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[!] The letter seemed more hastily written than the rest of its kind, lacking its usual finesse. 



Issued by the


On this 11th day of Malin’s Welcome of 67 SA


To the Archchancellor of Oren, 


I write to you now, at a moment I myself could not imagine could come to pass just a few days ago. Yet, GOD works in mysterious ways. Recently, my wife and I embarked on a Holy pilgrimage from our home in the Duchy of Reinmar. Because of the current war, we first decided to avoid the lands of the Empire on our pilgrimage, but after the short time i've already travelled, along with a short correspondance with His Holiness, have I come to realise that our Pilgrimage may not be complete merely in the lands of Haense and Savoy.


We may have our political differences, but what we, the Haeseni and Orenians have always shared, and shall always share is our faith. The Basilica of The Argentate Star yet stands as the greatest House of GOD on this plain, and no pilgrimage, no atonement can be truly completed without kneeling before the altar located in that Basilica.


Many Orenians have been granted temporary passage to Haeseni lands. Now I ask you the same; To be granted a writ of passage for both me and my wife and be allowed inside the City of New Providence in search to complete our task before GOD. We shall come unarmed, unarmored. We shall step into the Basilica of The Argentate Star, kneel before the altar of GOD and pray. Then, We shall depart the lands of the Empire. If you wish, you may have the Imperial State Army escort us to the Basilica, but all I ask is for us to be allowed inside your city, and that no harm may come upon me nor my wife while we complete this Holy Pilgrimage.


May GOD and St. Tylos watch over you and the entire flock of Canondom.




His Excellency, Johann Erich Barclay, Lord Marshal of Hanseti-Ruska, Prince of Sutica, Duke of Reinmar, Margrave of Vanderfell, Count of Kretzen, Baron of Freising and Sigradz, Lord of Wilheburg and Freisburg, Lord Vandalore, Chieftain of the Reinmaren


Her Princely Grace, Georgina Sofiya Barclay, Grand Lady of Hanseti-Ruska, Princess-Consort of Sutica, Duchess-Consort of Reinmar


With the blessing of,

His Holiness, Tylos II, High Pontiff of the Church of the Canon, Archbishop of Visigia, Successor of the High Priesthood of the Church, Supreme Pontiff of the Church of True Faith, Keeper of the Canon, Missionary to Aeldin, High Servant to the Exalted's Testaments, Humble Servant of the Faithful and Vicar of GOD



Edited by Frymark
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[!] Would pick up his pen, and begin to write..

"Dear Lord Marshall...."

Suddenly, he would awake...sweating. It was all a nightmare. He no longer had to deal with these things.

"Oh...thank goodness" and would roll over and go blissfully to bed. 

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"No, no, no--" One Emil Barclay directs to the bustling workers as they go about rearranging the Lord Marshal's office. "I want the chair here, and place my nameplate on the desk there-- And for GOD's sake, take down that calendar!"

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Just now, Liokv said:

"No, no, no--" One Emil Barclay directs to the bustling workers as they go about rearranging the Lord Marshal's office. "I want the chair here, and place my nameplate on the desk there-- And for GOD's sake, take down that calendar!"


Ser August Barclay swung by the office, entering - and promptly snagging up said calendar before rushing off with the hopes Emil hadn't noticed.

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Eugen Barclay wonder's where his parents are at within their journey, making his way thereafter to practice after a surprisingly calm breakfast, "Just another day, Ich wonder where they are.."

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Ser Reinhardt Barclay prays very hard that  his cousin the Lord Marshal @Frymarkdoes not get shanked while trying to go on his pilgrimage to Oren. “Please Gott, let nein harm come to this man, one of your most faithful servants, even if he can be a pain the ass at times, PLEASE see to it that du guide him und his wife on their spiritual journey and protect them from those that would cause them harm, Amen” he then signs himself again and begins writing a letter to the pontiff

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[!] A letter would be penned in response @Frymark







21st of Godfrey's Triumph, Year of 1863






To the Duke & Duchess of Reinmar,


Your letter has been received within my office and I've read carefully over your request and see no reason to deny such, the love of GOD is strong within the hearts of many including their Imperial Majesties and my own, as such I see fit to grant you safe passage within the Holy Orenian Empire so you make make your pilgrimage to the The Basilica of The Argentate Star. 


Upon your entrance into Imperial lands no harm shall befall you and the citizens and soldiers of The Holy Orenian Empire will be duty bound to protect you as guests of the Crown. I shall personally meet you at the front gate of Providence at an agreed upon date and time and ensure entry is given without hassle.  


Upon the completion of your pilgrimage you shall be seen safely out, without harm nor malcontent. We shall see each other soon I am sure, may GOD protect you in your journey. 




His Imperial Excellency, the Archchancellor, Joseph Ledicort d’Azor, Duke of Azor


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