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The Cyclops of Alban

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An Announcement from the desk of His 

Royal Highness, the Duke of Alban.


Penned on the 4th of the Snow’s Maiden, 403 E.S



[ Princess Henrietta watching over her deformed

daughter as she rests within her bassinet.]


The distressed screams of a woman in agony haunted the halls of the Nikirala Prikaz, the concerned murmurings of many midwives and their attending doctor floating beneath Henrietta's cries of pain. The evening was cold and dark, with a ravenous storm plaguing the lands of Hanseti-Ruska, thunder booming with rain as unkind and sharp as ice hammering against the windows. 


Henrietta lurched forward, a roaring scream breaking past her lips, sweat forming upon her brow as she suffered, laboring for breath. She was as pale as a sheet, eyes tired and struggling. Her husband remained outside her chambers, having been refused entry due to his wife's condition. She was far too weak, having been ill in the weeks before the child's delivery. She claimed not to have known she was pregnant, and her health had been on a gradual decline. Clutching her feeble hand was one of her midwives, who was whispering murmurs of comfort to the Princess, urging for her to continue, to hang on for just a moment longer...


"She's losing consciousness!" Cried the doctor, wiping his brow with his forearm. "Keep her with us, don't let her drift off!"


For hours would her screams continue before she’d push hard enough to dawn a small head - hope, perhaps. The pain would soon be over. Almost there, she heard one utter, unable to tell whom anymore- but it was enough to motivate the Princess to give one final heave. And through all her might, finally, the child emerged. Then, would she feel relief. But, how strange – all she heard was silence.


Quite deafening a silence, too. She might have thought she’d lost her hearing all together at that moment, had it not been for the pattering of the rain on the trembling windowpane. Had the doctor and midwives not been there the whole time? It was their whispers and murmurs that broke the festering silence, even ones quite dour. “... Oh. And the mother, the worst running through her distressed mind, rose her head.


Weak as she was, dim flames gave light to the damp room she gave birth in, that dampness exacerbated by the cold of the raging storm outside. And the doctor, cradling the babe who’d yet to be cleaned, stood confused. Rarely does a newborn open its eyes, but those present in the room had a chance to see. 


This one’s was missing. 


On the left of its face was an exposed socket, drooping low. As if it had been plucked straight from its tiny dome. It sat so apparent, like a deep depression– yet the right was just fine. And much to everyone’s surprise, after such a lengthy pause came the infant’s piercing wail, almost as loud as its mother’s just moments ago, harkening its father to emerge through the door with much anticipation.


But, he too looked on just as perplexed.


“What the fu- Well. . .” The Prince panned slowly across to Henrietta, trying to make light of the situation, he knew nothing else. “She certainly did niet get my looks. . . aha.” Promptly did he then depart from the chambers with some haste about it, scratching at his mop of hair delicately, as to not misplace a strand. His first few seconds of fatherhood since his return, seeing as he previously thought his spouse was going to kill him, were exactly as expected from the Charming Prince. Whistles of a brooding ilk sounded down the hallway, until they faded to nothingness.


Following Marus’ departure, were the horrified and anguished cries of his wife, who refused to hold the child, and had it taken from her sight.


To the loyal citizens of Hanseti-Ruska,


The Royal couple of Prince Marus Aleksandr and Princess Henrietta Theresé announce the unexpected birth of their second child, a girl, of whom they have named ‘Elizaveta Ulyana’ ( @Monaaa). The Princess, who was unaware of her pregnancy, went into labour in the middle of the night in the midst of a ravenous storm. Reportedly, the infant did inherit her father’s dark locks, though, much to everyone’s surprise, was born without a left eye. With their child being so unfortunately deformed, the couple will not be taking visitors, and instead plead for any doctor (orthodox or otherwise) to travel to the Nikirala Palace immediately.


They are desperate for their child to be cured of her ailment, her monstrous appearance. Citizens of Hanseti-Ruska, the couple beg you to keep their daughter Elizaveta in her prayers. Surely, such is an omen of the displeasure and wrath of god. Their Royal Highnesses will immediately be seeking confession.




Duke of Alban



Duchess-Consort of Alban

Edited by PerfectlyPeachy
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