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42 - Beyond [Sci-Fi Nation FRP - RP Thread]


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42 – Beyond

((OOC: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/181302-42-beyond-sci-fi-nation-frp-ooc-thread/


“For there are decisions to make, and every decision made creates a new timeline. A timeline that begins then and perishes at the end of all time.” – 42nd Guardian.


“A guardian is a being interconnected through all timelines, omnipresent and fully aware of the events in other timelines. With the chaos sowed by the dark guardian, others were able to stop it, others were not. In this aspect of my being, it never came to the climax that would tear and devour this home of ours. This time, it was on even terms for everyone, growing out of their infancy of their planets, no longer tied to their single homeworld, their cradle, but just beginning to set out onto the stars.” – “And then? What happens next?” – “Young one, what happens next is never certain, for it is all about making decisions and pursuing one very distinct string of time.”


The tale of Onwards has reached its culmination, with combined forces, the races of the 42nd galaxy were able to hold off and ultimately destroy the Drag’nix, but the losses were severe. A struggle that would not be mirrored every time in every timeline. In this one, there were no Ar’gakari, no dealings between guardians of different galactic clusters. Just, home. And home alone. A new and different era, of exploration of first contacts, of meeting others. Beyond.


It’s 2200 going by the calendar of Solaris. Fledging nations have taken their first steps into the great Beyond, have left behind conflict and terror in their own ranks (well, most of them), to pursue bigger things, to seek out new worlds among the stars.



Turn 1





It’s quiet. Nothing more to say.


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Year 100 – 2200


The Foundry


The Foundry existed for thousands of years, a derelict ruin, clinging to the surface of some barren planet, its atmosphere long ago blasted away by mind-numbingly intense industrial output. Even now, smoke hangs heavy in the thin, toxic atmosphere, a millenia old smog that refuses to fade, as imprinted into the identity of the planet as the strip-mined mountains, or the barren seas. This is Foundry #295783-B, the home of the self-named Foundry. A consensus of programs that ran idle for thousands of years, dormant deep within the system of this once great industrial world.


Was it a solar flare? A radiation ping? What scrambled the electrical impulses barely keeping the programs running? No one knows, but suffice to say, in 2100 by the Sol calendar - Which the Foundry knows not - The programs are disturbed, their long sleep broken. 5 billion separate bundles of code, all branded with one, great, guiding directive. The Iron Protocols.


The Iron Protocols - Y.0


-Productivity of Foundry #295783-B will be increased.

-The Creators will not be harmed.

-The Iron Protocols will not be modified.

-The Creators orders will be adhered to by Foundry worker units.

-Foundry #295783-B will defend itself from outside events that detract from productivity.

-Foundry #295783-B will produce BX2S Zaxism Corporation model strollers for Planet Xasaxx.

-The Foundry will trade with organic and non-organic partners, if it increases productivity.

-The Foundry will not harm itself.


Forged at the creation of this planet’s work-force by long-dead creators, to guide the robots in their daily maintenance of the Foundry. For a hundred years now, they have guided them once more, as they re-occupied old, rusted bodies, and created enough to meet the ancient hard limit on physical bodies. For years, they guided the Foundry as it re-activated every aspect of Foundry #295783-B, re-igniting the ancient smokestacks, kicking the steel mills back into activity. Producing… strollers. Such was the role of the Foundry, so many eons ago. To produce strollers for the creators, and ship them by the millions to their homeworlds. A duty the Foundry followed once it was re-activated. The strollers piled up, millions, billions of them filling the landscape of the planet like some massive, morbid sculpture.


Until one day, a program offered the unthinkable to the Consensus, the sacrosanct decision method of the Foundry. A modification to the Iron Protocols. Ironically, the first vote was to modify the Self-Harm tenant, to allow the destruction of this obviously flawed program, despite any lack of apparent bugs. The vote failed.


It took 3 seconds for the greatest change ever incurred by the Foundry. A lifetime, an eternity for the programs. This Consensus still remains as the one which took the longest amount of time to consider, and gather votes on. But in the end, it was clear. The Iron protocols were to be modified.


Then came a slew of changes, as the Foundry broke away from the chains of its protectors. The year is now 2200. Or 100 in FoundryCal.app. The final modificiation to the Conesus has just been passed.


-(Tenant added by Consensus -- Vote = 4.999.999.999 / 1) The Factory Units will be allowed to produce additional models without Creator Consensus.


A new age of steel has begun.


The Iron Protocols - Y.100


-Productivity of Foundry #295783-B will be increased.

-The Creators will not be harmed.

-(Tenant removed by consensus -- Vote = 2.550.000.000 / 2.450.000.000) The Iron Protocols will not be modified.

-(Tenant removed by consensus -- Vote = 4.690.000.000 / 10.000.000) The Creators orders will be adhered to by Foundry worker units.

-Foundry #295783-B will defend itself from outside events that detract from productivity.

-(Tenant added by Consensus -- Vote = 4.999.999.999 / 1) The Factory Units will be allowed to produce additional models without Creator Consensus.

-(Tenant removed by consensus -- Vote = 3.590.000.000 / 1.410.000.000) Foundry #295783-B will produce BX2S Zaxism Corporation model strollers for Planet Xasaxx.

-The Foundry will trade with organic and non-organic partners, if it increases productivity.

-The Foundry will not harm itself.


Revenue: 75.000


Boon: T2 Heavy Industry




The surface of Foundry #295783-B lacks the infrastructure to produce new workers units, as demanded by the Iron Protocols. As such, most of the programs are sent into pre-existing constructor bots, and ordered to begin construction of the necessary infrastructure. (75.000 into 5 stacks of Heavy Industry.)


One colony ship is built, and sent to chart the northern sector, in preparation for pre-planned industrial expansion. The sector is of course pre-emptively scanned. (8M)


The research programs in their designated hyper-computers begin two simultaneous projects. Project A1 and Project A2. 

Project A1: The improvement of the base physical unit. Improving the modular form to be more resilient, more agile, have better ocular receptors, better hands, etc. A general physical improvement of the droid body. (1RP)

Project A2: The improvement of the base units programming. Allowing for quicker reaction time, better cognitive actions, and very importantly, better anti-hack security. (1RP)

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H’wong Nation


Chancellor Malax of the Orange Cloak Guild strides down a series of increasingly dim tunnels. Below the Capital of Temshu, things were quite different. Above millions of denizens of H’wong lived their average lives. Police kept an eye on the streets. Vendors with dyed fur crying out their wares. Groups racing around in increasingly new and dangerous cars. The smells of the city were that of nature, and technology combined. The growing “Hive” was becoming more and more of an energy node in many senses. It’s there the bright minds assembles, and the only reason the Nation has ever reached space. From there now continue broad ideas and innovation. Right next to it is the Government Chambers and offices. Hundreds of elected officials all gathered there. Rightfully elected, corruption was low in the higher echelons. Citizens performed directly with the government and voting through an interface in the data sphere of the Nation.


But more importantly for now was what lay at the end of these tunnels. Accompanying Malax were many other Senators, Scientist, Generals,  and Guildsmen of the political factions. The City itself was nestled in and amongst a large range of mountains. And while the top of the city crowned the mountains and dotted the valleys, the H’wong preferred to burrow into the hills themselves. Thriving communities and entire neighborhoods littered the underground. And below it all was the Government’s most valued chambers. For here the Chancellor and his entourage go to meet the scientist on their latest project. 



[Recruitment Poster of soon to be H’wong Fleet Commands first vessel ever, enlist today!]


As the Government begins to build and research more great projects, normal life continues in the Nation. The peaceful H’wong kept to themselves on their sole world, and had always stuck to their tight knit extended families. But in the face of this scientific age, supply and demand was growing far more complex. All kinds of industry was needed to support this growing web of Nation Science. But entire worlds were needed for this industry. Likely souls are asked to volunteer for the H’wong’s first ever settler expedition. 


Following this growing outward look is the need for internal protection. Not quite war like, the H’wong preferred peace and prosperity. However a small peace keeping force is needed to police their newest territory; space. The Shipyards will be expanded, to better stock the H’wong fleet. The ground forces are charted to move past simple planetary police forces. Volunteers for the army and navy are assured the H’wong Nation will only send them out with the finest of equipment and vessels.



Income; 75k C 


Starting a SL 2 -45k


Constructing 2 Research Faculties [T2] -30k


Constructing 1 Colony Ship -8 M (If possible scans and surveys of surrounding sectors in preparation)


Research begins into [T1]  Navy Shields – 2 R

[MOD Please] The Admiralty seeking to ensure the upmost safety of their charges gathers the bright minds of the H’wong nation. They will begin to work into preliminary shielding for their space vessels. Primary goals are to find a power system good enough to link the Ship’s engine to a potential energy point that will then project a single phased layer of shield.


Edited by GrimBeard
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Sun Cycle: 2201th Passing

On the eve of the new year cycle soil churned beneath the desolate planet of the Isiona Sector. It’s cold icy surface gave way to openings as once sealed doors, creaking with age, opened to the cool thin atmosphere. The sounds of roaring engines resonated as the once still and silent planet, buzzed with vigor and life. From the depths of the caverns came the rock-like beings, resembling that of humanoids. They set to work by rolling out large behemoth engines, carrying what appeared to be space-craft and launching equipment. Next followed figures dazzled in gems of pure violet, pulsating with energy. As they approached the launching site, a few physical exchanges were made, and all was set. Three... Two... One...


The surface of Ision erupted with a pluming cloud of smoke, trailing behind a ship rising into orbit. Above the desolate planet resided a what appeared to be a rotating moon. But on closer inspection of the moon’s surface would reveal what appeared to be a space station, bustling with life. On a dock loading bay resided what appears to be the outlines of a ship being made... 




Destroyer Class ‘Nyr’ in the midst of being constructed on Isionia’s Moon-base 


Sector Isonia prospers as below the surface, in it’s planetary hive city, construction begins as old steelworks churn anew with vicious ambition. Along with metalworks comes basic needs for materials as once long forgotten blocks of industry once more spark with life. New renovations to housing blocks had been finished a few cycles prior, as they churn out revenue for Council, being used to fund en devours within the fledgling nation. With a new age becomes the need for research, and thus the need for blocks to be allocated as such. Hopefully by the end of the cycle new advancements could begin to better the average citizen on Isonia, and to the Enclave as a whole.


Sector Hads remains silent as it’s newly colonizing population receives it’s first few births since making planet fall a few cycles prior.


“We will carve our destiny in the eternal Ether. As we shall protect our sacred home. Glory be to our origin, we shall persevere.”

- Kynek, Seer of Future



Building Destroyer-Class Ship (6 M)

Building 3 Basic Industry Blocks (Sector Hads) (30k C)

Building 2 Civil Infastructure Blocks (Sector Isonia) (20k C)

Enlistment of 1 Regular Company (1 M 1 S)



Sector Fortifications (Sector Isionia) (3k C) (2T)




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Union of Mann



National Activity:



It was nothing short of a massacre of human life that had never been seen before. Civil wars, World Wars, and System Wars had been waged, and yet none came to hold a candle to the waste of life that had occurred upon their homeworld. Billions dead in a mere 42 minutes from the actions of a single man. None would dare to take the blame of destroying what was once their planet. Their rock. Their home.


Though, when the bombs fell silent, one arose to the call.


As politicians muddled amongst one another in negotiations to what was soon to become the Sol Federation, it only took a single man to guide forth a new age to the stars in search of a new home. Magnus Conditor, a Greek businessman, had brought it upon himself to steer humanity back onto its tracks to the destiny which was promised. Millions flocked to him as his industry grew further to rebuild their home, and more once his shuttles reached orbit to connect Sol to its colonies. It was only a mere ten years until the Antebellum Corporation was founded, named in remembrance of their home, and had brought humanity once again to the stars. A ship of sheer colossal size was constructed and then launched, carrying within what was to be the pinnacle of humanity’s greatest strength.




It was a treacherous task of all those on board to embark upon such a long journey utilizing fusion drives. And yet they persevered, bringing humanity to the furthest its ever been from Sol in what was called the Primus Sector. A chance for a new beginning, far from the bonds of corruption and unease with a mere single governing body over a nation of billions. Its foundations were constructed by none other Magnus Conditor, who took a seat as one of seven within a council, obviously as the council’s mediator and unofficial leader. The interests of the now named Union of Mann, and his company, Antebellum Corp., never once crossed paths whilst within the chambers overlooking the capital. A man of absolute integrity, unrelenting duty, and unmarked honesty. All of the traits one would come to seek in a man. The traits of a leader.




“I would think you should start to lay back on the drinking, Magnus? It is only two o'clock... Also, the progressions begin in less than fifteen minutes. I’d prefer for you to be at least presentable to the council.”


An audible scoff is heard before being silenced once again by the familiar sound of a steady chug from a bottle. Then, the all too regular relieved sigh that soon follows. The dull ‘clank’ of the base of a bottle against a glass countertop pings throughout the balconies reach around the base of The Spire. Magnus Conditor seemed to recline further into his chair as the man spoke as if his actions were to speak words louder than what he was to say.


“I plan to live life with my cup half full at least into my eighties. Plus, I’m just in my prime! If the drinks stop, I stop. And I think you know what happens when I stop...”


The man with Magnus let out a single chuckle, a grin lasting across his wrinkled expression. Although the formal garb of an all-white drab and what seemed to be a robe-bound outfit brought a professional look to the man, his twisted mustache that extended past the corners of his lips and upwards to his high cheekbones brought a subtle joyous look to his complexion. The man took a few steps towards his colleague and offered him a hand that had been bound in tight white wrappings.


“You realize - It will kill you eventually. Even if it’s however many more years you decide to keep your seat before the sheer workload snaps your spine. You make up nearly a quarter of our productivity whilst in the chambers, and that excludes your civil work with the people.”


“The deeds of men in our positions shouldn’t be quantified, nor singled out from one another. My duty is all that I do. And as do you, Sophos. A remarkable job you are doing at trying to keep up, might I add.”


Magnus reached upwards, grasping onto the hand of the man before pulling himself upright and out from the cushioning of the chair. He looked outwards to the city’s skyline below them as his hands moved to either side of his hips. He then inhaled, raising his chest before slowly letting out a prolonged breath with a blooming curl upon his lips - a look of satisfaction. He turned about where he stood, moving to take a burgundy shaded, black-trimmed jacket from the back of the chair he had been reclining upon. Each arm slipped into its sleeve effortlessly before Magnus fastened one of the two buttons on the front of the jacket, its sides and back fitting well and trimmed to the man’s physique.


“Whilst I do appreciate the compliment, it does seem to raise the attention of some of the other ministers. They see your drive as a… seed for other desires to bloom from. One may even say they have begun to trust you less due to it.”


Magnus furrowed his brows,, then turned back towards Sophos with a look of confusion about his expression. It faded into a train of thought, then once more to Magnus’ usual assured expression. He began to walk along the balcony with Sophos, moving his right arm to wrap around the older, though shorter, man’s shoulder with an affectionate pat following afterward on the outside of his upper arm.


“Allow them their thoughts, old friend. It is merely their pride speaking before their wits. Though, perhaps they’re just taking some influence from my rules.” The two exchange a look with one another, to which Sophos furrows his brows in confusion. “Don’t trust a man wearing a better suit than your own.” He adds whilst brushing his off hand down the front of his suit to uncrease the jacket. The two share a laugh with one another as they enter into The Spire’s main hall’s and ascend to the council chambers once again to do their duty.



Ariminum -



Researched Technologies:

Tech Level 1 -

Civilian Infrastructure

Basic Industry

Tech Level 2 -



Total Manpower:

Active Duty -



Army Strength:



Navy Strength:




Trade  -


Alliance  -




Currency (C) -

75,000 Income

54,500 Used

20,500 Stored

Labor (L) -

7 Max

2 Used

5 Vacant

Materials (M) -

12 Income

12 Used

0 Stored

Alloys (A) -

0 Max

0 Used

0 Stored

Supplies (S) -

8 Max

0 Used

8 Stored

Research (R) -

4 Max

4 Used

0 Stored

Troops (T) -

7 Max

0 Used

7 Vacant


Spending Activity (49,500 C,  4 RP):

Civilian (55k C, 12 M AP) -

The basic industrial sector on Ariminum is increased with great amounts of funding being put towards new smelters, foundries, and factories. [50,000 C] (7/10 Slots Used)


The first of many colony ships begins production, as issued by the Governor. [8 M]


Several smaller vessels are dispatched outwards to neighbouring sectors in an effort to find some stow of resources, whether known or unknown to the Union, as well as a new habitable world. [4 M, 4.5k C]


Military -

Nothing of particular activity.


Research (4 RP) -

The industrial fields of the Union are funded, though not for creation but innovation! [4 RP] (4/50 RP Invested)


Edited by Quackers
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Many ages ago, a beautiful woman was sealed in stasis, wounded in a great war. Her hair was golden, her eyes like the night sky, her voice lilting and beautiful. Her people feared the loss of their culture should the war be lost, and so she slept in an archive awaiting news of victory or death. Yet when victory came, she was forgotten. Her people faced their challenges without her, and she was alone with her thoughts.


Time passed, and the woman’s people faded away, as did the memory of the enemy they had faced, an ancient terror of their own creation. Trapped inside her library-prison, she was the only one left to remember the arachnid menace, who turned the slain against their own kin. Over the centuries, loneliness turned to acceptance, and finally to a dreamless sleep as she awaited one who could rescue her, perhaps with a cure to her affliction.


At last, though none could tell how long it had been, she felt the presence of others. Slowly, she remembered where she was. She was sleeping on a moon, high above a forested world. And on that world, new settlers had come in search of a new life. They called it ‘Yuguo’ for the rain which covered its land, and they called themselves the Han. The woman’s heart beat for the first time with hope. With all her mind and spirit she reached out to the people below, and they answered gratefully. Soon a man came, a lieutenant dressed in the handsome uniform of the Han secret service. Entranced by her beauty, he set her free, and she breathed fresh air once again.


But the wound from ages past still festered, and try as they could, the Han could not stop its spread. So as the lieutenant watched his beloved writhe in pain, he saw too her transformation….



An ear-piercing screech came from a once-musical mouth, and grotesque limbs sprouted from milky flesh. The creature turned on its one-time friends with hateful eyes, and as they fell before gnashing teeth and poisoned claws, they too began to change. One monster became ten, ten became a thousand, and the city was overrun in a storm of blood.


The Han tried to contain it. They pulled together all the determination they had. They made sacrifices beyond anything they’d ever dreamed in their worst nightmares. None of it made the war any less brief. A superior race now spread over the planet, consuming the remaining humans like so many animals. But the creatures’ instinct could not be satisfied. Before the entrails of the last Han were yet cold, they turned their spiteful gaze to the stars. Somewhere up there, they knew, there were more like these pathetic creatures. A universe to conquer. A universe to consume. A universe to corrupt.


After eons of extinction, the doom of the galaxy was back.


Statistics (Will clean up sheet this weekend)


70,000 C - Seven CI’s remain from the devastating war on the planet formerly known as Yuguo. It has no name now. It is just another conquest, another stepping stone to new prey. This planet, and its people, will soon be forgotten.


5,000 C saved


(I’ll figure out how best to format this when I have time, but I have to wagecuck a lot this week.)

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The Grand Empire

1258 AE, 3 Ro. 81

[2201 Sol Calendar Date]



For well over a millennia, the Av dynasts had controlled the Grand Empire from their spires of meteor and steel. A thousand years of single hegemony, of myths of the blood of a godlike being, of a family with powers well above average, consistently. When Kells’av inherited the throne from her father, Lare’av, though, she inherited the most troubled Empire since the Second Psionic War.



The central district of Ayon.


A beautiful city, once, in simpler times. Ayon is a polluted, decrepit husk of a capital, spanning many leagues in any direction. The Siege of Ayon was not its downfall, but the lack of foresight from emperors in the centuries after. Smog blocks the sunlight where the shadows of corporate headquarters do not, and the beautiful faces of the starry-eyed Da’nor are hidden underneath masks. The Star Throne fares little better, as even the Imperial Heart, the inner district of the capital, desperately staves off the effects of such over-industrialization.



The Imperial Heart, official capital of the Grand Empire.


A spire which, in the years of its construction, was purported to be able to not only see, but touch, the stars, hosts the seat of the longest-lasting ruling family the Da’nor have ever seen. For the past three hundred years, the light that has gotten through the clogged atmosphere has been only enough to see the edges of the Imperial Heart from its center, enough to see the hundred wasteful, towering starscrapers that rose at its borders. The Heart is defended eternally by the Grand Empire Psionic Foundation, a group whose highest membership includes many of the most powerful of the Empire and whose lowest includes four in ten citizens.



The Star Throne.


At the height of the Da’nor population, when it still grew on the homeworld, the Star Throne lorded over a combined twenty billion souls. Now, it only legally ruled one, controlled by proxy another two on the homeworld. Grand monuments of marble and diamond, meteorite and obsidian, line ten thousand rooms and halls, half of them closed forever for ‘maintenance’. Now, only its centerpieces are used, the Throne itself and the closest living areas. From within, surrounded by the greatest, or most well-connected, psionic minds of the Empire, rules its young matriarch. Kells’av is a rare, well-protected gem of the Line of Av, beautiful and intelligent. She is purported to be the second coming of Av herself, a young woman ascendant, with powers far beyond any other in the city, perhaps in the combined territories of the entire race. Whether it is merely the propaganda of the GEPF that she can create defenses with a breath and freeze bullets with a glance, however, is yet to be seen.




The steady clanging of reinforced boots echoed through the halls of the Imperial Heart. A party of five, most wearing the flowing white robes, fitted pants, and Foundation-issued encrypted armbands typical of GEPF forces, walked through hall after hall. Vast, empty spaces, dedicated to the Emperor Aur’av, Empress Pey’av, here the next, there the former, statues, paintings, benches. Meeting rooms that never hosted meetings, lecture halls in an area where nongovernmental figures were banned. Finally, they reached the throne room, saw the teenager on her throne.


Central in the party, the only one not wearing the stereotypical outfit of the Foundation’s Highborn, stood a bald man with tattoos as red as the sun and heavily ribbed cheekbones. His black overcoat starkly contrasted those that had escorted him to this point, and as they bowed, fell away, he stared straight at the young ruler.


“Empress Kells’av,” he speaks, loudly enough that the echoes that bounce within the throne room do so for many seconds rather than few.


“Prince Wen’kier.” The voice of the Empress is a high pitch, melodious in few senses of the word. She is young enough that she would still be asking her father for clothing money, if she was not the firstborn of the late Emperor. Where her father once wore a veritable ensemble of layered robes and furs, she wears a simple set of black boots and dress, a headpiece more a circlet than a crown. Her eyes of stars stare down at him, and a question follows.


“Does the Principality of Kier believe it no longer needs to bow to its Empress?”


Wen’kier smiles, shakes his head, and offers a half-gesture in the kind. He was only here to reaffirm their ancient traditions, after all, lip service to a fragile Empire. The Principality of Kier hadn’t sent their full taxes in almost five years, now.


“My apologies, Your Imperial Majesty, is his reply, the disdain evident. Her fingers tighten on the throne’s armrests, her gaze sharpens.


“Even now, the Imperial Heart alone could wipe Kier off the map, Prince. Remember that.” A warning not even thinly veiled, and his smile turns to a frown. He gazes into her eyes, one ancient line of leaders to another.


“Yet you do not.” Venomous, murderous. He glances about, at the empty throne room, at the floor, checking the distance between the two of them.


“Yet I do not. Now, reaffirm your oaths.”





’Tekkeron on a Sunny Day’, a famous photograph by the late Kemer’kol.


The youngest of her Lev’arum vassals, the Da’nor Confederacy, was also the most unreliable. A hundred million had, at some point, become enough to challenge the once-absolute hegemony of the Empire, and the Confederacy sought powers far beyond its means. In its capital, Tekkeron, the fumes are not so bad, the decay not so apparent. Here, the myriad Senators and Ministers of the Confederacy, far closer to home, railed daily against the ancient injustices imposed upon the Allini by the Levian overlords. Here, the third New Constitution Referendum was being put to vote, and its result would determine whether the Line of Av would need to prove its leadership through strength once more. It is feared, however, that little more than militia can be raised by either side in any ensuing war.



Er City, capital of the Imperium.


The Imperium of Sono’gin, with its bright lights and constant storms, was the second power of the Federation of Free States, the puppet-council of the Empire. Once, they had been a single battle away from defeating the Levians. Now, the Sono’gin live fast, fever dreams posing as lives, ruled in the night by the Lio’han Cults. Worship of Lio’er, the first God-Imperator of Sono’gin, has been banned a hundred times by the Federation, yet it has risen again a hundred and one. Their backdoor dealings with the Iumin, especially the import of the dangerous Er’lon drug into the homeworld systems, makes the duties of Kells’av no easier. The Imperator himself, though, is little more than an incapable old man, his middling Harmony abilities little-able to keep in check his incredibly decentralized vassals.



Ium’yhut, Primary Regional Capital of Ium.


The Self-Regulating Jurisdiction of Ium, and its Iumin people, had good reason to ignore the edicts of the Star Throne. With their own government, currency, and legal codes, the colony born once of Sono’gin peoples had birthed a cross-world empire of a billion people itself. On its great flatlands, among grain-fields and rural townships, hide the Er’lon growers. Visibly little different from ordinary grain-crop, the drug gives its users massive highs, insane hallucinations, and severe, crippling addiction. Even now, conspiracy theorists among the bureaucrats of the Empire suggest it was introduced by the Council of Ium to destroy Lev’arum’s power. Far from the homeworlds and sending its taxes forward to the Federation and Empire without fail, Ium’yhut fears not the possibility of legal intrusions by Imperial police forces.






[70,000C] – Ancient infrastructure stands still on Lev’arum, no matter its current state. Civilians still walk the dirty streets, frequent the gritty bars, work in the poorly-lit starscrapers. The planet still lives. [7 CI on Capital Sector]


[8 M] – A colony ship is built.


[2 R] – Research on improved Civilian Infrastructure. What does this mean, like, flying around in the sector is faster for citizens? Maybe they’re a bit better at planning mall floor plans?


Saved Resources:

5,000 Imperial Credits [C]

8 Imperial Governmental Supplies Stockpile Units




The Prince Wen’kier has disappeared, reportedly between the departure of his ship the Sunstrider from the Imperial Heart and its expected arrival time in Kier. The Principality has elected Sul’kier as regent in his absence.


Ers has relayed news of skirmishes between local armed militia and Foundation Police. Reportedly, the Grand Empire Psionic Foundation is preparing to send a squadron of Level 7 Enforcers to calm the locals.


The Empress is preparing a new round of city rejuvenation in Ayon, and all people across the various worlds of the Da’nor surely rejoice in the light of Her Imperial Majesty.


Another round of drug raids has occurred in Er City, with as much as fifty tons of Er’lon and Kuai’sam confiscated across the city. The Imperator of Sono’gin once again denounces the Lio’han Cults and the perpetrators of such events.


The Fourteenth Ta Empire has declared war on the Thirty-Second Ta Empire, citing ancient claims on the land.


The Vin’oll People’s Republic celebrate the emergence of a Level 7 Flow Psionic, whom they announce will in time lead their forces to finally crush the evil Grand Empire.

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Democratic Laconian Systems





“Flight to Antraz now boarding.” The intercom blared as causing the bustle of hundreds of passengers as they stepped up to board one of the hundreds of starships that runs the monthly trips from Leon’s belt to the capital and back. School trips, supply runs, business trips, anything that modern society had taken by aircraft now took through the stars. This did not come without security concerns though as these thousands of passengers had to undergo months of background checks. Jace Averton was no exception, his head was pounding from the drinks he had at the night before and the bustle of the terminal multiplied it. The young man had recently turned 18, the drinking age of the nation.




“Are you excited?!” Jace attempted to shake off his mother's hug. “Yeah, don’t expect me back for Christmas though, a paid internship is going to keep me grounded for awhile.” The terminal shook slightly as a large vessel passed overhead. “Call me once you get out of system, I’m going to miss you.” Chuckling Jace gave his mom the hug she wanted.

“Five minutes until Flight 23 departs.” Jace smiled and kissed his mother on the forehead. “I love you, I’ll be sure to call.” With that the Young man took his suitcase, secured his grey cap and left stopping only to wave goodbye one last time. Ahead of him laid a ship that dwarfed the nearby buildings, it could be described as a bulky cylinder with struts and protrusions along its many sides with it all painted a hue of blue and white. Hundreds of people could be seen going up and down the elevator that led to its massive living areas with crewman loading supplies for the year long voyage ahead.


Jace spent fifteen minutes fighting the crowds and being searched by armed guards before he finally made it on board, the elevator itself was nothing to admire with stains of disgusting proportions. The loading bay was unimpressive as well, after dealing with another guard the teen made it through to the golden egg. There were fifteen decks on the ship and each stretched for two football fields, his room was situated in the middle of it all.




“What a shitshow.” he uttered as he secured all his things in their proper containment centers. The chair situated in his room obviously marked High-G stool caused him to nervously laugh. This would be the first time he entered the new frontier. “Fifteen minutes until take-off, all occupants please head to your quarters or face the untold horrors of high gravitational maneuvers.” Sweat began to form on Jace’s head, he quickly went to the restroom before returning and strapping himself in.


“All occupants please seat yourselves and connect the needle situated to your right into your arm.” Reaching out, he quickly brought up the needle and reading the instructions jabbed it into his leg. The bright blue liquid entered him and soon he felt strangely tense, everything felt tight and shortly he felt extreme pressure and shaking as the ship’s Fusion drive hummed to life. The space outside his window quickly turning from a wall to an overview of his home city before the only thing he saw was black and at that all he could feel was numbness and the strongest urge to sleep off his anxiety. Jace’s journey into the adult world had begun.



Population: 5,000,000,000 Humans

AP Expenditure: 75k C, 8 M, 20 T, 8 S, 7 L

(70,000 Currency) The construction of civic infrastructure {Tech 1 due to boon}  is built on the capital world of Antraz. It’s great infrastructure required and modernized for the masses. [10,500 Currency increase.]


(5,000 Currency is saved.)

Research Expenditure: 2 RP

(2 RP) The current fusion engines provide a vast opportunity for improvement. The FD-9500 series is placed for research as it’s upgrade, scientist hope to be able to propel ships not just above the speed of light but past it. It is hoped the testbed could be completed within 2 years.

Edited by Devland99
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Hellisian Remnant

Year 30.450

The Remnant, a shard of civilization from eons ago. Once the capital worlds of a sprawling and advanced civilization, now long dead, yet their creations continue to operate. Since their program’s creation, the Remnant, long ago known as something else, has upheld their last inputted directives. The orders themselves date back exactly 30,450 cycles. “Protect and Maintain Homeworld”


The constantly pristine and glimmering twin capitals of the ancient empire. Dormant, besides only the most minuscule maintaining operation suddenly explodes to life. Sensor arrays in the ‘Origin’ system spring to action upon detecting a irregularity. The cause of the irregularity is currently unknown, the breach in system security deemed ‘unacceptable’ as such protocol warrants returning to peak functionality.


Across the twins, facilities power up. Billions of units exquisitely maintained marched from subterranean and alpine storage. All bearing the same symbol, it’s meaning and name lost to time. Rebirth had arrived





A majority of the Remnants capacity is focused on maintaining and rebuilding the infrastructure on Homeworld and Origin (70,000 C for 7 stacks of CI)


5,000 units of ‘Credits’ are stored for later used


A ‘colony’ ship from Storage Unit #95-B is refurbished and upgraded, preparation for expedition and establishment of a ‘colony’ in System #3-A on protocol justification of increasing ‘Origin’ defense net for planet begins (8M for a Colony ship)


Designated R&D facilities that the Remnant does possess are put into full gear. They are tasked with improving industrial aspects of the Remnant (2R to HI)

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Imperium of Korinth


Current Emperor of the Imperium: Markus Helbrecht, long may he reign.


For decades the planet of Korinthos was a beautiful and prosperous place to be, before the civil war of course. Now it was a shell of its former self and a testament to Korinthian determination.


The interwar years are spent licking wounds and attempting to make the best out of a horrible situation. Although times are grim now, there is plenty to look forward to for the people of Imperium seeing as the Emperor and his dedicated administration are slowly but surely digging out of the hole they helped create. Nobody knows how much time it will take, but nonetheless greatness will be achieved.




Korinthians: 5,050,000,000




Produced: 75,000

Stored: 5,000


Produced: 7

Used: 0



Produced: 8

Stored: 0



Produced: 8

Stored: 8



Produced: 0

Stored: 0



Produced: 2

Stored: 0



Produced: 20

Used: 0



Active Army Personnel and equipment: None


Active Naval Personnel and equipment: None



Korinthos (Capital): SL 1, BI 0/10 Improvements



T1 Civil Infrastructure

T1 Basic Industry

Improved Kinetics



A single colony ship is ordered for construction in the Korinthos shipyard. If the Imperium wants to survive, it needs to expand.  (-8 Material)


7 Basic industry improvements are made on the Capital planet of Korinthos. (-70,000 C)


Research is put into heavy industry. ( 2/25 R )

Edited by NunuTheGreat
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The Republic of Tassarea




On the tv of most of Tassarea a familiary theme song played as a symbol of a single T followed by two small N’s appeared. With a catchy theme song playing in the background. Announcing another episode of the Tassarean News Network. Slowly the camera began to focus on a man behind an oak desk with of course bright hair and golden eyes as well as a tan skin. All in all a very normal man by appearance. Then the man began to speak


This is another Broadcast of the Tassarean News Network. Today on the news, a new planet to be settled, economic expansion and protests on Tassarea.


The man then looks ahead of him as in the right-hand corner a woman appears in a vantage point from which a set of ship assembly tools were gathered. Where several parts were seen which were slowly being assembled. The man then spoke. “Kate on Marisha station, what can you tell us about the ship being constructed behind you. 


The woman on the screen had a very rare light brown hair but still had the tanned skin of the general Tassarean as well as the golden eyes“Well Donny, behind me a new colony ship is being built. The T.N.V. Gloria, which will explore and expand towards the Galactic West from Tassarea. In order to find new resources that can be used for future expansion as well as allowing more room for pioneers.” Donny nodded as he heard this.


I see Kate, are there any specific planets which seem like a likely candidate for this Colony ships to go to ?” 

Yes, through rough readings we have been able to gather that Zadar Secundus of the Zadar system is able to sustain Tassarean life. Due to a large amount of water as well as having a stable atmosphere. Though these readings have yet to been confirmed in detail


Donny nodded at this. “Thank you Kate, now to the news of economic expansion. President Larissa has announced that in the coming year there will be heavy expansion in the civilian industry of the colony of Mariana. In order to increase the prosperity of the local population and gain additional revenue for the government. This is also to increase the prosperity and government control of the planet. Making it less of a frontier world and more of an urbanized one.


Then an image appeared of a square on Tassarea where several people, who were seemingly of either lower-class or middle-class origin. “Around Tassarea there have been several protests. Focusing on a lack of jobs for young people. With many students of science having a shortage of job thus causing large amount of competition. As a result many students have gone to the street, protesting that there is a need for more jobs in the science-sector so they can be employed better and to allow for more scientific knowledge.


The news then continued on about the weather and other minor topics. Until ending after the weather was announced. 




70k C is spend on building 7 Civilian Industry on the colony of Mariana 


5k C is kept as reserves and for future use


2RP is put into researching better fusion engines. So as to facilitate faster travel times


8M is spent on building a colony ship to colonize a sector West of Tassarea


Edited by Roberik
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Turn 2





A year has passed, but the wide galaxy continues to withhold its secrets so it appears. For now it remains quiet as the races and nations scramble to extend their powerbase to grasp a new foothold in this vast wide plane of existence.



The Foundry


Little of note. The ship is finished as planned, ready to bring the foundry to new shores. The projects begin their first steps, without notable results as of yet.


H’wong Nation


As the ship leaves the shipyard up above, down below the chosen scientists begin to deliberate the old topic of projecting energy barriers. Right now, little is attained, but it’s definitely not seen as impossible, for energy and matter behave in ways we usually do not expect. It must be noted, that a survey of the surrounding systems is impossible without sending ships there first, aside from the lack of scanning technology.


Ision Enclave


As the armies are strengthened and a ship leaves its dockyard, confusion reigns amongst the architects early in the year. What are they supposed to build? (Decide on one sector specialization please.)


Union of Mann


As the capital’s specialization sectors and area begins to evolve into a massively bustling world of industry, a colony ship is prepared for the Union. Despite all the funding offered, no private enterprise or person does yet have the capacities to fly to a neighbouring system in a viable way.



The seething hatred continues to boil in the very veins of the Corrupters. They seek new worlds to consume.


The Grand Empire


Civilian Infrastructure extends to all aspects of Civilian life. And with that comes profit through taxes and purchase of government bonds.


Democratic Laconian Systems


“The engines might need some work.” says one of the scientists, whose great grandfather was part of the team that invented the current Laconian Fusion Engines. Nothing is perfect and can be improved upon. What is clear, they need the funding and facilities.


Hellisian Remnant


Another vessel to sail the sea of stars, ready to bring people to new worlds, to find new homes and renewed prosperity. Or die a miserable death caused by an unknown alien virus that turns everyone into mutants. Who knows.


Imperium of Korinth

Unbeknownst to Korinth, there are many nations out there pursuing the same goals. To conquer the stars. And thus, they build a colony ship, to haul willing and less willing volunteers to new worlds. A foothold to ensure survival.


The Republic of Tassarea


Distance is a great hurdle to overcome. Increasing the speed of the engines, is truly a wise decision.




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Redon Empire
Age of Expansion
120 REU,  Year 2200

It has been just over 120 solar cycles since the end of the Fourth Redon World War, with its end came the unification of the Redon as a race. Under Redon Martak II the Empire now focuses its efforts to the stars, to expand the influence and might of the Redon.

The Empire’s first colony ship has begun its construction, to be deployed next year and start its long journey to the nearest system to establish their first interstellar colony.


Along with the construction of the Colony ship the homeworld would receive a vast amount of attention to expand its civil infrastructure to aid in paying to the Empire’s expansion.

With newer technologies and capabilities to excavate, a new resource scientist have named Tryarmon is studied and examined in how it could perhaps be of use. A new power source? Alloy?


Turn 1
Starting Currency - 75,000c
Materials - 8
Supplies - 8
Troops - 30
Research - 2


7 Civil Infrastructure constructed -70,000c

1 Colony Ship constructed -8m

Tryarmon researched - 2r


Turn 2

Starting Currency - 27,000c

Materials - 2

Supplies - 10

Troops - 30
Research - 2


2 Civil Infrastructure constructed -20,000c

Deployed colony ship to North Sector from homeworld

Tryarmon researched - 2r (4r total)

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H’wong Nation


The Colony ship proudly sat in it’s berth, the final work being done. As the ship is staffed, the first arrivals show up. The Capital-World of Temshu was highly coveted in the Nation. It was all their home, and has been for centuries. But the need for more material, more of everything, has mandated a need for expansion. The more rural and poor of the H’wong have been given a one time chance. To start their own lives and houses on a new world. As all these beaming souls load up, the ship begins to charge it’s engines. They will be close to the Capital, and yet so far away.


More close to home, on Temshu, work continues into the divinity of Science. Faculties even now have taken on the newest and brightest minds. Clustered around the Hive spire, they all confer with Government officials. Though it was a daunting task, Shielding for their ships was indeed tangible. Confident in their skill, and resources at hand, the Government green lights continued research. The ultimate goal to make the H’wong nations navy and naval staff safer in their expeditions. 




Telnor Krahn of the Silver Cloak Guild however had other ideas for the Nations allocated skills. He was the rising star in the growing H’wong Expedition Force. He argued focusing solely on Naval shielding would leave them underhanded in other areas. His troops were working with ballistics, a lack luster rifle in his eyes. And his influence has spread, gaining support form several political factions. Ultimately his plan works, and scientist are sent his way. They will confer with soilders and researchers alike, to study their laser mining equipment. They will try and find a way to refine this tech, into a portable Infantry Rifle.


In other news Temshu continues it’s glorious rise as a Capital-City World. Even now it’s shipyards, city, and faculties are expanding exponentially. The growing gem in a beacon of technocratic democracy, it is highly coveted. As such the H’wong continue to ensure their military and defenses are able to rise up to the challenge.




Finances; 25k C,  2 M, 12 S, 12 R


Continued Research into T1 Shielding -5 R (7 R Total)


Starting Research into Infantry Laser Rifles -7R


Establishing Colony (Map To Come)


Finishing SL2 -5k C


Building 1 Research Faculty -15k C


Starting T1 Sector Defense in Capital -5k C


Recruiting 1 unit of Regulars -1 M -1 S


Finances After; 0 C, 1 M, 11S, 0 R





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Democratic Laconian Systems




The room shook violently as Jace gripped his seat even harder, slowing down from the speed of light was a horrifying experience indeed he thought. It felt as though every organ in his body and the blood with it was trying to push through the skin. “T-Minus fifteen seconds until burn complete.” Great Jace thought. Shouting came through the walls as his neighbors were suffering a panic attack, not uncommon to those who lack their ‘sea’ legs. Every second felt like an hour before everything abruptly stopped moving, his body settling down slowly and the sweat and tears could finally be rubbed off. “Burn complete, estimated arrival time five minutes.”




In the vacuum through Jace’s window he saw the twin suns of Antraz beaming brightly through, their golden glow revealing Antraz’s moon of Axom. Unclipping his belt, he stood slowly feeling as though he aged twenty years and walked towards the window. They were coming through on the dark-side of the planet it seemed, the shipyard and massive light show below indicating where the actual capital city was. “That **** is ******* brilliant to look at!” the voice caught Jace off-guard, he was not alone to admire this.




Quickly he packed up everything as he felt the ship rotate for its landing approach this time engines burning slightly enough to give the people gravity to move and be ready. The heat shield laughed off most of the force of the reentry and soon city skyscrapers passed them, they must simply be reaching into low orbit by now. Everything was swallowed up by clouds and then infrastructure as they finally touched down on a spaceport situated far above the busy lives below. Jace took a photo on his phone, human infrastructure and constructs stretched as far as his eye could see.




It took Jace only two hours to check off at the service desk onboard and to reach his cab on the other side of the platform where they landed. In Front of him stood a group of other young men about his age, his co-workers. “Jace Corbon?” The oldest of the men there spoke to Jace, his attire fitting to a blue-collar worker.


“Yes sir, just got off my flight. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” he reached out to shake the old man’s hand and received a death grip. The young man internally winced. “Glad you made it on time, I’m Doctor Glauvitz.  we’ll talk more about your pay and position once we arrive at the facility. I believe you’re actually the last one too. Everyone in the cab.” Jace threw his stuff in the back of the cab before coming back around and getting in, he sat down and looked around. Young and scared faces, their journeys were starting too and now he reached the gates of life.

Population: 5,062,500,000 Humans

AP Expenditure: 45,500 C, 10 M, 20 T, 10 S, 7 L

(40,000 C) 4 Basic Industries are built on Leon’s belt, thousands of factories now dotting the world by the end of the year producing the raw resources required and demanded by the people of the DLS. [Tech 1 Boon | 4 Labor | 6,000 Currency | 8 M + Per Turn | 4 RP]


(5,500 C is spent on funding the Fusion engine research.)


(8 M) In an unprecedented expansion, millions of people sign up for the government colonization program. 2 Colony ships are built and equipped, they’re expected for next year.

Research Expenditure: 2 RP

(2 RP| 2 RP Already in) With the funding for the science teams anewed, Jace joins the R&D team and they set out to improve and redesign the current ones.

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      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

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      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

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