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Thank you Kowaman.

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fair response

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The sentiment here is nice, but I want to know what real steps you will take. When you break someone's trust it's only productive to apologize if you demonstrate how you will improve and ensure that you will not make the same failures. What steps will be taken to rebuild community trust in the safety system and in administration?

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2 hours ago, Llir said:

the accused player is now banned




I am glad to hear that the administration has finally decided to go over 'suspended' reports such as this one, took the appropriate measures this time (and hopefully will continue to do so from now on) by communicating with the direct, first-hand victim (which may often prove difficult since some of us do not feel the courage to speak up for fear of the 'social power' that exists between the predator, and supposed lack of evidence as it has been alleged to occur), and were mindful enough to recognize these mistakes, be apologetic about the said, and rectified them.


In times such as these, and against individuals such as those, we all need to stand together. Thank you.


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1 minute ago, Dont_Advertise said:


Wanna talk about this then?




It is good that you've taken steps to help out Llir, you've been good to the community on reaching out when needed.

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1 minute ago, Benleft said:

The sentiment here is nice, but I want to know what real steps you will take. When you break someone's trust it's only productive to apologize if you demonstrate how you will improve and ensure that you will not make the same failures. What steps will be taken to rebuild community trust in the safety system and in administration?


Absolutely, it's not something that will be fixed overnight. As I mentioned, we've combed through all previous Safety reports to assure nothing else was missed, and when the new safety procedure is ready, I'll be publishing it on the forums, so that everyone can see how we handle these reports. Community safety is something we build together, and I'll be looking to the community for help along the way as we learn from our mistakes and work to improve the system that keeps this community safe.

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I've been mostly silent about the issue after it came up, apart from speaking about it to some friends. It's good to see the situation has been handled with, and that there's been backtracking on previous reports. I'm also glad to finally see that a proper procedure is being put in place. I hope the past few days have been a lesson for everyone. As I've mentioned to some people, it doesn't deserve a beauty price for anyone, administration nor player base.

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3 minutes ago, Dont_Advertise said:


Wanna talk about this then?


You're posting those out of context. Kowaman did not see it, at best Joel did, and Joel never saw the full contents of the discussion and the evidence.

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I think there is a reason why the player base hates most of the upper epsilon of this server. 🤔

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18 minutes ago, Dont_Advertise said:


Wanna talk about this then?

I mean, he’s not wrong though. It wasn’t good evidence (and that doesn’t mean that the person is lying).  


And he’s also not wrong with the second part. These people that were virtue signalling are the same people that defended KPs behaviour (and many more). It’s only now they wish to step in because the bandwagon wanted my homie Nectorist as Emperor. 


Joel just said it more crudely (it’s a friend discord so I don’t expect him to type like a professional when relaying it). 

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Unfortunately KP isn’t the only one and this isn’t the first time this exact situation has happened. The publicity of this situation should hopefully remind staff of just how serious an issue this is and it shouldn’t be taken lightly. We as a community care, we as a community have ALWAYS cared. Going foreword i hope that the people of staff realize the gravity of not only their actions but their inactions.


This will take a lot of self reflection, pride-swallowing, empathy, personal judgement, and a looooooot of therapy, but to keep a community up running and safe is hard work- even if you don’t get paid for it, you have to be able to make the distance if you do it.

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23 minutes ago, Werew0lf said:

I mean, he’s not wrong though. It wasn’t good evidence (and that doesn’t mean that the person is lying).  


And he’s also not wrong with the second part. These people that were virtue signalling are the same people that defended KPs behaviour (and many more). It’s only now they wish to step in because the bandwagon wanted my homie Nectorist as Emperor. 


Joel just said it more crudely (it’s a friend discord so I don’t expect him to type like a professional when relaying it). 


yeah it's scuffed KP becomes problematic after it's been known for half a decade out of role play gain and not genuine protection for the kids. He should have been gone when his alleged victims were still here.

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