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[Your View] Magic & Combat


Magic & Combat  

202 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you believe combat magics (magics that focus on combative spells) should exist?

  2. 2. If you voted N or O above, do you believe that magics should have combat spells at all?

  3. 3. Do you believe that the current parameters (found below) for a spell are good?

    • I believe the current parameters are good.
    • I believe the current parameters are bad, they are too harsh on combat spells.
    • I believe the current parameters are bad, they are not harsh enough on combat spells.
  4. 4. Do you believe magics should be able to create interesting roleplay outside of combat?

    • I believe a magic should be able to create interesting roleplay in any major niche, such as day to day rp or in combat.
    • I believe a magic that focuses on one niche, such as a combat magic, is fine.
    • Other (reply below).
  5. 5. Do you believe that a magic should have a distinct purpose for existing?

    • I believe that a magic is fine if it’s being used by people, purpose or not.
    • I believe that a magic should have a purpose that the mage must carry out to ensure RP is created.
    • Other (reply below).
  6. 6. Do you believe that enchantments should be rarer/limited?

    • Yes, I believe that enchantments should be rarer/limited.
    • No, I believe enchantments should be more common.
    • No, I believe enchantments are fine as is.
    • Other (reply below).
  7. 7. Do you believe that the number of enchantments that a person can use in a combat encounter should be limited?

    • Yes, I believe a person should only be able to use 1 enchantment per combat encounter.
    • Yes, I believe a person should only be able to use 1-3 enchantment per combat encounter.
    • Yes, I believe a person should only be able to use 1-5 enchantment per combat encounter.
    • No, I believe a person should be able to use as many enchantments as they can carry in-game.
    • Other (reply below).

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Preface: I wanted to actually make a list of things that I /personally/ think are the most broken things about magic CRP and need to just be fixed or minorly tweaked. So, introducing...




  • The voidal connection lore is absolutely braindead at the moment. I’ve brought this up to you and the lore team but the current voidal connections are all over the place and contradict everything that people think the connection system is. It’s singlehandedly led to people getting f*cking yeeted into walls and still casting T3 magics. 
  • Dark magics shouldn't be able to stack. Either they need to be majorly nerfed or a persona should only be able to keep 1 dark magic at a time. Everytime I see someone running around with a mega mystic blood mage shade naztherak I kinda die on the inside
  • Electric Evo needs to just die. It’s by far the most lethal of all the voidal magics, and I have yet to see a time in CRP when electric evo didn't lead to a gigantic OOC argument of people completely confused on how electricity works (which is made worse since apparently LOTC electric evo doesn't work like regular electricity, so it leads to even MORE confusion)
  • People who throw out runes/enchantments/potions in combat automatically are massively overpowered in combat. I can hold onto my smoke grenade rune, my rapid expanse alchemy potion, and my wolf grenade transfig enchant, walk into a group of people who don't understand the counters, and then 5v1 them all.
  • 90% of the magics are waaaaaaaaaay too vague. There are plenty of questions about voidal magics that a group of T5 mages of that magic literally cant answer. (Lets use Conjuration as an example) Can I conjure a tree ON someone? Can I not? Can I cast underwater? What is the range of Conjuration? What is the exact emote count dependant on the size of the creature? In my opinion there needs to just be a mega thread for every single magic, that answers some of the questions that people have for the vague loopholes of the magic.
  • No offense to the Naztherak playerbase, but your dark magic is wayyyyyy too f*cking broken. Throwing out mega demon creatures leads to a big YEESH in my opinion. Demon people don't even suffer from Aurum and it makes me a big sad.


I think the lore games are perfectly fine for happening despite what a lot of the people critiquing this post are saying, but there just needs to be more clarification for EVERYTHING.


((Let me know if im missing a braindead loophole, tried not to single out any magics))

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3 minutes ago, w_ill said:

Another thing I wanna talk about is “voidal weakening”. Yeah, this stuff does nothing to put a mage at a disadvantage in combat since they’ll just use their magic anyways, lets be real. And not a lot of people RP it as weakening their character either. There needs to be something more than just ‘physical weakness’, something that will actually affect the mage in their day to day life and will create interesting RP. 


 This is already a big weakness, if you read the lore it says that a void mage is not only very weak but they feel pain more than the average person which makes it easy to get them out of their focus of casting.  The Voidal weakening is a good weakness and if someone doesn't rp it then report them.

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As much of an amazing meme making enchanted to the gills magic supersoldiers would be, it really should be stopped before I decide to do it and prove why it’s terrible to permit.

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2 minutes ago, Destroyer_Bravo said:

As much of an amazing meme making enchanted to the gills magic supersoldiers would be, it really should be stopped before I decide to do it and prove why it’s terrible to permit.

Did it before. No one learned anything.

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7. Do you believe that the number of enchantments that a person can use in a combat encounter should be limited?’

Only if there’s an in lore explanation for it


”oh yeah, I could use this smoke bomb to escape, but I have already activated my fire sword and it doesn’t seem fair to my opponent if I use two enchantments. Guess I’ll die”

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I’m can pretty firmly say that every MA/CA user has had the stage where they have portrayed their magic or creature incorrectly, me included. Henceforth, I think the issue is with the players powergaming and misinterpreting the lore rather than the lore itself being the issue. I think this would be a great chance for the community team to get involved. 

Every person that applies for a magic could be guided by the community team in “RP sessions” to teach them how to properly use magic, learn of its strengths and weaknesses, and why it exists.

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Magic should be no more powerful than mundane combat.  If it’s more powerful, learning how to actually fight and making your CRP game stronger is a waste of time, and encourages people to go hunt for some mineman magic so they can kill people, rather than actually bettering themselves.

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1 minute ago, TheNanMan2000 said:

Magic should be no more powerful than mundane combat.  If it’s more powerful, learning how to actually fight and making your CRP game stronger is a waste of time, and encourages people to go hunt for some mineman magic so they can kill people, rather than actually bettering themselves.

 Tell me someone who trains in mundane combat for 6 months and doesnt just spawn with the skills.

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Just now, XxEnderking said:

 Tell me someone who trains in mundane combat for 6 months and doesnt just spawn with the skills.

A character’s ‘skill’ in swinging a sword is only as good as the IRL player’s skill.  Doesn’t matter if they claim to know it IRP, as it doesn’t make a difference unless they actually do IRL

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37 minutes ago, PosidonX7 said:

I’m can pretty firmly say that every MA/CA user has had the stage where they have portrayed their magic or creature incorrectly, me included. Henceforth, I think the issue is with the players powergaming and misinterpreting the lore rather than the lore itself being the issue. I think this would be a great chance for the community team to get involved. 

Every person that applies for a magic could be guided by the community team in “RP sessions” to teach them how to properly use magic, learn of its strengths and weaknesses, and why it exists.


That’s the magic teacher’s job and in the case of self teaching a person with a TA or story team member is suppose to OOC’ly guide you through it.

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Magic requires digging into each and every particular piece in use during combat to understand the redlines of what you’re facing and it’s extremely common for people to act OOCly offended when you, one, mention that you’re gonna take a sec to pull up the lore and two, call them on their RP when it’s typically outlined in the lore itself in regards to what they’ve done wrong if they’ve done anything wrong. Nevermind the magic blending, positioning and function of entities summoned, understanding of general sightline requirements and flame temperature debates. 

Freeform magic, I feel, is too loose and ill defined to be responsibly used. I do honestly feel that magic should be 100% refined down to spells and spells 100% refined to set functions with set drawbacks to the extent of being set tools for set situations. They should be no different than swords, knives, axes, torches and so forth. 

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1 minute ago, drfate786 said:


That’s the magic teacher’s job and in the case of self teaching a person with a TA or story team member is suppose to OOC’ly guide you through it.

I don’t mean the specific magic. I mean basic magic casting and guidelines. Like how you can be interrupted during casting, or how you can’t run around and dodge things while casting.

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7 minutes ago, PosidonX7 said:

I don’t mean the specific magic. I mean basic magic casting and guidelines. Like how you can be interrupted during casting, or how you can’t run around and dodge things while casting.


Again.. Those are things the teacher is suppose to teach you OOC’ly.

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As I have said in the past, I believe the major problem at the moment is the lack of communication from the Story Team. A feedback thread like this one has long been overdue for quite some time. 


Overall, I agree largely with what @Vindicant has said. I believe more work needs to be put into working with the playerbase (especially loreholders) and considering player opinion, rather than dictating policy based on personal whim. To me magic is fairly functioning in a balanced form, and the few kinks that do exist can be ironed out with a more constructive lore system. 

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5 minutes ago, drfate786 said:


Again.. Those are things the teacher is suppose to teach you OOC’ly.

Well it would seem that a majority of teachers forget to teach that part then. I think it is that they only focus on teaching the strengths and weaknesses of their magic, and not the strengths and weaknesses of magic in general.


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