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Fjarriagua: The Witches of Winter - Self Denied

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Forum Version




“I know about whispers, I heard it all from my sister.”

  • A notable Frost Witch

The Fjarriagua; Witches of Winter

Final Lore Submission



The Origin


The origin of the first Fjarriagua is a tale passed down through the various generations. The tale of Brunhylde.


Long ago a woman named Brunhylde was to marry her husband. Upon arriving to the chapel she waited the entire day, but her husband never showed. In disarray and distress she ran outside to find herself in the beginning of a blossoming snowstorm. Looking about she ran away as the humiliation and heartbreak was too much to undergo before her friends and family.


The blizzard grew more intense the further away she got and soon she was unable to find her way back. She called for help and begged for her husband to rescue her, as she believed that maybe he might come to her. Off in the distance a tree made entirely of ice stood as the only visible thing in the eye of the storm.


Moving towards it, praying she could seek shelter beneath it as her last hope, she heard her name being called. Her gaze narrowed upon the tree as she moved closer, a man made entirely of ice began to extract from the tree’s trunk - only his torso coming into view from the bark. He beckoned her forth, his voice beyond enticing.


Her pulled her into an embrace and promised her never ending love. Unconditionally he would make sure she would find a way to fill the void in her heart that her husband had made. He laid a kiss upon her lips and as he did so the tree began to coat her body in a thick layer of ice. The first Fjarriagua was born.

The Witch



The physical form of a witch after she’s undergone transformation is drastically different than her prior descendant husk. Her skin is much tougher and harder to pierce and cut, but to the touch will feel as cold as ice, even through her disguises.


In her true form her hair will take on the hue of a bright white and will never grow longer than the length it was when she was cursed, unless she alters it with her disguises. Her eyes will give off a haunting blue light that is nearly blinding to any non-witch. Finally, her teeth are serrated and longer than before, some might even peak out of her lips. Her breathe will become cold as winter as well, allowing her to blow onto water and freeze it over if need be. Other than these changes, her facial bone structure and body type will remain exactly the way it was prior to her transformation. She will be unable to lose or gain weight and this cannot be altered through her disguises. The strength and body she had prior to her transformation is final and can be questioned by the LT/MT at any point if they feel it is unrealistic.


Inside the witch is a bit different. Her stomach is now only able to digest the flesh of men, and will violently reject anything else besides fluids - which is doesn’t sit well with. Her blood will spill like slush and as will any other fluid her body would’ve naturally produced, like saliva or tears. This cannot be hidden through disguises.


A witch’s body is frozen in time due to her curse. She will no longer die of sickness or old age, but will also be unable to grow or lose muscle mass and fat. She will also be unable to get pregnant.


Due to a witch’s body being preserved by the curse she will be unable to ascend to alternative “endgames” such as Davea/Foretaker, Wraith, Zar’cal or Wight.


Witches are blessed with slightly enhanced agility to allow them to hunt prey and escape potential gruesome fates. These include slightly increased speed for their prior race, faster reflexes, and increased dexterity. These traits are even more slightly increased while in cold environments.


This is not an excuse to physically run from situations or take an absurd amount of face punches without natural reaction. They still feel pain, but they have a slightly higher tolerance when in flight or fight situations.


The mental state of a newly transformed witch is drastically different that whatever it might’ve been prior. The sight of food and otherwise tempting objects or materials will seem useless and bothersome to the witch. For example, a woman who used to be a baker is cursed into a witch and now no longer finds fulfillment in her old craft and hobby of baking. She’d receive the same in working on her spells or being in the complete any of her sisters and mother. This causes the witch to move out of her old social circles to dedicate herself to the coven.


Men are a strict no. Men she holds dear in her heart, like a brother or father, may still sometimes slip past the curse and hold ‘safety’ in the eyes of the witch (but when/if she is to go feral, they are men too and will not be safe). However, more often than not, a woman will lose any and all interest in men altogether; there’s no need to play with your food. This doesn’t force witches into practicing Lesbomancy, but they would find it extremely difficult to hold romantic feelings for men and will find it hard to not see them as a walking meal, especially mothers.

The Coven


The coven is the group of witches. This is the top priority running through the minds of these women as they live their day to day lives. They will often find themselves rethinking decisions that come put their sisters at risk or danger of any sort, especially when it comes to sisters younger than themselves. The coven is a close knit group and while witches are not strictly limited to practicing this craft, they are expected to have their sisterhood come before any other organizations they may align themselves with.


Mothers will find it impossible to put their daughters in danger, unless one of them is causing direct harm to another. In fact, mothers will be forced to go out of their way to protect and save their daughters if it is possible for them to do so in the moment. Use your brain for this one.


The laws of the coven are quite simple:

  1. Do not put any sister or fellow witch in danger.

  2. Respect your elders and their final decisions.

  3. Your loyalty should lie with the coven before anything else.

  4. Do not hoard your magical knowledge from interested witches who are deemed worthy.

  5. Do not use the Text of Hoodoo’s spell on another witch.

  6. Do not abuse the Melting of Snow ritual.

  7. Do not toil in magics that may alter your judgment and service to the coven. For example Shade Magic.


Should any witch be caught breaking these laws then she will be put under trial by the council. Their decision is final.




The normal witches within the coven receive this rank to start. Many witches will never go above this, and many have no desire to. The role of sister is given to any non-mother, councilor, or Supreme. The role of the sisters is to be present for ritual magic, assist in hunting, and keeping the fledglings safe when their superiors aren’t present to do so.


The witches’ council is made up of a very select group of individuals, the mothers and their chosen successors. These witches specialize in teaching the sisters and fledglings alongside working to find new forms of magical practice and spellwork.


The councilors are also incharge of the code of law and the use of the Melting of Snow ritual. The coven follows a very basic set of laws and the council is the one who passes the judgment on these laws. They vote together and no mother, not even the Supreme, is suppose to act without consulting the council first.



The role of Supreme is considered the most elite title within the coven and not handed out lightly. In order to be qualified to become the Supreme a witch must be masterful in all other fields of witchdom at the time: all spellbook/ritual magic, black or white witchcraft, clairvoyance, familiar magic, jinxcraft, ice manipulation, motherhood, and shapeshifting.


Once a witch is deemed ready to become the Supreme she will be given the chance to read from the Grail of Brunhylde, a sacred text that allows her to cast new spells deemed unfit for the vast eyes of the coven.


The Supreme is the leader. She is meant to make sure all witches, even those who do not directly descend from herself, are accounted for and taken care of. There can be as many supremes at once as there are witches eligible to become supremes.


The tiers of witchdom are quite simple, moving no different than your standard voidal magic progression. However, in order to become a Frost Mother/ teacher of the magic the player must sacrifice an additional magic slot (in total two slots for Fjarriagua). Becoming a mother requires an addition MA with the approval of another current mother either passing their spot down, rising the new into an open spot, or having their slot forcefully taken (similar to the former). Should a mother give up her mother slot (there are still three) she does not get her magic slot back.


Frost witch does not progress like your normal five tier magic system. There are only three tiers: one (fledgling), two (witch), and three (mother).



A Fledgling is a newly turned woman. During the beginning stages of her transformation she will begin to undergo a series of changes as her body sheds its old descendant attributes and evolves into that of a Fjarriagua. This process is one week OOCly. During this time her skin will begin to rapidly turn a greyish hue, her eyes beginning to gloss over and exert a blinding blue glow, her teeth all sharpening into fine points, and finally her skin becoming icy cold to the touch.


Food will no longer taste the same and will even begin to lose its visual temptations. Men, even those she holds dear in her heart, will begin to agitate her with every word and overall bring out a soft sense of disgust.


During this stage of the transformation the witch will find herself unable to mask these obvious signs of witchdom, and will need to find somewhere safe to conceal herself until she is ready to be instructed on disguising.


During this time she cannot cast ice manipulation, shapeshifting, or any altar magic. She also cannot learn any of the other magic subtypes until the week OOCly ends.


Through disguises they must RP a bruise like mark on the back of their necks. This cannot be hidden through magic, but hair can obviously cover it.


Once the transformation is officially complete a fledgling evolves into a full blown witch. From here she is able to begin learning ice manipulation and shapeshifting and partake in altar magic.


During this time she will find a strong connection growing between herself and the rest of the coven - an undeniable sense of sisterhood. However, during this time is when this can be broken should she feel the coven isn’t worthy of her trust.



The leaders of the family. Mothers are witches who have ascended through the knowledge of the Clavicle of Gabrielle and are able to spread the curse. She will feel an overwhelming sense to grow and protect the coven by any means necessary.


There may only be five mothers at once and very rarely will there ever be five active mothers. The only way to become a mother is by another choosing you, a slot being taken by a witch who meets the requirements below, or by a witch winning a duel for motherhood.


In order for a witch to receive motherhood she must have been a witch for at least six OOC months and be chosen by the other mothers. This can be done by one mother handing their spot down to her or the witch taking an open spot through the guidance of another mother. When a witch becomes a mother she sacrifices an additional magic slot and cannot undo such, even if she no longer holds the mother slot.


The final option to become a mother is by dueling another. When challenging a mother to a duel both parties agree to perma-kill at the results. Should a witch successfully kill the challenged mother she will be able to cast any spells from the Clavicle of Gabrielle and will take the mother slot of the prior. Duels are not deniable.


A mother or witch can surrender the duel to avoid a PK. Should the mother or witch kill after a surrender is called the PK is no longer enforced. The mother may no longer curse or enter one of the 5 mother slots ever again should she surrender.


Mothers must be knowledgeable in all fields of the magic OOCly when applying for their TAs in order to teach their daughters the specific magics. Therefor when writing a TA, even if the witch does not practice any of the additional subtypes, she must know and detail them in order to teach her daughters.


Cursing remains the same as it did before, a simple swipe of the mother’s finger down the back of the woman’s neck. Over the course of a week OOCly the witch will physically begin to transform into her new true form. Food from this point will no longer be able to sustain the witch and will taste like ash.



A witch will go feral when she has not consumed in a large amount of time. When she begins to go feral she will lose the ability to shapeshift or manipulate ice. Also during this time her nails will go longer and her teeth much sharper, causing her pain in her mouth and hands. Mentally, once the ferocity sets in, she will enter an almost animalistic state as she is no longer herself until she feeds. Any man that should come near her will be nothing but a meal.



Ice Manipulation

Now for what makes them witches of winter. Fjarriagua have an intense connection to ice and therefore are able to manipulate it with relative ease. With the ability to control pre-existing ice or draw water from the air to freeze these women are far superior to any shaman or ice specializing water evocationist in terms of power and functionality. Using the ice on the ground to jet through a battlefield to creating an avalanche of snow to crush their hunters or even firing sharp icicles like arrows into their prey - the witches have a power over this element akin to druids and nature. A witch can funnel her power into another witch to further enhance her manipulation abilities. This is greatly enhanced when a mother does so to a normal witch. Mothers are considered to be the most versed in this field as they are able to control the ice and snow with a much better hand than any normal witch.


A witch is only able to cast her ice magic within her true form. This requires her to drop her disguise.


Due to the intense physical changes a witch undergoes due to her transformation she is blessed with the ability to shapeshift. This ability allows a witch to morph her body to appear like any other woman from any of the four descendant races: human, elf, dwarf, and orc. Her body will be unable to produce fat or muscle that she didn’t have prior to her curse, nor hide any she currently has. Witches also cannot perfectly mimic the visual appearance of someone else as getting every detail exactly correct would be impossible.


Changing disguises is second nature to the witches, just like their ice manipulation abilities, and can happen quite quickly. Almost everything can be changed on the witch to suit her style or needs. However, a witch will find that disguising her teeth is impossible.


Witches are not limited in the number of disguises they may have, but witches will find it harder to hold disguises that drastically change from the visuals they are used to working with and therefore will be unable to have various different disguises for drastically different visual races. For example a high elf would not be able to hold more than three orc disguises, persay, because the skin tone, husks, and height are different from her natural instincts.

The Altar


The altar is a large tree like form of what is called cursed ice. The altar is used for every single ritual and is a crucial tool to the coven. Visually it has a large trunk that branches out at the top, but has a large perfect circle of ice around it that makes up the ground just big enough for every living witch to fit in for circles (it grows and shrinks as the witches’ numbers do).


A table like structure at the base of the trunk is where all spell altering tools are placed to be read by the alter and channeled from. Crystals and sigils are placed here and it is where women would lay before undergoing the Blooming of Frost.


Altars are created by using the Enactment of Mother spell found within the Clavicle of Gabrielle. A man must be sacrificed by the mother whilst performing the verbal incantation. Once he is dead his body will begin to turn to ice and sink into the ground, the seed. The altar has tiers akin to the witches, except back to the standard five system: tier one (sapling), tier two (bush?), tier three (standard), tier four (tree), and tier five (master).


Tiers one through three the altar is essentially useless unless the entire living coven, given it’s larger than ten witches, is present for a circle. This is because the altar is not powerful enough to undergo such intense magical use and the cursed ice will shatter if the magic isn’t even distributed through it by many witches or if too many tools are being used to specialize a spell. Tier four is when the use of tools becomes most prominent because then they can intensify spells to the witches’ desire.


When a witch is near the altar she will feel a surge of strength rush through her. Holy mages will find the witches are slightly “resistant” to their magic, but the true case is that they just grow slightly stronger with the altar when near it. However, due to this the stronger the altar becomes for the witches the weaker it is when it comes to preservation. The altar can be destroyed by holy magic banishment.


Due to the altar being what funnels a witches’ power and resurrects her, a witch’s soul will return to the altar upon perma-kill and will not move on to any other form of afterlife. This means that a witch cannot become any form of undead.


Tier one: One week long. No rituals can be cast through the altar at this time. 10% resistance to holy magic when casting near it.


Tier two: Two weeks long. No rituals besides the Blooming of Frost may be cast at this time. 20% resistance to holy magic when casting near it.


Tier three: A month long. No rituals may be cast outside of those from within the Book of Winter and Clavicle of Gabrielle. 30% resistance to holy magic when casting near it.


Tier four: Two months long . All rituals from any of the three grimoires maybe be cast. Specialty tools may be placed upon the altar now to specialize spells. 40% resistance to holy magic when casting near it.


Tier five: Four months long. All rituals, like before, except the desired outcome will be intensified by 25% for all spells. 50% resistance to holy magic when casting near it.


The afterlife of witches is a deeply intense root of the altar where all souls of witches continue their cursed eternity. Should a witch die more than once within two weeks time she will be trapped within the altar and must be brought back by a Supreme. The afterlife of witches is depicted as whatever the witches’ personal hell would be, but oftentimes is an unbreakable loop of the worst moment a witch endured in life.




The ability to resurrect one’s self. This ability can only be used by a witch once every two weeks OOCly.


A witch is only able to cast her altar magic within her true form. This requires her to drop her disguise.


If a witch dies more than once in a two week period she must be brought back by a Supreme.



The Book of Winter

The Book of Winter is a large grimoire full of all the rituals and verbal incantations known to the coven as of now. The book is entirely full and holds no other knowledge besides what is stated to be inside of it as of this rewrite. The Book of Winter is necessary to do any circles/rituals as the incations, excluding those from the Clavicule of Gabrielle and the Text of Ved’ma, can only work proper if spoken when the proper page of the book is open before the altar.


Should this grimoire ever be destroyed or stolen the only way to create a new one is by using the verbal incantation of Winter’s Rewrite within the Clavicule of Gabrielle. This allows for separate covens to be created or to replace a stolen/destroyed one by the head coven.


Astonishing Auris: Nix autem et glacies liceat per terram hanc a ventis hiberno.”


When the verbal incantation is done before the altar with at least ten witches present then the land surrounding the altar 50-100 blocks depending on the tools added to the altar to enhance the spell will turn into a tundra-esque biome: water will freeze, snow will coat the ground, trapping the land in a blizzard. This is often times done around the primary coven altar to set the terrain for better defense.

The Clavicule of Gabrielle

This piece of text is essentially the Motherhood: for Dummies! of witchcraft. Within this book is all the knowledge needed to run a coven, spread the curse, and fix the mistakes of those below you. The only way this book will be visible to a normal witch is when a mother reads The Right of Ascension verbal incantation before her, which allows her to begin to rise to motherhood.


Everything listed below can only be performed by a mother.


Winter’s Rewrite: “O Ave mater, glacies, et nives per revertetur quae amissa est.”


This verbal incantation will allow another Book of Winter to be created. Using a seperate blank book and drenching each page in the blood of a man whilst reciting the words will achieve the desired effect.


Ice crystal will begin to form from the blood on the pages and spell out the incantations and directions to each spell usually on the pages of the Book of Winter.


Mother’s Call: “Veni, veni, et sororibus carmina. Coram cunctis mea require natus gelu.”


This verbal incantation will allow a mother to call upon the coven from the altar.


Enactment of Mother: “O mater autumni et educam te vas sorores nostrae artis instrumento uti.”


After sacrificing a man and saying this incantation his body will turn to solid ice and sink into the ground. This is called a seed. From there his body will sprout an altar.


This is the only spell that does NOT require an altar to perform, only a mother.


Melting the Snow: “Parce mihi, mater Frontinus, Sextus meam, quia peccavi. Redi filia mea in omnem ventum.”


When a traitor witch is brought before the altar and subdued within the circle is when this spell may be cast. By speaking the verbal incantation and promptly murdering the witch the mother can enforce a perma-kill. This negates a witch’s inherit Resurgence ability.

Text of Ved’ma


This specific spellbook is for the witch with sinister intentions. All spells held within it run along the lines of curses and are dangerous in nature to cast.


All spells to be performed through the altar require something to link the witch to her victim. Be it blood, hair, flesh, etc. Without this the spells will not work.


All spells within this section have the ability to backfire which is done through rolls. Anything below a ten will cause the spell to work at 50% less than it normally would, and anything below a five will cause the witch to enter an instantaneous state of ferocity. This applies for all witches who take part in the spell and the circle.


All spells within this book are only able to be performed by witches specifically taught this section of the magic. It requires another MA and will take up an additional slot. In order to help cast the magic you must also have an MA in the magic.


All rituals within this book require at least three witches with accepted MAs in the Text of Ved’ma and an altar at tier four or above.


Beyond the Grave:


This spell will cause the victim to see visions of the deceased that are much stronger than any light illusion. The visions will be able to interact with the victim and will only be visible to the victim. Appearing as zombified corpses that will do their best to drive insanity into their victims and should that not work - attempt murder. The pain they will inflict with be very real until the ritual’s circle is broken and the spell is dropped.


The pain inflicted by these zombies is not real and will not result in the death of the victims. Once the ritual circle is broken the illusions will disappear.


Frozen Over:


As a witch’s body appears to be as cold as ice, this spell applies a similar effect. This spell will inflict frostbite over a desired limb of the victim, and will only be able to be treated through the means of holy healing.


Once the ritual circle is broken the spell remains in effect.


Undying Hunger:


Witches are deemed dark due to their need to feast on the flesh of men. With this spell they are able to curse their victim to only find sustenance in the flesh of the opposite sex.


They can still eat regular food and survive, unlike a witch, but it will taste like ash and they will feel no change in their hunger from eating such. This spell last for 7 OOC days after the ritual circle is broken.




As a witches’ body is frozen in time she is unable to carry a child to term. With this spell a witch can curse another woman to grow infertile.


This spell lasts for exactly two weeks OOCly and can be done numerous times to the same victim. However, the LT may step in to stop such at any time should they feel it is being abused to OOCly target someone.

Grail of Brunhylde

The Grail of Brunhylde is considered to be sacred text amongst the witches, most often only ever being read by the ones crowned Supreme. The spells inside are considered far too powerful to be in the hands of any witch. That being said, only a witch who has mastered her craft (learned all the magic there is to be learned), and ascended to motherhood would ever be able to open and read the book.


Using the magic from this book will cause the witch to lose her mental stability due to her ability to project herself into the altar for spellwork. This section of the magic also requires an accepted MA in motherhood.


You must post another MA for this magic. It will not take up a slot.


Vitalum Vitalis: Veni mecum, soror mea est glacies et nives.”


The spell of rebirth allows the witch to resurrect a fallen sister, those who have perma-killed. Since all witches’ souls are stored within the altar, never to pass on, they can be easily taken out and given life again. However, because of this, a witch can never be brought back through other means be it Lichdom or Wightdom.


Once the verbal incantation has been read the altar will begin to forge a new husk for the witch to inhabit made entirely of ice, similar to her old form. Her new body being entirely made of ice will no longer have hair and eyes, but instead two bright blue ice shards where her eyes once were. In her new form she will find herself unable to disguise herself outside the boundaries of her prior race. For example, a prior high elven witch may only adjust her disguises to fit traditional high elven features. In addition to this any magics sure he held prior would be lost and she’d need to relearn them again, besides witchdom and anything regarding it.


The handicap on disguises goes away should the witch survive a whole month without re-entering the afterlife. Her normal true form will also be regained after this time.


This spell can only be done on other Fjarriagua.


Descensium:Et veniunt ad te, soror, et nives et glacies.”


Once the witch speaks the verbal incantation before the altar she will fall limp and project her essence out to wherever she desired as long as another witch is present there. She will appear again in a whisp like form made entirely of icy blue and white mist. In this form she is unable to perform anything villainous or combative. Should the wisp form be attacked or harmed it will simply be dispersed and the witch will awaken back at the altar. Should her form at the altar be damaged or harmed she will be unable to know of such in her wisp form. Being killed at the altar while casting Descensium will result in a perma-kill.




The final spell of the Supremes is not one done at an altar, but the ability to create living ice, much like the past Ivojurs. Being able to create ice warriors and ice animals to fight at their will. These creatures must take on the shape of either huminoid or beastial shape that is clearly defined by the user. These creatures can be destroyed by fire or by the normal way to kill the creature. When casting this spell a Supreme cannot use any other type of magic.



Alternative Subtypes

Black Witchcraft/Ved’ma

Witches who practice Ved’ma and her text are granted with immense ritualistic power for their sinister deeds, however the nature of their magic can have some horrific side effects.


Any witch who practices Ved’ma must give up a slot of her magics in order to do so and must take on one or more mental handicaps of her choosing: addiction, sociological behavior, psychopathic behavior, manic depression, just to name a few possible choices; do not pick something to RP you are not confident that you could portray correctly. Ved’ma is fueled off the souls of deceased witches within the altar, their torment is what fuels this particular branch of magic.


Witches who practice Ved’ma are granted the ability to do a rather malicious curse onto those they deem worthy, the Curse of the Wild. This causes their victim to lose their muscle mass and hair and enter a predatorial bloodlust that results in them feasting upon the flesh of other descendants. This curse can easily be undone by any proper Holy Mage, but these creatures find themselves turning to the woods for their new home and would therefore be hard to locate after undergoing the curse. The curse is done by tying down their victim and forcing them to ingest their blood.

White Witchcraft

For witches hoping to take on a more supportive role in the coven, they usually lean towards White Witchcraft. This takes up a slot in the witches’ kit, and prevents them from also learning Ved’ma and vice versa. White witches are granted with a select set of abilities that allow them to better help the coven.


These witches, when becoming mothers and choosing their daughters, tend to be the more sympathetic types that chooses women for the curse at of a need to save them; as opposed to Ved’ma witches who often curse women out of seeing potential use for them within the coven.


The Mist

Takes 3 emotes in total like most magical spells to cast.


The witch breathes in sharply then out to release a cloud of a visual replica of aurora borealis that can cover a 10x10 radius at most. Within this radius witches can cast their ice manipulation magic and any other magic that would require them to drop their disguises without the need to do so. The mist lasts for 10 emotes total after the initial 3.


Glacial Shriek

Takes 3 emotes in total like most magical spells to cast.


The witch may release a deafening scream from within herself that causes anyone who is not a witch nearby to become incapacitated for 3 emotes. This gives witches time to either escape or begin charging up new spells to defend themselves.


Frozen Favor


Any witch who practices this school of magic is able to heal the wounds of her sisters, this is primarily their most important role. From restoring limbs with cursed ice or healing less severe wounds these witches are able to do so at a moment’s notice. However, this is quite taxing for a witch to do and could potentially cause the healer to pass out from exhaustion.


Witches cannot be healed through any other mean besides Frozen Favor. No ritual or outside force can heal a witches’ wounds besides the White Witches.



Takes three emotes in total like most magic spells.


The ability to increase the power within another witch. This usually increases a fellow witch to mother tier power, but in terms of mothers it gives them a “tier 4” type power.


It takes a lot more than powerful spells and cute clothes for a witch to survive. The smartest of witches tend to practice Clairvoyance in order to use their mind as a tool for survival. Clairvoyance takes up a slot in the witches’ kit and would prevent them from learning any other mental linked magics (Mental Magic, Cognatism, and Sensory Illusion).




A witch is able to use Scrying to look into a piece of cursed ice and find the truth. In most cases it is used to find lost objects or missing sisters. This is the most basic spell in the witches’ clairvoyance list.


Requires the OOC consent of anyone who may be involved in the item or player’s location.


Knowledge Absorption/Alteration


For a witch to absorb knowledge from another witch then she must make physical contact with her by placing her palms on either side of the witches’ head. In order to absorb knowledge she must know what she looking for in the form of a “keyword”.


For a witch to alter the knowledge of someone they must make the same physical contact, but because this spell is primarily used on non-witches, they are only able to alter knowledge pertain to witchdom. For example, a witch could remove someone’s knowledge of a fellow witches’ disguise or whereabouts.




With this a witch is able to understand languages spoken to her that she might not have proper training in, and be able to reply fluently. For example a normally human witch would be able to speak Elven perfectly regardless of ever hearing or studying the magic.


Luring Hypnosis

This spell takes 4 emotes to cast and cannot be interrupted at all during the process.


Using this spell a witch can force a man into a trance like state where she can lure him away to eat him. By making direct eye contact with him for four consecutive emotes she may successfully accomplish her goal. He will only remain in this trance for 10 OOC minutes after it has begun. Witches will be required to state the time they entered the trance to the victim immediately.




This spell allows witches to communicate mentally within a 30 block range of one another. The closer they are the clearer the message will come across. Witches who do not practice telepathy will not be able to respond to these messages. The prior form of witch telepathy is replaced for this one.



In order to predict any events or receive any visions a witch must receive OOC consent from the LT and any ET involved for whatever event may take place. This spell can only be used to “metagame” ET/LT events and not player encounters.


A witch will be able to place her hands upon the altar and close her eyes whilst channeling power from the altar into herself. Often times this spell can lead to dead ends, but sometimes it can offer the witch premonitions of the future.

Jinx Craft

This form of magic deals primarily with creating tools to better assist yourself and the coven. With the ability to forge crystals, enchantments, and potions a witch who leanes jinxing will be able to do these things.


Witches with the ability to jinx may place said spell upon a piece of cursed ice and instead of turning it into a crystal they may liquify it and use form it into one of three potions. Alternatively they may play jinxes onto other objects to give them reflective enchantments from other spells of witchdom.


Keep in mind that only crystals and jinxed objects may affect a witch’s disguises.


Tear of Ice: “La, la, lara, lara.”


When this verbal incantation is done to a piece of chiseled cursed ice upon the altar the witch may set the desired intent into it to forge a crystal. This requires three witches to be done at least and has a cooldown period on the altar of 24 hours. For every three witches one piece of cursed ice may be forged into a crystal, and the spell may only be started once per day.




Crystals are pieces of cursed ice which are enhanced through the altar and a ritual called the Tear of Ice which allows a witch give a piece of cursed ice a special property. Crystals are often time used by witches for rituals or for disgusting purposes.

Vicus Tractus

Vicus Tractus is the crystal for enhancing power. This is the most commonly created crystal and is often time used in jewelry or ritual work. Passively it can allow a witch to amplify her magic a tier higher, for example a regular witch can enhance her ice manipulation power to that almost akin to motherhood.


This crystal, Amare, is commonly used for shapeshifting. However, this crystal can be weaved into clothing and allows the witch to shift the appearance of her clothing to match her different disguises.


Same rules apply for this as they would shapeshifting.


Purpura is often used by the mothers to distinguish their daughters from other witches when seeing one another. Witches inherently are able to sense one another’s presence through disguise, but not exactly which witch is which. This crystal allows witches to sense their direct sisters and mothers when worn by either party.

Selenite should

Another crystal that specializes in disguising. This crystal is able to disguise the witches’ cold skin. Witches naturally have skin cold as ice to the touch, but when this crystal is worn they are able to feel as warm as a normal descendant would upon physical contact. In reverse, when this crystal is used in rituals revolving ice they can make things colder and enhance such spells.


Liquid Cursed Ice and Potions




This potion is similar to alchemist fire, but instead of an explosive blast and lava - it’s ice. This can be used for a witch to instantly produce ice to manipulate whilst creating distance between herself and her enemies.




This potion must be consumed by a non-Fjarriagua to take effect. When this happens, the consumer will begin to freeze in place as their blood flow slows down alarmingly and their skin grows extremely cold. The downside to this potion, while useful, is quite impractical as it will not work when mixed with other fluids and gives off a smell similar to gasoline; this would be noticeable to anyone about to consume said potion.


Liquid Pelt


When consumed by a non-Fjarriagua, the consumer will be able to temporarily survive harsh cold climates and conditions. This can be given to those visiting the lair of the witches or sold to those wishing to take expeditions in treacherous locations. The effects of this potion last for 24 hours OOCly.

Familiar Binding

By capturing and performing the Sacred Pact a witch may form a bond with her familiar. The familiar can be any animal she chooses. This animal will primarily act as a second life for the witch, should she die another time within the course of two weeks and has already used her Resurgence spell she may reform from her familiar.


Another ability of the familiar is that the witch may see through the eyes of her creature at all times and can be used to hunt prey or keep an eye over her shoulder to cover her blind spots. If you do not emote your familiar being with you it must be MCly represented elsewhere.


Familiars cannot be controlled by their witch master, but they will develop a bond to them. However, this will not cause the creature to act outside of its normal behaviors. This means you cannot bind creatures that you could not normally have as traditional pets.


Sacred Pact


By bringing a creature before the altar and speaking the verbal incantation then the witch and her creature will be bound together.


Familiar Binding does not take up a slot and is considered a feat.


If your familiar is killed you must attune yourself to another.


You may only have one familiar at a time.


If you are brought back through your familiar then your familiar cannot bring you back again for the next two weeks, restarting the death cooldown.


Similar to the favors a witch is force to grant, a witch can make a deal with someone else that they are both bound to follow. By using a piece of cursed ice to write out the deal within a grimoire and both parties signing the deal is set. Deals can be broken with the help of a Holy Mage who has an exact copy of the written agreement.


This is a feat and will not take up a slot, but will require an MA like the rest of the subtypes to do.


Holy Mages can break the contracts if they have word for word copies of the written contract.


The Banshees

The written end of the road in a witch’s journey. More of a status symbol amongst covens, the Banshees are witches of high regard and often the positions are granted after extraordinary accomplishments are made. Some accomplishments include becoming a Supreme, or those who lead notable covens. Banshees become the ultimate protectors of the coven, dedicating the rest of their existence to protecting fellow witches. The idea of romance or any ambitions outside of the coven are gone, completely.


The process to become a Banshee is simple. Another Banshee must bring the honored witch before an altar and replace her heart with a piece of cursed ice that is blessed using the Rite of Wail.


Banshees most notable difference from the rest of the coven is their physical appearance. Banshees have crowns of cursed ice that protrude from their skulls and through their hair. Their eyes give off an almost blinding fog light like glow. Each step they make whilst in their true forms sound like crunching snow. Finally, they have long nails that appear to be made of ice and are sharpened to a point.


The only “benefits” seen from becoming these advanced Fjarriagua is that the witch receives another slot for any magic of her choosing if the rest of her slots are taken up by witchdom subtypes. Alongside this, these witches are immune to the Melting of Snow ritual, but are not immune to death anymore than the rest of the coven.


Some downsides to this are also included. Should a witch be struck near her heart then she would suffer damage twice as bad as a normal witch would. Due to having a piece of cursed ice pumping her husk she will forever hear faint whispers of the altar, her fallen sisters. She also will be unable to cause harm to another witch unless she has proof of that witch attempting to harm another witch. In turn with this, a Banshee will often find herself offering her own life before that of another witch.


The blood of a Banshee is extra potent in genus and can be used as water ingredient in alchemy (of course contact me if this doesn’t make sense LT gods).


Rite of Wail


Can only be performed by another Banshee. This is done by placing a hand upon the altar trunk. The Banshee’s hand will be able to enter the ice and withdraw a heart shaped chunk from within the tree. She then must place the opposite hand upon the chest of the honored witch and remove her heart from her body, which will surprisingly not kill her as long as the new cursed ice heart is implanted soon after.



If a witch is caught in her disguise she is bound to offer the detective a favor in exchange for her secret to be kept that way, a secret. These favors can be anything as long as it does not involve danger the witch herself or her coven. She is not required to validate the favor to anyone nor offer another if the first one asked for does not fit the criteria.




As long as a witch holds up to her end of the deal, the person who discovered her will be unable to expose her secret.

Final Bits

Any witch who does not wish to play this rewrite does not have to and is free to drop witchdom as soon as the activity trial starts. Those who do wish to play it will feel a calling from the altar. (PM me for further info).


I highly encourage MaRTs of new spellbooks! Giving witches freedom to have specialty spells for their covens.


I know the alarming amount of force PKs in this lore might unsettle some. This is added to ensure a sense of consequence for betraying the coven. At any given point I beg the LT to step in should they feel the Melting of Snow ritual is being abused.


Runing was removed because it was infused with toxicity. Mirroring was also removed due to the amount of new curses we added and its lack of use in the old lore. Ivojurs are removed and replaced. Thralls are also removed because they were abused as well.


Ved’ma, White Witchcraft, Jinxcraft, Clairvoyance, Familiar magic, and Contracting may only be learned by someone with an accepted MA in Fjarriagua.


Duels are undeniable to prevent people hoarding teaching slots. This has been a problem for us in the past. Witches that are inactive for 2 weeks straight on their witch persona with /seen will automatically lose their teaching slot unless told otherwise by the LT or lore holder.


The changes upon implementation can be discussed via PMs on discord. I have the implementation event planned out and all the immediate new changes I’d like made written out for discussion. luvvy#6243


I ask that prior mothers, especially those prone to horrific inactivity allow new mothers to rise as I have received messages from people interested. However chihiros and Arzota who were the last mothers are more than welcome to return to their slots and I will gladly message them what they will need to know. All that will be required for the new update is a slot given up to maintain cursing and using the new mother magic.


Written by: Luv

Ideas and Suggestions: Cooliomafia, DevBug, Axelu, Trinn, and Rosediode.

Special Thanks: Meguzara, Urara, Tsuyose, and Chihiros for their prior renditions of the lore!



Written by: Luv

Ideas and Suggestions: Cooliomafia, DevBug, Axelu.

Special Thanks: Meguzara, Urara, Tsuyose, and Chihiros for their prior renditions of the lore!

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Wonderfully written, and I hope to see it pass through! Luv worked tirelessly on this, and I could not be more pleased concerning how it came out. +1

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27 minutes ago, Luv said:

She will also be unable to get pregnant. 

So you're saying I don't need to use protection…

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Honestly I can't wait till all the frost witches can get back together again and celebrate the passing of this lore with their man slaves.



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I enjoy the lore, my only concern is (and you have brought it up) is the alarming amount of 'force pks'. That's something that treads some real deep water and can bring up some real issues. I know Frost Witches have had some issues in the past with splintering covens and whatnot, but straight PKing sounds a bit harsh. Not that I've ever played a frost witch or plan to, it just seems a bit extreme. Otherwise, the lore seems pretty solid and I like that you're allowing it to shift into a more freeform standard and even allowing witches to make speciality spells with MArts, being able to step outside of established boundry and experiment is important for allowing ideas and spells to flourish AND with lore approval at that.

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56 minutes ago, Axelu said:

Wonderfully written, and I hope to see it pass through! Luv worked tirelessly on this, and I could not be more pleased concerning how it came out. +1


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Honestly have no idea how you thought a majority of this rewrite would get accepted. Its nice writing and shows you have linguistic skills, but the force pks, rituals, and inherent circle-jerkery in this rewrite is at the surface of it all and is quite painful. -1

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1 hour ago, Vindicant said:

I enjoy the lore, my only concern is (and you have brought it up) is the alarming amount of 'force pks'. That's something that treads some real deep water and can bring up some real issues. I know Frost Witches have had some issues in the past with splintering covens and whatnot, but straight PKing sounds a bit harsh. Not that I've ever played a frost witch or plan to, it just seems a bit extreme. Otherwise, the lore seems pretty solid and I like that you're allowing it to shift into a more freeform standard and even allowing witches to make speciality spells with MArts, being able to step outside of established boundry and experiment is important for allowing ideas and spells to flourish AND with lore approval at that.


43 minutes ago, ZachoSnacko said:

Honestly have no idea how you thought a majority of this rewrite would get accepted. Its nice writing and shows you have linguistic skills, but the force pks, rituals, and inherent circle-jerkery in this rewrite is at the surface of it all and is quite painful. -1


Now I understand how alarming it must be for people to see the PK clauses. However, there are a TON of creatures on this server that operate in a similar fashion. Wights, Liches, and Darkstalkers with their phylacteries alongside Foretakers and the shade gem? Striga just murdering each other because? Witches can only be force PK'd through duels and by the Melting of Snow ritual. The Melting of Snow ritual requires the witch to be physically captured and subdued within the altar's circle. That isn't very easy to do.


Now with duels, the witches can be brought back on either end. It's considered quite horrid to murder your daughter who challenged you to a duel. Another cultural thing. The laws and logistics of the coven will be operating to make sure that you don't have witches just murdering each other out of OOC power hunger. Alongside that please comment on whichever rituals you specifically felt weren't accepted for LoTC and I can surely justify each.


Sort of late for me, but I am more than willing to handle questions through discord if I'm not around tomorrow to comment on this thread. I'll try my best to do so, however. (I'll obviously hold accountable to my responses in messages fyi).

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1 hour ago, imthemostdevin said:

Welp. just as i thought. TRASH 

I'd like to have you know that IM the most Devin. Don't run around these forums with that ludicrous name? 

Image result for get out wendy williams gif

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It seems sane that if you're killed while performing a life-threatening ritual you would remain dead. The same can be said about instigating a duel and dying in it. 


That being said, it's ridiculous that you think you should get lore accepted to "ensure a sense of consequence for betraying" you. 

Edited by xxx
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