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[✗] [Arcane Feat] Domestic Magic


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Domestic Magic

Since the dawn of magic, mages have sought to use their magical capabilities for as many tasks as possible, further feeding into their laziness. Whether they be in the middle of a heated battle or simply making tea for a social gathering, there is always some way that they can apply their arcane knowledge. 


It is this mentality that birthed Domestic Magic. Also known as Household Magic, it is a simple feat of voidal mages that allows them to perform simple tasks without having to lift even a finger. These simple ‘spells’ can do anything from boiling the tea on the kettle to creating a temporary light in order to see. 


An example of a mage practicing household magic...



Spells of Household Magic

Household magic possesses a plethora of spells that a mage can use in order to perform simple tasks around the house. Such spells are completely ineffective in combat, though any mage with a voidal connection can perform them.


Ignite [Non-Combat] - A mage is able to conjure a small flame in order to light candles, ignite a fireplace, or even heat up a kettle of tea. Such a flame has no power to ignite anything else, much less have any uses in combat.


Redlines and Guidelines:

  • This spell is done with the snap of a finger or the flick of a wrist, simple motions, not requiring much concentration.
  • Ignite can be used to ignite a candle, fireplace, or even burn a single piece of paper. If used in any malicious way, the spell will dissipate.

Branch - Fire Evocation


Breeze [Non-Combat] - Even in the most dusty and congested places, a mage is able to conjure a simple breeze in order to perhaps blow away some cobwebs or dirt that sits in the corner.


Redlines and Guidelines:

  • The breeze spell has the strength of your typical breeze. It’s soft and may be able to blow away a few leaves, papers, cobwebs, or loose dirt. 
  • This spell has no potential to knock over or blow anyway anything heavier than a stack of papers. 

Branch - Air Evocation


Conjure Water [Non-Combat] - When in need of water, a mage is able to conjure forth a bucket’s worth of water in order to perform a task that requires such a substance, such as washing dishes or washing one’s hands.


Redlines and Guidelines:

  • The water is typically lukewarm, though may be slightly cooler if needed. It cannot vary much on the spectrum in terms of temperature.
  • The water cannot be consumed lest it simply vanishes.
  • Only about a bucket’s worth of water may be conjured at a time.

Branch - Water Evocation


Animate Broom [Non-Combat] - A lesser feat of telekinesis and transfiguration, allowing a mage to temporarily animate a broom or mop to perform sweeping/mopping tasks within the home. Such imbuement lasts only until the task is completed, before the object puts itself away.


Redlines and Guidelines:

  • The mop or broom cannot do anything more than what it is intended to do, meaning it cannot do anything more than mop or sweep.
  • Once the task is completed, the object will put itself away in a corner.

Branch - Telekinesis and Transfiguration


Command Object [Non-Combat] - Lesser objects are able to be passively moved with telekinesis should the mage have a need for such. This may be used for simple things like washing dishes with a sponge or opening an unlocked door from a distance. 


Redlines and Guidelines:

  • This spell cannot be used to command anything that weighs over 5kg.
  • A mage may command up to two objects at once.

Branch - Telekinesis


Illusive Words [Non-Combat] - A minor spell of illusion, permitting the caster to write softly glowing words upon any surface desired. The words, however, only lasts for a brief moment before vanishing, long enough for one to read them.


Redlines and Guidelines:

  • The words cannot last longer than two emotes.
  • Everyone in the vicinity sees the words, including the caster. A mage cannot cause just one person to see these words should others be nearby or in the same room.

Branch - Sensory Illusion


Clothing Shift [Non-Combat] – Upon examining their wardrobe, a domestic mage can chose to voidally shift right into their clothing, assuming it is nearby and within sight. 


Redlines and Guidelines:

  • This spell permits a mage to voidally shift their clothing ONTO them, so long as the garments are within sight and nearby.
  • This spell cannot be used in combat to avoid incoming attacks, as it will not move your position at all, only move the clothes onto your body.

Branch – Voidal Shifting


Perfume [Non-Combat] - With this minor illusion spell, a domestic mage is able to make themselves or their residence possess any pleasant smell that they wish. One may choose to make their home smell of cookies or herbs or flowers with such a spell, or apply a pleasant smell to themselves.


Redlines and Guidelines:

  • The perfume spell can only be used for pleasant spells, meaning that purposefully unpleasant odors are not possible. 
  • Such smells have no physical presence other than smell. This ‘perfume’ is able to be smelled by all within a close vicinity or within the house.
  • The smells are fairly faint and cannot mask any strong unpleasant odors, such as a decaying corpse.

Branch - Sensory Illusion


Conjure Familiar [Non-Combat] – This spell permits a domestic mage to conjure for themselves a simple familiar which they can play around with and perform simple tasks within their natural ability.


Redlines and Guidelines:

  • mage is able to conjure for themselves a simple familiar to assist with household tasks or simply to interact with.
  • The conjured familiar cannot exceed the size of a corgi.
  • A household mage may only have one familiar out at once.
  • While a mage is not required to dissect the animal to make it a familiar, the animal must be a regular creature, meaning nothing magical or mystical. 
  • The creature cannot exceed a five block radius away from the caster, lest it be deconjured.
  • The familiar cannot fight or commit villainous acts, such as thievery.

Branch – Conjuration


Pick Lock [Non-Combat] - By using this minor form of alteration, a mage is able to pick any locked door they so desire. Such a spell gives a mage a very small advantage, though magically consuming a lockpick in exchange. 


Redlines and Guidelines:

  • This spell requires at least two emotes to perform with a lockpick.
  • Pick Lock requires a lock pick in order to perform.
  • This spell follows all other rules of lockpicking and does not affect smashing down doors, only lockpicking.

Branch - Alteration


Force Lock [Non-Combat] – By using the power of alteration, one is able to force a door to lock itself from a distance. Such a lock will hold the strength of an average descendant lock.


Redlines and Guidelines:

  • This is really just a fancy spell that a mage can use as a roleplay alternative to the /lock command. 
  • This spell only works on doors that the mage owns and are not yet locked by another entity.

Branch – Alteration


Animate Letter [Non-Combat] - By enchanting a letter, a mage can animate any letter once folded into any shape of aviation and send it flying to any destination on its own.


Redlines and Guidelines:

Animate Letter requires three emotes to perform.

  • The letter must have some sort of avian shape, whether it be a plane or a bird. 
  • This spell adheres to all bird redlines.

Branch - Alteration


Rearrange Words [Non-Combat] - A lesser spell of transfiguration, allowing a mage to rearrange words on a letter in order to reply to another letter. It cannot create ink, but instead rearrange letters already written. 


Redlines and Guidelines:

  • Rearrange Words can take the words of a sent letter and rearrange them to form new phrases in response. This does not mean one is simply limited to the letters already given prior.
  • This spell cannot be used in any malicious way, such as sabotaging a letter or forgery.

Branch - Transfiguration


Mage Light [Non-Combat] - A simple and useful spell permitting the caster to conjure a small sphere of pure light to illuminate the area around them. Such a light is quite soft, unable to exceed that of a torch in terms of brightness


Redlines and Guidelines:

  • Mage Lights can be permanent or temporary, being simply little spheres of light which hover in one particular area.
  • Mage Lights are not able to blind and have no effect on dark creatures, only able to give off light equivalent to that of a torch. The light provides no heat as well as no solidarity.

Branch - Alteration and Transfiguration


Overall Redlines and Guidelines

  • Domestic magic requires an MA to practice, though as it is a feat it requires no slots. A domestic mage may only apply for a TA after they have learned and mastered all of the spells.
  • A domestic mage with a valid MA may learn any spell from any domestic mage with a TA, meaning that their initial teacher does not have to be their sole instructor. Such side-lessons, however, must be recorded.
  • Spells of household magic do not affect progression in order magics of that specialty. For example, a mage who uses ignite would still have the same tier progression in fire evocation as anyone else.
  • All spells have a maximum range of six blocks away from the mage, lest they be rendered null and void. The line of sight rule also must always apply.
  • Most spells can be performed within a single emote unless stated otherwise, usually casted with a flick of the wrist or snapping of fingers.
  • Domestic spells cannot help one to gain any combat advantage and can cause no harm whatsoever.
  • Additional spells may be run through LT approval.


OOC Explanation

Most of Void magic is centered around combat and throwing spells towards opponents. Domestic magic, however, allows for some flavorful roleplay centered around using the Void to perform simple household tasks. It's a fun little magic that I wouldn’t want to see gone.



Credit for This Lore

Pundimonium - Author


Previous Lore Writers

Toxcat, Booklight12, Supremacyops, Urara



Original Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/174896-✓-domesticated-magic/

Mage Light Lore: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/133376-lore-mage-light/


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I love the addition of the perfume spell. Also some very nice formatting. Good job!


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1 minute ago, BrandNewKitten said:

I think each voidal magic should have at least 1 spell. 

If you have any ideas, please do not hesitate to suggest.

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Cute! Nice and up to date

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50 minutes ago, Alpheus said:

If you have any ideas, please do not hesitate to suggest.


A couple off the top of my head. Clothes that you shift into. Utensils and small arcanism crafted objects. Maybe a flavour “locking” spell since there is a picklock spell? 

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Hey I have a fun suggestion. 


Edit the teaching redline to mean only people who have TAs in their voidal magic can teach their applicable spells in household magic. 


The user than makes a feat app or whatever for those spells and the teacher signs off saying it be kosher. 


Else who will be the first "masters" of domestic magic who mean to teach others it's art. Especially since it says you can't know spells you weren't taught. 

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6 hours ago, Alpheus said:

Overall Redlines and Guidelines

  • Anyone can practice domestic magic so long as they are able to establish and maintain a Voidal connection.
  •  Household magic does not require an MA to practice, so long as the mage is taught the proper spells by another mage who understand them.
  • Spells of household magic do not affect progression in order magics of that specialty. For example, a mage who uses ignite would still have the same tier progression in fire evocation as anyone else.
  • Most spells can be performed within a single emote unless stated otherwise, usually casted with a flick of the wrist or snapping of fingers.
  • Domestic spells cannot help one to gain any combat advantage and can cause no harm whatsoever.
  • Additional spells may be run through LT approval.



no. The big issue this had was that this was untrackable and that any joe blow could learn it with a teacher because everything that exists beyond the few exceptions can have a voidal connection.  have it require an accepted voidal MA and a teacher for the feat like how everything else functions.


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2 hours ago, Dardonas said:


no. The big issue this had was that this was untrackable and that any joe blow could learn it with a teacher because everything that exists beyond the few exceptions can have a voidal connection.  have it require an accepted voidal MA and a teacher for the feat like how everything else functions.


Let me know what you think of my suggestion just above your reply here, please. ?

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4 hours ago, Dardonas said:


no. The big issue this had was that this was untrackable and that any joe blow could learn it with a teacher because everything that exists beyond the few exceptions can have a voidal connection.  have it require an accepted voidal MA and a teacher for the feat like how everything else functions.



Wasn't the appeal of domestic magic that it didn't require an application? All this does is offer no real big or impactful benefit to RP. 


For me personally, anyone with an accepted MA in the void should be able to practice domestic magic as it doesnt imbark on anything too difficult.


If this is seen as the only thing wrong with the suggestion I'm sure Alphe will update it.


Nevertheless good post.

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5 hours ago, Demotheus said:



3 minutes ago, Jenny_Bobbs said:



Can’t tell you for sure if your suggestion would work, I’d have to think on it.  I’m simply saying why domestic magic got axed recently was because of the lack of tracking and open access.  I’m not speaking for the whole LT, but I would suggest that your chances of this getting accepted probably will go up if you address the reason why it was shelved to begin with.  


Having domestic magic feat applications isn’t a big deal anyways.  There isn’t risk involved with someone metagaming that you can mop the floor with your head as opposed to if this was a Striga CA or something.

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