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[EVENTLINE] Langerman and Upsher Investigations


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Langerman and Upsher Investigations is in need of new Private Investigators to take on specific cases that our current detectives do not have the resources to accept.


Job Description

     As a licensed Private Investigator, you will be in charge of solving various cases that may range from the ordinary, such as missing persons, to violent, such as solving a murder. Whatever it may be, it will be your duty to work efficiently, with discretion, and without bias. We here at Langerman and Upsher Investigations will see to it that you are properly trained with no additional fee, and after completion of this training, you will be given a professional PI License.



     To qualify, an individual must be of sound state, mind, and body. That means they must be at least eighteen (18) years of age, pass a psychology test, pass a background check, and be deemed physically fit. Experience in combat is not necessary, however rudimentary archery knowledge, along with knowledge on hand to hand combat, is appreciated. Must have standard vision and the ability to work with your hands. Must be able to stand, kneel, and crawl efficiently. Decent communication skills are required. Race and Sex are no longer in question.







I will be hosting a series of events focusing on investigative survival roleplay. This would include looking for clues, solving puzzles, talking to suspects, and solving criminal cases. These criminal cases start out benign, however they begin to grow darker and darker until they delve into occult horrors that will test your characters on a very personal level.


This very much will not be your typical event style. It is meant to be challenging, dark, and gritty. The build up will be slow. You may go unrewarded for long periods of time. Combat will be scarce, and it will be deadly, and there is a significant possibility that characters will die. While I will not enforce PKs, death means being booted out of the event in order to keep a sense of realism and add pressure to survive. Possibilities to join as a new character may be presented on a case by case basis. If you are actually reading this, please put “this theme would be a lot cooler with noir style revolvers, **** techlock” in your application below. That being said, when the opportunity arises, it will always be better for your characters to find a non-violent way out of conflict, and I will ensure that, the vast majority of the time, this will be possible… should you have made the correct choices prior. During this eventline, the choices you make could heavily affect the overarching story. This eventline will not be for the faint of heart, and it will be very detailed. Fading to Black during violence will not be common. In fact, the only time it will occur is if my manager makes me.


For this eventline, an application process will be held. This application is a four part process.

  • Part One is this forum post. Application format down below.

  • Part Two is a roleplay application. The character I have designed for this will get into contact with individual applicants eventually. I will be using the information learned from this application to learn more about your character, as well as to better tailor the overarching story. 

  • Part Three coincides with the roleplay application, and it merely asks for OOC answers to the rp application. While you do not necessarily need to be truthful on the irp application, the OOC application does require honesty. IRPly it is fine to say your character isn’t afraid of the dark. OOCly I need to know whether or not this is true. 

  • Part Four involves piecing together a character sheet tailored specifically to my eventlines. I will work with you personally to create this. It should be noted that these will only be “canon” in eventlines I run. If you complete one of my eventlines, and the same character joins another of mine, we will most likely be using the same sheet you already made.


This eventline is not meant to be applied for in groups, however I am limiting each event to 3-4 people. I will be choosing who will be partnered with who (ask nicely and talk to me and you may have some say in this). How many groups will be permitted to join depends on how many people take an interest in this.


After submitting your forum application, please be patient. I am still working on the details of this story and getting builds and skins set up, so it may take some time. Do not hassle me in discord for something as insignificant as an ETA. I will ******* block you. Otherwise, feel free to PM me at any time and I will do my best to answer the questions you have.





This is not a “you can pass or fail this” type of application. The only way you could possibly fail this is if I find you have lied on any of the OOC questions.


Furthermore, if you want to kill hordes of enemies, this eventline is not for you. If you want to be a big hero and get a ton of loot, this eventline is not for you. If you play a mary sue who is afraid of nothing and has no flaws, this eventline is not for you. If you get queasy easily, this eventline is not for you. If you are not a fan of horror elements and themes, this eventline is not for you. If you are only looking to flex your magic or strength, please stay the **** away. 


If you are seeking a way to have fun in a Call of Cthulhu style eventline where you want to be fearful and put on edge oocly, where your character’s mind will be tested, phobias will be gained, and development will be abundant,  I encourage you to sign up. And yes, while loot is not a priority, there will be items you can collect.






Mc Name:

Discord Username:


Best time to contact you in game:



Rp Name:




Relevant Experience:

Please provide a brief statement in regards to who you are as a person:


<insert OOC questions and comments here, bonus points if you can guess the name references> 




If interested, please send an inquiry with a return address to Miles Langerman at the Langerman and Upsher Investigations Office located in the Commonwealth of Kaedrin.

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he held me at gunpoint until I gave him rep please help


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Mc Name: Archipelego

Discord Username: Archipelego

Timezone: EST

Best time to contact you in game: 4 – 10 PM EST on weekdays, most of the time on weekend. Week after next I go on Spring Break, too.



Rp Name: Fred

Race: Wonk

Gender: “Eh”

Age: 20

Relevant Experience: Wilderness survival is about it, really.

Please provide a brief statement in regards to who you are as a person:

I consider myself a cultured Wonk, and I wish to help the people. This seemed like a good opportunity, to widen my own horizons and solve some issues.





 this theme would be a lot cooler with noir style revolvers, **** techlock


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Mc Name: Whiplashist

Discord Username: you got it big boiy

Timezone: EST

Best time to contact you in game: 5PM on; sometimes I’m on earlier.



Rp Name: Alexandra Victorine

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 29

Relevant Experience: Opportunist.

Please provide a brief statement in regards to who you are as a person: I find myself to be a trustworthy person. Don’t cross me.

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Mc Name: acostrob

Discord Username: aco#2986

Timezone: GMT+1

Best time to contact you in game: Anywhere between 3-4pm EST to 6pm EST



Rp Name: Caldwin Attano

Race: Human

Gender: Male

Age: 32

Relevant Experience: Father used to be a detective, and took him as help for some of his less graphic jobs.

Please provide a brief statement in regards to who you are as a person: Someone who always finishes what he starts.


this theme would be a lot cooler with noir style revolvers, **** techlock.

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Mc Name: Lugh__

Discord Username: Lugh_#2834

Timezone: EST

Best time to contact you in game: 6PM onwards usually.



Name - 
Vule’onn Turival


Race - 
Mali’aheral, Mali’thill, High Elf


Gender - 


Age - 



Relevant Experience -

Trained and worked with the Paladins and other do gooders to help bring an end to the voidal threat. This involved working through illusions concocted by voidic forces, meaning I am more than fit to solve the comparatively simpler cases involving descendants. I am a steward secondly, having run a tavern for many years before the disbanding of the Order of Xan. I am a ‘thill of proper distinction, able to easily work through reams and reams of paper work. Thirdly, I am a trained and certified medic in both the Haelun’or Clinic and Curantes Guild and have been so for more than twenty years. Lastly, I am trained for combat in the Mali’ame art of the Spear and shield.


Please provide a brief statement in regards to who you are as a person -

Fiercely loyal, someone you can depend on to stick to his word – No more, no less. I am highly observant and able to preserve in the most trying of situations.

*Down at the bottom there is a beautifully drawn signature of an elegant, elvish nature.*



Edited by Litterae_Magum
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Mc Name: Feebis

Discord Username: TemporalShift#3708

Timezone: CST

Best time to contact you in game: 3 PM CST



Rp Name: Asami Ambrose

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Relevant Experience: She had a brief investigation event in Talon’s Grotto where she and her partner Anastasia Dokar followed a string of clues to more evidence of a murder committed there. She has medical experience and is looking towards finding out the complexities of rigor and livor mortis. She is able to patch up a minor wound, burn, or do sutures on less serious injuries.

Please provide a brief statement in regards to who you are as a person: She’s fiercely determined, paranoid, obsessive, and surprisingly observant of the people around her. She wants to understand people and their relationship with mortality. Despite being terrified of death, she wants to overcome her fear and understand its purpose in their world and life.



this theme would be a lot cooler with noir style revolvers, **** techlock


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Mc Name: shancker

Discord Username: shancker#0392

Timezone: GMT-4 (Atlantic Time)

Best time to contact you in game: Usually quite active in the evenings on weeknights.



Rp Name: Yegoth

Race: Goblin

Gender: Male

Age: 18

Relevant Experience: Though Blah is my first language, I understand the common-tongue (and can speak it with some difficulty). I can survive alone in the wilderness indefinitely, and possess the remarkable talent of pattern-recognition inherent to my kind.

Please provide a brief statement in regards to who you are as a person: I am a young Goblin who is determined to prove their worth. While I am clanless, my mother belongs to the intellectually focused clan of Yar. She raised me in the library of San’Azkag, pushing her kub to pursue challenges of both mind and body. Working in this field can allow me to develop the skills needed to become Yar, while also providing aid to those in need.


((This theme would be a lot cooler with noir style revolvers, **** techlock!))

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