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[✓] Adfectio Stones

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Adfectio Stones



"What beauties lie below.” An unknown explorer.


  There are hidden gems in the earth; ones beyond the valuable and illustrious metals and gems. Adfectio Stones commonly found materials that naturally form in many caverns and coves. The easiest way to find one of these is to look for crystal formations that are a near transparent gray, with what appear to be little lighter colored droplets inside each of them. When excavated, the holder will find that the stone shifts in color, becoming more vibrant and beautiful when cut and cleaned.




 The Adfectio stones have the odd property of switching colors when held or against someone, even when they are at most an inch away (though the color will not be very strong). These colors appear like splashes, slowly covering the entire stone with a newfound sheen. Giving it some thought, one can deduce that the stone in fact changes color due to energy in the body, effectively conducting into it and making it take on a color that represents the emotion they are feeling, which is often times why jewlers use it to make various necklaces and rings.


The Colors:

Red: Anger, Excitement, etc. These are typically very intense and spontaneous emotions, with the more intense the feeling is, the brighter it becomes.

Blue: Tranquility, sadness; blue is reserved for such feelings that revolve around the steadiness of the mind, or feelings of loss, with feelings of loss being a paler blue; the stronger the feelings are, the brighter it becomes.

Yellow: Content, Happiness. Yellow revolves around positive emotions, with the stronger the emotion, the brighter it gets.

Green: Envy, Jealousy, longingness. Green associates with emotions similar to those stated, with the more intense the brighter.

Orange: Emotions such as passion, enthusiasm; while similar to red, it is not as intense and seems to borrow aspects from yellow. The more intense the feeling the brighter.

Purple: Purple can be linked to confusion, curiosity, wonder; the more intense the brighter.

White: White revolves around innocence (not in the sense of doing anything wrong), and balance, though this doesn’t seem to have any change in brightness.

Black:  Menacing, Malevolence; the stone does not become brighter due to any intensity, nor does it darken.


On top of this, many geologists and tinkerers experimented  further with its properties, finding that the same means which cause the stone to change colors is also useful as a conduit for energy, which is why it is often times used in tandem with redstone, sometimes even a replacement.


Alchemists, when experimenting with this, can find that certain colors will correspond with symbols and specific representations -- which is why some alchemists who want a specific symbol quickly grasp the stone while in an emotional state before working with it --  though the base representation would be conductivity; a representation of the unknown symbol, Aether.



- The splash effect from the stone comes from the lighter specs.


- Scholars believe that the specs have something to do with the conductivity, and have cracked the stones open to find smaller and smaller pockets of these globules. Due to the smaller specs, meteorologists believe that the specs are large formations of the globules, and it is noteworthy that when holding an area with a larger collection of these conductive dots, the stone’s color becomes more vibrant.

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This is a quality lore that I am not biased on at all :thumbup:

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wow mood rings how original





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1 hour ago, The_Broken_God said:

also tl;dr, literally mood rings. wow sorry i didnt mean to spoil it for you



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neat but how do i use this to make my character win the pretend fights?

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1 minute ago, Dardonas said:

neat but how do i use this to make my character win the pretend fights?

you intimidate them by having a bright red crown

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so mood stones yea, but what are we ever gonna use this for besides slice of life rp

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4 minutes ago, Unwillingly said:

so mood stones yea, but what are we ever gonna use this for besides slice of life rp

Only a slice of life rper would say that, you must be inventive.

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I'm a sucker for some good gemstone/mineral lore. +1

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Carve a golem out of this. Have it change colour based on the core's present function. Best golem ever.

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Thank you for submitting your piece, it is now under review. A verdict shall be given in 1 and a half weeks, give or take.


Thread is being locked to prevent edits to the lore while voting occurs (if you need to make edits, contact me). Also, if you have feedback regarding the lore that you wish to pass to the LT, feel free to toss me a PM.

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This Lore has been accepted. Moved to Implemented Lore, it will be sorted to it's appropriate category soon.

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