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[✗] [Invention] Garumidir's Speakers


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Artwork by static-ghost




For eons, descendant-kind has struggled with the ability of communication, the use of couriers and letters non-existent ever since the days where the four brothers originally fell ill to curses. Communication now is buried within the confines of druidic corruption, where birds are manipulated to break their nesting habits and to act as relays. With this, the Daemon Garumidir placed the innate ability of the ‘M-3-4-A B.I.R.D’ within every descendant, an invention which can be awakened by visions that truly sets apart the gaps of communication the descendants have had in the years they have dwelled within the Aos/Eos.

Finally, the first visions of Garumidir’s influence have now rocked the descendants to their core. The absence of communication is now a thing of the past, the communication era is now.




The invention is a small clock-work bird that is bound to a user through a conduit of soul-connection. These creatures are linked with the enigmatic constructs of soul-stones, being able to be recalled and sent at will. It’s a serious of clockwork measures and deific runes which enable this small bird to be able to fly at speeds that are immeasurable to most, almost teleporting. Also, it carries a voice modulator which is able to mimic the owner of the bird.


The constructs themselves can be customised to the owner, they are able to take the shape of any avian bird as long as it does not surpass the height of four inches. Mini-dragons, phoenixes and a variety of other creatures can be mimiced with the speakers of Garumidir.



Capabilities. This ties in with the above section and you are meant to cover what the invention is capable of doing.    

Garumidir’s creations are able to do a variety of things.

  • They are able to teleport anywhere across the map with an ample amount of time (one emote after sending). This is because of Garumidir’s will, his intent is to ensure that communication is never limited
  • They are able to transcribe messages to people, it takes a single emote to have the voice modulator adjust to the message. They are also telepathic, allowing for the transmission of messages as long as someone is not in combat.
  • They are immune to environmental conditions and are able to get through any space possible. The creatures are able to disassemble themselves and reform in different areas to ensure communication is allowed.
  • To have these birds be made and connected to your soul-stone it takes a single emote to retrieve, then a single emote to send off.
  • They innately know the location of every single descendant and living organism in the realm, hence being able to be sent off with a simple command.\
  • Even with their insane speeds, three emote rounds are needed for the bird to be sent to their respective location. For even though Garumidir wants to make communication seamless, he cannot break the pre-conceived techlock that he’s been restricted by.



Red Lines/Restrictions.

  • This invention does not require a special app. Every descendant has the ability to innately envision and recreate this clock-work structure. (Kha and Hou-zi are unable to do so. Furries are disallowed in Garumidir’s will)
  • The rules for these birds follow the exact same rules as current messaging systems. You must follow the same emote progression. One to call, one to write and then one to send off.
  • These birds cannot transport anything other than messages
  • These birds cannot be used for combative purposes, the moment you do this. Garumidir himself will smite you and you will die. (PK clause attached to using these in combat)
  • You cannot perform sexual acts to this creation, no matter the context. Even shaping your bird to be that of sexual nature will have you be disallowed from using this. (PK Clause is attached for FTB’ing with these)




This piece was made to justify the bullshit that is messaging. This allows everyone to have a lore friendly way to abuse things that are not part of lore, unless they’re a druid. This instead creates an insane amount of roleplay and justification for the mess of rules we have.           

Citation Spoiler. 




Edit Log -


Reduced the amount of emotes required to three as in-lieu with the server standards.

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Dumb idiot. Bet this is gonna get accepted.

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2 minutes ago, ScreamingDingo said:

Furries are disallowed in Garumidir’s will


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isn’t it three emotes to send off birds and not four?

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1 minute ago, Dardonas said:

isn’t it three emotes to send off birds and not four?

You’re right, I’m going to quickly readjust this oversight.


Thank you for your contributions!

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1 hour ago, ScreamingDingo said:

You cannot perform sexual acts to this creation, no matter the context. Even shaping your bird to be that of sexual nature will have you be disallowed from using this. (PK Clause is attached for FTB’ing with these)


I feel personally attacked

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the ******* ftb pk clause


how am i supposed to use this now

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I can hear the druids ******* seething behind their basement’s monitor joel 

oh god oh **** what have you brought upon us

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