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[✗] [CA Race] Nephilim - Children of Azdromoth + Herald Addition


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im not ST anymore and my opinion literally doesnt matter but im gonna leave it here anyways




- formatting is IMPECCABLE


- Unit system: Having a system for exhaustion is always a based thing to have because it stops the largest source of undetectable metagaming; the ability to do things endlessly, a long term plague on lotc. pretty cool


- 3 day ability cooldown after death: i remember this from the previous writes, and i still think its cool


- rite of immaculate blade: far better method to have a ritual that can be learned and taught, compared to the old way of having a single chucklefuck holding the power of life and death in his hands


- mental description: this section has always been very good and very interesting, likely my favorite part of azdrazi. the mixture of well educated scholar and orator with the constant pull of fundamental 'dragon brain' to hoard ****. makes a very cute dynamic


- frost & cold weakness: thank **** its back. very cool very good

- xan weakness: good that its clarified, but in general xannic weaponry affects everyone. that is why its not so explicitly stated in the current lore; the implication is that everyone is burned by it. however, good clarification that it does infact affect azdrazi in the way fire does. i should have added that to my lore.


- brands: very cute flavor rp ****, always liked this one

- draan binding: very cool weapon dependence and binding. having auxiliary items like this makes for better rp in my experience




- uruk strength: gonna get flak for this but i never like this kind of **** in lore. imo that's where a lot of the idea that azdrazi are OP come from; inherently, better and stronger than the majority of the other people in their weight class. but i see this isnt going anywhere, so i might recommend making it tied to the temperature of the environment. a cold azdrazi being very weak, and an azdrazi in an incredibly hot location exuding uruk strength. the middle ground of this, a temperate environment, would maybe be the peak strength of their race. just makes it more dynamic and cool instead of a simple power up.


- polymorphing: polymorphing is cool and critical, but i really dont see why azdrazi need the ability to become any race. I understand that it's a key feature of being draconic, but I think you could get away with nerfing it under the assumption that azdrazi are bastardized and unfinished creations. just being able to become and look like a mortal of your own race would be pretty sufficient

- corruption: having more avenues of corruption, such as mysticism, naztherak, etc, would be very cool. additionally, having them all function slightly differently or having different aesthetics would make for better corruption roleplay.


- abilities & dragonsflame: abilities (largely) do not clarify what is and what is not dragonsfire. additionally, dragonsfire on lotc is very strong. something i liked about a previous write that i read was that summoning dragonsfire took multiple emotes and a great deal of focus. that should be brought back, because of the inherent strength of dragonsfire on lotc. unless you made a bastardized, weaker version of dragonsfire. if so, that should be clarified.

- flamespew: four meters is a BIG fuckin distance, thats like roughly 13 feet. would cut in half, getting shoved back 2 blocks by fire is pretty badass already.

Overall, right, I like it. I think it is a vast improvement on the old lore and a great step in the right direction. I just also think there are several things that can be debated or outright stick out as sore thumbs of unaddressed issues inherited from previous editions of the lore. could be pretty cool with some changes, though, and that is what the purpose of the lore reviewal process is.


have a good day you ******* lizards

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1 hour ago, Archipelego said:

im not ST anymore and my opinion literally doesnt matter but im gonna leave it here anyways




- formatting is IMPECCABLE


- Unit system: Having a system for exhaustion is always a based thing to have because it stops the largest source of undetectable metagaming; the ability to do things endlessly, a long term plague on lotc. pretty cool


- 3 day ability cooldown after death: i remember this from the previous writes, and i still think its cool


- rite of immaculate blade: far better method to have a ritual that can be learned and taught, compared to the old way of having a single chucklefuck holding the power of life and death in his hands


- mental description: this section has always been very good and very interesting, likely my favorite part of azdrazi. the mixture of well educated scholar and orator with the constant pull of fundamental 'dragon brain' to hoard ****. makes a very cute dynamic


- frost & cold weakness: thank **** its back. very cool very good

- xan weakness: good that its clarified, but in general xannic weaponry affects everyone. that is why its not so explicitly stated in the current lore; the implication is that everyone is burned by it. however, good clarification that it does infact affect azdrazi in the way fire does. i should have added that to my lore.


- brands: very cute flavor rp ****, always liked this one

- draan binding: very cool weapon dependence and binding. having auxiliary items like this makes for better rp in my experience




- uruk strength: gonna get flak for this but i never like this kind of **** in lore. imo that's where a lot of the idea that azdrazi are OP come from; inherently, better and stronger than the majority of the other people in their weight class. but i see this isnt going anywhere, so i might recommend making it tied to the temperature of the environment. a cold azdrazi being very weak, and an azdrazi in an incredibly hot location exuding uruk strength. the middle ground of this, a temperate environment, would maybe be the peak strength of their race. just makes it more dynamic and cool instead of a simple power up.


- polymorphing: polymorphing is cool and critical, but i really dont see why azdrazi need the ability to become any race. I understand that it's a key feature of being draconic, but I think you could get away with nerfing it under the assumption that azdrazi are bastardized and unfinished creations. just being able to become and look like a mortal of your own race would be pretty sufficient

- corruption: having more avenues of corruption, such as mysticism, naztherak, etc, would be very cool. additionally, having them all function slightly differently or having different aesthetics would make for better corruption roleplay.


- abilities & dragonsflame: abilities (largely) do not clarify what is and what is not dragonsfire. additionally, dragonsfire on lotc is very strong. something i liked about a previous write that i read was that summoning dragonsfire took multiple emotes and a great deal of focus. that should be brought back, because of the inherent strength of dragonsfire on lotc. unless you made a bastardized, weaker version of dragonsfire. if so, that should be clarified.

- flamespew: four meters is a BIG fuckin distance, thats like roughly 13 feet. would cut in half, getting shoved back 2 blocks by fire is pretty badass already.

Overall, right, I like it. I think it is a vast improvement on the old lore and a great step in the right direction. I just also think there are several things that can be debated or outright stick out as sore thumbs of unaddressed issues inherited from previous editions of the lore. could be pretty cool with some changes, though, and that is what the purpose of the lore reviewal process is.


have a good day you ******* lizards


Hey there, Archipelego! It's always based to see a response from you. The Azdrazi community thank you for your kind words and suggestions. I'll clarify a few of your concerns below.


1) In terms of uruk strength, it is - as you've stated - something we have had for a long while. A lot of races which are more magically inclined have scraped, swung around and also given themselves brutish strength. The sad truth is: if we make it so that the 'original race' strength of an Azdrazi remains (i.e a human who turns into an Azdrazi in a 'neutral zone' is only at their peak strength, human). You will [I trust the Azdrazi not to do this] find a lot of members who discourage roleplay by making new personas (likely orcs) and then turning into Azdrazi to bypass this. However, in light of this suggestion, the Azdrazi do grow physically weaker in cold environments.


2) Polymorphing is an ability used by the Azdrazi for many reasons: first is to disguise in mortal cohorts to spread the faith of Azdromoth. As is for most races with horns, it is extremely hard to find roleplay without this. Of course, we can say 'it is a consequence of becoming powerful, scorned by other races due to having scales and horns, i.e looking part-time demonic'. I don't disagree, it does come with good roleplay, but it - as proven in histories calling - becomes a severe issue. In light of this, we have nerfed polymorphing so it is not a permanent shield. You will not find the Azdrazi using their powers whilst polymorphed as it wears off, even when using our uruk strength now!


3) I would not like to press all dark magics to be able to corrupt the Azdrazi. However, I will personally allow my own character to be corrupted by other magics not listed should they naturally be allowed to do so in their spells and abilities. Necromancy simply fits the aesthetic and the history, as per Iblees corrupting Azdromoth with his necromantic prowess.

4) Dragonsfire has been an iffy topic because it was never clarified to us by any story team member. Dragonsfire from large drakes and dragons are extremely hot, do not burn out and literally incinerate, being able to melt the strongest of metals without any care. Last map, we were confused and also told dragonfire is able to ‘harm spectral, incorporeal beings’, something we found as powerful, hence did not clarify, add or use. Dragonsfire in our rewrite is not OP. It is quite literally: mundane fire that can pack a punch (i.e holds weight). All abilities that use flames / fire (unless if it specifically states ‘MUNDANE’) should be dragonfire, I will clarify with the other Azdrazi and get back to you on this. I believe the current cooldown times for the dragonsfire abilities (well above 2-3 for concentration) is perfect, and anything above is unfair already with our new unit system.


5) I do not have anything to comment on flamespew. If ST wishes for us to nerf it should it be an issue, I will happily oblige. I personally think four blocks is perfect, but that may just be me!


Once again, thank you for your comment! 

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2 minutes ago, Milenkhov said:


Hey there, Archipelego! It's always based to see a response from you. The Azdrazi community thank you for your kind words and suggestions. I'll clarify a few of your concerns below.


1) In terms of uruk strength, it is - as you've stated - something we have had for a long while. A lot of races which are more magically inclined have scraped, swung around and also given themselves brutish strength. The sad truth is: if we make it so that the 'original race' strength of an Azdrazi remains (i.e a human who turns into an Azdrazi in a 'neutral zone' is only at their peak strength, human). You will [I trust the Azdrazi not to do this] find a lot of members who discourage roleplay by making new personas (likely orcs) and then turning into Azdrazi to bypass this. However, in light of this suggestion, the Azdrazi do grow physically weaker in cold environments.


2) Polymorphing is an ability used by the Azdrazi for many reasons: first is to disguise in mortal cohorts to spread the faith of Azdromoth. As is for most races with horns, it is extremely hard to find roleplay without this. Of course, we can say 'it is a consequence of becoming powerful, scorned by other races due to having scales and horns, i.e looking part-time demonic'. I don't disagree, it does come with good roleplay, but it - as proven in histories calling - becomes a severe issue. In light of this, we have nerfed polymorphing so it is not a permanent shield. You will not find the Azdrazi using their powers whilst polymorphed as it wears off, even when using our uruk strength now!


3) I would not like to press all dark magics to be able to corrupt the Azdrazi. However, I will personally allow my own character to be corrupted by other magics not listed should they naturally be allowed to do so in their spells and abilities. Necromancy simply fits the aesthetic and the history, as per Iblees corrupting Azdromoth with his necromantic prowess.

4) Dragonsfire has been an iffy topic because it was never clarified to us by any story team member. Dragonsfire from large drakes and dragons are extremely hot, do not burn out and literally incinerate, being able to melt the strongest of metals without any care. Last map, we were confused and also told dragonfire is able to ‘harm spectral, incorporeal beings’, something we found as powerful, hence did not clarify, add or use. Dragonsfire in our rewrite is not OP. It is quite literally: mundane fire that can pack a punch (i.e holds weight). All abilities that use flames / fire (unless if it specifically states ‘MUNDANE’) should be dragonfire, I will clarify with the other Azdrazi and get back to you on this. I believe the current cooldown times for the dragonsfire abilities (well above 2-3 for concentration) is perfect, and anything above is unfair already with our new unit system.


5) I do not have anything to comment on flamespew. If ST wishes for us to nerf it should it be an issue, I will happily oblige. I personally think four blocks is perfect, but that may just be me!


Once again, thank you for your comment! 

solid, measured, responable response. god speed and good luck with your lore, even if we dont entirely agree.

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On 6/15/2021 at 4:23 PM, Luciloo said:


I was never on the ST honey. Like your lore was fine when you wrote it, but clearly issues have risen with the CA and its playerbase which need addressing. This doesn't address any of those issues, it's not good enough and I'm sorry you feel otherwise.


You've clearly got a bad attitude honey, maybe stop going back and forth on a role-play forum with people you don't know just because they disagree with you.

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I don't really see too much explanation on the weakness with Necromancy and how the corrupt flames is an actual downside besides "O me want to kill my dragonkin" - this is a cool idea but it needs to be expanded on and explained more.


Would also be nice to see a way to at least 'soft kill' an Azdrazi or something - the three days no power is kind of meh. I feel like there should be a way to at least make it harder for an Azdrazi, maybe something revolving around if one is killed the Xannic mist.


Overall pretty good job and grats to the Azdrazi community on a pretty nice re-write with cool weaknesses and strengths. I've had my problems with parts of the community, but I'm glad to see y'all have changed a good bit and actually don't just want a blatantly overpowered CA and actually want to bring avenues of RP. Best of luck with polishing it up and getting it accepted.

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On 6/16/2021 at 3:23 PM, Archipelego said:

- flamespew: four meters is a BIG fuckin distance, thats like roughly 13 feet. would cut in half, getting shoved back 2 blocks by fire is pretty badass already.

Just to add for reference btw, flame thrower from Fire Evocation, which while taking 4 emotes to cast, has a range of 1x7 blocks, and can last up to 4 emotes (assuming the mage is T5 oc)

and while fire evo is very different from azdrazi, I still think the two abelites are similar enough

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On 6/15/2021 at 6:05 PM, TreeSmoothie said:

I feel like polymorphs should be given a limit, along /w making them less perfect. i.e. puffs of soot from their mouth, darkened eyes, dull talons, ashy skin. Still pree based but weird /w the infinite disguises.


most azdrazi already do puffs of smoke from the nose or jaws, heat distortions around their mouth or eyes, unnaturally warm skin, etc but iirc it isnt required. could be tho, kinda like how illusion voidal magic has distortions in any full-body hologram or whatever if it's a big enchant or spell. smoke/heat/distortions are confusable with other magics and/or arent noticeable at all unless closely inspecting, therefore making it the better option to create rp imo

idk tho i just think the more subtle magical remnants are better than physically identifiable remnants. requires for people to rp to figure out what they are rather than looking at talons or cuteboy horns or ashy skin and saying "DEEEMOOONNNN!!!!", cus that's what'll happen more often than not. defeats the purpose of polymorphs

but i do think perhaps a limitation of 2 or 3 polymorph skins could be done that are attached to a moderation hidden CA, therefore allowing it to be tracked with what they turn into and provides a hard limit. @Milenkhov lets consider for later

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1 hour ago, Ryloth said:


most azdrazi already do puffs of smoke from the nose or jaws, heat distortions around their mouth or eyes, unnaturally warm skin, etc but iirc it isnt required. could be tho, kinda like how illusion voidal magic has distortions in any full-body hologram or whatever if it's a big enchant or spell. smoke/heat/distortions are confusable with other magics and/or arent noticeable at all unless closely inspecting, therefore making it the better option to create rp imo

idk tho i just think the more subtle magical remnants are better than physically identifiable remnants. requires for people to rp to figure out what they are rather than looking at talons or cuteboy horns or ashy skin and saying "DEEEMOOONNNN!!!!", cus that's what'll happen more often than not. defeats the purpose of polymorphs

but i do think perhaps a limitation of 2 or 3 polymorph skins could be done that are attached to a moderation hidden CA, therefore allowing it to be tracked with what they turn into and provides a hard limit. @Milenkhov lets consider for later

Yeah! I like that idea, and the limitation. A hard limit should defo be done, though, esp since it's a base azdrazi ability and azdrazi are  p numerous

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19 hours ago, King_Kunuk said:

Just to add for reference btw, flame thrower from Fire Evocation, which while taking 4 emotes to cast, has a range of 1x7 blocks, and can last up to 4 emotes (assuming the mage is T5 oc)

and while fire evo is very different from azdrazi, I still think the two abelites are similar enough


Fire evocationists are also incredibly weak physically at that tier, unable to disguise themselves innately, and are not immune to fire, nor immortal and undying. Flamethrower also does not possess physical impact to it nor the ability to be made into blueflame. 


That is a really bad comparison. 

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21 hours ago, King_Kunuk said:

Just to add for reference btw, flame thrower from Fire Evocation, which while taking 4 emotes to cast, has a range of 1x7 blocks, and can last up to 4 emotes (assuming the mage is T5 oc)

and while fire evo is very different from azdrazi, I still think the two abelites are similar enough

bad comparison. i wasnt complaining about the range, i was complaining about the fact that flamespew would throw you back four blocks. that is a HUGE distance to throw someone, not a huge distance for the range itself. sorry if it wasnt clear from my explanation

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      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

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      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

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