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Recovering The Ancient Tongue Of The Elves.


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Though I am shocked that we missed dance and sing. They are pretty darn important words to elves.

[OOC]: Well, sing at least wasn't missed. The first High Elves may remember a song a girl named Eowyn dubbed. There's a bit where it said: "We sing, rejoice" which we chose to translate as "lye iheiuhii'saerae". It may not be an original word, but it's a well-done composition. In the same direction, then, "we dance" could be "We manage our bodies" (my old Elven is a bit rusty now, so feel free to translate yourselves, but I'd say it's "lye taliyna'saerae" or something like that). That's the conjugate form, though.

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[OOC]: Well, sing at least wasn't missed. The first High Elves may remember a song a girl named Eowyn dubbed. There's a bit where it said: "We sing, rejoice" which we chose to translate as "lye iheiuhii'saerae". It may not be an original word, but it's a well-done composition. In the same direction, then, "we dance" could be "We manage our bodies" (my old Elven is a bit rusty now, so feel free to translate yourselves, but I'd say it's "lye taliyna'saerae" or something like that). That's the conjugate form, though.

While I am much appreciative of the effort in making and finding these words, from my experience new verbs are created from words that would be used as base nouns to build from. They are lovely renditions, but it complicates adding affixes. The other bonus for forming a new word is that it can reflect a visible sound. Like 'breath' and 'peace'. Many Elven words sound similar to the action that they represent, so I think it would be worth having at least a word for music which could be added to talk and walk to make sing and dance.

I could make a suggestion, but I am sure someone will have fun thinking of what 'music' should sound like.

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Elindor if you want to continue to help developing the language, contact me or sporadic on skype. We have a team for the language.

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Can someone translate, "I bless the trees and hope you do not become a wandering soul"

Did you mean 'I hope the TREES do not become wandering souls', as your topic suggests, or did you truly mean that you bless the trees and, completely unrelated, also hope the person you are speaking with does not become a wandering soul?'

For the first, it is:

kae taliamean ahere avhiylun'ehya ito'neh haean'leh kento

For the second:

kae taliamean ahere avhiylun'ehya ito'neh nae'leh kento

The literal translation is a bit dodgy due to the highly differing grammar between languages (i cheated a little), but it should confer the general message.

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Did you mean 'I hope the TREES do not become wandering souls', as your topic suggests, or did you truly mean that you bless the trees and, completely unrelated, also hope the person you are speaking with does not become a wandering soul?'

For the first, it is:

kae taliamean ahere avhiylun'ehya ito'neh haean'leh kento

For the second:

kae taliamean ahere avhiylun'ehya ito'neh nae'leh kento

The literal translation is a bit dodgy due to the highly differing grammar between languages (i cheated a little), but it should confer the general message.

Thanks for the translation.

I wanted this for a religion I am creating. So the first one is more correct.

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Is there a way to print this or something? I would like to have this on paper instead of having to read it off of the forums.

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Copy... Paste... Voila?

No, copy and paste doesn't seem to work. It comes out with weird highlight colors that you can't get rid of. I've tried getting rid of formatting, but then of course it loses the bold and text size, so it is very hard to read... Anyone have ideas?

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No, copy and paste doesn't seem to work. It comes out with weird highlight colors that you can't get rid of. I've tried getting rid of formatting, but then of course it loses the bold and text size, so it is very hard to read... Anyone have ideas?


go from there?

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Updated on January 13th.

Added were, among other things:

  • Two words for ruler, one negative (uthir) for one who rules by own decree, and the sohaer, who rules by teachings (supposedly of those who went before him)
  • words for near and high (low and far can be made with -ne for now)
  • 'this' and 'that', for cleaner sentences and useful prefixes
  • words for 'upon' and 'like' (not the verb). find them in the 'extra words' section
  • colors brown, pink and purple (purple being the elven color of art. Brown may be associated with growth. Green is coming soon.)
  • Various useful other words and verbs

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I have taken the time to convert the post into a word document. If anyone wants the document version, PM me and I can email it to you.

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Can someone tell me what  my/me would be in elven Along with the words for This/that

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me/my: kae

this: iyl

that: iyul

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Music? With altering words to make dance and sing?


Ta thankyou Sporadic.

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