, so this definitely puts one set down, unless I'm being a 3am moron.

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12 minutes ago, h e x said:

I understand that this is written to be the merging of Necromancy and Mysticism, but in the end, these creatures will still very likely be owned by their respective masters, so this definitely puts one set down, unless I'm being a 3am moron.


The major idea behind the modifications was to carefully balance the idea of 'magic' being given to the brutes; we had to ensure they could use an amount that wouldn't make them particularly good spellcasters whilst also giving them the freedom to do what they like. That said, each 'spell' aka modification requiring blackhand of phantomheart is meant to be not particularly awesome and is supposed to have a drawback. Do note, however, that it isn't specifically Deathknight/Fleshknight and Paleknight who are limited because mutts can acquire the features required to get those modifications. You could have a Deathknight acquire a menhir chest piece from a mystic and then take phantomheart to then pick between those appropriate spells. That said, if you have ideas on what could be added or edited to make things more digestible and agreeable please message me on Discord and I'd gladly hear you out!

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Extreme -1, I can't even fathom playing Necromancy if it was combined with this magic. I firmly believe that Necromancy should stay independent and to its own thing, as was originally intended. 

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Obviously biased having contributed, but in my personal opinion this rewrite addresses more of the issues facing Necromancy on the server than the alternative. It brings the magic down to a pretty well-balanced state with the requirement of a tier slot for each type in my opinion, and simplifies the current over-saturation of melee-based undead (gravens, darkstalkers, paleknights, ghouls).


It also makes Wights far less overpowered and more thematically interesting, and gives Liches a lot more tools to distinguish themselves aesthetically from their peers, something I've always felt was needed.


In my opinion Mysticism and Necromancy are individually valuable and not all that samey in terms of function, however they share so much in common thematically that I think bringing them both under the same umbrella makes a lot of sense. Due to the way sub-types are organized,we can both keep the individuality I enjoy between the two groups, and expand on the cross-over between them.

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11 hours ago, h e x said:



I would like to point out a few things.


The magical abilities are based off of taking one spell from each branch of necromancy, its impossible to get all five magical modifications related to a modification that allows you to cast, and modifications are based on the philosophy of a negative for every positive. Acquiring a modification isn't supposed to be an inherent plus with the possibility that certain things could combo together to completely cripple you.


Banishment is just the spell banishment plus the standard downside. All the relevant details are under the Vivification spell Banishment. 


Paleknights, while on the surface might be hype boys, were specifically designed to be an example of over specialization. Base Paleknights are so slow that the easiest way to deal with an encounter is to just move slightly faster in the direction of away while phantom heart gives a big glowing off button.


The abilities like Apparition Cradle, Congealing, Detonate Dead, and Eviction are supposed to create a political pressure on eidola so you can't just churn things out and ignore them like what happened in the past. With the order expiration clause incompetence could result in a faction of runaway eidola that may have the ability to cause immense amounts of chaos and cause immense grief towards there former masters.

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This is the best piece of magical lore ever written.

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I would appreciate seeing the art sourced on this post (pm me if you need help with anything, I think you have my discord). Otherwise, this lore is cohesive and easy to understand. This is a great example of long lore that doesn't seem bloated or pointless, and I can't wait to see it impacts in roleplay.

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15 hours ago, Laur said:

I would appreciate seeing the art sourced on this post


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20 hours ago, Laur said:

I would appreciate seeing the art sourced on this post (pm me if you need help with anything, I think you have my discord). Otherwise, this lore is cohesive and easy to understand. This is a great example of long lore that doesn't seem bloated or pointless, and I can't wait to see it impacts in roleplay.


All art has been sourced! (1 was literally called "free witch gyspy art" everywhere I found it and didn't have an artist listed and the wight one I couldn't find an artist ANYWHERE so kms, if anyone else could help that would be stallar :v)

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