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The Haense Monster Hunting Guild Part I: Defeating The Morko Bear. Ft. Yvo, Ser Karl and Slithil


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The Haense Monster Hunting Guild Part I: Defeating The Morko Bear




Before Ser Karl Ruslan Amador, Slithil and Yvo Mondeblume set off, there were complaints that there were howling outsides of the outer enclosure near the barracks. The trio set off for the mission to slain these beats that have caused disturbance of the peace, killing livestock and potential harm against the civilians. Ser Karl, Slithil and Yvo patrolled alongside the wall and before they knew it, a disgusting stench had filled the air - this is what the citizens were complaining about; the smell was horrific and the troll flesh pollution traveled along the wall of Karosgrad, seeping through the city.


While coming up with a plan; counting the already dead trolls' numbers, they have found four dead trolls up against the cobbled rock-stoned wall. The census between the three was that they shall dispose of the bodies by burning them, however Ser Karl was more concerned about the flames reaching towards the farmlands. As the party devised a plan to clean up the mess, howling and devious energy subdued through the trio in the area; what could it be?


As the trio strides their way towards where the noise was coming from, below the mushy, brown snowy hill, there were a pack of wolves - thirteen of them to be exact. The wolves, with bright red eyes, their eyes scowled and glistened from the sunlight with red troll flesh inside their mouths were pondering, scheming as the pack of wolves looked upward from down yonder from the hill, setting their glowing eyes at their next set of prey. At the sight, Ser Karl Ruslan and the two comrades unsheathed their swords and darted downward the hill, to proceed in a battle to protect and conquer these foul beasts.


As Ser Karl Ruslan Amador rushed down the hill, one of the white wolves, drooling from it’s mouth with red flesh dangling out of its mouth, rushed towards him. Ser Karl, with a devious smile on his face, parried towards his right and swiped towards the wolf’s mouth, slicing through the wolf’s mouth and a screeching sound from Karl’s blade through the wolf’s bones as he skewered through the wolf’s cranium. As Ser Karl’s sword, Humility, impaled through the wolf’s cranium, the wolf thudded, gliding downward the icey, snowy hill. 


Another wolf charged Ser Karl but with Ser Karl’s acrobatic training and the lightness of his blade Humility, he quickly went into a two-horned guard position and thrusted his sword through the wolf’s abdomen into its organs. As Slithil and Yvo were also fending off the other wolf’s, another thundering sound was heard. Something, gigantic sounding as it thumped it’s feet into the mushy snow, a black shaded silhouette of a  ginormous bear, scurried through on its hind legs with a bloodied mouth, brown fur and thangs that were as big as the wolf’s paws!


The wolves noticed the presence of the Morko Bear and the pack of wolves scurried back into the woods, attempting to flee past the Morko Bear. With one swipe of the bear’s fierce might of it’s paws, one of the wolves was easily forced into the air, dying instantly from the impact of the wooden, brown hollowed tree. Another one was scratched at the face, the wolf’s eyes jolted out of the wolf’s eye socket and left a hole in its face; the pinkish tongue of the wolf was showing, it’s grey-ish, calcium teeth were plopped out, the jaw was dislocated, the right side of the wolf’s snout was completely depleted, demolished from the bear’s swipe. For the rest of the pack, they fled the scene. For the trio, more trouble awaited them as they encountered the Morko Bear.


On the hind legs of the Morko bear, it placed it’s right leg on top of one of the wolf’s lifeless body, tilting its head downward, the Morko Bear opened its mouth and ripped, devouring through the wolf’s abdomen with it’s razor sharp thangs. The Morko Bear noticed the trio and let out a thunderous, rowdy roar that echoed throughout the woods of Karosgrad. However, the group took action and dashed towards the Morko Bear and one swoop of the Morko Bear’s hind legs, he swiftly dashed towards the group as well. 


Ser Karl Ruslan arched up his blade and swiped towards the Bear’s hind legs, piercing through the paw successfully as the joint of the paw teetered off the bear’s wrist, bleeding profusely of red blood with the swipe of Karl’s sword. Slithil on the other hand, jumped upon the Bear’s back but was swiped away a few feet, knocking him down to the ground. Yvo, on the other hand was slicing towards the torso of the bear and sliced upon the Morko Bear’s side, piercing through the abdomen as the intestines dangled out of the bear just slightly. With the bear being hurt, it dashed through the trickling, snowy, frosted wooden forest but fell downward on the spot, just about thirty feet from its previous spot. It let out a huge roar as it was on its last breath; The Morko Bear, with little to no energy, slowly got up from it’s legs and rushed towards the group with one last final push, knowing it was on its last legs!


As the Morko rushed them, Ser Karl Ruslan was in a similar stance that was familiar to him; the two horned guard stance. From the side of Karl, Slithil with his dagger and Yvo were in their own positions, the bear lingered forward and rushed toward Ser Karl. The bear opened up its mouth and prepared to leap towards Ser Karl, however, with  the thrust of Karl’s might, he plunged forward, skewering through the Morko Bear’s throat, inside its mouth and through the cranium with his blade Humility. Slithil and Yvo whacked, chopping down at the side of the bear. The Morko’s Bear’s light grey eyes seemed lifeless, red blood profusely running through the mouth as the screeching sound of metal grinded against the bones of the esophagus of the bear. The bear let out a big grunt before departing this world..


Ser Karl slid out his sword outward of the bear’s mouth as the bear made a thudding sound downward toward the mesh of the soil and snow surface. Yvo and Slithil continued to hack away at the bear themselves, blood scattered on the trio’s facial features, all over their uniforms, the sound of cheers echoed throughout the forest from the trio. With that, Ser Karl, Yvo and Slithil with tremendous victory and eminence of their skill of the art of fighting, trotted back towards Karosgrad to celebrate their first monster killing extravaganza at the Monster Guild’s Tavern!



383 ES

Yvo Mondblume, Monster Guild Master and Leader, Monster Slayer

The Humble, Ser Karl Ruslan Amador, Knight of Haense, Detective of Haense, Grand Maer of Haense, Lord Handler of the Royal Duma


The Determined, Slithil

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Nicholas Arc lets out a cheer as he heard this upon entering the Inn, buying everyone a drink.

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