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[✗] [Magic Lore]Bound Mana


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Bound Mana, the Art of Horronology



It is known that a Voidal Mage draws upon the void itself to bring about spells and abilities to which no normal mortal can perform without years of training. The Void is a realm where creation is emulated by those who draw upon its power, but there are other ‘things’ that lurk within the Veil. Things that hunger for the sake of merely growing in size and strength. For the longest time, Voidal Mages would often be subjected to these creatures, having their minds torn asunder, puppeted, or simply murdered for acting as a gateway in which these creatures can pass through. However with the modern developments of Voidal Magic, and a greater understanding of the Void slowly becoming more and more dawned upon the Void Mages of today, methods of not only warding off such horrors and creatures have come into practice, but the ability to bind and use them as tools has now also arose. This art and practice is known as Bound Mana.


Bound mana is a voidal magic in which a Void Mage uses their connection to the void to bound and enslave lesser entities of the Veil to their will by tethering their mana to such entities as a means to shackle them. The art of Bound Mana though is a dangerous magic to learn and undertake. For such a practice while allowing Void Mages to better combat the entities of the Void, it can make them more vulnerable to it as their minds act as gateways in which such creatures can venture out if a void mage is not careful.




-Bound Mana takes up [1] magic slot.

-Bound Mana can be practiced with a valid MA from one with a valid TA who has mastered the art to be learned.

-Bound Mana requires a stable connection to the Void.

-Bound Mana can only be learned by a Void Mage who is at least T3 or higher in any given type of Void Magic due to the intensity of the art, requiring a mastered connection to the void as to properly produce the needed results



Learning and Casting

In order to cast and use the art of Bound Mana, a void mage must first establish a Mana Anchor to the Void. With their connection to the Void, a void mage must imbue the Anchor with an amount of Mana to make it seem akin to a beacon in the dark, a lure for those monsters that rest in the veil to see. Such creatures of the void are then trapped by a 'net' of mana made by the mage who then forcibly draws them into reality to which a tethered link 'enslaves' such entities and keeps them bound to the real world. The bound creature then becomes an open extension of the will of the Void Mage, forced to stay within the material realm and serve the mage so long as the Void Mage maintains a connection to the Void. Learning such an art often involves the teacher assisting the student with measuring, and amplifying the Illumination of the student’s mana anchor, as well as acting as an extra buffer to keep the practicer’s mind safe from more malevolent entities as well as assist in maintaining control over the creature.





When using Bound Mana, a Void Mage uses their Mana Anchor as a beacon to lure the lesser entities of the Veil to them, in which they then insnare and use in any of the ways Bound Mana can be practiced as they are drawn forth from the Void.



The Types of Bound Mana

As the magic of Bound Mana is somewhat freeform, it can be split into three subtypes of study. The first step in learning Bound Mana is the knowledged based aspect of Horronology, the field of study in where a voidal mage examines, documents, and learns about the creatures of the Void in which will be used by the Void Mage in order to carry out the two secondary art styles Bound Mana can produce. The first type of actual magic the Magi will undertake is called Material Binding, in which a Void Mage calls forth a Voidal Creature and shapes it’s essence into a physical object to which the Void Mage can use. Such a practice can have a wide variety in range. From making simple household objects such as a mug, a chair, or even an entire table to actual weapons such as swords, spears and even shields. The second art of Bound Mana is the practice of Voidspawn-Summoning. A more complex method of Bound Mana where the Void Mage physically manifests a Voidal Creature into the material world instead of weaving it’s essence into an object of some kind as well as the needed abilities to use the void to banish such creatures back into the Veil given enough practice and skill.




Bound Mana has two ‘subtypes’ of magic in which a mage practices, and one subtype of knowledge based information which they must learn. The magic they will learn is Material Binding, and Voidspawn-Summoning, while the knowledge based aspect is known as Horronology, which is the study of the creatures of the Veil. Due to Horronology not being classified as an official part of the Magic, it can be learned irply by those who do not use Bound Mana, though putting it’s learned functions to use can only be truly done by a Magi who has learned this specific Voidal craft.


The terminology used is:

Horronology: The study of the creatures of the Void such as the lesser creatures known as Voidspawn, and the more extreme and rightfully feared Voidal Horrors
Material Binding: shaping the essence of the creatures of the Veil into objects and shapes to serve the Void Mage in some purpose

Voidspawn-Summoning: Summoning forth and banishing the creatures detailed in Horronology from the Veil. Considered to be the hardest aspect to master in Bound Mana.




The Veil is full of monstrous and otherworldly creatures that are as incomprehensible as the realm that spawns them, though is it up to the sane or the insane to try and make sense of such ill understood understandings? Horronology is the field of knowledge in which Void Mages, crazed or not, have undertaken in order to try and document the theoretical infinite forms such monsters can take. In the end, they have come to an understanding that the creatures of the Void (with the term and theological study including the rightfully feared Voidal Horrors). These lesser creatures are referred to as Voidspawn, a much weaker, and far less potent creature of the void with an intelligence no greater than that of an animal. These Voidspawn can be ‘classified’ into four different categories. Voidlings, Voidalisks, Void-Celeritas, and Void-Ilers. Each kind of Voidspawn is used in a unique way, having different strengths, weaknesses, and uses to which have been documented.





-The ‘identification’ process describes the traits and abilities of each given Voidspawn. Despite the lore saying there is an ‘infinite’ amount, they will always fall into one of these four categories.

-The reason for this is to allow for mages and ST to have a large degree of aesthetic and creative freedom in how the monsters they can summon/use in events. While say for instance, two Voidalisks look completely different, they will always mechanically and functionally be the same in terms of strength for RP/CRP purposes, having the exact same strengths and weaknesses.

-This is not meant to accurately describe any specific kind of Void Creature within these four subgroups. These are merely an outline that players and ST should follow when summoning/using such creatures in events

-While all Voidspawn (save for voidalings) have a certain emote amount to which they can endure damage (using regular steel blades as the given damage type), they will always, near instantly be forced to demanifest back into the Veil or die if they are subjected to the effects of Thanium or struck/harmed by an object/weapon coated in Auric Oil due to the anti-mana properties of such materials/creations.

-When summoned by players, they are expected to be properly role played out, acting on the same emote turn as the Void Mage (The mage can take the liberty to type the emote separate from their own). A Voidspawn can be represented by a physical build, provided the player has the perms to place down the blocks





The most simple and easily understood out of all of the Voidal creatures, a Voidling is thought to be the ‘Echo’ formed from the casting of spells a voidal mage undertakes. Equated to bottomfeeders, these harmless creatures are formed and feed off of excess mana left in the void when a mage casts spells, as well as feed off of any excess energies given off by Voidal Horrors who lurk in the Veil. Due to their simple nature, as well as being the weakest form any void creature could ever have, they are often subjected to a Void Mage’s Material Binding Spell, their essence being weaved and twisted into the object the mage desires the most. Such creatures as well are also summoned as a test of skill and good for practice for any aspiring mage going down the path of Bound Mana





-A voidling is an entirely Non-Combat creature, unable to put up any form of resistance to any assault upon it.

-A voidling can range in size from being no bigger than a hand, to being roughly the size of a medium sized dog. However no matter what shape/size it takes up, it will never be able to put up any form of fight.

-Voidlings exist in Lore for the use of Material Binding, as well as acting as the Non-Combat variant for Voidspawn-Summoning so mages do not always have to summon a monster of some kind for roleplay.

-The only circumstances in which a Voidling may be used in a combat setting is if in an event and played by an ST, where the Voidling acts as weak, easily disposed of fodder of some kind for much larger, and stronger creatures.

-This Voidspawn is considered to be T2 for the purposes of summoning (detailed below).





Known as a more evolved form of a Voidling (considered by scholars to be a later step in the Void-monster’s life cycle), a Voidalisk is a Voidling which has grown and evolved into a more monstrous and violent creature over the course of hundreds of years of survival in the Viel. Now requiring a greater source of food to feed off of, a Voidalisk’s behaviour is to known to hunt down other Voidlings and devour them in order to grow or even worse, Void Mages who, while ill equipped, summon them forth only to be devoured and their mana feasted upon before the Voidalisk returns to the Veil.


Voidalisk’s mainly do harm via the use of strange fangs, tendrils, or claws that are as sharp as iron blades, ripping flesh asunder with their strength that is usually around that of an human knight to that of an Uruk. Oftentimes as well, they are coated in a shell/slime/have the skin as thick as toughened, tanned leather. Thus while somewhat easy to put down, they are nonetheless horrifying monsters to face.





-A voidalisk is around the size of a large dog to being above the average uruk. No matter what size it takes though, it will always have the same strength, armour, and weapon-types in terms of capabilities as an average uruk.

-A voidalisk is coated and protected by a substance, be it a slime, scales, bone-plating, or some equivalent that is as strong as thick, tanned leather. Requiring a moderate amount of strength to cut into, though of course not impossible to do so.

-A voidalisk has some sort of natural weapon that is as strong and powerful as refined steel, however the weapons are treated both as magical and as a strange form of the material ‘Arcanium’ for the purposes of interacting with other lore. 

-As voidalisks are generally considered to be the most durable of the summonable void-creatures, they can last roughly 5 emotes worth of damage before dying and being banished back into the void.

-Voidalisks can not fly and do not have any form of wings/methods to prolong a form of flying (such as gliding).

-A voidalisk can not be put on, nor use any objects of the material world. This means not giving them weapons made out of boomsteel, or placing upon them armours of steel for example. They are limited only to the outlined abilities detailed within the Redlines. They can however interact with doors and other objects within reason, provided using such objects do not give the Voidalisk an edge in combat.

-This Voidspawn is considered to be T4 for the purposes of summoning (detailed below)





Void-Celeritas are a unique stage of evolution a Voidling can undertake over the course of hundreds of years. Unlike Voidalisks, which are more akin to a strange, ravenous beast, a Void-Celeritas is known for being a more mobile, less aggressive creature that continues on with the same lifestyle and habits as they did when they were Voidlings. With their great speeds giving them the name Celeritas, the Flexio word for haste or speed.


Continuing their passive nature, a Celeritas is a creature that is around the size of a large dog to that of a fully grown war horse. These creatures have a similar skin to that of Voidalisks, though lack any strong, lethal weapons save for possibly the ability to kick/shove attackers. They can reach the speed of an average horse, and their passive nature makes them rather docile when drawn out of the void.





-A Void-Celeritas can range in size from a large dog to the size of a fully grown adult horse

-Void-Celeritas are the only Voidspawn that can be ridden as a mount.

-Void-Celeritas are as strong and as fast as a horse, and function very similar to one to compare it to something with established role play mechanics

-Having a slightly weaker skin, shell, or carapace then Voidalisks, a Celeritas can withstand roughly 4 emotes of damage as their skin is easier to cut into.


-Even if given arms or some strange form of appendages, a Void-Celeritas can noy be made to hold items of any kind.

-Void-Celeritas can not fly and do not have any form of wings/methods to prolong a form of flying (such as gliding).

-Like other Voidspawn, a Void-Celeritas can neither dawn armour, nor wield weapons. This follows the same rules and logic as outlined in the Redlines of Voidalisks.

-This Voidspawn is considered to be T3 for the purposes of summoning (detailed below)





Named after the elvish word for ‘heretic mage’, Void-Ilers are a type of Voidalisks that has somehow managed to devour the essence of several Voidal Mages unlucky enough to have been killed by these monsters of the Void. These unique form of Voidalisks lose much of their previous capabilities, such as their strength going from that of being slightly above an average human to being more so akin to one half of what it once was, as well as their skin becoming thinner in exchange for the ability to fire projectiles of condensed mana to aid in their hunting. Known equally as well for their prowess at hunting and rarity, Void-Ilers savour the moments when they can feast off of the raw mana of the descendants, savoring the moments when they are free to do so.





-Void-Ilers can range from the size of a large dog to that of an adult human

-Void-Ilers have a softer ‘skin’ than other Voidspawn, only able to withstand 3 emotes of damage before being banished back into the Veil.

-Void-Iler attacks are similar to that of a Longbow but are as powerful as a regular crossbow, requiring two emotes to use (one to charge, one to fire). The projectile itself can range from an etheric form of energy to that of a strange spine that is considered to be made out of  'Arcanium' in some capacity for the purpose of interacting with other lore. No matter what shape or form it takes, it can be no bigger than that of an arrow, and can never travel faster than one.

-Void-Ilers do have a melee-type attack akin to that of claws/fangs of some kind. While such attacks can be considered to be made out of 'steel weapons' for an equal, they are by no means as powerful in melee as a Voidalisk would be.

-Void-Ilers are as fast as the average descendent, but are physically weaker then the average elf, with their strength equal to that of a T3 Void Mage

-Void-Ilers can not fly and do not have any form of wings/methods to prolong a form of flying (such as gliding).

-Like all other Voidspawn, a Void-Ilers can neither dawn armour nor wield any weapons. This follows the same rules and logic as outlined in Voidalisks

-This Voidspawn is considered to be T5 for the purposes of summoning (detailed below)



Material Binding


A Magi who practices the art of Bound Mana will always learn how to weave the essence of  Voidspawn into different shapes and objects. Drawing them out of the void as raw essences and shaping them to their hearts desire. The term Material Binding itself comes from the idea that the Voidspawn are being Bound to a physical, Material Object.


Material Summoning


The most common application and practice of Material Binding, this use of the practice calls forth the essence of a Voidspawn and weaves it into a particular shape. The size and shape of such objects can range in a variety of ways, such as being simple household items like forks, cups, toys or can be a more complex object such as a chair, table, and for the more creative magi, a leash for a dog. The possibilities are mostly up to how the magi envisions the use of this magic.



-Material Binding takes at least 2 emotes to cast [1 connect + 1 cast]. However depending on the size of the object, additional emotes may be needed. Use common sense when determining the amount of emotes needed.

-A Material Bound object stays manifest so long as the magi is connected to the Void. Once disconnected, the object vanishes

-The size of the object is based upon the tier of the mage, the range of which is detailed in Tier Progression

-Tier 1 Spell





-Objects made by Material Summoning can not harm people by any means. This includes if the object was dropped, thrown, or used to harm a person. They can be used to ‘annoy’ someone given the rp use of how the item is meant to function, but can never cause lasting and proper damage.

-Objects can not be items that have multiple parts. They must always stay in one singular solid form. If the object where to break, then the object is sent back to the void.

-Objects made from Material Summoning vanish at the start of combat



Bound Weapon


When a magi is more comfortable with how to Material Bound objects, they learn how to weave the essence of Voidspawn into the shape of a weapon of their choice. Such a use of the magic is considered to be the first stepping stone into mastering it, as a Voidal Mage must exert a greater focus upon the essence in order to keep its form stable



-The spell requires 2 emotes to cast [1 connect + 1 cast]. The spell lasts up to 10 emotes before it ends.

-Bound Weapon is the ability to allow a Void Mage to weave the essence of a Voidspawn into a physical weapon of their choice. The object can range from a dagger, a spear, a hammer, or even a war axe. The material they are considered to be made of is magical steel considered to be 'Arcanium' for the purposes of interacting with other lore types.

-Voidal Weakness rules still apply to Bound Weapons. However a magi can be considered more proficient than they normally would.

-As the magi progresses through the tiers of Bound Mana, they will become more proficient with using this spell.

-Unlike other void spells, the focus needed for Bound Weapon is not as intense as other magics, allowing a magi to endure a bit more damage before they lose concentration.

-Tier 2 spell




-Only one Bound Weapon can be made at a time.

-Bound Weapons can not be ranged weapons, nor can they be thrown.

-If a Bound Weapon leaves the hand of the caster, the weapon vanishes and the spell ends.

-The caster is unable to use any other form of magic while they focus on this spell, due to them needing to constantly concentrate upon the spell.


Bound Shield

Bound Shield is a method of Material Binding in which a Voidal Mage effects a barrier of some kind between them and an attack/target. The barrier is usually around the size of the magi, and is fully capable of protecting the magi from frontal attacks.



-Bound Shield takes 3 emotes to cast [1 connect + 1 charge + 1 cast].

-Bound Shield summons forth a barrier large enough to protect the caster before them from incoming attacks. However a bound shield works both ways.

-Bound lasts for 5 emotes, losing an additional emote of durability for every attack it absorbs.





-Bound Shields follow the magi and always point in front of them regardless if the mage wants it to or not. It can not be summoned beside, behind, or around other creatures.

-A void mage is unable to cast other spells while maintaining the shield due to having to concentrate on it.

-Tier 3 spell



Voidspawn Summoning

Voidspawn Summoning is the practice in which a void mage draws upon Voidspawn of the Veil and forces them into reality as well as spells and methods to banish them back into the Veil. While there are only 2 ‘types’ of spells listed, the type of creature they can call forth is detailed in Horronology, and the knowledge and understanding of such creatures must be learned before they can be effectively summoned and banished.



Voidspawn Summoning is the art of drawing forth the creatures of the Veil. Using their Mana Anchor as a lure, a Void Mage draws upon such Voidspawn before ripping them into reality as to command as minions before they return to the Void. However the practice itself is a difficult one, with Void Mages only able to call forth one creature at any given time, with such creatures only subjected and maintained to the mage and the material realm so long as the caster is connected to the Void. Once connection is broken, the creature returns to the Veil.




Redlines Mechanics

-Summoning requires an amount of emotes equal to 1 + x, with the value of x being the tier value of the Voidspawn (detailed Below).

-Creatures can only be summoned at a point that is at most 6 blocks away from the caster. The point in where the Voidspawn is being summoned must be emoted with a tell (say for instance, the air begins to shimmer, the area begins to crackle with energy, etc).

-While the void mage is concentrated on the spell and control over the creature, they are unable to cast other spells.

-The creature called forth immediately returns to the Veil the moment the void mage loses connection.

-Creatures called forth must follow the redlines and guidelines detailed in the subsection ‘Horrology’

-Voidlings are considered to be a ‘non-combat’ summon, and are the only voidspawn that immediately is sent back to the veil upon the start of combat.

-A summoned creature generally lasts for 3 times x emotes, or until it dies or the mage ends the spell (x being equal to the tier of the void mage).

-The Void Mage does not have direct control over the creatures summoned, the may merely influence and direct it's actions. Such actions as an example can be: 'Move this box to the next room' or 'attack that bandit'. Orders given should be simple commands that a young child could theoretically follow. A Void Mage however can not directly control the creature as if it where a strange puppet


The Casting Time for Each Tier is as followed:
Tier 2 Voidspawn- 3 emotes [1 connect, 1 charge + 1 cast]
Tier 3 and 4 Voidspawn- 4 emotes [1 connect + 2 charge + 1 cast]

Tier 5 Voidspawn- 5 emotes [1 connect + 3 charge + 1 cast]




As a void mage is able to summon forth the Voidspawn of the Void, they can easily send them back. If a void mage has learned and studied the type of void creature to which they face, they are able to force the creature back into the Veil by means of ripping it’s essence apart.




Redlines & Mechanics

-Banishing will always require 4 emotes to cast [1 to connect + 2 to charge + 1 to cast] regardless of what tier the Voidspawn is.

-A void mage may only banish a creature to which they can summon. IE: A void mage that does not know how to summon a Voidalisk can not banish one.

-Banishment only works on the creatures detailed in the subsection Horronology. It can not be used to banish creatures that are not of the veil.



Tier Progression

Any form of Void mage requires years of practice and dedication to master the art, and so too does Bound Mana. Mages who practice this art can be layered out into different tiers based upon their knowledge of Horronology, Material Binding, and their ability to properly summon and banish Voidspawn


Tier 1: Novice- The Void mage has just begun to study Bound Mana and Horronology. The student will often start with learning about basic voidspawn like voidlings, and will eventually come to start doing the most basic forms of Material Binding near the end of the Notice stage. Lasts 2 ooc weeks




Spells: Material Summoning

-The size of the object summoned from Material Summoning is no bigger then that of the caster's hand. They are able to concentrate on the spell for roughly 3-5 emotes for exhaustion.



Tier 2: Apprentice- The Void Mage has furthered their studies into Horronology. Now with a suitable amount of practice and understanding of how the voidspawn of the veil operate, they now begin the process of actually summoning forth the docile Voidlings as well as weave their Material Summonings to more complex shapes and sizes. Lasts 3 ooc weeks




Spells: Summoning, Material Summoning, Bound Blade

-The mage is able to now make objects roughly around the size of a beach ball, and are able to make them slightly more complex in patterns, shapes, and colours. The Void Mage may now also summon forth Voidlings, though they are no bigger than the size of the mage’s hand.



Tier 3: Adept- It is at this time the Void Mage can now effectively produce meaningful results from their years of study. They have nearly mastered Material Summoning, and now go on to learn how to put it into more practical uses, as well as expand upon what creatures they can call forth from the Veil. They also begin to learn how to subsequently banish the creatures they have learned about. Bound Mana can now at this point be used effectively in combat. Lasts five ooc weeks.




Spells: Summoning, Banishing, Material Summoning, Bound Blade, Bound Shield

-The mage can now summon from Horronology Voidlings and Void-Celeritas as well as means to banish such creatures. The size of the creatures Celeritas are roughly the size of a large dog to that of a young horse, and voidlings can now be up to half of their maximum size.

-Material Summoning can now make objects that are roughly 1 block large, having greater detail upon them



Tier 4: Expert- The Void Mage at his time has nearly mastered all that they can learn from Bound Mana, being able to use material binding to its fullest extent, as well as having a more imminent understanding of the different types of Voidspawn to which can be drawn upon. Lasts six ooc weeks.




Spells: Summoning, Banishing, Material Summoning, Bound Blade, Bound Shield

-The mage can now summon Voidlings, Void-Celeritas, and Voidalisks. The size and shape of the creatures they summon forth can range from any size provided they are detailed out in the creatures redlines.

-Material Summoning can now be used to call forth an object that is at least 2 blocks large, and can make the object as complex as they wish provided it follows the redlines and guidelines of the spell.



Tier 5: Master- The Void Mage has come to master all aspects of Bound Mana, now having a full understanding of the 4 subtypes of Voidspawns. They can now go on to teach others if they so wish.




Spells: Summoning, Banishing, Material Summoning, Bound Blade, Bound Shield

-The mage can now summon all creatures detailed in Horronology (Voidlings, Void-Celeritas, Voidalisks, and Void-Ilers) and is a master at all forms of Material Binding.




When using Bound Mana for enchanting, the Magi must create a vessel of some kind to contain the essence of the Voidspawn to be bound into, acting as a prison to the creature to which it can not escape. This vessel is often time an item that is apart of the item to be 'created' by the essence of the Voidspawn or the object is a trinket of some sorts that calls forth the creation.




-Bound Mana can be used to enchant objects with the spells under the 'Material Binding' section of the lore.

-Enchantments must be done by a transfigurationist of suitable level.

-Enchantments must be ST signed regardless of their form (IE: using the non-combat/combat spells).

-Can not enchant with the Voidspawn Summoning Spells.

-Enchantment fail like others when hit by an abjuration spell.


Change Log
-Took the time to add in a bit of extra formatting for some spells such as adding in mechanics, properly wrote out casting times, and general spelling error fixing to be more to a presentable liking

-Buffed Voidalisks a bit to make them physically stronger and a bit larger to really give the Void mage a beast-like creature they can summon forth. The reason for this was due to the Void mage being unable to really cast other spells while the creature was up and to help reward the mage for casting a successful T4 spell (as the former with human knight strength felt underwhelming)

-Changed Bound Weapon to be akin to magical steel instead of mundane. didn't make sense that the spell didn't make the weapon magical (more so continuity + logic for the change).

-Decreased the physical endurance for damage for the Celeritas from 5 emotes to 4 to make it more different from the Voidalisk



The purpose of this lore comes from several places that I feel are the push for why I wrote this. The first is the lack of a more ‘eldritch’ type magic in which Void Mages can explore. The Voidstalker lore (as has been part of the inspiration for this write up due to it wishing to bring such flavour to LotC), speaks greatly about an eldritch vibe the Void can have. This magic is to try and emulate that Lovecraftian Horror the Void could have by giving it more of a ‘stranger’ aspect with different creatures that lurk within it. Such a magic can also have a greater cultural impact on different groups on the server, with such groups being able to get into philosophical debates on if Horronology is a safe practice or not.


Another purpose of this magic lore is my attempt to try and bring a new magic idea to the server for Void Magic that has not been tried before (at least to my understanding). I have always found one of the most interesting aspects of void magic was the great variety it had, and this magic lore is my attempt to try and bring about a new set of interesting magic write ups for void mages to use, while not side lining or making insignificant the baseline elemental magics + transfiguration. This lore piece though was really fun to write up + conceptualize as I drew much inspiration from several fantasy tropes and works.




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Yknow, for how new you are, you write well and you write a lot. Reminds me of myself when I'd first started writing lore.


Conceptually, I'm unsure if this lore piece will necessarily work, but you've got the spirit! I'm sure once you learn a bit more and get things down pat, you'll be writing some top notch **** in no time. 

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While I /like/ the concept these kinds of creatures have a longstanding precedent as something called 'Voidal Horrors', which I think you should look into and introduce some concepts from. Voidalisks are interesting but these are technically minor horrors 

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9 minutes ago, Tentoa said:

While I /like/ the concept these kinds of creatures have a longstanding precedent as something called 'Voidal Horrors', which I think you should look into and introduce some concepts from. Voidalisks are interesting but these are technically minor horrors 

What if I told you

They where actually referred to as Lesser Horrors

Then an ST I spoke to briefly about the concept (will remain unnamed for privacy pog) told me not to use the word Horror when I showed him the concept because of the spell 'Horror Summoning'

Thus I quickly made the term Terror instead for them

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2 minutes ago, King_Kunuk said:


That's a bit of a misguided thing; then I should say. Terrors are also a grade of voidal horror established in the lore so this is still a misnomer and I think a lot of confusion could be resolved by removing the name terrorlisks and replacing it with 'Voidspawn' as a happy medium to classify them separately from established horrors/terrors. 

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Just now, Tentoa said:

That's a bit of a misguided thing; then I should say. Terrors are also a grade of voidal horror established in the lore so this is still a misnomer and I think a lot of confusion could be resolved by removing the name terrorlisks and replacing it with 'Voidspawn' as a happy medium to classify them separately from established horrors/terrors. 

Will do! Glade to get some input on how to make sure this doesn't conflict with existing stuff

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Very nice lore! Well done Kunuk - you're getting better at writing at a terrifying rate.


Also, I LOVE the art from overlord for the Void Celeritas!

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2 minutes ago, JustGrim said:

Very nice lore! Well done Kunuk - you're getting better at writing at a terrifying rate.


Also, I LOVE the art from overlord for the Void Celeritas!


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1 minute ago, King_Kunuk said:


Hey looks damn good all the same!


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Your understanding of the veil seems a bit off. The veil & void are not one and the same. The Veil keeps the void out. “Voidal Horrors” exist in the void. 

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5 hours ago, BrandNewKitten said:

Your understanding of the veil seems a bit off. The veil & void are not one and the same. The Veil keeps the void out. “Voidal Horrors” exist in the void. 

Thank you so much for your concern about this possible error in the void lore, but after speaking to several people who are more knowledgeable about the Void then myself, I indeed was correct with that Voidal Horrors (and thus these voidspawn) lurk with the Veil. The term Voidal Horror is more so referring how they are a spawn of the Void, rather then living within it

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His power as a writer grows, glad to be here to see the development before he turns into an LT


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19 hours ago, BrandNewKitten said:

Your understanding of the veil seems a bit off. The veil & void are not one and the same. The Veil keeps the void out. “Voidal Horrors” exist in the void. 

The only sort of "horror" that can exist in the Void itself are Behemoths if memory serves correct. All the other horrors just chill on the Veil.

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    • Haseroth

      All the coalition NL's dying just in time for the warclaim season. 

    • SimplySeo

      The Azdromoth and Xan builds looked fuckin awesome. Good job.

    • ToodIes

      they should let seers see staff in /vanish

    • Stone

      Stein's Final Moments
      Alone, that was the feeling he felt, as he laid on the table in the surgical room in the Hohkmat clinic. Fear made itself  known as well, as he was recently cured from vampirism in that very room. The fear only grew as the restraints seemed to get tighter and the room spinning. Two others made there way in, separate, and at different times. They were once friends, family even if it came down to it. But his actions caused them to forget him as someone good. Hour's passed by as Stein, now called Almer, laid there on the surgical table, waiting for his fate to be decided. The door creaked open and his restraints came loose, allowing himself to sit up. His fate had been decided, the only thing he could do, was make it painless. The choices were simple, die a painful death, or be put to sleep, feeling nothing. The decision was simple, as he took the Nightsap juice given to him.
      Before drinking, memories of his life flashed in his mind, memories of his childhood on his farm with his family, that he had forgotten so long ago. Now taking a drink of the juice, memories of his time in Reinmar, the friends he made that grew into a family outside of his original home on the farm. And as he slowly drifted away, his memories were of his new friends, now wishing him dead. The last image that made it's way to his mind was everyone he knew, gathered together. Almost like a final farewell, even though he did not deserve it. As his death drew near a tear rolled down his face, before his heart stopped, his limbs and body turning cold, and his image, slowly fading away, into the darkness, as he drew his very last breath.
      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
      I will now take the time to thank those that have impacted Stein's life greatly @FunkehMelon @melonth @ickyNuN @confusedjester @Rocky_Wolf @SmothBM  @Irishmanmichael  and of course many more that I am sadly too lazy to actually search up and apologize for it. However though not everyone that has impacted Stein's life will be on here, I have not forgotten you and will never forget you. So thank you all for the fun three months, and I will see you all in my next lives <3!

    • Tigergiri

      All lotc characters have an expiration date 

    • _RoyalCrafter_

      xan died, 2 NLs dead. coincidence?

    • Islamadon

      Can we get Almaris on the museum :3

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