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A Letter to the Sarissans


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To my people,

It has been almost three years if not more since our journey began. We left a ragged group of misfits with nothing but a ship and a dream in our eyes. But we became more. We became a family. We laughed together. We wept together. We sung and we ate and we slept together, side by side. You have brought so much joy into my life, my heart carries nothing but love for you, my faithful bannermen and women.

We picked up some of you along the road. Misplaced people. Sad and lonely. We opened our arms for you, and you stepped in. You became a part of our family, every man and woman who stepped foot in our camp. Fate had us meet as strangers, but the nights spent sitting around the fire, sharing tales and food made us brothers and sisters. To this day, you are one of us. There will be a place for you in our homes, at our tables and in our hearts. Never doubt it.

When you followed me across the sea, I made to you a promise; that I would lead the you to a new home, or die trying. it is now time to fulfill that promise. Each one of you will be housed, should you wish it. I humbly request your responses be delivered within two months.

The people of Maiun dah’Rin keep their surnames reserved for their significant other, for such is a part of their culture. A part which shall be respected. Tribesmen of dah’Rin shall be given the moniker of “dah’Rin” after their name on official documents. Bastards and surnameless individuals not belonging to the dah’Rin tribe will receive the moniker of “Sarzycki” (for men) or “Sarzycka” for women, both meaning “Sarissan”

Lady Elizabeth Raven, Captain of The Flagship Nightglow, The Raven of Sarissa, and her handsome sons,


No reward fits your devotion. You have been at my side from day one, and though we have not always seen eye to eye, you stuck around. I give you and your family the ownership of Ravenhall manor.

Kapitan Oisin O'Breathnach Buckfort,


You’ll have to forgive me for not always being the best father. I failed to watch you grow from a boy to a man, but I had the honour of watching you grow from a man to a true man-at-arms. You have led the PKS to victory time and time again. There is no better man to serve as the first marshal of the realm. 

Mistrz Zbrojny/Doctor Brawly Scath, Ezra Scath, their handsome sons and lovely daughters,


Brawly, during all your years of service, you have served me well and honourably, never questioning a command or asking for reward. A good man, a loyal man. I couldn’t ask any more of you. For your loyal service, I grant to your family a home at Raven Road II and a brewery to run at Sigrunn Square IV, with the first two years of taxes paid for by the state.
Furthermore, you shall be gifted a stall for the sale of your jewelry, never to be taxed. I offer you the position of our Master of Medicine, charged with being the head of the local clinic.

Ezra, I pray your next child grows up to be as kindred as you. You have grown so much since the day you first stepped foot on my fief. We went from enemies to friends. You may always count on me to be there for your family.


Diona Fleurglass, Master of Laws,


You entered my service with no memories of your past. For a while, I felt  like I knew you better than you did, but then I realized just how much you have changed since your past life. Never let fading memories hold you back from a bright future. Your place shall be in my court. Now and forevermore. For your selfless service and loyalty, I give you a home at Arazo Avenue III, with the first two years of taxes paid for by the state.

Chieftess Rebeka la Waevra and her gallant clansmen,


A woman of your talent is a rare sight. You are an example of what every mother thrives to be. I offer you and your kin the ownership of ap Padraig Manor I, with first two years of taxes paid for by the state as well as a place in my court as our Master of Whispers.

Doctor Cursor Sarzycka,


Though a misplaced soul, you found your place among us shortly after our journey began. We do not always see eye to eye, that much is sure, as much as the fact that you are one of us, and thus are granted the right to Physician’s Road I, with two years of taxes paid for by the state.


Peralien Maevisal, Delphi Wanderfoot, Haleth Maevisal, Crystal Maevisal,


Peralien, where do I start with you? Never did I expect to see you anywhere but the gallows. But it appears you have proved me wrong. You taught me that people can change for the better. Perhaps I’ll learn from you how to turn a new leaf. You have proven yourself to be reliable so far, with mostly good intentions. My home is your home.
Delphi, when first you waddled into Sarissa, I had my doubts about you. But those were quickly quenched. Maybe you are the influence your fiancee needs to be a better person. I grant your family ownership of Arazo Avenue I, with 2 years of taxes paid for by the state.


Iltah Sarzycka, Zalco Quetz,


Iltah. Temptress. Your coy grin would woo a bishop, I proclaim! Your bubbly spirit and caring demeanor cannot be compared. Since you came, you have been the one keeping our chins up. Allow me to lift yours, for I offer you the property of Arazo Avenue II and Sigrunn Square III with 2 years of taxes paid for by the state. I could not ask for a better friend, and I shall be there for you should you need me to lend an ear.
Zalco, I do not know much about you. You seem to be a good man with desirable traits. Should you treat our people with care and respect, you may expect to receive the same in turn.


Piechur Mellow dah’Rin, Siomun dah’Rin and the Maiun dah'Rini people,


Mellow, it was your auntie, Marb who entered my service shortly before she passed. She was a kind woman with a heart much too big for her fragile form. I see many of her traits in you, and I’m certain she would be proud to see what has become of you. You will be granted a district in which your people may freely express their culture. You were my shield when I needed you. From this point on, allow me to be yours.

Piechur Atemu Zepeli,


No matter what it was, you were involved. You took the time to look after your brothers and sister, displaying the values of a true and honourable man. I wish to offer you Arazo Avenue V with two years of taxes paid for by the state.

Otter Sarzycki,


Your witty sense of humour is an envy of mine. Every time that halfling mouth opens, I feel my lips curl into a smile. I ask you never change- share that smile with the rest of our people. I offer you Sigrunn Square II for the teahouse you have been promised, and a home at Arazo Avenue IV.

Piechur Lutoris Sarzycki,


Though you have not been around long, you were quick to enter service and become a part of our family. I offer you the property of Arazo Avenue V

Chieftain Kane Redfist and his loyal clansmen,


Our people have always been close, since the early days of Brynrose, to the days we spilt the blood of The Red Company on the sands of the Oasis! I offer you the property of ap Padraig Manor II, with two years of taxes paid for by the state.

Belladonna Proudfoot,


Whene’er you passed by camp, my daughter smiled. I smiled. Your presence is like a lantern, bright and so full of life. Should you wish to come with us, I will see to it that a burrow is dug for all your halfling needs.

Piechur Jozef Przemek,


For your service, you will be given a tax-free room in the barracks.











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King William Buckfort, first of your name,


I am honored and humbled to have been given this opportunity, not just to govern my people on your land, but to truly have a home there. Your people, the Sarissans I've grown to love, are forever welcome within the homes of the dah'Rini. Should there be any way I could pay you back, don't hesitate to say the word.

And to all the Buckforts, a message; by hearts, we are connected. By souls, we are one.


I graciously accept this housing, and I look forward to a long history with Sarissa.

Glory to the Maiun, glory to Sarissa.
Natshen Mellow Lumuni dah'Rin.

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Diona Fleurgrass was amidst the process of taking down her tent as she received the letter. A faint curl of her lip formed as the written words of Common met with her eyes.  "I... hold an issue with this. Sure, Ser William is quite generous, but without paying taxes? I cannot accept his generosity to the fullest." Glancing to her bag, a hefty sigh escaped her lips. "I suppose I shall prepare for both a true residency and tax payments."

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             Et ez wiv grate honour, dat lat haz tayken ahl ub uz en az hez own familee. Mi ahm gratefuhl fer everting lat haz dun and wyhl dew fer ahl uf uz az a hole. Whi aur honeztlee prowd tew kahl lat familee, agh wyhl alweyz dew aur bezt tew beh der fer lat az much az lat haz ben fer uz.

P.Z  Whi appreziate lat zo much, agh aur glahd tew beh apart ub zahrizzah.


Scath Family

Edited by angel129bu
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Eliza swiftly pens a reply to her old friend.


"Dear William,

"I  am grateful for the opportunity to continue to work with you in an effort to grow our dream. Thank you for your kind words and the gift of a home for myself and my family. I hope our families will forever be connected by friendship and loyalty.

Yours, Captain Eliza"

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Otter swiftly pens back a response


"To William Buckfort,

I see Sarissa as a newfound hearth for a halfling whose days have long drawn in the mists of uncertainty. I appreciate the kindness and openness that you yourself and others of Sarissa have shown to me, and hope to continue that myself. With that said, I excitedly accept what's offered, and am excited to move into the house and teashop.


Thank you for everything.


- Otter"

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Oisin Buckfort quickly pens a letter to his Father.


"Your Majesty, King William Buckfort,


I would be honored to accept the position of Marshal and continue my duties as both a Royal Prince and the Marshal of the PKS. Until my dying breath, I will serve Sarissa to the fullest.



Your Son, Prince Oisin O'Breathnach Buckfort"

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Dear William. 


"Yes, I'll take the offer, another thing to make me forget what I just did. I'll continue helping Sarissa."


- Peralien C. Maevisal

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Belladonna had a mix of emotions reading the letter. Her and Will's relationship was never smooth or easy to explain. But what he wrote to her? It solidified that the past was the past. So she picked up her pen and wrote a response:


"King William Buckfort,

You and your daughter both will be seeing me more. I plan to follow Delphi wherever she may go, which means following to Sarissa as well. I was uncertain at first, given our history, but I trust you to lead Sarissa to greatness. Depending on how spacious Del's place is (and whether Per will let me), I may not need that burrow you offered.


Sarissa Forever,

Belladonna Proudfoot"




Siomun read the letter with a smile hidden by their bamboo mask, but they decided to not respond to it. Mellow would likely respond, and as natshen, that would be enough.

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Opened the letter, while reading the contents a tear nearly fell down his face.

Dear, King William Buckfort

I would be honored to take this offer I accept. You have let me stay with Sarissa with open arms, and for that i am superbly grateful. I hope to have many more adventures with Sarissa and the PKS. Finally i'd like to say thank you not only for the home and memories, but for being a family to me all of you i couldn't have made it this far if it wasn't for all of you being by my side.


To future prosperity ~

Atemu Zepeli

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Delphi had read the letter over Peralien's shoulder with a soft smile and slightly teary eyes. "T'at ass, get'in me feelin' s'ite" she laughed out before wiping her eyes and penning a letter to go with Per's


'Dear Will,


I accept your offer and will gladly follow where ever Peralien takes me. I'm very excited to watch this journey begin, and hope to follow it all the way through.


-Much care, Delphi Wanderfoot'


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Upon recieving the letter, Kane Redfist put it on his desk in his desk and went to lay back in his chair. When reading it, a slight grin formed on his face thinking back to the early days. A few minutes passed before he decided to start writing a letter back. 



 I'll take your offer. Let's hope this time it ends on a more positive note than before.
 I hope we can start working together again like in the old days.
 Kind Regards,
 Kane Redfist
 Clan Father of Clan Redfist"

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the letter somehow making it way to where ever on earth Sionnach's tent might be at any given time, 


"maybe i wont get kicked out of this one.... again" 


she looks over to her fox 


"wanna place bets, cause i think its only a matter of time"


setting the letter down and going back to setting up her camp for the fifth time


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Rebeka la Waevra receives the letter, and reads it swiftly, grinning all the while. She finds her nicest parchment, and scrawls on the page, 



I truly am most happy and humbled by your offer. Thank you for the opportunity, and I wish us all the best in our new endeavors on this journey together. I graciously accept this offer, to have a home with you, and all the others whom share such blessed hearts. 


Thank you,

Rebeka la Waevra

Chieftess of the La Waevra clan. "

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      OOC NOTE:
      Finally, after almost three months of playing as Stein/Njal/Almer, I have finally made the decision to pk him. This wasn't the ending I wanted for him, however this is the ending I am giving him. I am taking this time to thank everyone that was a part of his life, these past three months on the server have been a blast. Stein and myself have made a lot of friends that I hope to keep and play along side them with other characters I make. So for those reading this thank you and to anyone that knows, give a salute as "The Stone Fortress" has finally fallen.
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