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[✗] [Magic Lore + CA Race Lore] - Carnimancy/Amalgamate


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Carnimancy and The Amalgamates


Part One, Carnimancy




The usage of rotting bodies and a simple needle and thread is all one needs to truly utilize Carnimancy and create Amalgamates. The two halves of this magic are Creator and Creation, instead of Master and Servant. Since you are melding bodies together, it is reasonable to assume a hefty price will be paid. This price is the body of it’s wielder. As Carminamcy rots away at its user, the user will be able to bring a fake life to lost limbs through simple stitchings. These stitchings will be able to put body parts back on their first user, move them between people, and even create a creature known as an Amalgamate.




Magic Explanation


  • Carnimancy is a Two Slot Magic

  • Carnimancy is a Dark Magic

  • You can not have a Deity Magic if you have Carnimancy

  • A Carnimancer must be taught this magic by someone with a valid TA and must have a valid MA to proceed with learning


Carnimancy is quite the interesting magic since it is highly against the natural order of things. Using this magic has the possibility of bringing out the worst in people as they begin to rip apart dead bodies and unnaturally sew them together to form what is known as an Amalgamate. A Carnimancer will find themselves being able to bring dead limbs back to life by giving them a new host body, and being able to control these limbs if they so choose. Not only can dead limbs be brought to life using a living host, but this may also be done using several other dead parts to form the worst creatures since Voidal Horrors. More about the Amalgamates will be talked about later within this post.




Magical Abilities


Many spells may be used by a Carnimancer in order to meddle with the bodies of the living. These different spells are generally used in out of combat situations considering the Surgical nature of this magic. Melding bodies together does take a lot of work after all.


Rotting Corpse [Passive]

Stitching bodies together is fun, but it comes at a heavy cost. Life is the one thing that can not come at a tax, or can it? Through entering this magic, a normal being must be killed. Death is not a very welcoming thing so, surprise, you’re not actually dead. You will live in your body as a corpse. As per usual, corpses tend to rot into nothing, though through this they will be saved as long as they contain life within them. If a Carnimancer doesn’t absorb enough life, or cast enough spells within a certain amount of time, their body’s rotting will start up again, eventually killing them.



  • This ability is always active and can never be unactivated

  • Rotting will start after one real life week, one irp year of inactivity

  • Inactivity/Rotting will be put on pause if you cast or siphon one year’s worth of essence. This does not stack, so you must take or use one year’s worth each week

  • If rotting starts, then it will take around 10 years worth of casting or siphoning to fix their body and put them out of rotting

  • Rotting will kill the Carnimancer after around 3 irl weeks of using it. Death from Rotting counts as suicide, making it a PK. Please keep in mind that if you are going on hiatus or taking an extended break from LOTC, this does not matter. Abuse of this will lead to the LT taking this magic from you

  • If you drop this magic, then you will be placed out of the Rotting curse as that is the only way to avoid death from being a corpse

  • Since you are a corpse, your body is generally weaker than everyone else's. This is not to the extreme of voidal magic, but it is noticeable. To put a number to it, you’d lose around 20% of your starting muscle mass/fat

  • Being a corpse, your body will become fairly pale and bags will form under your eyes

  • Even though you are a corpse, you still need to perform the necessities for any living thing: eat, breath, sleep, repeat. You will also feel pain

  • If you die, then your body will go into super rot. In a few minutes, your flesh will turn a disgusting green, your muscles will completely fade, and all your organs will rot into nothing(this also includes things like the eyes and the tongue)

  • You will heal after rotting stops

  • Transferring bodies also transfers the curse to the body


Return Stitching [Non-Combat]

Stitching is the most commonly used spell that a Carnimancer will gain access to since it gives the user the ability to reattach lost body parts to their original hosts. These stitches can be made with a normal sewing needle and does not need thread as it is provided when the Carnimancer starts to cast. This thread is generally the color of the caster’s aura and will be produced indefinitely as long as they continue to cast. The only way the caster will truly gain access to this thread is by taking the physical life out of someone’s body. The longer the thread is used, and whichever limb is being reattached, depends on how much the body is ruined. After finishing the stitches between the limb and the host’s body, the stitches will slowly begin to burn and melt their skin together, forming a massive scar that will never go away as this scar represents the stitches.



  • This process of reattaching a limb should take around 6 emotes to be properly done. An example of these:

    • The mage would withdraw a simple needle, holding it up to the limb and man. (1/6)

    • A strange thread would begin to snake out of the tied up man next to both the body and the mage. This thread is dark red in color. (2/6)

    • The crimson thread floats through the eye of the needle as the mage starts to slowly insert the needle into the skin. (3/6)

    • The mage starts to sew the dead limb to the body, taking their time with each stitch. (4/6)

    • After a moment or two, the stitching would be completed and the thread that wasn’t keeping the two areas together would fade away into nothingness. (5/6)

    • Each stitching would start to sink into the skin, creating a burning sensation that grew in intensity before fading away once the limb was seared onto the body- stitchings gone and only a scar was left. (6/6)

  • This process of attaching a limb can not be done in just any location. The Carnimancer must create a specific area where they can work, a laboratory of sorts. This is different for each person, but the basics must be a walled in area with several platforms for bories to be located on. Other than that, you’re evil laboratory is customizable! This will be known as The Laboratory when referred to in other sections.

  • Though there must be a ‘sacrifice’ to offer when reattaching a simple limb, it does not have to be another person. You may use yourself as this ‘sacrifice’ instead of gathering others to rot.

  • The melding together of the limbs will seal the area’s wound. The bones and such will reheal in that specific ring in which the stitchings were placed



  • Return Stitching must be done within The Laboratory

  • The ‘sacrifice’ will not feel any fort of pain when being taken from during this surgery. What will happen to them is known as Rotting. Though their lifespan may not be effected through this, parts of their body will start to look aged. The smaller the limb that is being attached, the better it is for the ‘sacrifice.’ For example:

    • A finger: 1 year of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ finger

    • A toe: 1 year of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ toe

    • A ear: 1 year of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ ear

    • A nose: 1 year of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ nose

    • A horn: 2 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ ear or horn if they have one

    • A tongue: 2 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ tongue

    • A jaw: 3 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ jaw

    • A hand: 3 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ hand

    • A foot: 3 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ foot

    • An arm: 5 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s arm

    • A leg: 5 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s arm

  • You can make yourself the ‘sacrifice’ but one must always be provided

  • The ‘sacrifice’ may not be an animal, deer, cats, dogs, etc, but they may be Kha or Hou-zi

  • You may only reattach limbs that use to belong to the original owner. For example: if someone had their hand removed, they may only get that hand reattached to their body

  • A limb of a different race may not be attached to someone of a different race as it does not follow “Same race, same person”

  • The limb of the same race can not be attached to someone of the same race as it does not follow “Same race, same person”

  • The limb that is attached will be in the same state as it was before it was attached. This includes but is not limited to, decaying of the limb, and injury

  • Scarring around the area where the limb was attached will never be able to be removed and it goes all the way around where the limb was attached

  • After the limb is attached, the one who is receiving the limb will gain access to it. All senses in this limb will be restored to the fullest and growing and healing will soon follow. Though this does not mean they can fully use the limb. You must retrain yourself on how to use this limb

  • You can not reattach someone’s head as they are already dead

  • You can not reattach limbs to dead bodies, nor revive dead bodies

  • You can not reattach parts of the torso, nor can you reattach organs: eyes, stomach, lungs, etc

  • This can only be done on organic creatures. No golems, voidal horrors, animals(Kha and Hou-zi don’t fall under this category), plants, or soul trees

  • This rotting is healed over time

  • The rotting depends on how long of their life they have left. For this purpose, the max life is 1000 for elves, 150 for humans, 500 for orcs, and 500 for dwarves. Examples are below

    • If there is a 500 year old elf, then you may only take 500 years worth of essence from their body

    • A 10 year old human could sustain 140 years worth of essence

    • A 122 year old orc or dwarf could sustain 378 years worth of essence


Mixed Stitching [Non-Combat]

While Return Stitching deals with reattach lost limbs, this does it quite similarly though one can reattach limbs that didn’t previously belong to the original owner. Though this kind of stitching is done in a similar fashion to the Return Stitching, it still has a different and stranger usage. Creating the thread with the Mixed Stitching works the same way as before; as does the reattaching limbs. This must also be done within the Carnimancer’s Laboratory. As the name implies, this form of stitching lets creature’s limbs be mix and matched! For example, you may replace a human’s arm with an orc’s arm.



  • Since this process is quite similar to Return Stitching, it has the same Mechanics

  • This process of reattaching a limb should take around 6 emotes to be properly done

  • This must be done within the Carnimancer’s Laboratory 

  • Though there must be a ‘sacrifice’ to offer when reattaching a simple limb, it does not have to be another person. You may use yourself as this ‘sacrifice’ instead of gathering others to rot.

  • The melding together of the limbs will seal the area’s wound. The bones and such will reheal in that specific ring in which the stitchings were placed



  • Return Stitching must be done within The Laboratory

  • The ‘sacrifice’ will not feel any fort of pain when being taken from during this surgery. What will happen to them is known as Rotting. Though their lifespan may not be effected through this, parts of their body will start to look aged. The smaller the limb that is being attached, the better it is for the ‘sacrifice.’ For example:

    • A finger: 2 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ finger

    • A toe: 2 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ toe

    • A ear: 2 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ ear

    • A nose: 2 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ nose

    • A horn: 4 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ ear or horn if they have one

    • A tongue: 4 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ tongue

    • A jaw: 6 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ jaw

    • A hand: 6 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ hand

    • A foot: 6 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s’ foot

    • An arm: 10 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s arm

    • A leg: 10 years of decay on the ‘sacrifice’s arm

  • You can make yourself the ‘sacrifice’ but one must always be provided

  • The ‘sacrifice’ may not be an animal, deer, cats, dogs, etc, but they may be Kha or Hou-zi

  • The limb that is attached will be in the same state as it was before it was attached. This includes but is not limited to, decaying of the limb, and injury

  • Scarring around the area where the limb was attached will never be able to be removed and it goes all the way around where the limb was attached

  • After the limb is attached, the one who is receiving the limb will gain access to it. All senses in this limb will be restored to the fullest and growing and healing will soon follow. Though this does not mean they can fully use the limb. You must retrain yourself on how to use this limb

  • You can not reattach someone’s head as they are already dead

  • You can not reattach limbs to dead bodies, nor revive dead bodies

  • You can not reattach parts of the torso, nor can you reattach organs: eyes, stomach, lungs, etc

  • This can only be done on organic creatures. No golems, voidal horrors, animals(Kha and Hou-zi don’t fall under this category), plants, or soul trees

  • Just because you can mix races, doesn’t mean they won’t suffer the consequences. It should be obvious that putting an olog’s arm on a halfling’s body will cause them to tilt around and flop on the ground, unable to properly lift the limb. Their skin may pale due to the lack of blood in their limbs. Just because you have something doesn’t mean you can use it, think of the size differences

  • If they never had the limb in the first place, you can not give them said limb. If they were born without an arm, they can not get that arm

  • Since this limb is in the same state as it use to be, a halfling’s arm on an orc won’t give the arm orc strength. It would keep halfling’s strength and size. This is also represented in the speed, a larger arm on a smaller body may move slower than a normal sized one

  • This rotting is healed over time

  • The rotting depends on how long of their life they have left. For this purpose, the max life is 1000 for elves, 150 for humans, 500 for orcs, and 500 for dwarves. Examples are below

    • If there is a 500 year old elf, then you may only take 500 years worth of essence from their body

    • A 10 year old human could sustain 140 years worth of essence

    • A 122 year old orc or dwarf could sustain 378 years worth of essence

  • All attached magical limbs will lose their magical properties


Controlling Thread [Combat/Non-Combat]

The creation of the above limbs is quite a difficult one. The thread that is used is manipulated by the Carnimancer. The scarred ring around their newly attached limb is actually a ring of stitchings. If a Carnimancer created a Mixed or Return Stitch then the Carnimancer may control these stitchings, and thus the limb is needed. Though there are limits to what they can and can not do, controlling the stitching is quite a powerful spell which is partly a cost for those who have these strange limbs.



  • This spell can be used in and out of combat, but it will always need four emotes to cast. The controlling may begin from there and go until concentration is lost. For example:

    • The Carnimancer would raise his hand, fingers pointing towards the human’s arm. (1/4)

    • Invisible and intangible thread would shoot out from the human’s arm, attaching themselves to the fingertips of the Carnimancer. (2/4)

    • Each threat would twing, glowing a deep crimson as the human would begin to feel a tugging sensation that affected their entire limb. (3/4)

    • From the fourth emote on, control of the limb belongs to the Carnimancer even though the owner of the limb can resist.

  • Concentration is needed to cast this spell and the limb you control must be one you personally made

  • This can be done anywhere, meaning a Laboratory isn’t needed!



  • This ability doesn’t need to be done in a Laboratory

  • This ability can only be used in a 10 block radius, but if the person with the stitched on limb runs out of the radius, then the thread will continue to trail for 5 more blocks out, getting weaker as it goes, before snapping

  • The one who’s limb it is, may try to resist, but the Carnimancer will eventually win it out in the end. With a halfling, it may take one or two emotes to overpower them, but with an olog it may take six or seven

  • A Carnimancer must stay standing still as they cast and control the limb

  • Only one limb may be controlled at a time

  • This can only be done to a limb that you have attached

  • If the person who owns the limb is no longer within your eyesight, the thread will snap

  • The limb still belongs to the owner, meaning it will not do something to directly kill its owner. Making them punch or stab themselves is allowed, but choking themselves until they die is not

  • The owner must be aware that this is happening as they will feel a sharp pain throughout their limb


Thread Siphon [Combat/Non-Combat]

The one thing that is most needed for a Carnimancer is their thread. Usually it is gained through rotting someone’s body during a stitching section, but with this spell, one can gain access to rot through touching someone. This rotting will be transformed into an essence that is stored into the body of the Carnimancer. This essence has two purposes: halting rot and creating thread.



  • This spell required five emotes to cast. From the fifth emote on, you will rot whatever part of their body that you are touching by 6 months per emote. An example:

    • The Carnimancer would creep around the man, and with and open hand, place it on his shoulder. (1/5)

    • The Carnimancer’s hand begins to twitch as the man would begin to feel a strange pain in their shoulder. (2/5)

    • The pain in his shoulder increases to that of someone being punched. A black smoke starts to seep from the underside of the Carnimancer’s hand. (3/5)

    • The black smoke seeps around their entire shoulder. The sharp pain would continue throughout this ordeal as the Carnimancer keeps his grip tight. (4/5)

    • The man’s shoulder starts to rot, as if time has sped up for it for a total of 6 months. The black smoke wouldn’t flow into the air, instead it would surround the Carnimancer’s hand, flowing into his body. (5/5)

  • Though this does not need the Laboratory, you need to have an open hand inorder to use this on someone. Though, if you are within your specific Laboratory as this happens, the rotting will increase to one year per emote

  • You may do this in out of combat situations, but be warned that someone could turn this into a combat situation

  • This must be done through grabbing ahold of a part of someone’s body

  • Only the part that is grabbed will start to rot

  • This essence that you gather can be used as sacrifice instead of needing a body later, aka this is your thread for stitchings

  • Absorbing life this way counts towards your one years needed per week



  • Thread Siphon does not need to be held in a Laboratory, but if you are in your Laboratory, you gain an extra 6 months per emote

  • You must inform the owner of the limb that the rotting rate is 6 months per emote

  • Touch must be held during the entire thing, and if it’s broken, then the casting will stop and you will no longer be able to siphon thread from them until touch is regained, though casting must start again

  • The rotting depends on how long of their life they have left. For this purpose, the max life is 1000 for elves, 150 for humans, 500 for orcs, and 500 for dwarves. Examples are below

    • If there is a 500 year old elf, then you may only take 500 years worth of essence from their body

    • A 10 year old human could sustain 140 years worth of essence

    • A 122 year old orc or dwarf could sustain 378 years worth of essence

  • Rotting only happens on the part of the body you grab. Hand rots hand, torso rots torso, shoulder rots shoulder, and so on and so forth

  • This rotting is healed over time

  • You can not sneakily do this due to the amount of pain that will emerge from this. It is equal to one punch from a normal sized human per 6 months taken

  • This does not take from their life span, only from how their body functions

  • Rotting can not be performed on the neck or brain of someone, to prevent instant death of someone’s body

  • If performed on the chest, then the muscles in their body will be the things to rot, organs like the heart, and lungs will be safe from this attack

  • This can only be performed through the hand

  • This can only be performed on creatures that are humanoid. This excludes animals, plants, and golems. Things like Kha and Hou-zi can still be affected 


Amalgamate Creation [Non-Combat]

Finally we get to the good part, creation of Amalgamates. These awful creatures are simply created by a Carnimancer who has enough bodies to meld together. Only one who has mastered the art of Carnimancy may be able to create creatures of this magnitude. It requires a lot of practicing and thread to even think about creating this. These creatures are not only created by the Carnimancer, but they can be controlled in strange ways using Controlling Thread.



  • This process takes three emotes to start, and then some extra emotes for each limb being attached

    • 3 per arm

    • 3 per leg

    • All the fingers can be done in two emotes

    • All toes can be done in two emotes

    • 3 emotes for the jaw and tongue

    • 3 emotes for the nose and ears

    • For other abnormalities, horns or a tail, 3 more emotes must be performed for each

    • Two emotes for he head

  • Stitching all these body parts together is the main reason for the cost, but the extra bit is used up to bring the creature to life. This takes another three emoted. For an example:

    • The Carnimancer would hold the needle in the air above the head of the amalgamate. The needle begins to glow a dark red. (1/3)

    • Out of the needle’s eye, crimson thread would trail down to all parts of the body, forcing it to convulse several times. (2/3)

    • The body convulses a few more times before it’s eyes blink open. The thread seems to fade into non existence after a moment or two. (3/3)

  • The melding together of the limbs will seal the area’s wound. The bones and such will reheal in that specific ring in which the stitchings were placed

  •  There must be a ‘sacrifice’ that is used to create an Amalgamate

  • This creates the Subtype called “Mindless Amalgamate”



  • This must be done in a Laboratory

  • In order to play an Amalgamate, you will need to make a CA. This will be talked about in the second part, giving more information about Amalgamates

  • The cost to making an Amalgamate is 150 years worth of essence/rotting a ‘sacrifice’ with 150 years of decay

  • The limbs of the Amalgamate can not be from the same creature, or person. Eyes, ears, horns, fingers, and noes may ignore this

  • The parts that are used for an Amalgamate must be gathered and stored irp

  • Amalgamates, after creation, will be sentient, but will have no memory or mind. Starting off, they are just a simple husk

  • Amalgamates can only be humanoid figures and can have the same amount of one limb as a normal descendant

    • 2 arms

    • 2 legs

    • 2 eyes

    • 10 toes

    • 10 fingers

    • 1 head

    • 2 ears

    • 1 nose

  • Though abnormalities can be added, it takes an extra 5 years of cost

  • Abnormalities are things like Horns or Tails

  • You can only make one Amalgamate every month

  • The creator of an Amalgamate can completely control them by using Controlling Thread

  • Amalgamates can still feel pain. They also need to eat, sleep, drink, and perform other things that are needed for a decedent

  • You have two weeks after making the amalgamate to bring it to life

  • All attached magical limbs will lose their magical properties


Body Transfer [Non-Combat]

A dangerous spell that has the chance of ruining the Carnimancer. Being a corpse is fun and all, but sometimes the body is a little too weak for the host’s liking. This simple spell can only be cast on an amalgamate body that has yet to be brought to life by the Carnimancer. Simply put, a Carnimancer can transfer their body into thread that then seeps into the body of the amalgamate.



  • This will require that the Carnimancer has already gone through the process of Amalgamate Creation, but has not brought the body to life

  • Within the process of a real life week and three emotes a day, the Carnimancer can slowly turn into an Amalgamate. Essence should be pre prepared for these days as you will need 6 months worth per day. Emotes examples are below:

    • The Carnimancer holds their needle above the body of the amalgamate. The needle starts to glow, as does the body of the Carnimancer. (1/3)

    • The body of the Amalgamate starts to glow as well. As this happens, the needle’s eye would shoot threat at the bodies of both people. (2/3)

    • The Carnimancer starts to look weaker, rotting, as the amalgamate looks a bit stronger. Soon after, the thread would snap. (3/3)

  • If the emotes aren’t performed, then the ritual will stop and it must be done over again

  • This must be done within the Laboratory

  • A sacrifice is needed each time you perform the ritual

  • At the end of the rituals, the last day, 6 emotes must be performed in order to finish it. This will then be followed by filling out a CA. This is the last part, so it needs to have an extra 10 years of essence to be pre prepared. poured into it. Example:

    • The needle would be held in the air by the weak Carnimancer. A light glow would begin to surround the object. (1/6)

    • From the needle’s eye, glowing thread would fly out, striking the body of the Amalgamate. (2/6)

    • The needle would then strike the body of the Carnimancer. A slight stinging feeling would flow throughout their body. (3/6)

    • Each body would start to convulse, a more intense pain flowing through the Carnimancer’s body as the thread started to pull on them. (4/6)

    • The Carnimancer’s eyes would involuntarily close as they fell to the ground. Their body starts to rot over, unmoving as the thread disappeared from both the Carnimancer and the Amalgamate. (5/6)

    • The Amalgamate’s eyes would open as it sat up. (6/6)

  • This creates the subtype “Threaded Amalgamate”



  • These special Amalgamates keep the memories and mind from the Carnimancer

  • This must be done in the Laboratory of the Carnimancer

  • The body of the Amalgamate must have been made before this

  • Over the week that goes on while the Carnimancer slowly becomes the Amalgamate, their body starts to rot. They get weaker and weaker each day that they go through

  • Death during this week will cause the Amalgamate body to explode into gore and the ritual must be redone

  • After the ritual is complete, the body will be completely rotted, so you can not go back to your original body

  • The rotting curse will follow you into the Amalgamate body

  • If you are already an Amalgamate, then all of the above still apply as you are still the Carnimancer

  • Essence that you have gathered will not be transferred over to the new body

  • The emotes must be done each day, or the ritual will end

  • A sacrifice is needed for this to go or else the ritual can not be performed

  • You have two weeks after making the Amalgamate to enter the body





These redlines are the most important ones to follow so pay close attention to this section. These are general things about the magic or things that exist in quite a few spells to the point it is worth mentioning again.


  • All properties of Rotting corpse must be followed

  • When rotting someone’s body, they must be informed about the following, either through a direct message, or through an emote:

    • The rate the rotting is happening, be it 6 months per emote or a year per emote. This also includes how much rot occurs during Return Stitching and Mixed Stitching

    • What part of the body it is happening to, be specific

    • For explanation's sake, the way it should be explained is as though time sped up for the one limb as it wasn't given any nutrition

    • They must be informed the rot is healable

    • Rotting can not be done to major organs: heart, lungs, brain, etc

  • If the spell states that it must be done in the Carnimancer’s Laboratory, then it must be done so. What defines a Laboratory is below

    • A platform must be present for where the stitchings and Amalgamate creation is to take place

    • A set of needles

    • A platform for a Sacrifice to sit/lie down

    • Other decorations may be placed here for aesthetic effect

  • Amalgamates can only be produced once each month, though it’s not an either or, you may make one Threaded and one Mindless Amalgamate per month

  • You must have a valid MA to learn Carnimancy

  • You must be taught by someone with a valid TA to learn Carnimancy

  • Materials, limbs, must be gathered irp




Tier Progression

Tier progression for a Carnimancer isn’t too hard to follow. It goes by time and the achievement of five simple steps. Going through a simple 1 through 5 scale, a Carnimancer will follow in their master’s footsteps and possibly even go beyond what they have ever created. As one goes up the scale, their skills grow just as the complexity of their spells do.


Tier 1, The Beginning

This first tier requires extreme concentration and learning. The teacher will go through with them on the art of stitching things together and where different body parts go where. This sort of learning also includes dissections of limbs.


  • Abilities

    • None

  • Limitations

    • The Carnimancer, at this point, does not have the ability to cast any sort of spell


Tier 2, The Rotting

After two irl week of holding onto this magic, the student will be ready for their next step. The teacher will take the student into their Laboratory and start off their connection by stabbing hundreds of needles into their body. Each one will be tied together with thread before taking a dagger and plunging it into the heart of the student. The dagger will be removed and all their wounds will heal as the needles and thread become one with their body. This is the beginning of the rot.


  • Abilities

    • Thread Siphon

    • Rotting Corpse

  • Changes

    • Addition of Thread Siphon

    • Addition of Rotting Corpse

    • Ability to cast small portions of Thread Siphon is achieved

  • Limitations

    • Thread Siphon can only be used on small limbs, like someone’s hands or feet. The ability to grab onto shoulders, arms, legs, torso, and head have not been gained yet


Tier 3, The Stitchings

This tier is unlocked after a total of four weeks of being a Tier two Carnimancer. Learning about stitchings and body parts will continue up to this stage as the student mainly practices stitching limbs back on their original bodies. After learning how to perform those kinds of stitchings, stitching on other’s body parts onto other people will be achieved. In this stage, the student will finally make their own Laboratory and be able to use it to their heart’s content.


  • Abilities

    • Rotting Corpse

    • Thread Siphon

    • Return Stitching

    • Mixed Stitching

  • Changes

    • Addition of Return Stitching

    • Addition of Mixed Stitching

    • Enhancement of Thread Siphon

  • Limitations

    • Thread Siphon may now be used on larger limbs, arms and legs, as well as the hands and feet. The head and torso are still off limits

    • Return Stitching may now be used to sew on Hands and Feet

    • Mixed Stitching may now be used to sew on Hands and Feet


Tier 4, The Amalgamates

Through many more months of practice, five irl weeks to be exact, the student will become a Tier four Carnimancer. Through the collection of bodies and guidance from their teacher, the ability to create an Amalgamate will be achieved. As well as practicing their stitching and replacing body parts, the Carnimancer will be more adept in their rotting creations.


  • Abilities

    • Rotting Corpse

    • Thread Siphon

    • Return Stitching

    • Mixed Stitching

    • Amalgamate Creation

  • Changes

    • Addition of Amalgamate Creation

    • Enhancement of Thread Siphon

    • Enhancement of Return Stitching

    • Enhancement of Mixed Stitching

  • Limitations

    • Thread Siphon may now be done on any part of the body

    • Return Stitching may now sew on any part of the body that is stated within the redlines

    • Mixed Stitching may now sew on any part of the body that is stated within the redlines

    • Amalgamate Creation is able to create a creature the size of a Dwarf or Halfling


Tier 5, The Finale

Finally, all the training has lead to this. After 7 irl weeks of being a Tier Four Carnimancer, the student will be able to teach others the ways of the rot. As well as knowing all the ways of Carnimancy, their teacher will show them the darkest part of the magic: Body Transfer. This ability will require only knowledge of it in order to be performed, but more research on the subject of creating Amalgamates must also be done. A Carnimancer is never done learning.


  • Abilities

    • Rotting Corpse

    • Thread Siphon

    • Return Stitching

    • Mixed Stitching

    • Amalgamate Creation

    • Body Transfer

  • Changes

    • Addition of Body Transfer

    • Enhancement of Amalgamate Creation

    • You can now make a TA!

  • Limitations

    • Amalgamate Creation is maxed out as being able to create something the size of an olog

    • Thread Siphon may now be done on any part of the body

    • Return Stitching may now sew on any part of the body that is stated within the redlines

    • Mixed Stitching may now sew on any part of the body that is stated within the redlines




Part Two, The Amalgamates




These creatures are created through those who rot and force others to rot. An Amalgamate is a combination of limbs and body parts that have been melded together in a strange way. Brought to life due to thread and rot from others, Amalgamates can be almost anything the creator dreams of. They start as a husk, a mindless creature. Most of the Amalgamates are mindless creatures, but there are actually two types of them! These types are: Mindless Amalgamates, and Threaded Amalgamates. Both are created by a Carnimancer, the only difference being is that the Threaded Amalgamate is actually a Carnimancer as well while the Mindless Amalgamate is simply created by them.




Physical Description

Amalgamates almost never look similar. The creator of the Amalgamate generally makes the physical appearance of the Amalgamate since they are the one to stitch it together. They can range from the size of a small halfling to the size of a large Olog. Every Amalgamate has the form of a normal descendant, though some can have abnormalities: horns, tails, etc. Extra arms, legs, or heads isn’t something any Amalgamate is capable of having. Where each limb is connected, there is a thin ring of scaring where the Carnimancer’s stitchings are held. The limbs that the Amalgamates are made of will lose any magical ability when the creature is brought to life, unless it is a Threaded Amalgamate.




Mental Description

Amalgamates are quite interesting creatures when it comes to the mind. The two different kinds of Amalgamates are very different when it comes down to the mind.


Mindset, Mindless Amalgamate: Mindless Amalgamates think just like any descendant would as they have the brain of one. Their minds vary from Amalgamate to Amalgamate as each can grow to be their own person in due time!


Mental State, Mindless Amalgamate: The Mindless Amalgamates generally have no mind to start with. Each is just blank in the head, unknown to the world and unknown about the world. Since each has a brain, just like anyone else, Amalgamates can develop mental illnesses.


Mindset, Threaded Amalgamate: The mindset of a Threaded Amalgamate is the same as the Mindset of the Carnimancer who took over the body.


Mental State, Threaded Amalgamate: The memories and knowledge of the Threaded Amalgamate is simply the same as the Carnimancer who had made it.





Amalgamates have access to a single ability that normal people don’t. It’s mainly used in combination with the threading that was used to make them in order to reattach lost limbs.



Any kind of Amalgamate may utilize this strange ability. If their limbs have been cut off and they are still alive, then they may use their stitchings to rebind the limb to their body. The threads, when done properly, will extend from the body and pull the lost limb back to it.



  • This spell needs to be done out of combat and requires 6 emotes to complete. Interruptions will cause the emotes to have to be redone



  • This must be done without distractions to mess you up

  • This can only be done to reattach your own limbs

  • You can only reattach arms, legs, feet, hands, noses, ears, jaw, horns, and tails




General Redlines


  • Amalgamates must have a proper CA to be played

  • An Amalgamate must be made by an existing Carnimancer

  • You must state which kind of Amalgamate you are in the CA

  • Mindless Amalgamates can not be users of magic

  • Amalgamates must be in the general form of a descendent and can not be made of animal or plant parts

  • When it’s created, all magical parts of the Amalgamates body will be removed

  • Amalgamated can not have children




Part Three, The OOC



The purpose of Amalgamates and Carnimancy is to bring a little mix to magic. When you think of dark magic, you usually think of Necromancy and Blood magic. Which is bringing things to life and manipulating blood, but no one thinks of what could happen if you mix both together. The reason this should be a thing is that there needs to be a magic that adds an evil surgical type magic to the fray that exists. Amalgamates can be made with the horrific imagination of the one who wields the magic.




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This is a really good concept, original, creative and not to mention very balanced! I hope to see it get implemented : D +1 from me

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I do like the concept though I feel like you might've skipped over the cauterization spell in old necromancy lore or in the two most recent lore posts in the purpose which can do most of the things you've listed here. Except for the control parts. Also creating amalgamations seems of my similar to creating abominations which is in my lore piece. I'm not trying to bash your lore simply giving some feedback cross referencing the two.


Secondary to your lore in general having the practitioner rot away if not actively practicing the magic or gaining life essence(?) *did I read that correctly?* seems like the dark Hallows in old necromancy lore which the ST didn't approve of due to enforcing users to go out and harvest.


That brings me to the third point that I just dislike magic that encourages taking bits and pieces from another individual to function, eg: taking limbs. It from my observations encourages sub par roleplay as you need to kill or force RP to do your magic. 


Not a -1 Or +1

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1 minute ago, Jenny_Bobbs said:

I do like the concept though I feel like you might've skipped over the cauterization spell in old necromancy lore or in the two most recent lore posts in the purpose which can do most of the things you've listed here. Except for the control parts. Also creating amalgamations seems of my similar to creating abominations which is in my lore piece. I'm not trying to bash your lore simply giving some feedback cross referencing the two.


Secondary to your lore in general having the practitioner rot away if not actively practicing the magic or gaining life essence(?) *did I read that correctly?* seems like the dark Hallows in old necromancy lore which the ST didn't approve of due to enforcing users to go out and harvest.


That brings me to the third point that I just dislike magic that encourages taking bits and pieces from another individual to function, eg: taking limbs. It from my observations encourages sub par roleplay as you need to kill or force RP to do your magic. 


Not a -1 Or +1

Part of the issue might be that I didn’t read through the necromancy wright, I just thought up an idea and threw it into practice. The part of rotting away was mainly to balance out the magic and rotting body was to give reason to how the spells work, generally a carnimancer doesn't really need to go out and kill on their own, if they find a dead body then its limbs could be harvested for the greater good of fixing someone else. The carnimancer does need to rot others to stay with the magic, but that’s mainly so they can cast spells without needing to have a sacrifice all the time, and if you have a nice friend who is willing to get rotted to help save others, and you, then there’s no real need to have to go out and purposely rot people to watch them die. It has a lot of helpful uses, but it just didn’t seem like it would fit anywhere but dark

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This was a pleasant surprise. 

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12 minutes ago, Tato said:

the writing is terrible

this is terrible

Why are you always like this

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can you change the color of your redlines? that dark red is too dark on the forums to read.

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Worst part of this magic is no animal parts, I want to turn someone into a walrus.

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1 hour ago, Mavromino said:

Worst part of this magic is no animal parts, I want to turn someone into a walrus.


6 hours ago, Dardonas said:

can you change the color of your redlines? that dark red is too dark on the forums to read.

There ya go

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I really like and the idea of stitching together bodies to make some form of fucked up creation sounds great. I hope to be able to learn this magic on one of my characters if it gets through, 100% +1 from me. 

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14 hours ago, Tato said:

the writing is terrible

this is terrible

When are you teaching me dark magic?

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1 minute ago, Rave_Cave_marb said:

When are you teaching me dark magic?

when you’ll be me 

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