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lotc is filled with racist

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You are one of the causes of the community toxicity. Hear yourself in voice chat and in discord channels. 🙂

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player count goes up n quality of the server goes down

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homie, let me give you some life advice. If you’re not here having fun don't do it. If you’re investing your life and social live in Minecraft, you’re not living. I get it making huge leaving posts and ****, but bro most people who got addicted to lotc and left realize that **** already. Just live life ya know? Who tf cares about a virtual server

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public posts = you’re coming back

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contribute to the solution; help new players, become an ET, be less toxic


but if you want to have a real life good luck

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Tbh, staff meddling is a huge problem. We have too many rules to the point where simply walking is a crime punishable by death. The staff needs to cease meddling in player affairs and let wars and conflicts happen naturally, there’s a reason why people have nostalgia for Anthos, Athera, etc and it’s because the staff didn’t meddle as much as they do now.


Edit: Community toxicity is also a huge problem, it creates “fake news” and everything becomes inflammatory. I wouldn’t be surprised if someone just throws a disagreement to this response just for the sake of gaining some kind of clout among their circle of friends. People need to wake up and realize that we’re all in this together, the whole manipulative disagreement for the sake of disagreement thing needs to stop.

Edited by drfate786
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