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Event Sect Update - December


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Event Sect Update - December





Hey guys, Mystery here, and it’s that time of the month to talk about LOTC and events. Whilst the dev trio is working tirelessly to get our server back up for us… here’s a nice little post in order to talk about some of the major problems/developments that are going to be coming from the event sect. 




One of the big projects that are planned on the backburner of the ET is actually expanding on the  DIY events that had been put forward during ScreamingDingo’s tenure as event sect manager. Incase you’ve never seen that post, it’s listed just here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/184116-diy-events/?tab=comments#comment-1720338

I’ve been really happy to see the initiative that certain groups have put forward in actually using this format to make unique narratives without requiring ET intervention. One of the biggest problems with our server right now is the people who believe that us ET are the singular critical ingredient in creating sincere character development.. yet people don’t realize the power that player events have.

As such, working in joint with the LT here soon.. We’re gunna be releasing a entire BESTIARY, which lists every creature that players are allowed to play in making their own events! Im very excited to see this event asset come forward.. But i’ll go ahead and leak a sneak peak -



Don't tell Flambo that I did that, he’ll sacrifice me to Telanir’s downsizing blood rituals.




THE VOIDAL FINALE - Coming soon will be the FINALE of the Voidal Tear Eventline that has been in progress for the last SEVEN MONTHS! That’s f*cking crazy. I’ve been greatful to have a large amount of help from the newly recruited ET such as Trintastic, McDaedra, and DrHope. Here’s the post if you’re curious:


SPIDERS IN THE DEEP - Speaking of our newly recruited ET, they’ve worked beautifully in tandem recently to ALREADY create a rather impressive narrative for the dwarves with a deadly spider event. Spearheaded by Trintastic, it was possibly the best event I saw in the last month of November. Here’s a post by @SimpleSeo made on the matter if you’re interested:



SOMETHING’S FISHY - The breakout eventline of Vermy, a rather fun aquatic styled event that happened on December 1st within the halfling lands of Brandybrook, and will be getting expanded on here soon for the good pleasure of others possibly. If you’re interested, look here: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/187274-event-somethings-fishy/


POEM OF THE PILLARS - Power ET overlord lore man Xarkly continues to go ham with his events all across Arcas. Intriguing narratives that span the entire scope of our map’s secret history. I heavily suggest looking into it if you haven't yet. Here’s a post: https://www.lordofthecraft.net/forums/topic/187139-event-poem-of-the-pillars/?tab=comments#comment-1744326


WAR???? - Oh boy, if you didn’t have enough fun in the current warclaim happening on the server… something is coming up soon being spearheaded by ET actor Capace. He’s been working well to make a low fantasy eventline, which im sure most of the human playerbases could find enjoyment in.. no link here, but just a little sneakpeak: swhRXdLtwqiW4ArtGgxG9Gx6jAdnbXVnl5HBTLwe28WeRqTosdgzLMOGI-3Vaq5V-lnaOy0icX8p4Ak7aVbR7SLUIeRXEmKQvri2s449Ln-af6TWqzi4vRXcpBIWmKB24MyiO_tL
^ 1 of several, soonTM


CREATURES IN THE SNOW - Something I won't be as descriptive about, a large portion of our American ET, have been working in order to make a spicy and interesting event area that’ll be starting off here soon, having to do with our large snowy areas in the North.. spooky.


SWEEPING SORROWS - Along with other events that are soon to come out, good ET lad julius55 has been cooking up a VERY fun narrative that’ll be dropping here possibly around January that I expect a large portion of you fellahs will be interested in. Definitely one of the most interesting and well written ET events I've seen thus far.


And must I give a big shoutout to all the other ET whom have been making random encounter/mini one off events throughout the weeks. I’m ecstatic to see the passion coming from the team right now… and this is only the beginning.




















Right now we are not recruiting for the ET, any Story Actor apps will have a rather hefty waiting time. That being said, you are always free to make an application if you don't mind a long wait!



I thank you and commend you if you just read all of this, stay tuned for the stuff we have planned! I'm personally excited and hope you all will be too! If there is ever anything you need requiring event sect problems, make sure to either message me or our lovely co-manager Sykogenic on discord. (( Mystery#1104 and Sykotic#1867 ))


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22 minutes ago, ScreamingDingo said:

Why didn’t you shout out  @Dewper


They did fantastic work


That’s a very good question, I shouldn’t have forgotten to shout them out! I’ll make sure to remember them in Event Sect Update January! 

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8 hours ago, Tha_Mystery_Man said:

Right now we are not recruiting for the ET, any Story Actor apps will have a rather hefty waiting time. That being said, you are always free to make an application if you don't mind a long wait!

What about all the people that were already being interviewed? I know multiple people who worked really hard on their proposed event lines.


Side note: Its very good that the team and yourself are still trying to inspire people to do more player events. They're something you rarely see these days and hopefully the ability of players to add creatures will inspire them to create stories of their own. I think the biggest hesitation people face in performing them is the fear of not being good enough and doubt.


For anyone interested in making player events: Remember guys, it doesnt need to be super complicated. If you like the idea Just do it, Have fun, and Dont worry about it. We’re all here to have fun.

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@Knightie with Telanir’s new rules we are limited in how many people are allowed on the team as a whole. The people who are currently under review and interview are of course going to be given a chance. We would, however, had liked to recruit more of them than we’re allowed to.

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On 12/2/2019 at 4:24 PM, Tha_Mystery_Man said:

As such, working in joint with the LT here soon.. We’re gunna be releasing a entire BESTIARY, which lists every creature that players are allowed to play in making their own events! Im very excited to see this event asset come forward.. But i’ll go ahead and leak a sneak peak -

You put Golems in that list, don’t you need a CA to RP one?

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somethings fishy in why some people got denied without reason

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On 12/3/2019 at 9:21 PM, JuliusAakerlund said:

@Knightie with Telanir’s new rules we are limited in how many people are allowed on the team as a whole. The people who are currently under review and interview are of course going to be given a chance. We would, however, had liked to recruit more of them than we’re allowed to.


On 12/4/2019 at 11:37 AM, Parker said:

somethings fishy in why some people got denied without reason

What Julius said my guy, we defo want more people but are limited right now.

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@Rickson all creatures on the beastiary have clarification on if they can be played or not by players. The bestiary doesn’t only seek to provide parameters for players but also for the ET to use for events.


TL:DR some of them there ain’t able to be played by players.

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